You didn't build that, and now, you didn't earn that

Hey Dale.....I have a topic to debate. Are you ready?

Bring it, home boy.......


I say that 26 people...20 of them children...were shot and killed at Sandy Hook Elementary.

Do you agree?

Nope, it was a DHS drill that was presented as a real time event....where do we start? I would like to start with the official narrative that stated that Nancy Lanza was a teacher there which explained why Adam Lanza bypassed other schools (that were actually in operation) and focused on a school that had been shut down since 2008 only to find out that Nancy Lanza wasn't a teacher at all much less a teacher at the shut down Sandy Hook school......but I will defer to you to focus on as to why you believe that it happened......

Well....that's it then. Great job. You win. I've been schooled.

Anyone else want to see if you can do a better job than me with this one?
Hey Dale.....I have a topic to debate. Are you ready?

Bring it, home boy.......


I say that 26 people...20 of them children...were shot and killed at Sandy Hook Elementary.

Do you agree?

Nope, it was a DHS drill that was presented as a real time event....where do we start? I would like to start with the official narrative that stated that Nancy Lanza was a teacher there which explained why Adam Lanza bypassed other schools (that were actually in operation) and focused on a school that had been shut down since 2008 only to find out that Nancy Lanza wasn't a teacher at all much less a teacher at the shut down Sandy Hook school......but I will defer to you to focus on as to why you believe that it happened......

Well....that's it then. Great job. You win. I've been schooled.

Anyone else want to see if you can do a better job than me with this one?

Seriously, I would like to know why you believe that this was a real time event when there are literally a 100 things that do not add me off the ledge. I will listen to you with total objectivity but base it on something more than "too many people would have to be in on it to keep it quiet" because money talks and with the police state that monitors all our communication, owns the press....where would a whistle blower" go? I have personally found over 50 anomalies that do not pass my sniff test.....bear in mind that I do not possess a weapon nor have I ever owned one so i have no agenda. I am all about learning the truth. I was sucked into bogus wars like Iraq and Afghanistan so my bullshit detector is finely honed when it comes to the lamestream media that is owned by 6 mega corporations whose heads all have seats on the CFR and the Committee of 300......
Hey Dale.....I have a topic to debate. Are you ready?

Bring it, home boy.......


I say that 26 people...20 of them children...were shot and killed at Sandy Hook Elementary.

Do you agree?

Nope, it was a DHS drill that was presented as a real time event....where do we start? I would like to start with the official narrative that stated that Nancy Lanza was a teacher there which explained why Adam Lanza bypassed other schools (that were actually in operation) and focused on a school that had been shut down since 2008 only to find out that Nancy Lanza wasn't a teacher at all much less a teacher at the shut down Sandy Hook school......but I will defer to you to focus on as to why you believe that it happened......

Well....that's it then. Great job. You win. I've been schooled.

Anyone else want to see if you can do a better job than me with this one?

Seriously, I would like to know why you believe that this was a real time event when there are literally a 100 things that do not add me off the ledge. I will listen to you with total objectivity but base it on something more than "too many people would have to be in on it to keep it quiet" because money talks and with the police state that monitors all our communication, owns the press....where would a whistle blower" go? I have personally found over 50 anomalies that do not pass my sniff test.....bear in mind that I do not possess a weapon nor have I ever owned one so i have no agenda. I am all about learning the truth. I was sucked into bogus wars like Iraq and Afghanistan so my bullshit detector is finely honed when it comes to the lamestream media that is owned by 6 mega corporations whose heads all have seats on the CFR and the Committee of 300......

For fucks sake...learn how to win with some class will ya? You destroyed me and now you want another pound of flesh? Have mercy!
Second, even as we each embrace our own beautiful, unique, and valid versions of our blackness, remember the tie that does bind us as African Americans -- and that is our particular awareness of injustice and unfairness and struggle. That means we cannot sleepwalk through life. We cannot be ignorant of history. (Applause.) We can’t meet the world with a sense of entitlement. We can’t walk by a homeless man without asking why a society as wealthy as ours allows that state of affairs to occur. We can’t just lock up a low-level dealer without asking why this boy, barely out of childhood, felt he had no other options. We have cousins and uncles and brothers and sisters who we remember were just as smart and just as talented as we were, but somehow got ground down by structures that are unfair and unjust.

