You Are No Longer Welcome

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So you think that conservatives don't man up and take responsibility for what they say ... like leftists do ...

If Conservatives face responsibility for what they say, then this man would be in prison for the rest of his life:


along with the people who told him to say what he said.

But MOM! They lied too! This isn't about that subject.

*Grow up SON. *
Someone please take the dictionary away from TK...I'm laughing so much it actually hurts!
Again, I thought you were a libertarian? What do you care what some New Yorker says about Republicans in his State?

I would have reacted the same had it been a Republican. Why do I care? Nobody should be making those kinds of remarks about anyone. Republicans, Democrats, what have you. Everyone should be allowed to freely hold a belief without being told they don't belong.

Me being a libertarian has nothing to do with it.

Being a libertarian has everything to do with it,you made your case with this post,If they restrict or demean one group,who will be next?

Being a libertarian,is about personal liberties no matter who you are politically,might not agree,and as long as its a rational discourse its all good.

This is the fundamental flaw that the left has convinced themselves of,libertarians and conservatives are all about freedom,yet the left say the complete opposite,and does things contrary to those same freedoms. While blaming the right of those things,its a crazy world!!

Isn't that what I said? When it comes to living where you want without being told you don't belong, it isn't a libertarian issue. It's everyone's issue. You do make one valid point though. Who else will he turn his eyes to if they dare cross his path? Will he tell them they have no place in New York either?
This is Quod Erat Demonstrandum to my point, Esmaralda. Stop playing the hall monitor.

Too many times a legislature progresses against the will of the people who elected them. It serves well when people move to obstruct in some cases. If he doesn't want overly partisan politicians in his state legislature, why does he makes like minded remarks about conservatives? Hmm?

TK: stop playing a quasi-intellectual, stop using terminology you don't understand, stop using metaphors having to do with school: the rest of us are out of school and such metaphors are not only tiresome but tend to lower the bar; argumentatively they set the wrong tone. Step away from the computer; get out of the basement; go out and get a real job. Live in the real world like a grownup for a while. It is clear that your thinking is highly, and I mean highly, influenced by spending extensive amounts of time and buildling your life around the internet: not a good thing.

Stop talking you miserable wench. You've had nothing of intelligent value to contribute other than name calling.

Quod Erat Demonstrandum means:

Having or needing to be demonstrated

Now, if you were any manner of intelligent, you'd get back on topic. And actually, if I play my cards right, I may earn a living from the internet. Yeah, I thought as much.

You are the only one doing the name calling,

I have made two posts expressing my thoughts on this issue. They were brief and succinct. All you know how to do is indulge in a sreaming match, which, again, indicates that your entire frame of refernce in reasoning and debate is completely influenced by the internet. Making a living by sitting in your basement all day in your underwear is not something to brag about.
I haven't lost anything in New York and have no reason to go there anyway.
If I had to list all 50 states in the order of my preference to visit on a vacation, I doubt New York would even be on that list.

The sad part of that is your view of what is really an awesomely beautiful place to visit.





Not only the Adirondacks, but amazing farms and orchards and little towns and even stuff to see like the biggest glass museum out of Italy. Just stay clear of Albany and NYC.

I'll be heading up that way this summer. I have to go through New York to get to Maine where my father lives. Oh boy, I'd love for a Liberal New Yorker to walk up to a Conservative Georgia boy like me and talk trash like Cuomo did at a rest stop. Hoo-wee!

Where you gonna be? I can arrange that.
So you think that conservatives don't man up and take responsibility for what they say ... like leftists do ...

If Conservatives face responsibility for what they say, then this man would be in prison for the rest of his life:


along with the people who told him to say what he said.

If Liberals faced any responsibility for what they said, then this man would be in prison for the rest of his life:


How completely ludicrous and partisan.
The sad part of that is your view of what is really an awesomely beautiful place to visit.





Not only the Adirondacks, but amazing farms and orchards and little towns and even stuff to see like the biggest glass museum out of Italy. Just stay clear of Albany and NYC.

I'll be heading up that way this summer. I have to go through New York to get to Maine where my father lives. Oh boy, I'd love for a Liberal New Yorker to walk up to a Conservative Georgia boy like me and talk trash like Cuomo did at a rest stop. Hoo-wee!

Where you gonna be? I can arrange that.

The idea of TK getting out from behind his computer and actually living his online BS and tough guy persona is very hilarious. LOL
The sad part of that is your view of what is really an awesomely beautiful place to visit.





