"You didn't get there on your own"

According to you, I started not one, not two but SIX different businesses ( well seven if you count the one Im working on now ) but Im a MARXIST because I recognize that OTHER PEOPLE contributed to my success, that I did not accomplish all of this by myself.

In YOUR estimation, one has to be an arrogant self righteous prick or they are a marxist.

which begs the next question:

Which one are you?

I think you'll find even those with a severely limited intellect like the Cesspit and Chihuahua know exactly what Obama was saying when he made the comments but partisan hackery is far more important than facts.

Also, it just gives them something else to slam at him...
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Repubs like Hoover and the "29 crash!?

as a liberal you will lack the IQ to know that Hoover acted liberally

Not at first. He truly believed the market would work itself out, but it didnt so he caved to pressure to intervene and finally did.

I know for a number of years I believed that he had simply sat aside waiting for the market to correct itself. But several years ago I started a mission to read one biography on every US president ( plus Ben Franklin ) and when I read one on Hoover was surprised to find he finally did intervene.

But...he only did so because the market did not self correct.

( there was one exception which some consider intervention but I do not. At the start of the Depression hoover made personal phone calls to many leading business figures asking them to NOT lay off or fire people or cut their wages. Obviously they didnt listen. As he did not pass legislation but simply asked and that asking was largely ignored, I do not see it as government intervention )
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I own three fully functional small town bakeries. In each I spent several years being the main baker first learning the business then teaching it to others so they could run it for me. Eventually though, I needed parts for my ovens which were no longer being manufactured so I went to a local machine shop. The owner and I got along well ( especially because I was a CNC machinist for seven years before I started my first bakery ) and eventually I invested in his business. Eventually he wanted to retire so I bought him out. I found a few more cleints and saw an opportunity to gain an account that required a major expansion. I split off a several of my employees into a new busiess to serve that signle account, but eventually expanded to include sevral other accounts. The first machine shop is pretty much a job shop. Small runs of parts from 10 to 1000 parts. The second is in constant production where we run about 30 different parts at least 20,000 parts each year.

The chemical business is something Im trying from scratch. Its a new industry that I think has a lot of potential for accumulating some serious wealth. Better than 1% type wealth. It could pan out...but it could not. So its not something Im putting a lot of eggs from my basket into.

Im a member of the local chamber of commerce and even ran for county commissioner several years back ( I lost oh well ).

I also took over my fathers rental properties for him after he needed triple bypass surgery and couldnt run them himself. He had it soooo screwed up. The last time he rented from anyone all that was reuired was a handshake and he just didnt get that times had changed. I set up his company with background check providers and got the delinquent renters out of his properties and got new paying customers in. When I stepped into his business, it was hemerraging money, when I stepped out, it was in the black. My friends at the time used to joke that I was a part time slum lord.

I did have one major failure. The local dry cleaner was going out of business and I thought I could turn that business around and turn a profit doing it. But I couldnt. It took far too much of my time and I found I couldnt really trust others to do the work well. Half assed work drives away customers. I lost a lot of money on that one. Ah well. Such is life.

So hey, mock all you want. I have two houses, five kids, one granddaughter and while the economy has slowed me down, it hasnt devastated me ( though my father in law went from millions in the bank to working nights at wal mart. I offered to stake him in a new business but he says hes done with it. He helped me greatly over the years so I wish hed take it but thats a whole other story. ) Your mockery doesnt change the fact that I am correct in my assertion that success is not predicated solely on the acts of the individual but also of the group within the business itself.

What about the gov't? Do you think you owe more in taxes cuz the gov't built roads and bridges and stuff with our tax dollars? How much credit do you think they deserve for your success?

I owe what the government asks of me. If Reagan say 28% I owe 28%. If Clinton say 39%, I owe 39%. And if Obama wants to go back to 39%, and its passes, then THAT is what I owe.

If I dont like the tax rate, I am more than within my rights to petition my senator and congressperson and ask them to propose changes.

What I do not do is whine about how I "earned" my money and how dare these "parasites" try to sponge the sweat of my brow, the fruit of my labor. I dont whine that my success puts me in a higher tax bracket. Its like movie stars who whine that they lost their privacy. Everytime I see one on TV complain about it I yell at the TV," Thats what 12 million dollars for 6 weeks of work gets you asshole! Good trade! "

Same thing. Im in a higher tax bracket. I pay more in taxes. But I bring home more than most people as well.

