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Threatened and intimidated..... So dramatic!! Cuomo said they have no place in NY. Did he say what he was going to do with them all? Did he say he was going to round them up and ship them off to...gasp...Alabama??


All he said was they have no place in NY. I'm sure all he meant was they will be voted down and out every time...and they shouldn't even bother trying in NY because their beliefs are extreme and they do not run congruent with the majority of New Yorkers in any way, whether Republican or Democrat.

You're making a mountain out of a molehill as usual.

You're making a mountain out of stawmen, my friend. It's typical of you liberals to come running to his defense, screaming 'OUT OF CONTEXT!'

So, if it was out of context, why was he apologizing for his remarks? :eek: :eusa_hand:

You didn't answer the question: how did Cuomo threaten and intimidate the extremists? You're the one who stated that, now defend it.

Simply by calling them extremists. Get it now?
You don't know much about New yorks demographics do you?,upstate is nothing like the city as far as just about everything,the safe act is so unpopular the local Sheriffs have refused to enforce this batch of back room in the dark of night legislation,it will be brought down in time by law suits in the works.

Albany has a huge disconnect from most of the state,the city drives what happens,and the city doesn't respond nor care about the rest of the state.

Coumo is just another divisive ass hole bucking for power. Typical of the left,so tolerant and excepting of others.

Born and raised in "upstate" New York

Most of New York outside of the city is Republican. But, like Cuomo so elequently stated, these are not Bible Belt or TeaParty Republicans. They are moderates. If you are a Republican who thinks you can run on an anti-gay, anti-abortion, pro-gun will lose

Just like Cuomo said

Then riddle me this batman,why are the upstate sheriffs refusing to enforce ?? why is that,are they just confused moderates or are they just not into intrusive meaning less ineffective legistaliton?? Its kinda funny looking at all the no safe act signs planted all over the state. Your just as disconnected as the next

Name the upstate NY sheriffs refusing to enforce the law, prove it, and then tell us what percentage of all NY sheriffs they represent.
You're making a mountain out of stawmen, my friend. It's typical of you liberals to come running to his defense, screaming 'OUT OF CONTEXT!'

So, if it was out of context, why was he apologizing for his remarks? :eek: :eusa_hand:

You didn't answer the question: how did Cuomo threaten and intimidate the extremists? You're the one who stated that, now defend it.

Simply by calling them extremists. Get it now?

Oh please. If someone feels threatened and intimidated by that then I'd say they being a little whimpy and thin-skinned.
You're making a mountain out of stawmen, my friend. It's typical of you liberals to come running to his defense, screaming 'OUT OF CONTEXT!'

So, if it was out of context, why was he apologizing for his remarks? :eek: :eusa_hand:

You didn't answer the question: how did Cuomo threaten and intimidate the extremists? You're the one who stated that, now defend it.

Simply by calling them extremists. Get it now?

So there's no such thing as an extremist?
So in other words my way or the highway.

The oh so tolerant left

That is a perverse and simple minded interpretation.

What he does not want is a group of people who are set on only one thing: obstructing the progress of the state legislature, as they have been doing Washington, for one purpose only: partisanship. He does not want people in the state legislature who care more about partisanship than the do about the state, the people of the state, and the state of the state.

That is a perverse and simple minded interpretation.

This is Quod Erat Demonstrandum to my point, Esmaralda. Stop playing the hall monitor.

What he does not want is a group of people who are set on only one thing: obstructing the progress of the state legislature, as they have been doing Washington, for one purpose only: partisanship. He does not want people in the state legislature who care more about partisanship than the do about the state, the people of the state, and the state of the state.

Too many times a legislature progresses against the will of the people who elected them. It serves well when people move to obstruct in some cases. If he doesn't want overly partisan politicians in his state legislature, why does he makes like minded remarks about conservatives? Hmm?

TK: stop playing a quasi-intellectual, stop using terminology you don't understand, stop using metaphors having to do with school: the rest of us are out of school and such metaphors are not only tiresome but tend to lower the bar; argumentatively they set the wrong tone. Step away from the computer; get out of the basement; go out and get a real job. Live in the real world like a grownup for a while. It is clear that your thinking is highly, and I mean highly, influenced by spending extensive amounts of time and buildling your life around the internet: not a good thing.
You didn't answer the question: how did Cuomo threaten and intimidate the extremists? You're the one who stated that, now defend it.

Simply by calling them extremists. Get it now?

Oh please. If someone feels threatened and intimidated by that then I'd say they being a little whimpy and thin-skinned.

So, thats how it works. When you call people bigots, racists and misogynists, aren't you being like so?
That is a perverse and simple minded interpretation.