Not only the Adirondacks, but amazing farms and orchards and little towns and even stuff to see like the biggest glass museum out of Italy. Just stay clear of Albany and NYC.

I'll be heading up that way this summer. I have to go through New York to get to Maine where my father lives. Oh boy, I'd love for a Liberal New Yorker to walk up to a Conservative Georgia boy like me and talk trash like Cuomo did at a rest stop. Hoo-wee!

Where you gonna be? I can arrange that.

Could you please video and post it?
I'm sure TemplarKormac handing you your arse would go viral.
Mind you, if he slinks off mumbling like a baby that would be pretty funny too.

Maybe TK could bring his 'Magic Hammer of Justice' although, if he collects enough power-up crystals before then he might be able to upgrade to the 'Enchanted Sword of Doom' or even the 'Most Excellent Finger In The Eye'.
I'll be heading up that way this summer. I have to go through New York to get to Maine where my father lives. Oh boy, I'd love for a Liberal New Yorker to walk up to a Conservative Georgia boy like me and talk trash like Cuomo did at a rest stop. Hoo-wee!

Where you gonna be? I can arrange that.

The idea of TK getting out from behind his computer and actually living his online BS and tough guy persona is very hilarious. LOL

Uh yeah, I've been to 13 states twice. South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona and California.

I'll add Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine to the list this Summer. I am an avid traveler. I've probably been to more states in America than you've ever been to in your lifetime.

See what happens when you make assumptions about me?
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If Conservatives face responsibility for what they say, then this man would be in prison for the rest of his life:


along with the people who told him to say what he said.

If Liberals faced any responsibility for what they said, then this man would be in prison for the rest of his life:


How completely ludicrous and partisan.

LOL, yes, it's not "ludicrous and partisan" to think that Republicans are liars, but it is to think that Democrats are liars. I couldn't dream up stupid points to put in your mouths that are as stupid as the things you actually say.
I'll be heading up that way this summer. I have to go through New York to get to Maine where my father lives. Oh boy, I'd love for a Liberal New Yorker to walk up to a Conservative Georgia boy like me and talk trash like Cuomo did at a rest stop. Hoo-wee!

Where you gonna be? I can arrange that.

Could you please video and post it?
I'm sure TemplarKormac handing you your arse would go viral.
Mind you, if he slinks off mumbling like a baby that would be pretty funny too.

Maybe TK could bring his 'Magic Hammer of Justice' although, if he collects enough power-up crystals before then he might be able to upgrade to the 'Enchanted Sword of Doom' or even the 'Most Excellent Finger In The Eye'.

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Another know-it-all who doesn't know the difference between residency and resident.

Really now?

I have five different versions of dictionaries and thesauruses in my house. I do believe I know what the difference is. Perhaps you should tell your nitwit of a friend in chickenwing that he used the term incorrectly.

residency can mean anything between long term or short term stays in an area, it can refer to training in a particular field. It can also refer to a citizen taking up permanent residency in in a state or province.

resident refers to the person living in a state or province legally or a foreigner who has permission from the presiding government to be a resident there for a period of time. The terms are interchangeable.

Uh, yeah, ed, keep quiet.

I am who's friend?? and I am a nit wit? who the hell are you? You were doing ok until this

Run Roh! Nutters offended by nutters. And he was doing so good until this!

Pair of idiots.
What happened TK?

You used to claim to be such a rightwing intellectual. Yet, you post this thread showing you lack the reading comprehension abilities of a fifth grader

Oh really? And what is Cuomo's definition of a "moderate" Republican? Someone who is a RINO? A republican who will go along with his every whim and fancy? Geesh, you don't know the first thing about reading comprehension. "Moderate"? Are you kidding me with this? It's quite odd these "moderate" Republicans AND Cuomo both support the SAFE Act...

I laugh at you, RW. Really I do. Such futile efforts to contextualize his comments, when it is as clear as day what he meant.

Actually, the point Cuomo is trying to make is that in New York, it is the extremists who are RINOs

He is correct. The true RINO's are the ones who have been whittling the party down to NOTHING. All that remains is right-wing fringe insanity. And it takes a special kind of stupid on their part to believe that the Republicans won't fight back.
Do Democrats and Republicans alike not have the same right to live in New York or anywhere? It was bad enough segregating blacks and whites some 50 and 60 years ago, now we must segregate between the letters "D" and "R"?

Srsly, TK wrote this

TK.....Are you smarter than a 5th Grader?

No. And that is like a black/white version of Godwin. What a load of tosh.
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