And that means we have to not only question the world as it is, and stand up for those African Americans who haven’t been so lucky -- because, yes, you've worked hard, but you've also been lucky. That's a pet peeve of mine: People who have been successful and don’t realize they've been lucky. That God may have blessed them; it wasn’t nothing you did. So don’t have an attitude. But we must expand our moral imaginations to understand and empathize with all people who are struggling, not just black folks who are struggling -- the refugee, the immigrant, the rural poor, the transgender person, and yes, the middle-aged white guy who you may think has all the advantages, but over the last several decades has seen his world upended by economic and cultural and technological change, and feels powerless to stop it. You got to get in his head, too.

just horrible. i hatez obama.

So, were whites prohibited from this college?

I mean, was it as racist and exclusionary as Obama's speech?
whites are not and were not prohibited from this college.

here another passage from this horrible racist and exclusionary speech by this divider Obama:

So don’t try to shut folks out, don’t try to shut them down, no matter how much you might disagree with them. There's been a trend around the country of trying to get colleges to disinvite speakers with a different point of view, or disrupt a politician’s rally. Don’t do that -- no matter how ridiculous or offensive you might find the things that come out of their mouths. Because as my grandmother used to tell me, every time a fool speaks, they are just advertising their own ignorance. Let them talk. Let them talk. If you don’t, you just make them a victim, and then they can avoid accountability.
It's as if he's referring directly to Mac.
Obama is the Luckiest Fumbduck on Planet Earth!

That's what is absolutely hilarious. I guarantee you that he doesn't think it was luck that got him through Harvard.

And it wasn't either.
If you're successful, you didn't earn that. You didn't build that.

Someone else made that happen.

It wasn't nothing (sic) you did.

We need to tell all of our young people this, to prepare them for the future!

Was he talking to you when he said that?

He was talking to young people entering an incredibly competitive and challenging world, where feeling victimized and entitled will only make things even tougher!

Thanks for asking!


He told them many things in that speech. Including that he knows that they have worked hard. Did you miss that?

Dishonest hack.

You worked hard BUT YOU WERE LUCKY.

Saying that hard work is basically just a lottery ticket and that the only reason successful people have become successful was not their hard work because lots of people work hard but it was sheer luck is really inspirational
That's what is absolutely hilarious. I guarantee you that he doesn't think it was luck that got him through Harvard.

And it wasn't either.
If you're successful, you didn't earn that. You didn't build that.

Someone else made that happen.

It wasn't nothing (sic) you did.

We need to tell all of our young people this, to prepare them for the future!

Was he talking to you when he said that?

He was talking to young people entering an incredibly competitive and challenging world, where feeling victimized and entitled will only make things even tougher!

Thanks for asking!


He told them many things in that speech. Including that he knows that they have worked hard. Did you miss that?

Dishonest hack.

You worked hard BUT YOU WERE LUCKY.

Saying that hard work is basically just a lottery ticket and that the only reason successful people have become successful was not their hard work because lots of people work hard but it was sheer luck is really inspirational

That is accurate. He was inspiring these young people to not be arrogant assholes by thinking that they got where they are by their awesome force of will. It is a way to inspire them to always view others as valuable members of society regardless of their station in life.

I'm a hard working guy. I did many things right to get where I am. But I am not foolish enough to think that I'm better than anyone else because I know that I was born into a good situation and have never been thrown off course by some devastating tragedy. I know that most people work just as hard as I do....and not all of them have been successful. I don't look down upon them.

That was his message. Inspiring.
If you're successful, you didn't earn that. You didn't build that.

Someone else made that happen.

It wasn't nothing (sic) you did.

We need to tell all of our young people this, to prepare them for the future!

Was he talking to you when he said that?

He was talking to young people entering an incredibly competitive and challenging world, where feeling victimized and entitled will only make things even tougher!

Thanks for asking!


He told them many things in that speech. Including that he knows that they have worked hard. Did you miss that?

Dishonest hack.

You worked hard BUT YOU WERE LUCKY.

Saying that hard work is basically just a lottery ticket and that the only reason successful people have become successful was not their hard work because lots of people work hard but it was sheer luck is really inspirational

That is accurate. He was inspiring these young people to not be arrogant assholes by thinking that they got where they are by their awesome force of will. It is a way to inspire them to always view others as valuable members of society regardless of their station in life.

I'm a hard working guy. I did many things right to get where I am. But I am not foolish enough to think that I'm better than anyone else because I know that I was born into a good situation and have never been thrown off course by some devastating tragedy. I know that most people work just as hard as I do....and not all of them have been successful. I don't look down upon them.

That was his message. Inspiring.

