You all created the monster so don't blame me or others if Hillary wins

I didn't vote for Trump, you did. You & others like you hoisted this man upon us so don't blame us if he looses. I am no man's puppet and will not be forced to vote for ANYONE based on vague threats of "if you don't, X Y or Z will happen".

If Hillary wins it's because YOU nominated the worst candidate so don't blame me!
I'm afraid your problems are far from over. If Trump loses, it will be said that it was because they didn't run a real conservative, and they'll run a hardcore right winger next time. If a Republican runs independent, it will be said that he's why Trump lost. If Trump wins, the GOP is essentially dead and has to start over.

Don't know what to tell ya.
I didn't vote for Trump, you did. You & others like you hoisted this man upon us so don't blame us if he looses. I am no man's puppet and will not be forced to vote for ANYONE based on vague threats of "if you don't, X Y or Z will happen".

If Hillary wins it's because YOU nominated the worst candidate so don't blame me!

You seem to want Hillary to win, based on your posts you seem left of Bush and Kasich. Why not just join the Democratic party and throw in with them.
Based on my posts? I mocked Bush & despised Kasich. Seems you're a terrible judge of others if those are the conclusions you draw.
If you want Trump as your nominee then the results of that are on you. Accept responsibility for your actions.

Gramps I have been following your posts for over a year, I call em like I see em. You have at times been a rabid anti-trump attacker. Yet you rarely will name a policy of his you disagree with. You seem to embrace policies of the left or Republican establishment which are in fact left themselves.
What the fuck are you talking about? Seriously?
I oppose Trump because I don't think he is up to the task & he has personal traits that are bad.
Outside of that I agree with build the wall & stopping Muslim refugees. But "making America great again" is not a policy it's a bumper sticker.
So what leftist policies are you talking about?

It appears to me that you just can't digest my thoughts on Trump and you're just lashing out aimlessly
I didn't vote for Trump, you did. You & others like you hoisted this man upon us so don't blame us if he looses. I am no man's puppet and will not be forced to vote for ANYONE based on vague threats of "if you don't, X Y or Z will happen".

If Hillary wins it's because YOU nominated the worst candidate so don't blame me!

You seem to want Hillary to win, based on your posts you seem left of Bush and Kasich. Why not just join the Democratic party and throw in with them.
Based on my posts? I mocked Bush & despised Kasich. Seems you're a terrible judge of others if those are the conclusions you draw.
If you want Trump as your nominee then the results of that are on you. Accept responsibility for your actions.

Gramps I have been following your posts for over a year, I call em like I see em. You have at times been a rabid anti-trump attacker. Yet you rarely will name a policy of his you disagree with. You seem to embrace policies of the left or Republican establishment which are in fact left themselves.

Grumps was for Scott Walker. You know nothing

Your opinion is meaningless to me lib.
I didn't vote for Trump, you did. You & others like you hoisted this man upon us so don't blame us if he looses. I am no man's puppet and will not be forced to vote for ANYONE based on vague threats of "if you don't, X Y or Z will happen".

If Hillary wins it's because YOU nominated the worst candidate so don't blame me!

You seem to want Hillary to win, based on your posts you seem left of Bush and Kasich. Why not just join the Democratic party and throw in with them.
Based on my posts? I mocked Bush & despised Kasich. Seems you're a terrible judge of others if those are the conclusions you draw.
If you want Trump as your nominee then the results of that are on you. Accept responsibility for your actions.

Gramps I have been following your posts for over a year, I call em like I see em. You have at times been a rabid anti-trump attacker. Yet you rarely will name a policy of his you disagree with. You seem to embrace policies of the left or Republican establishment which are in fact left themselves.
What the fuck are you talking about? Seriously?
I oppose Trump because I don't think he is up to the task & he has personal traits that are bad.
Outside of that I agree with build the wall & stopping Muslim refugees. But "making America great again" is not a policy it's a bumper sticker.
So what leftist policies are you talking about?

It appears to me that you just can't digest my thoughts on Trump and you're just lashing out aimlessly

Look its Trump or Hillary pick a side.
I didn't vote for Trump, you did. You & others like you hoisted this man upon us so don't blame us if he looses. I am no man's puppet and will not be forced to vote for ANYONE based on vague threats of "if you don't, X Y or Z will happen".

If Hillary wins it's because YOU nominated the worst candidate so don't blame me!

I agree with your sentiment and that it isn't your fault. When Hillary wins I will put the blame squarely where it belongs: in the establishment GOP.

They gave us Trump by ignoring the base for decades, promising one thing during the election and then not doing it, for not having guts it a spine to do what is right, and giving Obama and the DNC whatever they wanted. They betrayed us for so long, we needed someone who talked like they would do what needed to be done and who had a spine. It's their fault 100%.
I didn't vote for Trump, you did. You & others like you hoisted this man upon us so don't blame us if he looses. I am no man's puppet and will not be forced to vote for ANYONE based on vague threats of "if you don't, X Y or Z will happen".

If Hillary wins it's because YOU nominated the worst candidate so don't blame me!

You seem to want Hillary to win, based on your posts you seem left of Bush and Kasich. Why not just join the Democratic party and throw in with them.
Based on my posts? I mocked Bush & despised Kasich. Seems you're a terrible judge of others if those are the conclusions you draw.
If you want Trump as your nominee then the results of that are on you. Accept responsibility for your actions.