What he does not want is a group of people who are set on only one thing: obstructing the progress of the state legislature, as they have been doing Washington, for one purpose only: partisanship. He does not want people in the state legislature who care more about partisanship than the do about the state, the people of the state, and the state of the state.

This is Quod Erat Demonstrandum to my point, Esmaralda. Stop playing the hall monitor.

What he does not want is a group of people who are set on only one thing: obstructing the progress of the state legislature, as they have been doing Washington, for one purpose only: partisanship. He does not want people in the state legislature who care more about partisanship than the do about the state, the people of the state, and the state of the state.

Too many times a legislature progresses against the will of the people who elected them. It serves well when people move to obstruct in some cases. If he doesn't want overly partisan politicians in his state legislature, why does he makes like minded remarks about conservatives? Hmm?

TK: stop playing a quasi-intellectual, stop using terminology you don't understand, stop using metaphors having to do with school: the rest of us are out of school and such metaphors are not only tiresome but tend to lower the bar; argumentatively they set the wrong tone. Step away from the computer; get out of the basement; go out and get a real job. Live in the real world like a grownup for a while. It is clear that your thinking is highly, and I mean highly, influenced by spending extensive amounts of time and buildling your life around the internet: not a good thing.

Stop talking you miserable wench. You've had nothing of intelligent value to contribute other than name calling.

Quod Erat Demonstrandum means:

Having or needing to be demonstrated

Now, if you were any manner of intelligent, you'd get back on topic. And actually, if I play my cards right, I may earn a living from the internet. Yeah, I thought as much.
Simply by calling them extremists. Get it now?

Oh please. If someone feels threatened and intimidated by that then I'd say they being a little whimpy and thin-skinned.

So, thats how it works. When you call people bigots, racists and misogynists, aren't you being like so?

Again, I thought you were a libertarian? What do you care what some New Yorker says about Republicans in his State?
Residency not only refers to the politicians, but the resident conservative voters in the state of New York. The fact that Cuomo apologized tells us that he knew EXACTLY who he was referring to.



When he claims that his comments were "distorted" that means he's one step away from an apology. Its the ye olde "THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID!" defense. You know how Andrew Wiener acted before he finally made a public apology for his behavior?

Oh please. If someone feels threatened and intimidated by that then I'd say they being a little whimpy and thin-skinned.

So, thats how it works. When you call people bigots, racists and misogynists, aren't you being like so?

Again, I thought you were a libertarian? What do you care what some New Yorker says about Republicans in his State?

I would have reacted the same had it been a Republican. Why do I care? Nobody should be making those kinds of remarks about anyone. Republicans, Democrats, what have you. Everyone should be allowed to freely hold a belief without being told they don't belong.

Me being a libertarian has nothing to do with it.
Trying to suppress the conservative vote.

Isn't that illegal?

The residence are the elections.

BINGO, and that's because it wasn't just the politicians he was referring to. Thanks for undoing your own argument!


"You're seeing that play out in New York. There's SAFE-ACT. The Republican Party candidates are running against the SAFE-ACT. It was voted for by moderate Republicans who run the Senate. Their problem is not me and the Democrats, their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are "right to life," "pro assault weapon" "anti-gay"? Is that who they are? Because if that's who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York because that's not who New Yorkers are. If they're moderate Republicans, like in the Senate right now, who control the Senate -- moderate Republicans have a place in this state."

That is what Cuomo said. If you know grammar, then you know that the 'they's' in the bolded above refer to the candidates mention at the beginning of the quote.
That is a perverse and simple minded interpretation.

What he does not want is a group of people who are set on only one thing: obstructing the progress of the state legislature, as they have been doing Washington, for one purpose only: partisanship. He does not want people in the state legislature who care more about partisanship than the do about the state, the people of the state, and the state of the state.

This is Quod Erat Demonstrandum to my point, Esmaralda. Stop playing the hall monitor.

What he does not want is a group of people who are set on only one thing: obstructing the progress of the state legislature, as they have been doing Washington, for one purpose only: partisanship. He does not want people in the state legislature who care more about partisanship than the do about the state, the people of the state, and the state of the state.

Too many times a legislature progresses against the will of the people who elected them. It serves well when people move to obstruct in some cases. If he doesn't want overly partisan politicians in his state legislature, why does he makes like minded remarks about conservatives? Hmm?

TK: stop playing a quasi-intellectual, stop using terminology you don't understand, stop using metaphors having to do with school: the rest of us are out of school and such metaphors are not only tiresome but tend to lower the bar; argumentatively they set the wrong tone. Step away from the computer; get out of the basement; go out and get a real job. Live in the real world like a grownup for a while. It is clear that your thinking is highly, and I mean highly, influenced by spending extensive amounts of time and buildling your life around the internet: not a good thing.

