Yet another school shooting

It would appear that the "good guys with guns" theory has failed again, but never fear - The Trumplings are here! :rolleyes:

Another student, Tyler Hunter, said the school usually has several armed school-resource officers on campus.

One man prompted further controversy outside the school on Friday morning, where he arrived carrying an American flag and a holstered gun on his hip. He told reporters he was there to offer "support."

"Get to the school, make America great again," he said, referring to President Donald Trump's popular slogan.​

At least 8 people killed in shooting at Texas high school; suspected gunman arrested

And as long a Demtards like you are out there focusing on everything OTHER THAN the ROOT CAUSE, you are actively encouraging more of these tragedies.

Congrats Lefties, you OWN all these tragedies because you refuse to go after the root cause and instead deflect in favor of your political agendas.

I don’t see these types of tragedies where there is strong gun control...
When will parents start suing the state for not providing the same protection afforded those in court rooms and IRS buildings around the country?

Naturally, politicians care nothing about it.
It would appear that the "good guys with guns" theory has failed again, but never fear - The Trumplings are here! :rolleyes:

Another student, Tyler Hunter, said the school usually has several armed school-resource officers on campus.

One man prompted further controversy outside the school on Friday morning, where he arrived carrying an American flag and a holstered gun on his hip. He told reporters he was there to offer "support."

"Get to the school, make America great again," he said, referring to President Donald Trump's popular slogan.​

At least 8 people killed in shooting at Texas high school; suspected gunman arrested

And as long a Demtards like you are out there focusing on everything OTHER THAN the ROOT CAUSE, you are actively encouraging more of these tragedies.

Congrats Lefties, you OWN all these tragedies because you refuse to go after the root cause and instead deflect in favor of your political agendas.

I don’t see these types of tragedies where there is strong gun control...

Go live there then. This is America and these type things are Acceptable risk to live here

What is the common denominator in school shooting?

Well, they happen in schools.

And there is a gun involved.

What would be more beneficial to society?

Eliminate the school, or eliminate the gun?

Which brings more benefits to society, schools or guns?

What is the common denominator in school shooting?

More often than not, and nearly always, the common denominator is not what you think it is. It's that nearly all shooters have one thing in common, the consumption of SSRI antidepressants.

Well, they happen in schools

Yes, a place that they feel comfortable in and where they can inflict mass casualties, but that is deflecting from an important issue, the mass casualties happen in schools, but those using SSRI antidepressants also murder in private as well and are 50% more likely to commit violent criminal acts than those that choose other treatment that is as, or more effective than SSRI.

What would be more beneficial to society?

Eliminate the school, or eliminate the gun?

You left out a choice. The most beneficial would be the elimination of what causes the Violent Impulse in the first place, and nearly all of those have been linked to the use of SSRI medication.
So they don’t have SSRI in Europe where these shootings are rare?

SSRI drugs cause violent outburst, that is why the FDA placed the "black box" label on them in the first place.

The largest study performed was done in Sweden and it revealed that those on SSRI class drugs were 50% more likely to commit violent crimes, regardless of weapon, than others treated with other more effective treatments, or placebo. More importantly, those treated with the other methods, or with simple Placebo (sugar pills) had better overall recovery rates and faster average recovery times. AND THEY DIDN'T KILL PEOPLE.
A link to your study would be useful.

You failed to answer my question. Does Europe use SSRI? If so why is it we have so many mass shootings and they don’t?

Here are a few: British Medical Journal:

Antidepressants increase the risk of suicide, violence and homicide at all ages

Good article here including a list of shooters and the SSRI, and in many cases multiple combination of SSRI class drugs used by shooters

From Prozac to Parkland: Are Psychiatric Drugs Causing Mass Shootings?

Article with links to studies and the claim of 50% increase in violent criminal behavior:

People who take antidepressants are '50% more likely to be convicted of assault' | Daily Mail Online

Micheal Moores Take on it after making his documentary called Bowling For Columbine:

You are still dodging.

You failed to answer my question. Does Europe use SSRI? If so why is it we have so many mass shootings and they don’t?
/----/ when will criminal behavior end? Never.

Yep.... the Disney dwellers sit out there in radioland and think that there is some way we're going to have a day where tragedies don't happen. It's called missing too many memos. we should just get used to it....I agree. School shootings are the new normal in this country. #MAGA!

They have been the norm since we started drugging our kids into zombies that lack the emotion that stops them in the first place.
i do feel there is a huge connection here. in my high school days in the 80s people had shotguns and rifles in their trucks back window on a rack. never an issue.

something in society changed along the way as guns have been a part of it for a long long time.
Some one pointed out the druging of our children and I wonder if it has any thing to do with it. This shit started right around the time that I heard of aderill. Maybe something to it Iwas kind of against arming teachers but I am starting to change my mind on that.

Could be part of the problem as well, often times ADHD drugs are used in combination with antidepressants.
Yep.... the Disney dwellers sit out there in radioland and think that there is some way we're going to have a day where tragedies don't happen. It's called missing too many memos. we should just get used to it....I agree. School shootings are the new normal in this country. #MAGA!

They have been the norm since we started drugging our kids into zombies that lack the emotion that stops them in the first place.
i do feel there is a huge connection here. in my high school days in the 80s people had shotguns and rifles in their trucks back window on a rack. never an issue.

something in society changed along the way as guns have been a part of it for a long long time.
Some one pointed out the druging of our children and I wonder if it has any thing to do with it. This shit started right around the time that I heard of aderill. Maybe something to it Iwas kind of against arming teachers but I am starting to change my mind on that.