Gramps I have been following your posts for over a year, I call em like I see em. You have at times been a rabid anti-trump attacker. Yet you rarely will name a policy of his you disagree with. You seem to embrace policies of the left or Republican establishment which are in fact left themselves.
What the fuck are you talking about? Seriously?
I oppose Trump because I don't think he is up to the task & he has personal traits that are bad.
Outside of that I agree with build the wall & stopping Muslim refugees. But "making America great again" is not a policy it's a bumper sticker.
So what leftist policies are you talking about?

It appears to me that you just can't digest my thoughts on Trump and you're just lashing out aimlessly

Look its Trump or Hillary pick a side.

What about Gary Johnson?
I didn't vote for Trump, you did. You & others like you hoisted this man upon us so don't blame us if he looses. I am no man's puppet and will not be forced to vote for ANYONE based on vague threats of "if you don't, X Y or Z will happen".

If Hillary wins it's because YOU nominated the worst candidate so don't blame me!

You seem to want Hillary to win, based on your posts you seem left of Bush and Kasich. Why not just join the Democratic party and throw in with them.
Based on my posts? I mocked Bush & despised Kasich. Seems you're a terrible judge of others if those are the conclusions you draw.
If you want Trump as your nominee then the results of that are on you. Accept responsibility for your actions.

Gramps I have been following your posts for over a year, I call em like I see em. You have at times been a rabid anti-trump attacker. Yet you rarely will name a policy of his you disagree with. You seem to embrace policies of the left or Republican establishment which are in fact left themselves.
What the fuck are you talking about? Seriously?
I oppose Trump because I don't think he is up to the task & he has personal traits that are bad.
Outside of that I agree with build the wall & stopping Muslim refugees. But "making America great again" is not a policy it's a bumper sticker.
So what leftist policies are you talking about?

It appears to me that you just can't digest my thoughts on Trump and you're just lashing out aimlessly

Look its Trump or Hillary pick a side.


At this point, what difference does it make?
I didn't vote for Trump, you did. You & others like you hoisted this man upon us so don't blame us if he looses. I am no man's puppet and will not be forced to vote for ANYONE based on vague threats of "if you don't, X Y or Z will happen".

If Hillary wins it's because YOU nominated the worst candidate so don't blame me!
Yeah we should have gone with another Goldwater,Dole,McCain or Romney! That was the way to go! MMMHHHMMM!!!

This quote fits all weak kneed pussies here

“In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”
I didn't vote for Trump, you did. You & others like you hoisted this man upon us so don't blame us if he looses. I am no man's puppet and will not be forced to vote for ANYONE based on vague threats of "if you don't, X Y or Z will happen".

If Hillary wins it's because YOU nominated the worst candidate so don't blame me!

Complete and utter nonsense. Garbage. Bullshit. Nonsensical...and whatever else you want to pile on.
If Hillary wins it is because Democrats did not vote for a candidate that represented almost all of what they are supposed to stand for - and instead choose one of the most corrupt corporatist in Washington that is diametrically opposite of many of the things Democrats are supposed to be for.
DEMOCRATS chose Hillary. Not Bernie.
I REALLY wanted Kasich to be the guy

That being said, Hillary won't be the next POTUS. Right before the convention the FBI will announce the results of their investigation and Hillary will be pushed aside for Biden, just as she was pushed aside in 2008.

Don't worry liberals, 2024 is Hillary's year.
I wanted Walker but he dipped out fast. After that I was just treading water. I was willing to consider Trump depending on his vp & cabinet choices but time & again he demonstrates an inability to realize that he is not a God.
A vote for Trump might as well be a vote for Charlie Sheen. WINNING!

I'm about to the point where I just can't vote for Trump. Even realizing that that is in effect a vote for Hillary. He just has to learn to shut up.

Seriously abut the only thing at this point that would change my mind is if he hired Newt Gingrich to run his campaign and be his Chief of Staff if elected.

Gingrich is the leading contender for VP. :badgrin:

Gingrich in pole position to join Trump presidential ticket, say conservatives
You seem to want Hillary to win, based on your posts you seem left of Bush and Kasich. Why not just join the Democratic party and throw in with them.
Based on my posts? I mocked Bush & despised Kasich. Seems you're a terrible judge of others if those are the conclusions you draw.
If you want Trump as your nominee then the results of that are on you. Accept responsibility for your actions.

Gramps I have been following your posts for over a year, I call em like I see em. You have at times been a rabid anti-trump attacker. Yet you rarely will name a policy of his you disagree with. You seem to embrace policies of the left or Republican establishment which are in fact left themselves.
What the fuck are you talking about? Seriously?
I oppose Trump because I don't think he is up to the task & he has personal traits that are bad.
Outside of that I agree with build the wall & stopping Muslim refugees. But "making America great again" is not a policy it's a bumper sticker.
So what leftist policies are you talking about?

It appears to me that you just can't digest my thoughts on Trump and you're just lashing out aimlessly

Look its Trump or Hillary pick a side.

What about Gary Johnson?

several GOP officials were hurt when they ran into traffic and were struck trying to move away from Donald Trump

© AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite In answer to a reporter's question, House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wis. said Donald Trump's comments about an American-born judge of Mexican heritage are the "textbook definition of a racist comment," during a…
GOP leaders dump on Trump judge comments, reconsider endorsements
America is fucked no matter who wins in November.

We're already fucked bro. Do you read many threads on this board? Morons on the left and the right, I mean complete and total idiots. the very last kind of fucking people you want voting on YOUR future. And that's who's decided that it will be Trump vs Clinton in the race to the bottom.

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