yes, kids, he really is this stupid

generally, yes

if you'd care to be more specific, feel free

it's not the press' fault that he's an incompetent asshat surrounded by even bigger asshats

And it's not his MSM's fault their reporting on Trump is over 80% negative all the time either, huh?

do stupid shit

win stupid prizes

the man is a dumpster fire, and you clowns line up to kiss his ass

btw, when people use the term msm, i discount their iq by 50%

you didn't have much to start with, either

Of course you do, and I do the same every time I paint a liberal into a corner and he or she responds with personal insults.

So let's see, we have a booming economy, highest consumer and business confident rates in years, a strong stock market, continued affordable fuel prices, unemployment lower than we've seen in over two decades, defeated ISIS in Iraq, and if this were Hillary in charge of all these successes, the MSM would be reporting mostly negative? God you people are such puppets.

The MSM is the Democrat party plain and simple. Oh......that's hate that term. Then how about the Liberal Press?

the economy was booming before he took office, gdp growth was exactly the same in 2015 as in 2017

more jobs were created in obama's last 11 months than in cheeto's first 11

your obsession with hillary leads you to believe that everyone that thinks the cheeto is an incompetent asshat is a hillary supporter

your inability to think on your own or get your info from someone besides rush and hannity leads you to believe that everyone that's not a hillary supporter agrees with you

i assure you, my dear fuckwit, that is not the case

carry on
You are one dumb fuck. You are pathetic.

Quick, you fucking moron. Tell all of us who controlled the House and Senate over the last 11 months of your black marxist liar. Go ahead you fucking loser, tell us.

While you are doing that you fucking loser tell us who controlled congress from 2007 to 2010. Tell all of us what the economy did during that time moron.

Hey fucking moron. Tell all of us who passed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted credit default swaps from regulation. Look it up, if you even know how you pathetic gasbag.

Do you know who rewrote the Community Reinvestment Act which put pressure on pressure banks to lend to low income neighborhoods.

You are fucking owned again. Shit is smarter than you, you stupid ignorant loser.
the kids know Trump is a dumbass, you don't even need to tell them why either.
No, nothing to work with. A booming economy, a strong stock market, housing prices on the rise, more work than workers, lower taxes, business and consumer confidence at record levels, jobs coming back, what could they possible report positive on?
All of which was going on before Trump... Fewer new jobs in 2017 then in 2016. And no improvement yet with these tax cuts that will make the deficit huge for no good reason.

I'ts 1.5 trillion dollars; less than 1/5 of what DumBama spent. And even then, with all the new economic activity, it's likely it will be self-funding via increased tax revenue.
But this is in Good Times where as Obama spent seven or eight trillion bailing out W and the GOP depression and assisting the victims with unemployment and Welfare... What you dupes don't even know about.

What he spent money on was to support unions, advance alternative energy, and expand welfare programs that people didn't need to be on.

That didn't do anything for our economy. The slowest recovery growth since WWII. And if not for the reduction of fuel prices, he would have been a total failure.

Trump removed hundreds of job killing regulations. He lowered taxes on our job creators. He proved once again that trickle down does work as millions of blue collar workers received pay raises and bonuses on top of the additional pay their tax cuts provided. The economy is reacting.

Now I dare you to show me one proven thing DumBama has done that had a direct affect on the economy and explain the dynamics of it.
He did nothing to expand welfare, that was just more people out of work and not able to find jobs, dope.

The number on disability expanded under Obama, as did the food stamp program expand under Obama.

Nothing wrong with expansion is been going on since 1988.
That Trump is unfit to be president is a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

He’s devoid of political acumen, is ignorant of the law, and knows nothing about sound, responsible public policy.

He repeats only what’s told to him by his handlers, which is moronic Republican talking points and rhetoric from failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.
All of which was going on before Trump... Fewer new jobs in 2017 then in 2016. And no improvement yet with these tax cuts that will make the deficit huge for no good reason.

I'ts 1.5 trillion dollars; less than 1/5 of what DumBama spent. And even then, with all the new economic activity, it's likely it will be self-funding via increased tax revenue.
But this is in Good Times where as Obama spent seven or eight trillion bailing out W and the GOP depression and assisting the victims with unemployment and Welfare... What you dupes don't even know about.

What he spent money on was to support unions, advance alternative energy, and expand welfare programs that people didn't need to be on.

That didn't do anything for our economy. The slowest recovery growth since WWII. And if not for the reduction of fuel prices, he would have been a total failure.

