you can tell a lot about hilary by the way she treats the little people who protect her....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
It is said you can tell a lot about a person by how they treat people who can't do anything for the case of hilary, it has been a long known fact that she treats the men and women who protect her life and the life of Chelsa like crap........this is not a new allegation, it goes back all the way to her days in Arkansas...for some reason she hates the men and women who protect her and she treats them horribly.....

Clinton security detail also considered Hillary a nasty woman

That Clinton’s State Department security team considered her nasty has been widely reportedbased on FBI documents from its investigation of Her Highness. The depth of its dislike for Clinton comes through in this report in the New York Post, via Debra Heine of PJ Media, that members of her security detail privately snickered after she fell down and broke her arm.

It’s hard for me to imagine disliking someone to the point of being happy she sustained a serious injury. But then, I never had to work for Hillary Clinton.

One agent told the Post:

We sort of got the last laugh. It was kind of like payback: You’re treating us like s**t. Hey karma is a b*tch! We were smiling to ourselves.

Clinton reportedly made things worse by blaming the security team for her tumble:

She blamed us for breaking her elbow, saying it was our fault and we could have prevented that. She’s bad news.

Bad news on multiple fronts.

Stories of Clinton’s rudeness and contempt for those who protect her date back to her days asFirst Lady of Arkansas. They persisted through her time as America’s First Lady (and let’s not forget the Travelgate scandal). Now, it’s clear from FBI documents that Clinton remains a very nasty woman.
It is said you can tell a lot about a person by how they treat people who can't do anything for them...

You oughtta think about that concept in terms of this society at large in terms of how we view human beings in general.
She also has a mouth like a sewer.

Hillary Clinton has two faces...the public one...where she does her best to come off as a combination of a sweet grandmother and seasoned politician...and the private one...where she seems to say and do nasty things.

My father always told me that the true judge of a person's character is how they behave when nobody is watching ...not when they are!

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