That's right your hard work didn't matter because lots of people work hard. It was just dumb luck and you know it.
Was he talking to you when he said that?

He was talking to young people entering an incredibly competitive and challenging world, where feeling victimized and entitled will only make things even tougher!

Thanks for asking!


He told them many things in that speech. Including that he knows that they have worked hard. Did you miss that?

Dishonest hack.

You worked hard BUT YOU WERE LUCKY.

Saying that hard work is basically just a lottery ticket and that the only reason successful people have become successful was not their hard work because lots of people work hard but it was sheer luck is really inspirational

That is accurate. He was inspiring these young people to not be arrogant assholes by thinking that they got where they are by their awesome force of will. It is a way to inspire them to always view others as valuable members of society regardless of their station in life.

I'm a hard working guy. I did many things right to get where I am. But I am not foolish enough to think that I'm better than anyone else because I know that I was born into a good situation and have never been thrown off course by some devastating tragedy. I know that most people work just as hard as I do....and not all of them have been successful. I don't look down upon them.

That was his message. Inspiring.

That's right your hard work didn't matter because lots of people work hard. It was just dumb luck and you know it.

Only an insecure person would take it that way.

He was talking to young people entering an incredibly competitive and challenging world, where feeling victimized and entitled will only make things even tougher!

Thanks for asking!


He told them many things in that speech. Including that he knows that they have worked hard. Did you miss that?

Dishonest hack.

You worked hard BUT YOU WERE LUCKY.

Saying that hard work is basically just a lottery ticket and that the only reason successful people have become successful was not their hard work because lots of people work hard but it was sheer luck is really inspirational

That is accurate. He was inspiring these young people to not be arrogant assholes by thinking that they got where they are by their awesome force of will. It is a way to inspire them to always view others as valuable members of society regardless of their station in life.

I'm a hard working guy. I did many things right to get where I am. But I am not foolish enough to think that I'm better than anyone else because I know that I was born into a good situation and have never been thrown off course by some devastating tragedy. I know that most people work just as hard as I do....and not all of them have been successful. I don't look down upon them.

That was his message. Inspiring.

That's right your hard work didn't matter because lots of people work hard. It was just dumb luck and you know it.

Only an insecure person would take it that way.

No Only an idiot who never actually worked hard and never risked anything never mind everything to build a business would say that
If you're successful, you didn't earn that. You didn't build that.

Someone else made that happen.

It wasn't nothing (sic) you did.

We need to tell all of our young people this, to prepare them for the future!

Was he talking to you when he said that?

He was talking to young people entering an incredibly competitive and challenging world, where feeling victimized and entitled will only make things even tougher!

Thanks for asking!


He told them many things in that speech. Including that he knows that they have worked hard. Did you miss that?

Dishonest hack.

You worked hard BUT YOU WERE LUCKY.

Saying that hard work is basically just a lottery ticket and that the only reason successful people have become successful was not their hard work because lots of people work hard but it was sheer luck is really inspirational

That is accurate. He was inspiring these young people to not be arrogant assholes by thinking that they got where they are by their awesome force of will. It is a way to inspire them to always view others as valuable members of society regardless of their station in life.

I'm a hard working guy. I did many things right to get where I am. But I am not foolish enough to think that I'm better than anyone else because I know that I was born into a good situation and have never been thrown off course by some devastating tragedy. I know that most people work just as hard as I do....and not all of them have been successful. I don't look down upon them.

That was his message. Inspiring.

Inspiring to whom? I don't care about the " you got lucky" portion of the speech, I do care that focuses his speech on race . I'm sick of that shit.
Successful people are lucky just ask any failure

What Obama, and his sycophants , leave out is that by and large people make their own luck. Yes , of course there are times when a person just happens to meet the right person, or just happens to fall into the deal of a lifetime or whatever, but overall people make their own luck, be it good or bad.
That is accurate. He was inspiring these young people to not be arrogant assholes by thinking that they got where they are by their awesome force of will. It is a way to inspire them to always view others as valuable members of society regardless of their station in life.

I'm a hard working guy. I did many things right to get where I am. But I am not foolish enough to think that I'm better than anyone else because I know that I was born into a good situation and have never been thrown off course by some devastating tragedy. I know that most people work just as hard as I do....and not all of them have been successful. I don't look down upon them.

That was his message. Inspiring.

The white kids only succeeded because of white privilege. The wonderful, beautiful, superior black kids succeeded because of their community and their wonderful, beautiful, superior black president.

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