Yet Again DeSantis Has Shown His True Colors

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Why do lestist who post this nonsense believe they own the Federal Government? The Fed is the people being taxed for orgs like FEMA to fund issues like this Hurricane.

Who the hell do you think you are to play this we need permission from you game to the tax payers of Florida?

Go play in traffic op.
Ok just read the op suoports Trump so I resend the leftist remarks.

The rest stands. Taxpayers live in every State. If the Fed wants to deny funds based on politics, then the states and people can just stop funding the Fed.

Under the original intent of the Constitution the Fed was NEVER supposed to have this power anyway. We have basterdized the intent and created a Govermment our Founders warned us about.
Very true and sorry if I seemed snappish at you before. I was just confused and don't trust DeSantis very much.
It’s funny how you have nothing it excuses for xiden now
Not as funny as watching you attempting to craft a sentence.

The bottom line is that your blob, when he needed votes, showed up at natural disasters. Now that he doesn’t need votes...he’s a no-show both in terms of physical presence as well as showing any empathy at all. As has been described in this thread and many others; Biden is there in Florida both physically and through FEMA, materially.
One of the great things about Trump is he is exposing the RINOs.
Yeah right. Are you really this dense? When he’s not campaigning for “RINO”s he is exposing them to jobs in the executive branch.

Another RINO exposed.

Pence is now a RINO
Stefanik is a RINO
Sessions is a RINO
Loeffler appears to be a RINO
Barr turned out to be another RINO

And this is my favorite one of all:

No way Trump will pick a RINO to be his VP in 2024.

Yeah okay.
Not as funny as watching you attempting to craft a sentence.

The bottom line is that your blob, when he needed votes, showed up at natural disasters. Now that he doesn’t need votes...he’s a no-show both in terms of physical presence as well as showing any empathy at all. As has been described in this thread and many others; Biden is there in Florida both physically and through FEMA, materially.
You make an excellent point, he isn’t using it for political purposes

Unlike xiden who didn’t need the votes in 2020 but does now
You make an excellent point, he isn’t using it for political purposes

Unlike xiden who didn’t need the votes in 2020 but does now
Wow, now the President touring disaster areas is a campaign stop to you? Trump toured dozens of disaster areas. Those were all campaign stops too then...right?
Wow, now the President touring disaster areas is a campaign stop to you? Trump toured dozens of disaster areas. Those were all campaign stops too then...right?
To me? I am not the one that made the claim it was only done for votes…you did
To me? I am not the one that made the claim it was only done for votes…you did

Well lets look at it...shall we?

Louisiana was going to be a red state all along in 2016. Florida will almost certainly be a red state in 2024.

In August 2016 your blob is way behind in the general election polls when a hurricane hits Louisiana. In 2024, your blob is way ahead in the primary polls when a hurricane hits Florida.

In 2016, Mara-Lard-Ass goes to Louisiana. Is it because he has deep ties to it? Nope. It was done for politics and politics alone. In his adopted home state; the blob is a no-show.

Care to point out what the differences are other than politics? Or do you want to try to change the subject back to Joe Biden to try to save face?

Biden reference in 5...4...3...2...
Well lets look at it...shall we?

Louisiana was going to be a red state all along in 2016. Florida will almost certainly be a red state in 2024.

In August 2016 your blob is way behind in the general election polls when a hurricane hits Louisiana. In 2024, your blob is way ahead in the primary polls when a hurricane hits Florida.

In 2016, Mara-Lard-Ass goes to Louisiana. Is it because he has deep ties to it? Nope. It was done for politics and politics alone. In his adopted home state; the blob is a no-show.

Care to point out what the differences are other than politics? Or do you want to try to change the subject back to Joe Biden to try to save face?

Biden reference in 5...4...3...2...
LA had a dembot Gov and we had a dembot running FEMA the people of LA needed leadership, trump came in a week later and provided that…it much worse conditions then we see in FL today

FL has DeSantis so i don’t think we’ll need that a week from now.

By the way were was VP Xiden in 2016?
1) really
2) really
3) where was xiden in 2020 when hurricane hit Fl and BAma?

That was August 19, days after the state of emergency was issued on the 12th…if FL still needs help, which I doubt they will with DeSantis running the state, maybe he’ll show back up with a tractor trailer of supplies again…in 2016 the state had a dem gov and Obama…at least florida doesn’t have to deal with that double whammy
Damn is Rick Scott a dem? He was running the state in 2016 moron. Look up the last time we had a dem as governor.
Damn is Rick Scott a dem? He was running the state in 2016 moron. Look up the last time we had a dem as governor.
No he isn’t…but he wasn’t running LA in 2016 which is what we are talking about

So…move along dembot
If a modern feminist female is impregnated.... then impregnated again.... then impregnated again...this between many abortions, she is a slut who costs society tens of millions of dollars. And multiply this by millions of these ingeniously smarter than men mensa women. Jesu said....wait a minute...stop the irresponsible ways of living. You forget that part.
Typical INCEL comments. Are you Nicholas Alahverdian?
The best he can do is throwing paper towels,
Well historically when a private citizen he donated time and money when needed…likely with a Republican running FL that won’t be necessary this time
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