Good trade.

You didn't answer my question. Do you think the govt deserves credit for your success and as a result you should have your taxes raised?
I own three fully functional small town bakeries. In each I spent several years being the main baker first learning the business then teaching it to others so they could run it for me. Eventually though, I needed parts for my ovens which were no longer being manufactured so I went to a local machine shop. The owner and I got along well ( especially because I was a CNC machinist for seven years before I started my first bakery ) and eventually I invested in his business. Eventually he wanted to retire so I bought him out. I found a few more cleints and saw an opportunity to gain an account that required a major expansion. I split off a several of my employees into a new busiess to serve that signle account, but eventually expanded to include sevral other accounts. The first machine shop is pretty much a job shop. Small runs of parts from 10 to 1000 parts. The second is in constant production where we run about 30 different parts at least 20,000 parts each year.

The chemical business is something Im trying from scratch. Its a new industry that I think has a lot of potential for accumulating some serious wealth. Better than 1% type wealth. It could pan out...but it could not. So its not something Im putting a lot of eggs from my basket into.

Im a member of the local chamber of commerce and even ran for county commissioner several years back ( I lost oh well ).

I also took over my fathers rental properties for him after he needed triple bypass surgery and couldnt run them himself. He had it soooo screwed up. The last time he rented from anyone all that was reuired was a handshake and he just didnt get that times had changed. I set up his company with background check providers and got the delinquent renters out of his properties and got new paying customers in. When I stepped into his business, it was hemerraging money, when I stepped out, it was in the black. My friends at the time used to joke that I was a part time slum lord.

I did have one major failure. The local dry cleaner was going out of business and I thought I could turn that business around and turn a profit doing it. But I couldnt. It took far too much of my time and I found I couldnt really trust others to do the work well. Half assed work drives away customers. I lost a lot of money on that one. Ah well. Such is life.

So hey, mock all you want. I have two houses, five kids, one granddaughter and while the economy has slowed me down, it hasnt devastated me ( though my father in law went from millions in the bank to working nights at wal mart. I offered to stake him in a new business but he says hes done with it. He helped me greatly over the years so I wish hed take it but thats a whole other story. ) Your mockery doesnt change the fact that I am correct in my assertion that success is not predicated solely on the acts of the individual but also of the group within the business itself.

It was just a joke. Congrats on all of your ventures. However, none of that changes the fact that both you and Obama are horribly wrong on your Marxist assertions.

You can't cite employees because they do not apply to the debate. They are there of their own free will and compensated by the private industry. Barack Hussein's entire assertion was that the success of business owners was only through (and because of) government (hence the reason he cited only public infrastructure such as schools, roads, and bridges)...

He's a public/government representative. He's only speaking through that perspective and has no incentive to accurately portray private industry since his power and money stems from the growth of government.

And there you go with your bat shit crazy talk again.

According to you, I started not one, not two but SIX different businesses ( well seven if you count the one Im working on now ) but Im a MARXIST because I recognize that OTHER PEOPLE contributed to my success, that I did not accomplish all of this by myself.

In YOUR estimation, one has to be an arrogant self righteous prick or they are a marxist.

which begs the next question:

Which one are you?

Talk about "bat shit crazy"!!! Because you (claim to) own a business, you can't possibly be a Marxist?!?! Uh.....ok??? :cuckoo:
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I own three bakeries, two machine shops and am presently working on a "chemical" company. Its just getting off the ground so its the one that takes the most of my time.

And there is such a thing as "a time and a place" though I did tell one of my customers when he was overly demanding if he wanted to wave his dick around he could take his business down the street. He didnt.

