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Residency not only refers to the politicians, but the resident conservative voters in the state of New York. The fact that Cuomo apologized tells us that he knew EXACTLY who he was referring to.
There is no way on this planet, no way anywhere than in your pathetic, childish, self obsessed, adolescent little mind that you are smarter than rightwinger. LMAO

This name calling suits your intelligence just perfectly, Esmeralda. It the both of you acting like 5th graders, not I. Trolls troll, I debate. There is a vast difference between me and the two of you.

Read your OP

The fact you think assessing your intelligence level aptly is name calling simply reinforced what I said. What you dont' get is that your posting is the posting of someone who is not intellectually an adult. Period. Saying someone's intellectual level equals that of an adolescent is not name calling; anyone who would think it so is not very intelligent. There is indeed a vast difference between you and me and right winger: we are educated, we think like adults, and we have a far broader knowledge of and experience of the world than you do. We are not and do not think like children. Calling someone a troll is name calling. You are the only one doing the name calling. You are so simple, you are not even able to intellectually identify what name calling is though it is an extremely simple concept. And, finally, you are unable to recognize real intelligence when you see it, and I am referring to rightwinger.
who the hell do you think makes up the party,floor tiles??

Floor tiles?

Floor tiles can't vote in New York. It is registered voters who vote and as Governor Cuomo pointed out......If you are running on an extremist platform, you will not get anywhere in NY

Good god your dense.

So why are Upstate sheriffs refusing to enforce the safe act?? Their all extremist??

Seriously, you're going to need to learn the difference between a possessive adjective and a contraction before you go commenting on whether someone else is dense.

Are these sheriffs also pro-life and ant-gay? These sheriffs are acting on grounds of constitutionality. The Supreme Court has ruled ready on abortion and federal recognition of gay marriages. You need to look at the bigger picture and not zero in on just one aspect of Cuomo's speech. And do these counties upstate represent the majority opinion of the entire state? Highly unlikely.
Residency not only refers to the politicians, but the resident conservative voters in the state of New York. The fact that Cuomo apologized tells us that he knew EXACTLY who he was referring to.

so politicians and others public figures apologize because they know what they were referring to? :eusa_drool:

It couldn't be to silence critics? It must be because of something you divine from their statements. Has to be. No way it could be something much more plausible or simple
who the hell do you think makes up the party,floor tiles??

Floor tiles?

Floor tiles can't vote in New York. It is registered voters who vote and as Governor Cuomo pointed out......If you are running on an extremist platform, you will not get anywhere in NY

Good god your dense.

So why are Upstate sheriffs refusing to enforce the safe act?? Their all extremist??

are they elected and do they have to live in a gun happy community?
Really now?

I have five different versions of dictionaries and thesauruses in my house. I do believe I know what the difference is. Perhaps you should tell your nitwit of a friend in chickenwing that he used the term incorrectly.

residency can mean anything between long term or short term stays in an area, it can refer to training in a particular field. It can also refer to a citizen taking up permanent residency in in a state or province.

resident refers to the person living in a state or province legally or a foreigner who has permission from the presiding government to be a resident there for a period of time. The terms are interchangeable.

Uh, yeah, ed, keep quiet.

I am who's friend?? and I am a nit wit? who the hell are you? You were doing ok until this

My apologies, I thought for minute you sided with RW.

I don't think that could ever happen
This name calling suits your intelligence just perfectly, Esmeralda. It the both of you acting like 5th graders, not I. Trolls troll, I debate. There is a vast difference between me and the two of you.

Read your OP

The fact you think assessing your intelligence level aptly is name calling simply reinforced what I said. What you dont' get is that your posting is the posting of someone who is not intellectually an adult. Period. Saying someone's intellectual level equals that of an adolescent is not name calling; anyone who would think it so is not very intelligent. There is indeed a vast difference between you and me and right winger: we are educated, we think like adults, and we have a far broader knowledge of and experience of the world than you do. We are not and do not think like children. Calling someone a troll is name calling. You are the only one doing the name calling. You are so simple, you are not even able to intellectually identify what name calling is though it is an extremely simple concept. And, finally, you are unable to recognize real intelligence when you see it, and I am referring to rightwinger.

Ad hominem: the last resort of desperate debaters who cannot make any cogent arguments whatsoever to the point.. You don't know your backside from a hole in the ground lady. The fact you're fawning over him like a groupie tells me all I need to know about your level of intelligence.

When I call someone a troll, it is a statement of fact and observation. Your opinions of me are prevaricated, prejudged. Also you referred to me earlier via a slew of pejoratives earlier, and you're going to sit there and admonish me for MY name calling?
Let me concede a half a point.

In CONTEXT, I will agree that the Governor WAS indeed talking about Conservatism within the context of the Republican PARTY.

That is a fair thing to say, as chickenwing more or less claims.

However, that still does not entirely get Cuomo off the hook.

What he is suggesting is that the CONSERVATIVE element of the Republican Party in NY is not welcome in NY because NY politics is more "moderate" (whatever that no word is supposed to mean). Hey Andy, you asshole, STFU.

The GOP should lower itself to contemplate YOUR self-serving asshole "advice" the moment YOU start giving more than mere lip service to "moderation" instead of toeing the fucking full-fledged LIBERAL line in your policies.

What NY NEEDS (urgently) is a stronger voice of dissent in OPPOSITION to your far left wing liberal political philosophy and governance. That would serve to moderate the out of control turn to the left which is dragging NY State down down down.

That's funny coming from you, one of guys who thought it was a brilliant idea that the GOP threw out Dede Scozzafava,

because a moderate like her 'had no place' in the GOP,

and ran rightwing tea bagger Doug Hoffmann in the race in NY's 23rd district.

