"You didn't get there on your own"

How can you "build" a business if you don't "own" it? Fucking moron.... :lol:

You're so desperate to attempt to defend that which cannot be defended that you're making ZERO sense...

You still don't get it do you?

You hire employees to do the work that builds your business for you.

Wrong ! You hire employess to HELP you build your business !
Something you leftists will never understand !

No dogboy, YOU dont get it. A business OWNER needs to be able to step away from the business and let the employees mainatain and build it FOR them. Otherwise, the owner has only bought themselves a JOB. Once the employees are building the business for you, you are free to go build ANOTHER business. Its in that way you can make some serious money and provide a MUCH better life for your family.
bullshit, that is a lie and how I know you arent faced with that dilemma is this is what i do for a living

you either know nothing about ACA or are lying about owning a biz
So why didnt congress and unions want to use the ACA? I find it funny how they have "exemptions" like all liberals, pass shit for the average joe and we're exempt!

dont know what you are babbling on about, but i bet you are against universal health care, single payer ?

stop making unsupported comments, forget about ACA for a minute and tell me if you want universal health care, yes or no

no I'm not a single payer nut.... I'd rather get good healthcare then force people to buy it....and sorry bro, what's unsupported?

Look son when you play with the big boys, atleast know your facts and how things work.

Exempted from "Obamacare:" The Authors - CBS News
"You didn't get there on your own"


"What is so special about place of birth?

First off, economists agree that the presence of a stable market for goods and assets adds 30% to the value of everything we own—we have that in America, and that increases wealth.

Second, economists tell us that 50% of the annual growth in our economy is a function of the introduction of new technology—we have that in America, and my family knows first-hand about how new technology can increase wealth.

But the benefits of being an American don’t stop there.

In no other country in the world is the federal government spending more money on research. The United States spends some $96 billion every year on fundamental research in universities and laboratories all over this country.

And what comes of this research? Well for starters how about things like jet engines, integrated circuits, the human genome, or the Internet. Clearly the largest and most generous venture capitalist in the universe is Uncle Sam.

It is clear that the folks who have become wealthy from this significant social investment did not do it alone. I believe their estates owe something back to the society that enabled the creation of that wealth."


That's great, so he can do it, if he feels that way, but I seriously doubt that anything you've accomplished you said,, nah, I'll split the money with all the people that helped me out......sure ya did
Is Obama's "didn't do it on their own" the dumbest GAFFE or does he


"What is so special about place of birth?

First off, economists agree that the presence of a stable market for goods and assets adds 30% to the value of everything we own—we have that in America, and that increases wealth.

Second, economists tell us that 50% of the annual growth in our economy is a function of the introduction of new technology—we have that in America, and my family knows first-hand about how new technology can increase wealth.

But the benefits of being an American don’t stop there.

In no other country in the world is the federal government spending more money on research. The United States spends some $96 billion every year on fundamental research in universities and laboratories all over this country.

And what comes of this research? Well for starters how about things like jet engines, integrated circuits, the human genome, or the Internet. Clearly the largest and most generous venture capitalist in the universe is Uncle Sam.

It is clear that the folks who have become wealthy from this significant social investment did not do it alone. I believe their estates owe something back to the society that enabled the creation of that wealth."


Stupid Fuckin' Teabagger
Youre missing the point completely. Its not abotu EVERYONE owning a business. Its about once you have that successful business, do you put back into the system the way other put in so you could be successful?

Actually, you are missing the point completely. The entire thread/debate is about Obama's asinine comment that people who built their businesses "didn't build it - somebody else did". Then some idiot liberals here tried to support that by mentioning asinine things such as "clean water, police, and electricity".

I merely pointed out how asinine that is, since 100% of American's have all of those things, yet only a rare few are successful. It just proves that NOBODY else built that for them. That it was their talent and work ethic ONLY that was responsbile for their success.

Obama is a fucking idiot and embarassed himself in front of the world once again with that absolutely stupid Marxist comment.

No YOUVE still missed the point.

Your partisan bullshit wont let you see the MEANING behind the words instead of the words themselves.

