Yes...the same press working for hilary is now lying about Trump and obamacare...

do you realize how many people in this country have pre-existing conditions of one type or another? has to be dealt with....
Buy your insurance and you're covered. If you don't, then it sucks to be you. Besides, there are ways to accommodate p/e's as employer insurance plans currently do.
you said pre existing conditions should not be on the table....i took that to mean you were saying tough shit to those i right?....
Then where does that leave those with p/e's?
. They had better sign up before their ailment is known. Signing up after the fact is like buying house insurance after the tornado destroyed it. Mandating will bankrupt the industry and is the reason Obamacare is failing today.
are you serious?.....millions of people in this country have had one thing or another wrong with them for years,and its documented somewhere down the are they to sign up if that condition is known?...
The left wing totalitarians are so desperate they are clinging to their left wing, democrat journalists for comfort......for example the report that Trump is going back on repealing obamacare......

No, Donald Trump Did Not Abandon Promise to Repeal Obamacare

The mainstream media are reporting that President-elect Donald Trump is giving up on his promise to repeal and replace Obamacare, because he said he would be willing to preserve coverage for pre-existing conditions and allowing children to stay on their parents’ health insurance until age 26.
“I like those very much,” Trump told the Wall Street Journal in an interview, following his meeting Thursday with President Barack Obama.

He’s not alone: those are some of the only parts of the law that are popular, and many Republicans have long since promised to preserve coverage for those with pre-existing conditions even after Obamacare is repealed.

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI), for example, proposed a replacement for Obamacare in April that would cover people with pre-existing conditions by moving them into state high-risk pools.

In 2013, Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) proposed to repeal and replace Obamacare, introducing the “Empowering Patients First Act,” which provided for those with pre-existing conditions. “[T]o make sure no one is priced out of the health insurance market because of a pre-existing illness or injury, the Empowering Patients First Act provides for the creation of robust pooling plans that would ensure that any one person’s health status does not increase his or her costs or the costs of others in the same pool,” he wrote at the time.

Coverage for pre-existing conditions, and coverage for young people, are relatively minor parts of the overall architecture of Obamacare. Conservatives have long been willing to accept such provisions as compromises, the better to shore up political support for dismantling the system as a whole.

Trump merely stated the obvious.
Coverage for pre-existing conditions is not a minor part of Obamacare. It will break the insurance companies and cause higher rates for the rest of us if people can hold off buying insurance until they get sick. That's just nuts! Pre-existing should be off the table when Trump kills Obamacare.

Let kids stay on parents insurance until 26. They're healthy anyway for the mist part. Male healthcare insurance private again and allow people to buy insurance across state lines. Do that and we'll never face being forced into single payer again.

Meh it's still infinitely better than what we have. And when you look at what he's cutting...yeah, we can do that.

Trump lays out his vision for first 100 days in office - The Washington Post


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Then where does that leave those with p/e's?
. They had better sign up before their ailment is known. Signing up after the fact is like buying house insurance after the tornado destroyed it. Mandating will bankrupt the industry and is the reason Obamacare is failing today.
are you serious?.....millions of people in this country have had one thing or another wrong with them for years,and its documented somewhere down the are they to sign up if that condition is known?...
There are ways to accommodate them, but it won't be to buy insurance only when you're sick and need it then.
To the liberals who say "What about those people who......" and fill in the blank.

The truth is this. Nobody has a right to free health insurance. It's like car insurance, if you want it, buy it. If you're a bad driver, you'll pay higher rates. If you're a horrible driver, you'll pay astronomical rates or be unable to get insurance.

Same with health insurance. If you want it, buy it. If you are a high risk person and are sickly, then pay more. Insurance was always available to everyone, even those with preexisting conditions. Not every INSCO will cover you, but it was available. Yes, it might be expensive. Such is life in the valley. Nobody else should have to pay for your health problems. The key word here is YOUR HEALTH PROBLEMS.

Yes, it sucks. It's mean. I want granny dead. And for that matter, kill off grandpa too. Now that that's out of the way, we can reassess health insurance and make it better for the majority, instead of now, where it's only better for the minority.

And to the OP, Foxnews mentioned yesterday that Trump wouldn't be repealing Obamacare. And wouldn't be appointing a special prosecutor to investigate her.
I guess they didn't learn from the elections that they have become totally irrelvant. Trump will do what he said he will, and will deliver the results.
That's why we call them zombie, idiots, morons, snowflakes etc. lol
Except two main reasons I voted for him, repealing Obamacare entirely and prosecuting Hillary he has already backed away from.

Time will tell, but at this rate, he'll be just a bad hair disappointment.

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