"You didn't get there on your own"

Gee you left this very important part of what Obama told the crowd in Roanoke, Va., on Friday. "The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

" A text out of context, isolated form co-text, is always a pretext."
Jacob Prasch

How is that supposed to fix it? He's still presuming a public vested interest in private businesses, "we do things together".

Who's "we"??? :eusa_eh:

The infrastructure is built by the businesses themselves, sometimes directly but most often through taxes they pay. People who don't pay taxes, or offset what little they do pay by taking welfare benefits didn't contribute squat.
And by the same token Businesses that don't pay taxes didn't contribute squat either.

Study says most corporations pay no U.S. income taxes | Reuters

The Government Accountability Office said 72 percent of all foreign corporations and about 57 percent of U.S. companies doing business in the United States paid no federal income taxes for at least one year between 1998 and 2005.

More than half of foreign companies and about 42 percent of U.S. companies paid no U.S. income taxes for two or more years in that period, the report said.

100% of These same corporations PAID the following which YOU obviously have NO idea as to what this means so this is for other more intelligent people!
Social Security tax withholding (6.2% up to the annual maximum)
Medicare tax withholding (1.45%)
Federal unemployment taxes (FUTA) rate is 6.2 percent of the employee's wages

So 100% of these employers PAY additional Social security,Medicare FUTA TAXES!!!
NOT one gets away with NOT paying these TAXES
I listened very carefully to what he said. Why don't you?

If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.
President Obama: If you've got a business -- you didn't build that, somebody else made that happen - YouTube

This is another example of the propaganda and the brain damage...

What is in evidence? What is absolutely and entirely undeniable is that the following statement is true "If you own a business in the US, you did NOT build it entirely on your own"

There is no debate about this factual statement...none

So when these brain-dead, talking point repeating, rightwing terrorists continue to repeat the opposite, it is an important development to note...

the interesting thing to note is these comments arent even controversial, unless you are running a campaign and have nothing, absolutely nothing to show the people...then you make up controversial issues like this

Pity you're defending a statement that Obama didn't make. I'm sure you WISH he'd said, "you did not build it entirely on your own", but what he ACTUALLY said was, "You didn't build that."The interesting thing to note is that there are so many braindead slackers in the world who've accomplished nothing in their lives, and therefore don't see anything controversial about the President of the United States trying to claim credit for the success of businesses.

Geez, you mean it's even worse than we thought???:D
The credit for the success goes to the people who worked and worried and risked to build something upon the common foundation we all had.

great point!! we all had help!! the poor get the most help and live 100% on help yet BO singles out the rich as if they are the greatest benificiaries when in fact they are the greatest contributors both in terms of taxes and the goods and services we need to survive.
How is that supposed to fix it? He's still presuming a public vested interest in private businesses, "we do things together".

Who's "we"??? :eusa_eh:

The infrastructure is built by the businesses themselves, sometimes directly but most often through taxes they pay. People who don't pay taxes, or offset what little they do pay by taking welfare benefits didn't contribute squat.
And by the same token Businesses that don't pay taxes didn't contribute squat either.

Study says most corporations pay no U.S. income taxes | Reuters

The Government Accountability Office said 72 percent of all foreign corporations and about 57 percent of U.S. companies doing business in the United States paid no federal income taxes for at least one year between 1998 and 2005.

More than half of foreign companies and about 42 percent of U.S. companies paid no U.S. income taxes for two or more years in that period, the report said.

100% of These same corporations PAID the following which YOU obviously have NO idea as to what this means so this is for other more intelligent people!
Social Security tax withholding (6.2% up to the annual maximum)
Medicare tax withholding (1.45%)
Federal unemployment taxes (FUTA) rate is 6.2 percent of the employee's wages

So 100% of these employers PAY additional Social security,Medicare FUTA TAXES!!!
NOT one gets away with NOT paying these TAXES
None of those taxes build roads and bridges.
Try again.
It's a myth that we even need the govt to build those roads and bridges IMO. You think private business wouldn't figure out a way? Come on.

Anyways, I think it's not the fact that he believes what he said. That's fine I guess. I think it's the fact that he overstated it. He really wants to pretend that government is the engine of the economy? More like the leak in the radiator.
Banks failed to be sure but what about the bankers? .