Trump removed hundreds of job killing regulations. He lowered taxes on our job creators. He proved once again that trickle down does work as millions of blue collar workers received pay raises and bonuses on top of the additional pay their tax cuts provided. The economy is reacting.

Now I dare you to show me one proven thing DumBama has done that had a direct affect on the economy and explain the dynamics of it.
He did nothing to expand welfare, that was just more people out of work and not able to find jobs, dope.

The number on disability expanded under Obama, as did the food stamp program expand under Obama.

Nothing wrong with expansion is been going on since 1988.

Actually... a lot of people lost their food stamp availability because the unemployment rate went down far enough that the work requirement kicked in. The difference is, the cost of living went up so much, and employers started cutting people's hours to fit them under the full-time employee status and avoid having to give them health insurance, so that put more working people into the SNAP program.
That Trump is unfit to be president is a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

Yet he's doing a much better job than his predecessors.

He repeats only what’s told to him by his handlers, which is moronic Republican talking points and rhetoric from failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.

No, Trump is one of the only Presidents we've had that doesn't look to advisors before speaking (or Tweeting). DumBama couldn't say Good Morning without a teleprompter in front of his face.
All of which was going on before Trump... Fewer new jobs in 2017 then in 2016. And no improvement yet with these tax cuts that will make the deficit huge for no good reason.

I'ts 1.5 trillion dollars; less than 1/5 of what DumBama spent. And even then, with all the new economic activity, it's likely it will be self-funding via increased tax revenue.
But this is in Good Times where as Obama spent seven or eight trillion bailing out W and the GOP depression and assisting the victims with unemployment and Welfare... What you dupes don't even know about.

What he spent money on was to support unions, advance alternative energy, and expand welfare programs that people didn't need to be on.

That didn't do anything for our economy. The slowest recovery growth since WWII. And if not for the reduction of fuel prices, he would have been a total failure.

Trump removed hundreds of job killing regulations. He lowered taxes on our job creators. He proved once again that trickle down does work as millions of blue collar workers received pay raises and bonuses on top of the additional pay their tax cuts provided. The economy is reacting.

Now I dare you to show me one proven thing DumBama has done that had a direct affect on the economy and explain the dynamics of it.
He did nothing to expand welfare, that was just more people out of work and not able to find jobs, dope.

The number on disability expanded under Obama, as did the food stamp program expand under Obama.

Nothing wrong with expansion is been going on since 1988.

Yes, there is something wrong with it when it expanded as much and as quickly under Obama. Just between food stamps and Commie Care alone, he created over 40 million new government dependents. And as you stated, add in the disability people and you have a whole lot more.
No, nothing to work with. A booming economy, a strong stock market, housing prices on the rise, more work than workers, lower taxes, business and consumer confidence at record levels, jobs coming back, what could they possible report positive on?
All of which was going on before Trump... Fewer new jobs in 2017 then in 2016. And no improvement yet with these tax cuts that will make the deficit huge for no good reason.

I'ts 1.5 trillion dollars; less than 1/5 of what DumBama spent. And even then, with all the new economic activity, it's likely it will be self-funding via increased tax revenue.
But this is in Good Times where as Obama spent seven or eight trillion bailing out W and the GOP depression and assisting the victims with unemployment and Welfare... What you dupes don't even know about.

What he spent money on was to support unions, advance alternative energy, and expand welfare programs that people didn't need to be on.

That didn't do anything for our economy. The slowest recovery growth since WWII. And if not for the reduction of fuel prices, he would have been a total failure.

Trump removed hundreds of job killing regulations. He lowered taxes on our job creators. He proved once again that trickle down does work as millions of blue collar workers received pay raises and bonuses on top of the additional pay their tax cuts provided. The economy is reacting.

Now I dare you to show me one proven thing DumBama has done that had a direct affect on the economy and explain the dynamics of it.
The stimulus worked wonders except in dupe world... All you have to do is leave our wonderful economy alone and it grows like this dot-dot-dot seven years of solid growth and the best economy in the world without any GOP corrupt bubble like Trump is working on now...

Best economy in the world????? What planet are you writing from?

The Pork bill didn't do shit. Again, much of it was doled out to his union buddies and he robbed Social Security to give us a measly few bucks more in our paycheck for a short time. That didn't do squat to our economy because you can't stimulate an economy from a few private sectors alone
FDR did that same type of policy idea in the 30's and it got the same results as Obama's, slow recovery.
Of course it was a slow recovery. It's like somebody in a 6 month coma recovering slowly. The economy was ready to have a sheet thrown over it, and a toe tag attached.

