You Are No Longer Welcome

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So what have we learned from this long thread? We've learned that when conservatives create a new and peculiar version of reality for the purpose of proclaiming themselves to be the ultimate victims, they'll stick with it to the bitter end. They weren't reasoned into that position, so they can't be reasoned out of it.

Leave 'em be. Don't be harshing their victimhood fix. They're like a freshman Wymyn's Studies class at Antioch University, with all the attendees trying to one-up each other with ever more imaginative tales of abuse and victimhood.
This is Quod Erat Demonstrandum to my point, Esmaralda. Stop playing the hall monitor.

Too many times a legislature progresses against the will of the people who elected them. It serves well when people move to obstruct in some cases. If he doesn't want overly partisan politicians in his state legislature, why does he makes like minded remarks about conservatives? Hmm?

TK: stop playing a quasi-intellectual, stop using terminology you don't understand, stop using metaphors having to do with school: the rest of us are out of school and such metaphors are not only tiresome but tend to lower the bar; argumentatively they set the wrong tone. Step away from the computer; get out of the basement; go out and get a real job. Live in the real world like a grownup for a while. It is clear that your thinking is highly, and I mean highly, influenced by spending extensive amounts of time and buildling your life around the internet: not a good thing.

Too funny. TK just negged me for "name calling" in this post. He is not even capable of understanding what name calling is.

A last breath statement.

You are incapable of making a cogent argument. Nor do you even know what one is. Such behavior on your part is abject degeneracy.
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Residency not only refers to the politicians, but the resident conservative voters in the state of New York. The fact that Cuomo apologized tells us that he knew EXACTLY who he was referring to.



When he claims that his comments were "distorted" that means he's one step away from an apology. Its the ye olde "THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID!" defense. You know how Andrew Wiener acted before he finally made a public apology for his behavior?


Usually, when you say your comments were distorted it means just that

Like you did in your OP
BINGO, and that's because it wasn't just the politicians he was referring to. Thanks for undoing your own argument!


"You're seeing that play out in New York. There's SAFE-ACT. The Republican Party candidates are running against the SAFE-ACT. It was voted for by moderate Republicans who run the Senate. Their problem is not me and the Democrats, their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are "right to life," "pro assault weapon" "anti-gay"? Is that who they are? Because if that's who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York because that's not who New Yorkers are. If they're moderate Republicans, like in the Senate right now, who control the Senate -- moderate Republicans have a place in this state."

That is what Cuomo said. If you know grammar, then you know that the 'they's' in the bolded above refer to the candidates mention at the beginning of the quote.

Uh huh, so assuming you know anything about elections, those people have supporters who support running against the SAFE ACT, carbine. These people are normal ordinary citizens.

The party not only consists of candidates, but of the membership, or the base. He goes on to champion the sensitivities of the citizenry by exclaiming "that's not who New Yorkers are." So what was he referring to then, hmm?

He's saying that extreme rightwing conservatives can't get elected in NY because the voters won't elect them...

...they have no place in the NY legislature because New Yorkers won't elect them.
So what have we learned from this long thread? We've learned that when conservatives create a new and peculiar version of reality for the purpose of proclaiming themselves to be the ultimate victims, they'll stick with it to the bitter end. They weren't reasoned into that position, so they can't be reasoned out of it.

Leave 'em be. Don't be harshing their victimhood fix. They're like a freshman Wymyn's Studies class at Antioch University, with all the attendees trying to one-up each other with ever more imaginative tales of abuse and victimhood.

Gee, and what of all those times when people in your party kept saying

"Oh you hate him because he's black!"?

Yes, yes. We all know who the real victims are.
How about all of those on the right who tell you that you should leave America if you do not like how things are? The old 'America, love it or leave it' syndrome. See, it works both ways.

No, it doesn't. Our view is that you should leave us alone and we should leave you alone. Your view is that you should engage the government in armed robbery and wealth redistribution. Voting doesn't make your crimes moral.


When he claims that his comments were "distorted" that means he's one step away from an apology. Its the ye olde "THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID!" defense. You know how Andrew Wiener acted before he finally made a public apology for his behavior?


Usually, when you say your comments were distorted it means just that

Like you did in your OP

Uh huh, so was Obama saying his "If you like it you can keep it" remarks were distorted? He said it 36 damned times before he finally gave up. Cuomo is saying doing the exact same thing.

Politicians claim that anything that they say and is rightly attributed to them after it incites a firestorm, is distorted. I see the pattern. Everyone does it.
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Residency not only refers to the politicians, but the resident conservative voters in the state of New York. The fact that Cuomo apologized tells us that he knew EXACTLY who he was referring to.



When he claims that his comments were "distorted" that means he's one step away from an apology. Its the ye olde "THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID!" defense. You know how Andrew Wiener acted before he finally made a public apology for his behavior?


When are you going to apologize for your OP?

Go ahead, it will make you feel better
So what have we learned from this long thread? We've learned that when conservatives create a new and peculiar version of reality for the purpose of proclaiming themselves to be the ultimate victims, they'll stick with it to the bitter end. They weren't reasoned into that position, so they can't be reasoned out of it.

Leave 'em be. Don't be harshing their victimhood fix. They're like a freshman Wymyn's Studies class at Antioch University, with all the attendees trying to one-up each other with ever more imaginative tales of abuse and victimhood.

