"You didn't get there on your own"

oh and by the way...heres the full text of what Obama said:

There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me -- because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t -- look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something -- there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires.

So we say to ourselves, ever since the founding of this country, you know what, there are some things we do better together. That’s how we funded the GI Bill. That’s how we created the middle class. That’s how we built the Golden Gate Bridge or the Hoover Dam. That’s how we invented the Internet. That’s how we sent a man to the moon. We rise or fall together as one nation and as one people, and that’s the reason I’m running for President -- because I still believe in that idea. You’re not on your own, we’re in this together.

The Meaning of "That"

And I agree with it.

And its fairly obvious that when taken as a whole, his meaning is quite clear and its not whats being painted by the partisan hacks.
Sorry I misunderstood the question then.

The government is the personification of our society. Our society pays the bills via the government that allow me to be successful ( ie public education, roads, police, fire dept. , etc. ) . Society via military service makes sacrifices that allow me the freedom to be successful.

So yes, the government as a personification of the society that protects my freedom and rights deserves some credit for my success. Raising or lowering of taxes is within their Constitutional right to do. The reasoning behind the raising or lowering of tax rates however is irrelevant.

Now let me ask you this:

If the concept that lower taxes and less regulation provide for greater economic opportunity is true, then wouldnt a government that stays out of the way also be entitled to some credit for success?

The Constitution I have says my rights were given to me by God... not the gov't.

The gov't would not exist were it not for the wonderful American people who made it.

I owe ALL of my success to me, myself and I.... the gov't has done nothing for me, and I dont want them to.

Plus, all those roads and bridges were STILL built by private companies contracted to do so by the gov't WITH OUR MONEY.

Move to a communist block country and see just how much the gov't does for you....

Really? God gave you your rights? The Constitution says so?

Please provide us with the exact quote in the Constitution that says God gave you your rights.

Please be sure its the CONSTITUTION youre thinking of...its late and you may have had a few drinks by now...so I wont be too hard on you for screwing this one up.

You are on a hair splitting mission here. Stop fucking around.
You know God Damned well our rights come from God.
That just really eats away at your insides. Good.
Sorry but that,

The Constitution I have says my rights were given to me by God... not the gov't.

The gov't would not exist were it not for the wonderful American people who made it.

I owe ALL of my success to me, myself and I.... the gov't has done nothing for me, and I dont want them to.

Plus, all those roads and bridges were STILL built by private companies contracted to do so by the gov't WITH OUR MONEY.

Move to a communist block country and see just how much the gov't does for you....

Really? God gave you your rights? The Constitution says so?

Please provide us with the exact quote in the Constitution that says God gave you your rights.

Please be sure its the CONSTITUTION youre thinking of...its late and you may have had a few drinks by now...so I wont be too hard on you for screwing this one up.

Actually it's in the Declaration of Independence...
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

These rights ARE indeed given to us by the Creator. Not by government.
The US Constitution takes this premise to the extent that the Framers wrote a LIMITING document. In other words WE hold the power to LIMIT government. Not the other way around.
This irritates leftists. Obama is especially disturbed by the limits placed upon him by the Constitution. Hence the reason he acts unilaterally with his arrogance and belligerence toward the Three Branch System with his executive orders.

1. See there it is, BOOM!

The Constitution I have says my rights were given to me by God... not the gov't.

The gov't would not exist were it not for the wonderful American people who made it.

I owe ALL of my success to me, myself and I.... the gov't has done nothing for me, and I dont want them to.

Plus, all those roads and bridges were STILL built by private companies contracted to do so by the gov't WITH OUR MONEY.

Move to a communist block country and see just how much the gov't does for you....

Really? God gave you your rights? The Constitution says so?

Please provide us with the exact quote in the Constitution that says God gave you your rights.

Please be sure its the CONSTITUTION youre thinking of...its late and you may have had a few drinks by now...so I wont be too hard on you for screwing this one up.

You are on a hair splitting mission here. Stop fucking around.
You know God Damned well our rights come from God.
That just really eats away at your insides. Good.




The Constitution I have says my rights were given to me by God... not the gov't.

The gov't would not exist were it not for the wonderful American people who made it.

I owe ALL of my success to me, myself and I.... the gov't has done nothing for me, and I dont want them to.

Plus, all those roads and bridges were STILL built by private companies contracted to do so by the gov't WITH OUR MONEY.

Move to a communist block country and see just how much the gov't does for you....

Really? God gave you your rights? The Constitution says so?

Please provide us with the exact quote in the Constitution that says God gave you your rights.