The reason it was the slowest economy ever is because DumBama was such an anti-business President. Companies didn't know which way to turn or what was going to happen next. Uncertainty is what stops companies from investing. It wasn't until we elected a Republican led Congress when they started to have some confidence in protection from DumBama that helped.
Between grievances about “atrocities” committed by the “crooked media,” President Trump paused during Friday's speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference to reminisce about the good old days.

“They used to treat me so good, too, before I ran for office,” Trump said of the press. “I used to get the greatest publicity. A friend of mine said to me, ‘You know, you used to be the king of getting great publicity. What happened?’ I said, ‘Well, I have a lot of views that they're opposed to for a lot of bad reasons.’ ”

Trump has never seemed to understand why seeking and ultimately occupying the nation's highest office should bring more intense scrutiny than hosting “The Apprentice” or building towers and golf courses.

When I won, I said, ‘Well, the one thing good is now I'll get good press,’ ” he told the Associated Press last year. “And it got worse. … So that was one thing that is a little bit of a surprise to me. I thought the press would become better, and it actually, in my opinion, got more nasty.”

he's almost as stupid as the morons that voted for him

Is he wrong?

He's an idiot.
Well it just goes to show you how 2 people views can look at it differently.. I thought he was blaming everyone and everything except the NRA.. I didn't like him one bit.

And do you think he would have opined if nobody brought up the NRA?

His address was not aggressive, it was defensive. What he explained is how politicians want to shift blame to his organization from their responsibilities; how they are using this tragedy (like they have so many times in the past) to promote their political agenda.

Democrats are not talking about solving this potential problem, they are talking about how to get their agenda across.
Well perhaps..but you need to remember that the assault weapons were banned until 2002 and the GOP kept it that is not like it is something new.

The NRA has lined the pockets of Congress to favor them to vote their way.. this is what people are angry about If the people alone voted that way well that is different.

The big money coming into our congress from both sides is corrupt ..


This is true, however in the 2016 primaries, the Republicans collected 640 million dollars for all candidates to split up. The NRA contributed about 4 million dollars of that money, so they don't have as much influence as you think.

The power is in the vote less than money, and Republicans understand that we constituents are strong 2nd Amendment supporters; NRA or not.

The Democrats blaming the NRA for this school tragedy is no less ridiculous than the Republicans blaming Planned Parenthood for conditioning us to be more acceptable to taking human life. It's just a ridiculous argument and political at best.

Congress should not be paid off..not one bit. when someone contributes to a campaign it needs to be much more transparent.

Big Pharma is in bed with the FDA, who is in bed with congress, it is so damn corrupt Ray.

They all want something in return.

So how are unions and environmentalists different? How are trail lawyers different? Ever wonder why you need to shift through five pages of "Warnings" in the instruction manual when you buy a toaster? Ever wonder why somebody has the ability to sue McDonald's because they spilled hot coffee on themselves?

Unfortunately, there is no way to take the money out of politics. The McCain/ Finegold bill was a disaster. Now, instead of giving money to the candidates, they give money to PAC's who accept no responsibility for what they claim.

I mean think about it. You can now spend more time in jail for beating your dog than beating your wife.

I can't believe that you support the super Pacs Ray..corrupt as hell. Dirty money slips through it all of the time. This is what our main problem comes from. These paid off politicians need to be transparent. I liked Trump for speaking out against lobbying..but obviously that was a lie.
I'ts 1.5 trillion dollars; less than 1/5 of what DumBama spent. And even then, with all the new economic activity, it's likely it will be self-funding via increased tax revenue.
But this is in Good Times where as Obama spent seven or eight trillion bailing out W and the GOP depression and assisting the victims with unemployment and Welfare... What you dupes don't even know about.

What he spent money on was to support unions, advance alternative energy, and expand welfare programs that people didn't need to be on.

That didn't do anything for our economy. The slowest recovery growth since WWII. And if not for the reduction of fuel prices, he would have been a total failure.

Trump removed hundreds of job killing regulations. He lowered taxes on our job creators. He proved once again that trickle down does work as millions of blue collar workers received pay raises and bonuses on top of the additional pay their tax cuts provided. The economy is reacting.

Now I dare you to show me one proven thing DumBama has done that had a direct affect on the economy and explain the dynamics of it.
He did nothing to expand welfare, that was just more people out of work and not able to find jobs, dope.

The number on disability expanded under Obama, as did the food stamp program expand under Obama.

Nothing wrong with expansion is been going on since 1988.

