You Are No Longer Welcome

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Oh really? And what is Cuomo's definition of a "moderate" Republican? Someone who is a RINO? A republican who will go along with his every whim and fancy? Geesh, you don't know the first thing about reading comprehension. "Moderate"? Are you kidding me with this? It's quite odd these "moderate" Republicans AND Cuomo both support the SAFE Act...

I laugh at you, RW. Really I do. Such futile efforts to contextualize his comments, when it is as clear as day what he meant.

Actually, the point Cuomo is trying to make is that in New York, it is the extremists who are RINOs

He is correct. The true RINO's are the ones who have been whittling the party down to NOTHING. All that remains is right-wing fringe insanity. And it takes a special kind of stupid on their part to believe that the Republicans won't fight back.

In what way have the Republicans been moving to the right? Name issues and their positions that have changed.

The reality is that what you call the Republicans moving to the right is that they are moving to the left a little slower than you are. Your party is the lunatic fringe.
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My whole shtick is using guns to force people to pay MY bills?

Does that mean that your vague comment earlier was a reference to my economic status? Is it your opinion that I am a recipient of some kind of government assistance? Is that why you think it is priceless that I mock the kid for being unable to pay his own way? am I doing?

No duh. I'd say you're a master of the obvious, but it took you too long to get to the obvious for me to call you a master of the obvious.

And whatever you get or don't get personally, you've put your manhood in a blind government trust by turning over your charity to them.

Cuomo is demonstrated perfectly what a bunch of dicks leftists are. And you leftists in this thread are driving the point home.

You believe that I am a recipient of government assistance? And this is something that you believe to be obvious?

I've put my manhood where, now?

Cuomo just commented on the GOP in NY. The dude is not a leftist.

You are doing great!

Re-read my post since you didn't get it the first time.

And Cuomo isn't a leftist, lol. Neither is Obama, is he? Or Reid, Pelosi? You're all just a bunch of moderates, aren't you?
No duh. I'd say you're a master of the obvious, but it took you too long to get to the obvious for me to call you a master of the obvious.

And whatever you get or don't get personally, you've put your manhood in a blind government trust by turning over your charity to them.

Cuomo is demonstrated perfectly what a bunch of dicks leftists are. And you leftists in this thread are driving the point home.

You believe that I am a recipient of government assistance? And this is something that you believe to be obvious?

I've put my manhood where, now?

Cuomo just commented on the GOP in NY. The dude is not a leftist.

You are doing great!

Re-read my post since you didn't get it the first time.

And Cuomo isn't a leftist, lol. Neither is Obama, is he? Or Reid, Pelosi? You're all just a bunch of moderates, aren't you?

You should try to be more direct. You are not interesting enough for me to give much thought to your posts.
No duh. I'd say you're a master of the obvious, but it took you too long to get to the obvious for me to call you a master of the obvious.

And whatever you get or don't get personally, you've put your manhood in a blind government trust by turning over your charity to them.

Cuomo is demonstrated perfectly what a bunch of dicks leftists are. And you leftists in this thread are driving the point home.

You believe that I am a recipient of government assistance? And this is something that you believe to be obvious?

I've put my manhood where, now?

Cuomo just commented on the GOP in NY. The dude is not a leftist.

You are doing great!

Re-read my post since you didn't get it the first time.

And Cuomo isn't a leftist, lol. Neither is Obama, is he? Or Reid, Pelosi? You're all just a bunch of moderates, aren't you?
Why waste your time with a moocher that is in this for himself and applauds getting freebies by the sweat of someone else's brow?
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