In other words, "my mom bakes out of her house, my grandmother bakes out of her house, my sister bakes out of her house, and me and a buddy take turns working out of each others garage sifting through junk and selling it on eBay"... :lol:

I own three fully functional small town bakeries. In each I spent several years being the main baker first learning the business then teaching it to others so they could run it for me. Eventually though, I needed parts for my ovens which were no longer being manufactured so I went to a local machine shop. The owner and I got along well ( especially because I was a CNC machinist for seven years before I started my first bakery ) and eventually I invested in his business. Eventually he wanted to retire so I bought him out. I found a few more cleints and saw an opportunity to gain an account that required a major expansion. I split off a several of my employees into a new busiess to serve that signle account, but eventually expanded to include sevral other accounts. The first machine shop is pretty much a job shop. Small runs of parts from 10 to 1000 parts. The second is in constant production where we run about 30 different parts at least 20,000 parts each year.

The chemical business is something Im trying from scratch. Its a new industry that I think has a lot of potential for accumulating some serious wealth. Better than 1% type wealth. It could pan out...but it could not. So its not something Im putting a lot of eggs from my basket into.

Im a member of the local chamber of commerce and even ran for county commissioner several years back ( I lost oh well ).

I also took over my fathers rental properties for him after he needed triple bypass surgery and couldnt run them himself. He had it soooo screwed up. The last time he rented from anyone all that was reuired was a handshake and he just didnt get that times had changed. I set up his company with background check providers and got the delinquent renters out of his properties and got new paying customers in. When I stepped into his business, it was hemerraging money, when I stepped out, it was in the black. My friends at the time used to joke that I was a part time slum lord.

I did have one major failure. The local dry cleaner was going out of business and I thought I could turn that business around and turn a profit doing it. But I couldnt. It took far too much of my time and I found I couldnt really trust others to do the work well. Half assed work drives away customers. I lost a lot of money on that one. Ah well. Such is life.

So hey, mock all you want. I have two houses, five kids, one granddaughter and while the economy has slowed me down, it hasnt devastated me ( though my father in law went from millions in the bank to working nights at wal mart. I offered to stake him in a new business but he says hes done with it. He helped me greatly over the years so I wish hed take it but thats a whole other story. ) Your mockery doesnt change the fact that I am correct in my assertion that success is not predicated solely on the acts of the individual but also of the group within the business itself.

So you wouldn't have been a business success if somebody hadn't shown you a business to be in, bult it for you, funded it, and showed you precisely what to do to succeed? None of that was your idea? Your initiative? Your willingness to risk part of your hard earned savings that you worked for? You didn't build your businesses or build them up?

Your physical structure, equipment, supplies, tools, raw equipment of course was delivered by the tooth fairy and you didn't have to figure out any of that either.

Those employees who helped you did it out of the goodness of their hearts because you're such a swell guy? They didn't expect to be compensated as agreed for the work they performed? And of course they all just showed up one day when you needed them and that wasn't any of your doing either. And they just magically made you a profit. You didn't have to figure out how many to hire, who to place dong what, or what the wages would be for anybody.

All this is what your President would have us believe. If you in fact have been or are in business for yourself, you should understand that. If you don't, well that's the way the cupcake crumbles. You will be one of the easy ones taken over if we give away enough of our freedoms and resources to that way of thinking.
What about the gov't? Do you think you owe more in taxes cuz the gov't built roads and bridges and stuff with our tax dollars? How much credit do you think they deserve for your success?

I owe what the government asks of me. If Reagan say 28% I owe 28%. If Clinton say 39%, I owe 39%. And if Obama wants to go back to 39%, and its passes, then THAT is what I owe.

If I dont like the tax rate, I am more than within my rights to petition my senator and congressperson and ask them to propose changes.

What I do not do is whine about how I "earned" my money and how dare these "parasites" try to sponge the sweat of my brow, the fruit of my labor. I dont whine that my success puts me in a higher tax bracket. Its like movie stars who whine that they lost their privacy. Everytime I see one on TV complain about it I yell at the TV," Thats what 12 million dollars for 6 weeks of work gets you asshole! Good trade! "

Same thing. Im in a higher tax bracket. I pay more in taxes. But I bring home more than most people as well.

Good trade.

You didn't answer my question. Do you think the govt deserves credit for your success and as a result you should have your taxes raised?

Sorry I misunderstood the question then.

The government is the personification of our society. Our society pays the bills via the government that allow me to be successful ( ie public education, roads, police, fire dept. , etc. ) . Society via military service makes sacrifices that allow me the freedom to be successful.