Too stupid but perfectly liberal. The shareholders at Merryl Lynch for example lost everything. Do you really think they or anyone else will hire the management that bankrupted their company?

"The shock starts long about 5:30 on the Friday afternoon that the FDIC comes in to close the bank," Moeling says. "It is very abrupt: The CEO and others on the executive management team are physically escorted from the building, and they are allowed to pick a time when they can come back and pick up their personal things."

The summary dismissal and lack of discussion can be disconcerting to those used to being in charge," he says. "The regulators don't want their information, their help, their history - they just want them to go home."

Martin says denial is another typical reaction, though it's usually fleeting.

"They say things like, 'It wasn't anything we did: It was all the economy; the regulators had it out for us; if we had only had more time it would have been all okay.'"

Some experience intense anger, then an overwhelming sense of loss. Not only are the bank and their job gone, but so is their position of prestige in the community. They
"In 1929 Federal, state, and municipal governments accounted for about 8 percent of all economic activity in the United States. By the 1960s that figure was between 20 and 25 percent, far exceeding that in India, a socialist country. The National Science Foundation reckoned that federal funds were paying for 90 percent of research in aviation and space travel, 65 percent in electrical and electronic devices, 42 percent in Scientific Instruments, 31 percent in machinery, 28 percent in metal alloys, 24 percent in automobiles, and 20 percent in chemicals." William Manchester "The Glory and the Dream"

No rich man ever made wealth on a deserted island. No so called entrepreneur made their wealth in a vacuum. Obama was right, but the thought does not appeal to the cowboy mentality of the modern right wingnut. Oh, and no cowboy roped a steer before there was a steer to rope.

'It’S Mitt Romney Who Doesn’T Understand America'

"If this country is to continue leading the world both economically and technologically, then someone has to be willing to spend money on silly risks. Someone has to fund a production line for the integrated circuit computers that T.I. can’t see a use for. Someone has to send rockets into space for no other reason than because we can, and because we should see what happens after that. It’s the American way." Romney and Obama on American Inventions : The New Yorker

The rich get rich because of their merit.

Elizabeth Warren on Debt Crisis, Fair Taxation - YouTube

"On moral grounds, then, we could argue for a flat income tax of 90 percent to return that wealth to its real owners. In the United States, even a flat tax of 70 percent would support all governmental programs (about half the total tax) and allow payment, with the remainder, of a patrimony of about $8,000 per annum per inhabitant, or $25,000 for a family of three. This would generously leave with the original recipients of the income about three times what, according to my rough guess, they had earned."UBI and the Flat Tax

Cowboys have enough sense to know they did not create the ropes they used.
Obama is an ideological idiot. He has never actually had a private sector job. He couldn't run a business- except into the ground, if you paid him. His statement reveals how he sees the world. The "government" in his world belongs to the political class and not to the people...I mean WTF financially supports the government, but tax payers.

I have run a business. Several in fact. Successfully if I may be allowed to brag a bit.

And Obama is correct. I didnt go from start up to success on my own. I had help. I had good employees who were educated on someone elses tax money. I had roads on which supplies and customers came into my business and on which product was shipped out. I pay my employees a fair wage but I always need them to produce more value than I am investing in them or I do not profit.

For people to pretend that they dont understand how our economic well being is interconnected to one another AFTER the housing crisis took down our entire economy is just plain deception.

Then you should be well aware that excessive government regulations and tax laws were the biggest impediment to your success.

As long as you understand that the operative word in your statement is excessive, you and I are in agreement.

Spoken like a true Communist...

By the way, everything you listed has NOTHING to do with a person building a business.

"Police Protection" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Military Protection" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Good Schools" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Reliable Power" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Clean Water" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Road" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

Thank you for defeating yourselves with your own arguments. Glaring example of how fucking stupid you Communist liberals are....
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For people to pretend that they dont understand how our economic well being is interconnected to one another AFTER the housing crisis took down our entire economy is just plain deception.

more to the point it should be inter connected through peaceful voluntary Republican capitalist relationships that are not violently transgressed through government tax and regulatory violence.

The 1929 depression and this liberal depression ought to be enough evidence for you.

Youre wearing partisan glasses that taint everything you see. If you didnt, then you wouldnt label anything the Liberal Depression. Because you do and I dont speak partisan idiot, I have no idea what youre refering to. Perhaps if you chose to speak through a translator...your psycologist perhaps?