Could be part of the problem as well, often times ADHD drugs are used in combination with antidepressants.
I have heard of them creating hallucinations! At any rate kids do not need class B cocain flowing throgh their body!
More often than not, and nearly always, the common denominator is not what you think it is. It's that nearly all shooters have one thing in common, the consumption of SSRI antidepressants.

Yes, a place that they feel comfortable in and where they can inflict mass casualties, but that is deflecting from an important issue, the mass casualties happen in schools, but those using SSRI antidepressants also murder in private as well and are 50% more likely to commit violent criminal acts than those that choose other treatment that is as, or more effective than SSRI.

You left out a choice. The most beneficial would be the elimination of what causes the Violent Impulse in the first place, and nearly all of those have been linked to the use of SSRI medication.
So they don’t have SSRI in Europe where these shootings are rare?

SSRI drugs cause violent outburst, that is why the FDA placed the "black box" label on them in the first place.

The largest study performed was done in Sweden and it revealed that those on SSRI class drugs were 50% more likely to commit violent crimes, regardless of weapon, than others treated with other more effective treatments, or placebo. More importantly, those treated with the other methods, or with simple Placebo (sugar pills) had better overall recovery rates and faster average recovery times. AND THEY DIDN'T KILL PEOPLE.
A link to your study would be useful.

You failed to answer my question. Does Europe use SSRI? If so why is it we have so many mass shootings and they don’t?

Here are a few: British Medical Journal:

Antidepressants increase the risk of suicide, violence and homicide at all ages

Good article here including a list of shooters and the SSRI, and in many cases multiple combination of SSRI class drugs used by shooters

From Prozac to Parkland: Are Psychiatric Drugs Causing Mass Shootings?

Article with links to studies and the claim of 50% increase in violent criminal behavior:

People who take antidepressants are '50% more likely to be convicted of assault' | Daily Mail Online

Micheal Moores Take on it after making his documentary called Bowling For Columbine:

You are still dodging.

You failed to answer my question. Does Europe use SSRI? If so why is it we have so many mass shootings and they don’t?

So you never looked at the links supplied? No way you could have in such a short time since posting. Seek and you shall find. But I think you prefer to go through life blind. Your choice, not mine.
Schools are becoming obsolete.

Schools have to be heated/cooled, the kids need to be transported to the schools, kids need to be fed in schools, etc., you need to hire all those child molesting teachers, and then this happens.

Well guess what, the state is broke in case you have not been paying attention.

In this virtual world, all of this can be done away with overnight.
Last edited:
It would appear that the "good guys with guns" theory has failed again, but never fear - The Trumplings are here! :rolleyes:

Another student, Tyler Hunter, said the school usually has several armed school-resource officers on campus.

One man prompted further controversy outside the school on Friday morning, where he arrived carrying an American flag and a holstered gun on his hip. He told reporters he was there to offer "support."

"Get to the school, make America great again," he said, referring to President Donald Trump's popular slogan.​

At least 8 people killed in shooting at Texas high school; suspected gunman arrested

And as long a Demtards like you are out there focusing on everything OTHER THAN the ROOT CAUSE, you are actively encouraging more of these tragedies.

Congrats Lefties, you OWN all these tragedies because you refuse to go after the root cause and instead deflect in favor of your political agendas.


Another Blamethrower. we should just get used to it....I agree. School shootings are the new normal in this country. #MAGA!

They have been the norm since we started drugging our kids into zombies that lack the emotion that stops them in the first place.
i do feel there is a huge connection here. in my high school days in the 80s people had shotguns and rifles in their trucks back window on a rack. never an issue.

something in society changed along the way as guns have been a part of it for a long long time.
Some one pointed out the druging of our children and I wonder if it has any thing to do with it. This shit started right around the time that I heard of aderill. Maybe something to it Iwas kind of against arming teachers but I am starting to change my mind on that.

Could be part of the problem as well, often times ADHD drugs are used in combination with antidepressants.
I have heard of them creating hallucinations! At any rate kids do not need class B cocain flowing throgh their body!

Did you see the study that showed 75% of all med students use Aderall or another type of ADHD med? Mind Blowing shit
Yeah cause shootings have gone down with more carry. Violent crime is up with more carry...
That's a total lie
You seem uninformed.

Violent Crime in U.S. Rises for Second Consecutive Year
Your link proved u r a liar. Nothing about CCs. Murders up in blue cities with gun laws. You are a liar
So you don’t think carry is up? Link proved violent crime is up.
In blue cities with no cc dumb ass. Read your own link. Brainless
Texas is SOOOOOOO blue.
It would appear that the "good guys with guns" theory has failed again, but never fear - The Trumplings are here! :rolleyes:

Another student, Tyler Hunter, said the school usually has several armed school-resource officers on campus.

One man prompted further controversy outside the school on Friday morning, where he arrived carrying an American flag and a holstered gun on his hip. He told reporters he was there to offer "support."

"Get to the school, make America great again," he said, referring to President Donald Trump's popular slogan.​

At least 8 people killed in shooting at Texas high school; suspected gunman arrested

And as long a Demtards like you are out there focusing on everything OTHER THAN the ROOT CAUSE, you are actively encouraging more of these tragedies.

Congrats Lefties, you OWN all these tragedies because you refuse to go after the root cause and instead deflect in favor of your political agendas.


Another Blamethrower.
Fuck blame I am looking for soluitions! Kids should feel safe going to school!

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