So yes, the government as a personification of the society that protects my freedom and rights deserves some credit for my success. Raising or lowering of taxes is within their Constitutional right to do. The reasoning behind the raising or lowering of tax rates however is irrelevant.

Now let me ask you this:

If the concept that lower taxes and less regulation provide for greater economic opportunity is true, then wouldnt a government that stays out of the way also be entitled to some credit for success?
Everytime I buy a gallon of gasoline I help build a road or a bridge. obama didn't do that, he had help. bussiness is the engine of American life.

An excellent point. Rather than Obama arrogantly telling business that "You didn't get there on your own", business should be telling Obama and the rest of the government, "Look, if you've got a lot of money and power, you didn't get it on your own.

We're always struck by politicians who say, 'Well, the country works because I'm just so smart, because I know better than everyone else.

If you're spending a lot of money, someone along the line had to give it to you. There were a whole lot of taxpayers funding your pork projects. Taxpayers funded and worked for this unbelievable American system you're now taking credit for. If you've got roads and bridges, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.

The Internet didn't become the driving economic and cultural force that it is because of government. Private business created the ideas, did the research, and spent the money to make it what it is today.

The point is, when we do things together, we the taxpayers foot the bill and actually do the work. There are some things, like fighting fires, for which we tolerate government as a necessary evil. We are proud to be one nation, but WE are the driving force of America's success, not government."
According to you, I started not one, not two but SIX different businesses ( well seven if you count the one Im working on now ) but Im a MARXIST because I recognize that OTHER PEOPLE contributed to my success, that I did not accomplish all of this by myself.

In YOUR estimation, one has to be an arrogant self righteous prick or they are a marxist.

which begs the next question:

Which one are you?

I think you'll find even those with a severely limited intellect like the Cesspit and Chihuahua know exactly what Obama was saying when he made the comments but partisan hackery is far more important than facts.

Also, it just gives them something else to slam at him...

Well, enlighten us 'ole Australian parasite. What exactly was "Obama saying"?

I love how words have no meaning to the idiot liberal. The man said exactly what he said, on video, in front of the world. And here these assholes sit trying to convince everyone he actually said something else.

It's why the US Constitution means nothing to them. Because no matter what is written, they try to convince everyone that what is written is not what was "intended". It's almost hysterical, if it weren't for the fact that it is so sad. Can you imagine doing business with a parasite liberal? You have a signed contract and they would try to convince a court that the contract does not mean what it says... :cuckoo:
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In other words, "my mom bakes out of her house, my grandmother bakes out of her house, my sister bakes out of her house, and me and a buddy take turns working out of each others garage sifting through junk and selling it on eBay"... :lol:

I own three fully functional small town bakeries. In each I spent several years being the main baker first learning the business then teaching it to others so they could run it for me. Eventually though, I needed parts for my ovens which were no longer being manufactured so I went to a local machine shop. The owner and I got along well ( especially because I was a CNC machinist for seven years before I started my first bakery ) and eventually I invested in his business. Eventually he wanted to retire so I bought him out. I found a few more cleints and saw an opportunity to gain an account that required a major expansion. I split off a several of my employees into a new busiess to serve that signle account, but eventually expanded to include sevral other accounts. The first machine shop is pretty much a job shop. Small runs of parts from 10 to 1000 parts. The second is in constant production where we run about 30 different parts at least 20,000 parts each year.

The chemical business is something Im trying from scratch. Its a new industry that I think has a lot of potential for accumulating some serious wealth. Better than 1% type wealth. It could pan out...but it could not. So its not something Im putting a lot of eggs from my basket into.

Im a member of the local chamber of commerce and even ran for county commissioner several years back ( I lost oh well ).

I also took over my fathers rental properties for him after he needed triple bypass surgery and couldnt run them himself. He had it soooo screwed up. The last time he rented from anyone all that was reuired was a handshake and he just didnt get that times had changed. I set up his company with background check providers and got the delinquent renters out of his properties and got new paying customers in. When I stepped into his business, it was hemerraging money, when I stepped out, it was in the black. My friends at the time used to joke that I was a part time slum lord.