Think of it this way:

When Romney said "Corporations are people, my freind" what did he mean?

If you blast him for what he said without taking into account what he MEANT, then youre a libtard partisan hack.

The same applies here. If you blast Obama for the words while ignoring the MEANING of those words, then youre a Rebtard partisan hack.

Both are equally stupid and equally dangerous.

Now if you choose to think outside partisan hackery, and look at the meanign behind the statements youd see that BOTH of those statements made by Romney and Obama are actually true AND in fact making the EXACT SAME POINT!!!!!!!!
In the same sentence you went from BUILDING a business to OWNING a business numb nuts!

There's a difference.

Unless you have been the SOLE employee of this business you own and you did your own financing with no need for a bank (that would have simply loaned you OTHER people's money) and your business produces NO products or services that OTHER people purchased from your business then yes....

Others helped build your business!

Do you get it now???

How can you "build" a business if you don't "own" it? Fucking moron.... :lol:

You're so desperate to attempt to defend that which cannot be defended that you're making ZERO sense...

You still don't get it do you?

You hire employees to do the work that builds your business for you.

And those employees are compensated through PRIVATE funds and work at their own FREE WILL. So that has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion.

Obama and you idiot liberals here have tried to make the case that government, through taxes, have built businesses (remember what he cited - teachers, bridges, roads??? See... all government).

You're argument doesn't hold up because you're on the wrong side of the facts
You still don't get it do you?

You hire employees to do the work that builds your business for you.

Wrong ! You hire employess to HELP you build your business !
Something you leftists will never understand !

No dogboy, YOU dont get it. A business OWNER needs to be able to step away from the business and let the employees mainatain and build it FOR them. Otherwise, the owner has only bought themselves a JOB. Once the employees are building the business for you, you are free to go build ANOTHER business. Its in that way you can make some serious money and provide a MUCH better life for your family.

No pussyboy, a typical small business owner spends far more time working, worrying, spending money, on the business than the employees the owner hires.
In time, the owner may be able to step away and finally reap some of the rewards of their risk taking, but most of the time they spend working, and much more than the employees.
Obama is a fucking idiot and embarassed himself in front of the world once again with that absolutely stupid Marxist comment.

See, this is the bit that really cracks me up. No, he did not embarass himself in front of the world. We think he is great. The only embarassment we feel is towards the neocon whackjobs who have taken what he said out of context.

We can read and hear just fine. We don't need partisan hacks like you, Cesspit or Eddie Munster to try and interpret what he said for us. Your skewed, unreliable opinion is not needed. If I wanted a biased, lack-of-crictical thinking, partisan hackjob 'insights' I'd go to Fox, American Thinker or anything Levin and Coutlergeist has/have written..
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How is that supposed to fix it? He's still presuming a public vested interest in private businesses, "we do things together".

Who's "we"??? :eusa_eh:

The infrastructure is built by the businesses themselves, sometimes directly but most often through taxes they pay. People who don't pay taxes, or offset what little they do pay by taking welfare benefits didn't contribute squat.
And by the same token Businesses that don't pay taxes didn't contribute squat either.

Study says most corporations pay no U.S. income taxes | Reuters

The Government Accountability Office said 72 percent of all foreign corporations and about 57 percent of U.S. companies doing business in the United States paid no federal income taxes for at least one year between 1998 and 2005.

More than half of foreign companies and about 42 percent of U.S. companies paid no U.S. income taxes for two or more years in that period, the report said.

I'm sure, since you printed some excerpts from the article yourself, that you must realize that the headline and text don't match, right? The fact is, that we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. It's also not surprising, given the overly complex nature of our tax law that some corporations don't pay on years when they can find a legal excuse not to. Wasn't it GE under Jeffrey Immelt who, after every sort of sweet government deal one could imagine, not to mention having a warm, fuzzy relationship with Barack Obama, who didn't pay anything recently?
And the real fact is corps don't pay that 35% tax. In reality, on the average they pay about half that rate. And at least 30 fortune 500 corps had neg tax balances, not just GE.
When you have Romney ADMITTING hes set up offshore accoutns to keep money from being taxed, then he has chosen to keep his money out of the provided BY column and only in the provided FOR column...and THAT is what has people so pissed off.