Actually... a lot of people lost their food stamp availability because the unemployment rate went down far enough that the work requirement kicked in. The difference is, the cost of living went up so much, and employers started cutting people's hours to fit them under the full-time employee status and avoid having to give them health insurance, so that put more working people into the SNAP program.

Then the number of people on food stamps increased under Obama due to his actions.
All of which was going on before Trump... Fewer new jobs in 2017 then in 2016. And no improvement yet with these tax cuts that will make the deficit huge for no good reason.

I'ts 1.5 trillion dollars; less than 1/5 of what DumBama spent. And even then, with all the new economic activity, it's likely it will be self-funding via increased tax revenue.
But this is in Good Times where as Obama spent seven or eight trillion bailing out W and the GOP depression and assisting the victims with unemployment and Welfare... What you dupes don't even know about.

What he spent money on was to support unions, advance alternative energy, and expand welfare programs that people didn't need to be on.

That didn't do anything for our economy. The slowest recovery growth since WWII. And if not for the reduction of fuel prices, he would have been a total failure.

Trump removed hundreds of job killing regulations. He lowered taxes on our job creators. He proved once again that trickle down does work as millions of blue collar workers received pay raises and bonuses on top of the additional pay their tax cuts provided. The economy is reacting.

Now I dare you to show me one proven thing DumBama has done that had a direct affect on the economy and explain the dynamics of it.
He did nothing to expand welfare, that was just more people out of work and not able to find jobs, dope.

The number on disability expanded under Obama, as did the food stamp program expand under Obama.

Nothing wrong with expansion is been going on since 1988.
That is just what happens in the middle of a depression duh...
And do you think he would have opined if nobody brought up the NRA?

His address was not aggressive, it was defensive. What he explained is how politicians want to shift blame to his organization from their responsibilities; how they are using this tragedy (like they have so many times in the past) to promote their political agenda.

Democrats are not talking about solving this potential problem, they are talking about how to get their agenda across.
Well perhaps..but you need to remember that the assault weapons were banned until 2002 and the GOP kept it that is not like it is something new.

The NRA has lined the pockets of Congress to favor them to vote their way.. this is what people are angry about If the people alone voted that way well that is different.

The big money coming into our congress from both sides is corrupt ..


This is true, however in the 2016 primaries, the Republicans collected 640 million dollars for all candidates to split up. The NRA contributed about 4 million dollars of that money, so they don't have as much influence as you think.

The power is in the vote less than money, and Republicans understand that we constituents are strong 2nd Amendment supporters; NRA or not.

The Democrats blaming the NRA for this school tragedy is no less ridiculous than the Republicans blaming Planned Parenthood for conditioning us to be more acceptable to taking human life. It's just a ridiculous argument and political at best.

Congress should not be paid off..not one bit. when someone contributes to a campaign it needs to be much more transparent.

Big Pharma is in bed with the FDA, who is in bed with congress, it is so damn corrupt Ray.

They all want something in return.

So how are unions and environmentalists different? How are trail lawyers different? Ever wonder why you need to shift through five pages of "Warnings" in the instruction manual when you buy a toaster? Ever wonder why somebody has the ability to sue McDonald's because they spilled hot coffee on themselves?

Unfortunately, there is no way to take the money out of politics. The McCain/ Finegold bill was a disaster. Now, instead of giving money to the candidates, they give money to PAC's who accept no responsibility for what they claim.

I mean think about it. You can now spend more time in jail for beating your dog than beating your wife.

I can't believe that you support the super Pacs Ray..corrupt as hell. Dirty money slips through it all of the time. This is what our main problem comes from. These paid off politicians need to be transparent. I liked Trump for speaking out against lobbying..but obviously that was a lie.
Not to mention citizens united... So giant corporations can give as much as they want without any reporting at all... Unbelievable.
Between grievances about “atrocities” committed by the “crooked media,” President Trump paused during Friday's speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference to reminisce about the good old days.

“They used to treat me so good, too, before I ran for office,” Trump said of the press. “I used to get the greatest publicity. A friend of mine said to me, ‘You know, you used to be the king of getting great publicity. What happened?’ I said, ‘Well, I have a lot of views that they're opposed to for a lot of bad reasons.’ ”

Trump has never seemed to understand why seeking and ultimately occupying the nation's highest office should bring more intense scrutiny than hosting “The Apprentice” or building towers and golf courses.