I did have one major failure. The local dry cleaner was going out of business and I thought I could turn that business around and turn a profit doing it. But I couldnt. It took far too much of my time and I found I couldnt really trust others to do the work well. Half assed work drives away customers. I lost a lot of money on that one. Ah well. Such is life.

So hey, mock all you want. I have two houses, five kids, one granddaughter and while the economy has slowed me down, it hasnt devastated me ( though my father in law went from millions in the bank to working nights at wal mart. I offered to stake him in a new business but he says hes done with it. He helped me greatly over the years so I wish hed take it but thats a whole other story. ) Your mockery doesnt change the fact that I am correct in my assertion that success is not predicated solely on the acts of the individual but also of the group within the business itself.

So you wouldn't have been a business success if somebody hadn't shown you a business to be in, bult it for you, funded it, and showed you precisely what to do to succeed? None of that was your idea? Your initiative? Your willingness to risk part of your hard earned savings that you worked for? You didn't build your businesses or build them up?

Your physical structure, equipment, supplies, tools, raw equipment of course was delivered by the tooth fairy and you didn't have to figure out any of that either.

Those employees who helped you did it out of the goodness of their hearts because you're such a swell guy? They didn't expect to be compensated as agreed for the work they performed? And of course they all just showed up one day when you needed them and that wasn't any of your doing either. And they just magically made you a profit. You didn't have to figure out how many to hire, who to place dong what, or what the wages would be for anybody.

All this is what your President would have us believe. If you in fact have been or are in business for yourself, you should understand that. If you don't, well that's the way the cupcake crumbles. You will be one of the easy ones taken over if we give away enough of our freedoms and resources to that way of thinking.

No. Youre making the mistake of seeing my argument as black and white, all or nothing. That is not the case. My argument is that I dod not do it ALONE. I did it...but not alone. I had help. It was NOT handed to me on a platter. I worked for it. But others worked beside me and helped me get there.

I certainly understand that "You didnt build that" can piss some people off...but only if they look at it without looking at the meaning of the overall message. Once the overall message is taken into account, then its not offensive at all, but actually quite true.

And any successful business person who says they did it all by themselves without ANY help from anyone is either lying or a lunatic.
According to you, I started not one, not two but SIX different businesses ( well seven if you count the one Im working on now ) but Im a MARXIST because I recognize that OTHER PEOPLE contributed to my success, that I did not accomplish all of this by myself.

In YOUR estimation, one has to be an arrogant self righteous prick or they are a marxist.

which begs the next question:

Which one are you?

I think you'll find even those with a severely limited intellect like the Cesspit and Chihuahua know exactly what Obama was saying when he made the comments but partisan hackery is far more important than facts.

Also, it just gives them something else to slam at him...

Well, enlighten us 'ole Australian parasite. What exactly was "Obama saying"?

I love how words have no meaning to the idiot liberal. The man said exactly what he said, on video, in front of the world. And here these assholes sit trying to convince everyone he actually said something else.

It's why the US Constitution means nothing to them. Because no matter what is written, they try to convince everyone that what is written is not what was "intended". It's almost hysterical, if it weren't for the fact that it is so sad. Can you imagine doing business with a parasite liberal? You have a signed contract and they would try to convince a court that the contract does not mean what it says... :cuckoo:

From Vidi's following post:

I certainly understand that "You didnt build that" can piss some people off...but only if they look at it without looking at the meaning of the overall message.

Get it yet, Partisan Hack?
According to you, I started not one, not two but SIX different businesses ( well seven if you count the one Im working on now ) but Im a MARXIST because I recognize that OTHER PEOPLE contributed to my success, that I did not accomplish all of this by myself.

In YOUR estimation, one has to be an arrogant self righteous prick or they are a marxist.

which begs the next question:

Which one are you?

I think you'll find even those with a severely limited intellect like the Cesspit and Chihuahua know exactly what Obama was saying when he made the comments but partisan hackery is far more important than facts.

Also, it just gives them something else to slam at him...

Well, enlighten us 'ole Australian parasite. What exactly was "Obama saying"?

I love how words have no meaning to the idiot liberal. The man said exactly what he said, on video, in front of the world. And here these assholes sit trying to convince everyone he actually said something else.