No, leaving them alone is a bad idea because they spread stupidity like a disease from one to another, and then they vote. The only way to cure the disease of stupid red state voting in America is with real education. We have to keep trying to reason with them, to educate them, and cure them of their illness. They're never going to learn if normal people don't teach them.
So what have we learned from this long thread? We've learned that when conservatives create a new and peculiar version of reality for the purpose of proclaiming themselves to be the ultimate victims, they'll stick with it to the bitter end. They weren't reasoned into that position, so they can't be reasoned out of it.

Leave 'em be. Don't be harshing their victimhood fix. They're like a freshman Wymyn's Studies class at Antioch University, with all the attendees trying to one-up each other with ever more imaginative tales of abuse and victimhood.

So you think that conservatives don't man up and take responsibility for what they say ... like leftists do ...
"You're seeing that play out in New York. There's SAFE-ACT. The Republican Party candidates are running against the SAFE-ACT. It was voted for by moderate Republicans who run the Senate. Their problem is not me and the Democrats, their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are "right to life," "pro assault weapon" "anti-gay"? Is that who they are? Because if that's who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York because that's not who New Yorkers are. If they're moderate Republicans, like in the Senate right now, who control the Senate -- moderate Republicans have a place in this state."

That is what Cuomo said. If you know grammar, then you know that the 'they's' in the bolded above refer to the candidates mention at the beginning of the quote.

Uh huh, so assuming you know anything about elections, those people have supporters who support running against the SAFE ACT, carbine. These people are normal ordinary citizens.

The party not only consists of candidates, but of the membership, or the base. He goes on to champion the sensitivities of the citizenry by exclaiming "that's not who New Yorkers are." So what was he referring to then, hmm?

He's saying that extreme rightwing conservatives can't get elected in NY because the voters won't elect them...

...they have no place in the NY legislature because New Yorkers won't elect them.

Meaning, carbine, that he says any conservative dare not run for office in the state of New York, they and their views are not tolerable and have no place in goings on of the state. No I understand it just fine now.
Just so this thread is not totally devoid of substance, how many of you know who Andrew Cuomo's girlfriend is?

Sandra Lee, the host of the cooking show 'Semi-homemade'.


(second prize was a set of steak knives, good for you if you get that reference)
So you think that conservatives don't man up and take responsibility for what they say ... like leftists do ...

If Conservatives face responsibility for what they say, then this man would be in prison for the rest of his life:


along with the people who told him to say what he said.
So you think that conservatives don't man up and take responsibility for what they say ... like leftists do ...

If Conservatives face responsibility for what they say, then this man would be in prison for the rest of his life:

along with the people who told him to say what he said.

OK, let's hold them all accountable. I'm good with that. Maybe Powell and Obama could be cell mates. You know, fast and furious, if you like your healthcare plan, Benghazi, IRS gate, ...
So you think that conservatives don't man up and take responsibility for what they say ... like leftists do ...

If Conservatives face responsibility for what they say, then this man would be in prison for the rest of his life:


along with the people who told him to say what he said.

If Liberals faced any responsibility for what they said, then this man would be in prison for the rest of his life:

Academic liberals tend to regard universities as “our place,” in which others may stay as long as they behave. Now Cuomo has applied this attitude to the whole of the Empire State. From a provost, this is a violation of academic freedom. From a government official, it is an attack on genuine pluralism.

Cuomo is clearly frustrated with opposition to elements of his social agenda (his abortion rights expansion bill was blocked last summer). His life would be easier without a vocal minority of critics. So he is telling various Catholic bishops and priests, Republican politicians and conservative groups that their opinions are outside the norms of state politics. Cuomo has reached an advanced stage of political polarization: regarding one’s democratic opponents as unfit for democracy. I imagine the feeling will now (in some quarters) be returned. And so the spiral continues — sometimes leftward, sometimes rightward, ever downward.

While James Madison would not be surprised, he would not approve. “In all cases where a majority are united by a common interest or passion,” he warned, “the rights of the minority are in danger.” A majority, he argued, can easily become a “faction,” seeking “illicit advantage.” This is dangerous in a democracy, not only because the rights of individuals are important but also because diversity of opinion balances factions against each other. Madison hoped that U.S. leaders would help check the passions of factions rather than inciting them for political advantage, so that “reason, justice and truth can regain their authority over the public mind.”

Cuomo speaks in Albany; Madison spins at Montpelier.

Michael Gerson: Andrew Cuomo silences the opposition - The Washington Post
So, thats how it works. When you call people bigots, racists and misogynists, aren't you being like so?

Again, I thought you were a libertarian? What do you care what some New Yorker says about Republicans in his State?

I would have reacted the same had it been a Republican. Why do I care? Nobody should be making those kinds of remarks about anyone. Republicans, Democrats, what have you. Everyone should be allowed to freely hold a belief without being told they don't belong.

Me being a libertarian has nothing to do with it.

Being a libertarian has everything to do with it,you made your case with this post,If they restrict or demean one group,who will be next?

Being a libertarian,is about personal liberties no matter who you are politically,might not agree,and as long as its a rational discourse its all good.

This is the fundamental flaw that the left has convinced themselves of,libertarians and conservatives are all about freedom,yet the left say the complete opposite,and does things contrary to those same freedoms. While blaming the right of those things,its a crazy world!!
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