When I won, I said, ‘Well, the one thing good is now I'll get good press,’ ” he told the Associated Press last year. “And it got worse. … So that was one thing that is a little bit of a surprise to me. I thought the press would become better, and it actually, in my opinion, got more nasty.”

he's almost as stupid as the morons that voted for him

Is he wrong?

He's an idiot.
I can't believe he really believes all the GOP b******* propaganda. He just repeats it so he can get away with murder...
All of which was going on before Trump... Fewer new jobs in 2017 then in 2016. And no improvement yet with these tax cuts that will make the deficit huge for no good reason.

I'ts 1.5 trillion dollars; less than 1/5 of what DumBama spent. And even then, with all the new economic activity, it's likely it will be self-funding via increased tax revenue.
But this is in Good Times where as Obama spent seven or eight trillion bailing out W and the GOP depression and assisting the victims with unemployment and Welfare... What you dupes don't even know about.

What he spent money on was to support unions, advance alternative energy, and expand welfare programs that people didn't need to be on.

That didn't do anything for our economy. The slowest recovery growth since WWII. And if not for the reduction of fuel prices, he would have been a total failure.

Trump removed hundreds of job killing regulations. He lowered taxes on our job creators. He proved once again that trickle down does work as millions of blue collar workers received pay raises and bonuses on top of the additional pay their tax cuts provided. The economy is reacting.

Now I dare you to show me one proven thing DumBama has done that had a direct affect on the economy and explain the dynamics of it.
The stimulus worked wonders except in dupe world... All you have to do is leave our wonderful economy alone and it grows like this dot-dot-dot seven years of solid growth and the best economy in the world without any GOP corrupt bubble like Trump is working on now...

Best economy in the world????? What planet are you writing from?

The Pork bill didn't do shit. Again, much of it was doled out to his union buddies and he robbed Social Security to give us a measly few bucks more in our paycheck for a short time. That didn't do squat to our economy because you can't stimulate an economy from a few private sectors alone
We still have the best economy in the world, and Trump has not changed a damn thing except a huge giveaway to the rich...
FDR did that same type of policy idea in the 30's and it got the same results as Obama's, slow recovery.
Of course it was a slow recovery. It's like somebody in a 6 month coma recovering slowly. The economy was ready to have a sheet thrown over it, and a toe tag attached.

The reason it was the slowest economy ever is because DumBama was such an anti-business President. Companies didn't know which way to turn or what was going to happen next. Uncertainty is what stops companies from investing. It wasn't until we elected a Republican led Congress when they started to have some confidence in protection from DumBama that helped.
Only in dupe world... Best economy in the world 4 years and Trump hasn't changed a damn thing except a huge giveaway to the rich.
I'm finding it amusing, that the left, who demand equality, tolerance, and acceptance, are some of the most intolerant people here.

In a world where the left wants peace, love, and everyone to be friendly, seems like most every post is either an attack, or is very derogatory toward the right.

They have little tolerance for any viewpoint that does not coincide with their own.

Sorry for the hijack, just an observation.
I'm finding it amusing, that the left, who demand equality, tolerance, and acceptance, are some of the most intolerant people here.

In a world where the left wants peace, love, and everyone to be friendly, seems like most every post is either an attack, or is very derogatory toward the right.

They have little tolerance for any viewpoint that does not coincide with their own.

Sorry for the hijack, just an observation.

They only say they are tolerant, but you know how the left are; born liars.

They constantly berate people from the south. They constantly criticize people of religion. They have nothing good to say about Americans who use tobacco products or firearms. They hate the wealthy unless it's a wealthy from their club (Hollywood, sports, entertainment) and they totally hate business owners.
FDR did that same type of policy idea in the 30's and it got the same results as Obama's, slow recovery.
Of course it was a slow recovery. It's like somebody in a 6 month coma recovering slowly. The economy was ready to have a sheet thrown over it, and a toe tag attached.

The reason it was the slowest economy ever is because DumBama was such an anti-business President. Companies didn't know which way to turn or what was going to happen next. Uncertainty is what stops companies from investing. It wasn't until we elected a Republican led Congress when they started to have some confidence in protection from DumBama that helped.
Only in dupe world... Best economy in the world 4 years and Trump hasn't changed a damn thing except a huge giveaway to the rich.

Well I must be rich because I have more in my paycheck now. In fact, I'll be saving several hundred dollars now that they lifted the fine on Nazi Care. Corporations realize who is on their side and who is against them. Ears was against them and they knew it. Now corporations are able to compete better in the world market with lower taxation. Those who were being forced to move out of the country now have a reason to stay. They have somebody in their corner, and that will help create jobs for the little people.

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