You're so uninformed, it's just tragic.

First of all, the CBO already independently confirmed that the wealthy are paying WAY more than their "fair share". So your argument is 100% bullshit. False. Made up. Fantasy.

Second, liberals are the biggest offenders for hiding their money and tax evasion! Do you know how many people on Obama's own staff are guilty of tax evasion? How about John Kerry who bought a $7 million yacht and then HID it in Rhode Island to avoid paying taxes on it in Massachusetts (taxes the state DESPERATELY needed and which Kerry kept calling for people to pay more to help the state). So spare me

Third, people are FORCED to take these steps because the greedy, lazy liberal like YOU want everything they earn, until they have nothing left. And then you'll want to take their blood. We have the highest corporate tax rate in the WORLD. That is bullshit and completely unacceptable. Maybe if you Communist liberals taxed FAIR for once, people wouldn't have to hide their money in off shore accounts. They EARNED it, they should be allowed to KEEP it. That is what America was founded on....

Bullshit, bullshit and more bullshit. Im an Eisenhower Republican, which according to you makes me a socialist.

And Im going to debunk your "earned it" bullshit right here and now.

When an employer employees people, they are hriing people to do work they CANNOT do. Either because they lack the expertise or the number of hours in a day prohibit the growth of the business without an increase in production. The employee EARNS their wage, but the money brought in by that employees labor is not EARNED by the employer because the sweat of their brow did not produce the product. That was someone else. Any business owner HAS to rely on others in order to be successful. And anyone with a business knows this...at least successful ones. So in this example, they didnt do it alone.

Now look at people like the Koch Borthers. Did they EARN their money? Or did they inherit something that was built by their father? They inherited it. It wasnt THEIR sweat or THEIR great idea that built the empire, it was the work of their father and the people their father employed. So in this case, they didnt do it themselves at all.

So in each case, either through the growing of a business or the inheriting of business, it is always the efforts of a group that brings about success. There are no multinational companies that can attribute their entire success to the contributions of a single individual.

Talk about bullshit! You mention ONE example - the Koch brothers - and declare that as fact? I notice you don't want to talk about their father, who didn't "inherit" anything.

By the way - only a Socialist can claim they are not a Socialist, and then turn around in the same breath and claim that a business owner didn't EARN their profit because they hired workers.

Guess what, when you take the major risks involved with starting your own business - you EARN every damn penny that comes into that company. If it weren't for the owner/founder, those employees wouldn't even have a job. So spare me the bullshit about "sweat on the brow". You clearly no nothing about starting and/or running a business, because if you did - you would know that the owner puts in more hours and sweat than all of the emlployees combined.

As I keep saying, if it's so easy, then how come you lazy liberals aren't running your own companies? Exactly.
Obama is a fucking idiot and embarassed himself in front of the world once again with that absolutely stupid Marxist comment.

See, this is the bit that really cracks me up. No, he did not embarass himself in front of the world. We think he is great. The only embarassment we feel is towards the neocon whackjobs who have taken what he said out of context.

We can read and hear just fine. We don't need partisan hacks like you, Cesspit or Eddie Munster to try and interpret what he said for us. Your skewed, unreliable opinion is not needed. If I wanted a biased, lack-of-crictical thinking, partisan hackjob 'insights' I'd go to Fox, American Thinker or anything Levin and Coutlergeist has/have written..

No, you're in the minority that just want to fellate him day and night. The rest of the world is laughing their ass off that he went off teleprompter and exposed his radical Marxist ideology. There is nothing to "interpret" - he said exactly what he said and it's on video. No denying it.

Unless, of course, it's one of the assholes like you that fantasize about sucking his cock and therefore will NEVER acknowledge when he's wrong, or made a mistake, or embarassed himself, etc.

Fucking parasite loser....
Wrong ! You hire employess to HELP you build your business !
Something you leftists will never understand !