Spoken like a true Communist...

By the way, everything you listed has NOTHING to do with a person building a business.

"Police Protection" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Military Protection" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Good Schools" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Reliable Power" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Clean Water" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Road" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

Thank you for defeating yourselves with your own arguments. Glaring example of how fucking stupid you Communist liberals are....

Yes its provided TO everyone but its not provided BY everyone and THAT is the whole damned point.

When you have Romney ADMITTING hes set up offshore accoutns to keep money from being taxed, then he has chosen to keep his money out of the provided BY column and only in the provided FOR column...and THAT is what has people so pissed off.

You cant have it provided FOR you and expect not to pay into the system so you can provide it FOR the next guy.

Now if you want to talk about the rights and wrongs of a progressive tax system, Im willing to have that conversation ( and I might even agree with you on most of it ) but to actually move money out of the country isnt about progressive taxes its about evasion
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If everybody else builds a business for you, how come none of the liberals on this site (with a very few exceptions of course) own their own business?

Come on lazy liberals - everyone else is building it for you! So lets get cracking on starting your own business!!!

No? Yeah, didn't think so.... :lol:

Fucking moron's.... :lol:

Spoken like a true Communist...

By the way, everything you listed has NOTHING to do with a person building a business.

"Police Protection" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Military Protection" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Good Schools" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Reliable Power" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Clean Water" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Road" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

Thank you for defeating yourselves with your own arguments. Glaring example of how fucking stupid you Communist liberals are....

Yes its provided TO everyone but its not provided BY everyone and THAT is the whole damned point.

When you have Romney ADMITTING hes set up offshore accoutns to keep money from being taxed, then he has chosen to keep his money out of the provided BY column and only in the provided FOR column...and THAT is what has people so pissed off.

You cant have it provided FOR you and expect not to pay into the system so you can provide it FOR the next guy.

Like a typical liberal asshole, you avoided the question and changed the subject. Answer the fucking question:

If EVERYONE has these items, which according to YOU - is why business owners have their business - then why doesn't EVERYONE have a business? Why isn't EVERYONE as successful as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs?
If everybody else builds a business for you, how come none of the liberals on this site (with a very few exceptions of course) own their own business?

Come on lazy liberals - everyone else is building it for you! So lets get cracking on starting your own business!!!

No? Yeah, didn't think so.... :lol:

Fucking moron's.... :lol:

How many businesses do you own?

Unless you have some under your belt to bring up, youre just waving your dick around.
how well would your business be doing out in the middle of a forrest without any infrastructure?

Someone should really read you the works of Laura Ingalls Wilder, so you can get over this obsessive modern-day-only viewpoint on life.

Furthermore, expecting businesses to "thank" government for providing services that they, the businesses, are paying for is ludicrous.
Study says most corporations pay no U.S. income taxes | Reuters

The Government Accountability Office said 72 percent of all foreign corporations and about 57 percent of U.S. companies doing business in the United States paid no federal income taxes for at least one year between 1998 and 2005.

More than half of foreign companies and about 42 percent of U.S. companies paid no U.S. income taxes for two or more years in that period, the report said.

You can cite the US Tax Code for that.
One of every two small businesses will FAIL within 2 years. Most small businesses LOSE money for their first 5 years in of existence.
In each case the US Tax Code permits the owner of the business to write off losses.
As far as large companies are concerned, they LOSE money as well.
For example, if the XYZ corporation suffers a down turn in operations with the result of a NET LOSS, the XYZ Corp gets to write off the loss. The end result is they pay a zero % effective tax rate. That is the US Tax Code.
Blame nothing else.
This argument from the left about roads and other infrastructure is a lot of garbage.
Those are essential functions of government. In other words, the infrastructure would be there anyway.
Oh, say a new industrial or mixed use complex is approved. More often than not, localities enforce what are called "impact fees". These fees go to pay for expansion of utilities or road improvements. Essentially the business or developer pays for the improvements.
Or, on occasions the developer pays for all road and utility improvements.
Obama's statement reveals his Marxist/Lenonist agenda.
Obama is a central planner. He believes government is the chicken AND the egg.
Obama's ONLY use for the private sector is as a source of tax revenue.

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