How'd that work out for you?
Floor tiles?

Floor tiles can't vote in New York. It is registered voters who vote and as Governor Cuomo pointed out......If you are running on an extremist platform, you will not get anywhere in NY

Good god your dense.

So why are Upstate sheriffs refusing to enforce the safe act?? Their all extremist??

are they elected and do they have to live in a gun happy community?

Yes they are,by county,not community,your point being?
The thrust of Cuomo's comment is that he does not welcome rightwing extremists into state politics so they can stymie the progress and productivity of the state legislature as they have been doing on the national level.

So in other words my way or the highway.

The oh so tolerant left

That is a perverse and simple minded interpretation.

What he does not want is a group of people who are set on only one thing: obstructing the progress of the state legislature, as they have been doing Washington, for one purpose only: partisanship. He does not want people in the state legislature who care more about partisanship than the do about the State, the people of the State, and the state of the State.
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Residency not only refers to the politicians, but the resident conservative voters in the state of New York. The fact that Cuomo apologized tells us that he knew EXACTLY who he was referring to.

so politicians and others public figures apologize because they know what they were referring to? :eusa_drool:

It couldn't be to silence critics? It must be because of something you divine from their statements. Has to be. No way it could be something much more plausible or simple

Oh geez, the spin doctors are out in force this afternoon...

When there are those politicians and residents in the state of New York who oppose the Safe Act, who else would he be referring to?
The thrust of Cuomo's comment is that he does not welcome rightwing extremists into state politics so they can stymie the progress and productivity of the state legislature as they have been doing on the national level.

So in other words my way or the highway.

The oh so tolerant left

That is a perverse and simple minded interpretation.

What he does not want is a group of people who are set on only one thing: obstructing the progress of the state legislature, as they have been doing Washington, for one purpose only: partisanship. He does not want people in the state legislature who care more about partisanship than the do about the state, the people of the state, and the state of the state.

That is a perverse and simple minded interpretation.

This is Quod Erat Demonstrandum to my point, Esmaralda. Stop playing the hall monitor.

What he does not want is a group of people who are set on only one thing: obstructing the progress of the state legislature, as they have been doing Washington, for one purpose only: partisanship. He does not want people in the state legislature who care more about partisanship than the do about the state, the people of the state, and the state of the state.

Too many times a legislature progresses against the will of the people who elected them. It serves well when people move to obstruct in some cases. If he doesn't want overly partisan politicians in his state legislature, why does he makes like minded remarks about conservatives? Hmm?
Let me concede a half a point.

In CONTEXT, I will agree that the Governor WAS indeed talking about Conservatism within the context of the Republican PARTY.

That is a fair thing to say, as chickenwing more or less claims.

However, that still does not entirely get Cuomo off the hook.

What he is suggesting is that the CONSERVATIVE element of the Republican Party in NY is not welcome in NY because NY politics is more "moderate" (whatever that no word is supposed to mean). Hey Andy, you asshole, STFU.

The GOP should lower itself to contemplate YOUR self-serving asshole "advice" the moment YOU start giving more than mere lip service to "moderation" instead of toeing the fucking full-fledged LIBERAL line in your policies.

What NY NEEDS (urgently) is a stronger voice of dissent in OPPOSITION to your far left wing liberal political philosophy and governance. That would serve to moderate the out of control turn to the left which is dragging NY State down down down.

That's funny coming from you, one of guys who thought it was a brilliant idea that the GOP threw out Dede Scozzafava,

because a moderate like her 'had no place' in the GOP,

and ran rightwing tea bagger Doug Hoffmann in the race in NY's 23rd district.

How'd that work out for you?


Ms. "I am bipartisan" speaks.

You have a funny definition of what a moderate is, carbine.
So, are you suggesting they be threatened and intimidated into tolerance? Are you out of your liberal mind?

Threatened and intimidated..... So dramatic!! Cuomo said they have no place in NY. Did he say what he was going to do with them all? Did he say he was going to round them up and ship them off to...gasp...Alabama??


All he said was they have no place in NY. I'm sure all he meant was they will be voted down and out every time...and they shouldn't even bother trying in NY because their beliefs are extreme and they do not run congruent with the majority of New Yorkers in any way, whether Republican or Democrat.

You're making a mountain out of a molehill as usual.

You're making a mountain out of stawmen, my friend. It's typical of you liberals to come running to his defense, screaming 'OUT OF CONTEXT!'

So, if it was out of context, why was he apologizing for his remarks? :eek: :eusa_hand:

You didn't answer the question: how did Cuomo threaten and intimidate the extremists? You're the one who stated that, now defend it.
So in other words my way or the highway.

The oh so tolerant left

That is a perverse and simple minded interpretation.

What he does not want is a group of people who are set on only one thing: obstructing the progress of the state legislature, as they have been doing Washington, for one purpose only: partisanship. He does not want people in the state legislature who care more about partisanship than the do about the state, the people of the state, and the state of the state.

That is a perverse and simple minded interpretation.

This is Quod Erat Demonstrandum to my point, Esmaralda. Stop playing the hall monitor.

What he does not want is a group of people who are set on only one thing: obstructing the progress of the state legislature, as they have been doing Washington, for one purpose only: partisanship. He does not want people in the state legislature who care more about partisanship than the do about the state, the people of the state, and the state of the state.

Too many times a legislature progresses against the will of the people who elected them. It serves well when people move to obstruct in some cases. If he doesn't want overly partisan politicians in his state legislature, why does he makes like minded remarks about conservatives? Hmm?

So if somebody is overly partisan to call them out on it is overly partisan?

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