It's why the US Constitution means nothing to them. Because no matter what is written, they try to convince everyone that what is written is not what was "intended". It's almost hysterical, if it weren't for the fact that it is so sad. Can you imagine doing business with a parasite liberal? You have a signed contract and they would try to convince a court that the contract does not mean what it says... :cuckoo:

Are corporations people?

See, if you say NO. Then youre an idiot. If you say YES, youre a bigger idiot.

Because the statement Romney made isnt a yes or no proposition, it has shades of grey that make it true.

So unless youre willing to admit youre a NeoCon fluffer, you must give the same latitude to Obama as I just gave to Romney.
Said what?


If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that.

That's a fine cutting out of a phrase..that was said along with other phrases.

Obama said that no one in this country builds a business with out the help of infrastructure and community.

He's right.

Even Romney admitted that.

Like this one?

They know they didn’t -- look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something -- there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.

I have the speech bookmarked on the White House web site, keep telling me I am misquoting him.

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


Obama just stepped into it BIG TIME. What Frank Luntz calls the best ad of the campaign season to date--is now being shown in every battleground state and it is POWERFUL. Luntz says it unites blue collar with white collar. After this ad--I really don't see Obama surviving. The ad is called "These hands."

BTW--not all business owners are RICH. I know--I am one of them.
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I owe what the government asks of me. If Reagan say 28% I owe 28%. If Clinton say 39%, I owe 39%. And if Obama wants to go back to 39%, and its passes, then THAT is what I owe.

If I dont like the tax rate, I am more than within my rights to petition my senator and congressperson and ask them to propose changes.

What I do not do is whine about how I "earned" my money and how dare these "parasites" try to sponge the sweat of my brow, the fruit of my labor. I dont whine that my success puts me in a higher tax bracket. Its like movie stars who whine that they lost their privacy. Everytime I see one on TV complain about it I yell at the TV," Thats what 12 million dollars for 6 weeks of work gets you asshole! Good trade! "

Same thing. Im in a higher tax bracket. I pay more in taxes. But I bring home more than most people as well.

Good trade.

You didn't answer my question. Do you think the govt deserves credit for your success and as a result you should have your taxes raised?

Sorry I misunderstood the question then.

The government is the personification of our society. Our society pays the bills via the government that allow me to be successful ( ie public education, roads, police, fire dept. , etc. ) . Society via military service makes sacrifices that allow me the freedom to be successful.

So yes, the government as a personification of the society that protects my freedom and rights deserves some credit for my success. Raising or lowering of taxes is within their Constitutional right to do. The reasoning behind the raising or lowering of tax rates however is irrelevant.

Now let me ask you this:

If the concept that lower taxes and less regulation provide for greater economic opportunity is true, then wouldnt a government that stays out of the way also be entitled to some credit for success?

The Constitution I have says my rights were given to me by God... not the gov't.

The gov't would not exist were it not for the wonderful American people who made it.

I owe ALL of my success to me, myself and I.... the gov't has done nothing for me, and I dont want them to.

Plus, all those roads and bridges were STILL built by private companies contracted to do so by the gov't WITH OUR MONEY.

Move to a communist block country and see just how much the gov't does for you....
Everytime I buy a gallon of gasoline I help build a road or a bridge. obama didn't do that, he had help. bussiness is the engine of American life.

An excellent point. Rather than Obama arrogantly telling business that "You didn't get there on your own", business should be telling Obama and the rest of the government, "Look, if you've got a lot of money and power, you didn't get it on your own.

We're always struck by politicians who say, 'Well, the country works because I'm just so smart, because I know better than everyone else. If you're spending a lot of money, someone along the line had to give it to you. There were a whole lot of taxpayers funding your pork projects. Taxpayers funded and worked for this unbelievable American system you're now taking credit for. If you've got roads and bridges, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.

The Internet didn't become the driving economic and cultural force that it is because of government. Private business created the ideas, did the research, and spent the money to make it what it is today.

The point is, when we do things together, we the taxpayers foot the bill and actually do the work. There are some things, like fighting fires, for which we tolerate government as a necessary evil. We are proud to be one nation, but WE are the driving force of America's success, not government."