Too funny. TK just negged me for "name calling" in this post. He is not even capable of understanding what name calling is.
That is a perverse and simple minded interpretation.

What he does not want is a group of people who are set on only one thing: obstructing the progress of the state legislature, as they have been doing Washington, for one purpose only: partisanship. He does not want people in the state legislature who care more about partisanship than the do about the state, the people of the state, and the state of the state.

This is Quod Erat Demonstrandum to my point, Esmaralda. Stop playing the hall monitor.

What he does not want is a group of people who are set on only one thing: obstructing the progress of the state legislature, as they have been doing Washington, for one purpose only: partisanship. He does not want people in the state legislature who care more about partisanship than the do about the state, the people of the state, and the state of the state.

Too many times a legislature progresses against the will of the people who elected them. It serves well when people move to obstruct in some cases. If he doesn't want overly partisan politicians in his state legislature, why does he makes like minded remarks about conservatives? Hmm?

TK: stop playing a quasi-intellectual, stop using terminology you don't understand, stop using metaphors having to do with school: the rest of us are out of school and such metaphors are not only tiresome but tend to lower the bar; argumentatively they set the wrong tone. Step away from the computer; get out of the basement; go out and get a real job. Live in the real world like a grownup for a while. It is clear that your thinking is highly, and I mean highly, influenced by spending extensive amounts of time and buildling your life around the internet: not a good thing.

What's a meta for?
Residency not only refers to the politicians, but the resident conservative voters in the state of New York. The fact that Cuomo apologized tells us that he knew EXACTLY who he was referring to.



When he claims that his comments were "distorted" that means he's one step away from an apology. Its the ye olde "THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID!" defense. You know how Andrew Wiener acted before he finally made a public apology for his behavior?

His comments WERE distorted. As was already pointed out, the conversation was about politics, not residency, so when he used the word "place" it was their place in politics not their place of residency. The extremists distorted "place in politics" to "place of residency."
And YOU know it!
There was no apology and he was not one step closer to an apology.
So, thats how it works. When you call people bigots, racists and misogynists, aren't you being like so?

Again, I thought you were a libertarian? What do you care what some New Yorker says about Republicans in his State?

I would have reacted the same had it been a Republican. Why do I care? Nobody should be making those kinds of remarks about anyone. Republicans, Democrats, what have you. Everyone should be allowed to freely hold a belief without being told they don't belong.

Me being a libertarian has nothing to do with it.

So it should not be too hard to go back through your posting history to show the outrage you felt about certain Republicans being labled RHINO. I mean they are told constantly that they do not belong.
Residency not only refers to the politicians, but the resident conservative voters in the state of New York. The fact that Cuomo apologized tells us that he knew EXACTLY who he was referring to.



When he claims that his comments were "distorted" that means he's one step away from an apology. Its the ye olde "THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID!" defense. You know how Andrew Wiener acted before he finally made a public apology for his behavior?


So you said he apologized when he didn't? That would make you a liar, wouldn't it?
The residence are the elections.

BINGO, and that's because it wasn't just the politicians he was referring to. Thanks for undoing your own argument!


"You're seeing that play out in New York. There's SAFE-ACT. The Republican Party candidates are running against the SAFE-ACT. It was voted for by moderate Republicans who run the Senate. Their problem is not me and the Democrats, their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are "right to life," "pro assault weapon" "anti-gay"? Is that who they are? Because if that's who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York because that's not who New Yorkers are. If they're moderate Republicans, like in the Senate right now, who control the Senate -- moderate Republicans have a place in this state."

That is what Cuomo said. If you know grammar, then you know that the 'they's' in the bolded above refer to the candidates mention at the beginning of the quote.

Uh huh, so assuming you know anything about elections, those people have supporters who support running against the SAFE ACT, carbine. These people are normal ordinary citizens.

The party not only consists of candidates, but of the membership, or the base. He goes on to champion the sensitivities of the citizenry by exclaiming "that's not who New Yorkers are." So what was he referring to then, hmm?


When he claims that his comments were "distorted" that means he's one step away from an apology. Its the ye olde "THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID!" defense. You know how Andrew Wiener acted before he finally made a public apology for his behavior?

His comments WERE distorted. As was already pointed out, the conversation was about politics, not residency, so when he used the word "place" it was their place in politics not their place of residency. The extremists distorted "place in politics" to "place of residency."
And YOU know it!
There was no apology and he was not one step closer to an apology.

That's the biggest load of crap I've ever heard.

"so when he used the word "place" it was their place in politics, not their place of residency"

So much spin there it makes me want to hurl ed.
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