Yes or No is Obama friend or foe


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2010
A Yes or No question; is Obama the enemy of our nation or not: a simple yes or no Q....:eusa_think:
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no it isn't

but for purposes of springboarding upon it to a higher level

YES, Obama is __________ (enter curse of choice)

so was Bush, so was Clinton, so was Bush 1, etc

NONE of these potus' work for 'the people'

the potus of 2012 will follow suit as well



A) you can't ask a Yes or No question about an If / Or scenario;

B) you bias the result by making the second set of options an If/Or one that is slanted to one extreme;

and C) well,

what was the question, again? :lol:
A Yes or No question; is Obama the enemy of our nation or not: a simple yes or no Q....:eusa_think:

You are an unappreciative little snot. Fortunately it is unlikely that another dumbass like you and your kind will be elected president.

Obama an enemy of our country? Fuck you ya dumb fuckin twat. A yes or no question is too complex for you. Although I am sure that's what you get from most of the people you know.
Obama is a Progressive so he is against our Founding Principles and is moving our economy toward Soviet style central planning.
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Sorry, Life is hardly ever a simple yes or no.

BO may not be a Foe to America, but he sure as crap is not a friend.

A Yes or No question; is Obama the enemy of our nation or not: a simple yes or no Q....:eusa_think:

A friend to our country? If you're one of the floks who got a piece of the Stimulus, then yes. If you're one of the folks who's going to have pay for it, then no.

Since the stimulus was a complete and utter failed policy, the only measure of it's positive impact is whether any incdividual recieved the bribe or paid for it.

The net effect is like artificial refrigetion. It does not produce a net cooling, just transfers heat. The stimulus just transferred wealth. It's a very New Age transfer, though, since the benefits were recieved today and the costs will be paid in the future.

You just have to be impressed by a lingering 10% unemployment that the "Experts" said would not go above 8% if we just let the Dems do as they pleased.

They are VERY pleased.
YES, Obama is ___A corporate whore_______ (enter curse of choice)

so was Bush, so was Clinton, so was Bush 1, etc

NONE of these potus' work for 'the people'

the potus of 2012 will follow suit as well

Make dat " He B a copriit Ho".
in my opinion, a CLUELESS manipulator, voted in by clueless voters. Who loves our foes.
Thanks to all the clueless, for nothing :clap2:
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Amazing these assholes are still playing the Obama hates America game
A Yes or No question; is Obama the enemy of our nation or not: a simple yes or no Q....:eusa_think:

Enemy of our nation?

Considering he was elected by a majority, I'd say it's a safe bet that he isn't our nation's enemy.

Is he an enemy to our ideals and way of life?
He's already been on record as saying that our Constitution says too much about what our government can't do and not enough about what it should be able to do.
He's already told us that he plans on fundamentally changing America.

You can't really call someone your enemy when he has told you, specifically, what he's all about and you elect him anyway.

It's pretty bad when you're less than 1/2 way through your term, and you're already a Lame Duck President.....

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