They can say that because they ran for office and had the majority of the voters agree with them. Now Mob rule doesnt make one smart by any means, but we all said their ideas were good ones when we elected them.

which is kind of the point. oure absolutely correct when you say WE are the driving force of Americans success, but you failed to connect that all the way to a government "of the people, by the people, for the people".

WE are also the government.

At least we are supposed to be.
I own three bakeries, two machine shops and am presently working on a "chemical" company. Its just getting off the ground so its the one that takes the most of my time.

And there is such a thing as "a time and a place" though I did tell one of my customers when he was overly demanding if he wanted to wave his dick around he could take his business down the street. He didnt.

In other words, "my mom bakes out of her house, my grandmother bakes out of her house, my sister bakes out of her house, and me and a buddy take turns working out of each others garage sifting through junk and selling it on eBay"... :lol:

I own three fully functional small town bakeries. In each I spent several years being the main baker first learning the business then teaching it to others so they could run it for me. Eventually though, I needed parts for my ovens which were no longer being manufactured so I went to a local machine shop. The owner and I got along well ( especially because I was a CNC machinist for seven years before I started my first bakery ) and eventually I invested in his business. Eventually he wanted to retire so I bought him out. I found a few more cleints and saw an opportunity to gain an account that required a major expansion. I split off a several of my employees into a new busiess to serve that signle account, but eventually expanded to include sevral other accounts. The first machine shop is pretty much a job shop. Small runs of parts from 10 to 1000 parts. The second is in constant production where we run about 30 different parts at least 20,000 parts each year.

The chemical business is something Im trying from scratch. Its a new industry that I think has a lot of potential for accumulating some serious wealth. Better than 1% type wealth. It could pan out...but it could not. So its not something Im putting a lot of eggs from my basket into.

Im a member of the local chamber of commerce and even ran for county commissioner several years back ( I lost oh well ).

I also took over my fathers rental properties for him after he needed triple bypass surgery and couldnt run them himself. He had it soooo screwed up. The last time he rented from anyone all that was reuired was a handshake and he just didnt get that times had changed. I set up his company with background check providers and got the delinquent renters out of his properties and got new paying customers in. When I stepped into his business, it was hemerraging money, when I stepped out, it was in the black. My friends at the time used to joke that I was a part time slum lord.

I did have one major failure. The local dry cleaner was going out of business and I thought I could turn that business around and turn a profit doing it. But I couldnt. It took far too much of my time and I found I couldnt really trust others to do the work well. Half assed work drives away customers. I lost a lot of money on that one. Ah well. Such is life.

So hey, mock all you want. I have two houses, five kids, one granddaughter and while the economy has slowed me down, it hasnt devastated me ( though my father in law went from millions in the bank to working nights at wal mart. I offered to stake him in a new business but he says hes done with it. He helped me greatly over the years so I wish hed take it but thats a whole other story. ) Your mockery doesnt change the fact that I am correct in my assertion that success is not predicated solely on the acts of the individual but also of the group within the business itself.
Bakeries?!!!!! I am on the next flight to Minneapolis!!
Do you make linzertortes and Italian cookies. You know, the ones with the dollop of flavored preserves in the center?...Rye bread? Brownies...Blueberry muffins?....and of course....those gigantic chewy chocolate chip cookies....MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM..
I could walk into a bakery and just say "give me one of everything"..
We don't have bakeries here in NC like that. They say the water here is not good for baked goods.
Used to go to a bakery once a week in NJ. Miss it!
You didn't answer my question. Do you think the govt deserves credit for your success and as a result you should have your taxes raised?

Sorry I misunderstood the question then.

The government is the personification of our society. Our society pays the bills via the government that allow me to be successful ( ie public education, roads, police, fire dept. , etc. ) . Society via military service makes sacrifices that allow me the freedom to be successful.

So yes, the government as a personification of the society that protects my freedom and rights deserves some credit for my success. Raising or lowering of taxes is within their Constitutional right to do. The reasoning behind the raising or lowering of tax rates however is irrelevant.

Now let me ask you this:

If the concept that lower taxes and less regulation provide for greater economic opportunity is true, then wouldnt a government that stays out of the way also be entitled to some credit for success?

The Constitution I have says my rights were given to me by God... not the gov't.