No dogboy, YOU dont get it. A business OWNER needs to be able to step away from the business and let the employees mainatain and build it FOR them. Otherwise, the owner has only bought themselves a JOB. Once the employees are building the business for you, you are free to go build ANOTHER business. Its in that way you can make some serious money and provide a MUCH better life for your family.

No pussyboy, a typical small business owner spends far more time working, worrying, spending money, on the business than the employees the owner hires.
In time, the owner may be able to step away and finally reap some of the rewards of their risk taking, but most of the time they spend working, and much more than the employees.

For the first couple years yes. But if youre still struggling and working more hours than your employees, then YOURE DOING IT WRONG.

Look I normally put in 18 hour days, but Im split between multiple businesses AND I sometimes sit here arguing with you folks for an hour or so a night, so it all pans out. But if I was still doing 18 hour days in a single business after year three, then that business has failed...time to move on.
Obama is a fucking idiot and embarassed himself in front of the world once again with that absolutely stupid Marxist comment.

See, this is the bit that really cracks me up. No, he did not embarass himself in front of the world. We think he is great. The only embarassment we feel is towards the neocon whackjobs who have taken what he said out of context.

We can read and hear just fine. We don't need partisan hacks like you, Cesspit or Eddie Munster to try and interpret what he said for us. Your skewed, unreliable opinion is not needed. If I wanted a biased, lack-of-crictical thinking, partisan hackjob 'insights' I'd go to Fox, American Thinker or anything Levin and Coutlergeist has/have written..

No, you're in the minority that just want to fellate him day and night. The rest of the world is laughing their ass off that he went off teleprompter and exposed his radical Marxist ideology. There is nothing to "interpret" - he said exactly what he said and it's on video. No denying it.

Unless, of course, it's one of the assholes like you that fantasize about sucking his cock and therefore will NEVER acknowledge when he's wrong, or made a mistake, or embarassed himself, etc.

Fucking parasite loser....

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And if you think Im classless for saying things in the way I say them tough shit. Grow a pair and quit being such a whiney little bitch.

If you cant hang with the BIG dogs, stay on the porch.

Once again, show grace and class. Sorry, but there is no way with your lack of tact and class that you have EVER owned a real business. Hiring your college buddies is a far cry from running a business. Getting your high school drop out pals to plumb toilets for minimum wage is not running a business.

You have all the professionalism and tact of a typical liberal parasite low life...
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And another thing that seems to be going completely unsaid.

MY success and the success of EVERY single American company today is dependant on the contribution of others. A very specific group.

My grandfather didnt just instill in me good values, a wrok ethic and a strong sense of family, but he, and a group of his closest friends, happened to make landfall on some French beaches on June 6, 1944. Without thier contribution, their sacrifice, my success would not even be possible.

If you dont like the tax code, work to get it changed. It is a democracy after all right? But if you decide fuck it, Im going to hide my money and simply not pay it, then you are ignoring and belittling the contribution and sacrifice of every single American soldier ever. We all demand we support the troops. How about we actually fucking mean it?!?!?!
And if you think Im classless for saying things in the way I say them tough shit. Grow a pair and quit being such a whiney little bitch.

If you cant hang with the BIG dogs, stay on the porch.

Once again, show grace and class. Sorry, but there is no way with your lack of tact and class that you have EVER owned a real business. Hiring your college buddies is a far cry from running a business. Getting your high school drop out pals to plumb toilets for minimum wage is not running a business.

You have all the professionalism and tact of a typical liberal parasite low life...

I own three bakeries, two machine shops and am presently working on a "chemical" company. Its just getting off the ground so its the one that takes the most of my time.

And there is such a thing as "a time and a place" though I did tell one of my customers when he was overly demanding if he wanted to wave his dick around he could take his business down the street. He didnt.
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The same applies here. If you blast Obama for the words while ignoring the MEANING of those words, then youre a Rebtard partisan hack.

Wrong, your just not swayed by Obama fluffer spin. Obama's meaning was quite clear: business owners don't deserve credit for their success. They owe it to the government. Every productive American should rightly feel insulted by that remark.

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