The gov't would not exist were it not for the wonderful American people who made it.

I owe ALL of my success to me, myself and I.... the gov't has done nothing for me, and I dont want them to.

Plus, all those roads and bridges were STILL built by private companies contracted to do so by the gov't WITH OUR MONEY.

Move to a communist block country and see just how much the gov't does for you....

Really? God gave you your rights? The Constitution says so?

Please provide us with the exact quote in the Constitution that says God gave you your rights.

Please be sure its the CONSTITUTION youre thinking of...its late and you may have had a few drinks by now...so I wont be too hard on you for screwing this one up.
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"In 1929 Federal, state, and municipal governments accounted for about 8 percent of all economic activity in the United States. By the 1960s that figure was between 20 and 25 percent, far exceeding that in India, a socialist country. The National Science Foundation reckoned that federal funds were paying for 90 percent of research in aviation and space travel, 65 percent in electrical and electronic devices, 42 percent in Scientific Instruments, 31 percent in machinery, 28 percent in metal alloys, 24 percent in automobiles, and 20 percent in chemicals." William Manchester "The Glory and the Dream"

No rich man ever made wealth on a deserted island. No so called entrepreneur made their wealth in a vacuum. Obama was right, but the thought does not appeal to the cowboy mentality of the modern right wingnut. Oh, and no cowboy roped a steer before there was a steer to rope.

'It’S Mitt Romney Who Doesn’T Understand America'

"If this country is to continue leading the world both economically and technologically, then someone has to be willing to spend money on silly risks. Someone has to fund a production line for the integrated circuit computers that T.I. can’t see a use for. Someone has to send rockets into space for no other reason than because we can, and because we should see what happens after that. It’s the American way." Romney and Obama on American Inventions : The New Yorker

The rich get rich because of their merit.

Elizabeth Warren on Debt Crisis, Fair Taxation - YouTube

"On moral grounds, then, we could argue for a flat income tax of 90 percent to return that wealth to its real owners. In the United States, even a flat tax of 70 percent would support all governmental programs (about half the total tax) and allow payment, with the remainder, of a patrimony of about $8,000 per annum per inhabitant, or $25,000 for a family of three. This would generously leave with the original recipients of the income about three times what, according to my rough guess, they had earned."UBI and the Flat Tax

Cowboys have enough sense to know they did not create the ropes they used.

Except for the ones that did.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2b0rSq4n3aQ]How to Make Rope or Cordage - YouTube[/ame]
Sorry I misunderstood the question then.

The government is the personification of our society. Our society pays the bills via the government that allow me to be successful ( ie public education, roads, police, fire dept. , etc. ) . Society via military service makes sacrifices that allow me the freedom to be successful.

So yes, the government as a personification of the society that protects my freedom and rights deserves some credit for my success. Raising or lowering of taxes is within their Constitutional right to do. The reasoning behind the raising or lowering of tax rates however is irrelevant.

Now let me ask you this:

If the concept that lower taxes and less regulation provide for greater economic opportunity is true, then wouldnt a government that stays out of the way also be entitled to some credit for success?

The Constitution I have says my rights were given to me by God... not the gov't.

The gov't would not exist were it not for the wonderful American people who made it.

I owe ALL of my success to me, myself and I.... the gov't has done nothing for me, and I dont want them to.

Plus, all those roads and bridges were STILL built by private companies contracted to do so by the gov't WITH OUR MONEY.

Move to a communist block country and see just how much the gov't does for you....

Really? God gave you your rights? The Constitution says so?

Please provide us with the exact quote in the Constitution that says God gave you your rights.

Please be sure its the CONSTITUTION youre thinking of...its late and you may have had a few drinks by now...so I wont be too hard on you for screwing this one up.

Actually it's in the Declaration of Independence...
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

These rights ARE indeed given to us by the Creator. Not by government.
The US Constitution takes this premise to the extent that the Framers wrote a LIMITING document. In other words WE hold the power to LIMIT government. Not the other way around.
This irritates leftists. Obama is especially disturbed by the limits placed upon him by the Constitution. Hence the reason he acts unilaterally with his arrogance and belligerence toward the Three Branch System with his executive orders.

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