Please be sure its the CONSTITUTION youre thinking of...its late and you may have had a few drinks by now...so I wont be too hard on you for screwing this one up.

Actually it's in the Declaration of Independence...
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

These rights ARE indeed given to us by the Creator. Not by government.
The US Constitution takes this premise to the extent that the Framers wrote a LIMITING document. In other words WE hold the power to LIMIT government. Not the other way around.
This irritates leftists. Obama is especially disturbed by the limits placed upon him by the Constitution. Hence the reason he acts unilaterally with his arrogance and belligerence toward the Three Branch System with his executive orders.

I am aware that it was the Declaration that said those three rights ( and others not named ) were given by our God. But I was also giving T the benefit of it being late and possibly three beers into his evening :)

however, then you go off the deep end with the leftists hate the Constitution nonsense.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common
defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the
United States of America.

hmmm...no where in there does it say we wrote this to limit the power of government. However, I will concede that the Bil of Rights does indeed have a limiting function in that it limits the ability of the government to infringe upon the rights of the people.

However, to make statements about Obamas feeling on the subject is just ridiculous. Has he told you personally that he doesnt like the limits placed upon him by the Constitution? or are you inferring this from what you personally percieve as Constitutional violations?

As far as I know, the ONLY President in recent history to comment on the limits was W. Bush when he joked that it would be easier if it were a dictatorship...and he wasnt wrong. And it was funny ( though many people with very large sticks lodged firmly up their butts did not see the humor in it. Fuck those people )

But you really need to look at it objectively...and its very hard to claim objectivity when you accuse Obama of beligerance and arrogance.
Sorry bout that,

1. I've built several business, and trust me, no one was there to build it for me.
2. I had some paid advisor's early on, but thats all the help I got, and they were paid by me!
3 The Obama duffass said this...,"If you’ve got a business --you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."
4 Fuck is he really that fucking stoopid!!!!!

The Constitution I have says my rights were given to me by God... not the gov't.

The gov't would not exist were it not for the wonderful American people who made it.

I owe ALL of my success to me, myself and I.... the gov't has done nothing for me, and I dont want them to.

Plus, all those roads and bridges were STILL built by private companies contracted to do so by the gov't WITH OUR MONEY.

Move to a communist block country and see just how much the gov't does for you....

Really? God gave you your rights? The Constitution says so?

Please provide us with the exact quote in the Constitution that says God gave you your rights.

Please be sure its the CONSTITUTION youre thinking of...its late and you may have had a few drinks by now...so I wont be too hard on you for screwing this one up.

You are on a hair splitting mission here. Stop fucking around.
You know God Damned well our rights come from God.
That just really eats away at your insides. Good.

actually no I dont know that. I do know that you failed to see the HUMOR in my response to T and that infers a chip on the shoulder that you should consider removing.
I hate it when those Canadians show off all of their money.

We should go up there and kick their rich asses.

Things are getting so bad the Mexicans are immigrating to Canada looking for jobs.
Sorry bout that,

1. I've built several business, and trust me, no one was there to build it for me.
2. I had some paid advisor's early on, but thats all the help I got, and they were paid by me!
3 The Obama duffass said this...,"If you’ve got a business --you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."
4 Fuck is he really that fucking stoopid!!!!!


Not sorry

1. You may have started them but writing in thsi format prevented you from being successful
2. Giving your brother some free beer and pizza to help you move does not constitute "paid advisor"
3. The full statement is "Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen." so taking him OUT OF CONTEXT to spin it into something he didnt say is the mark of true cowardice
4 Fuck you really are too stupid to spell stupid arent you?


Break time.


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really feel that way when he said:
“If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that,” Obama told a crowd in Roanoke, Va., on Friday. “Somebody else made that happen.”

Is he THAT dumb to criticize the major voting block that put him in office..
76% of all voters white.. of which 44% voted for him in 2008... and now he is criticizing some of the same people that voted him into office? IS THAT DUMB or does he mean it?

If he means it he again is showing the incredible ignorance of what it takes to start and keep a business going.. and this pompous BUTT thinks these people had NOTHING to do with it?

Now the WH is trying to walk this back by saying well businesses need roads and bridges..
hmmm Cuba/Russia have bridges.. so why are Cubans still driving cars from the USA built in the 50s?
If Obama intended to say well the Internet was a government project... he was right!
BUT OBAMA.... what funded that research? TAX dollars make up 97% of Federal revenue!
So businesses that make a profit have employees that pay taxes, pay property taxes and Federal taxes that CREATED the Internet!
SO is he like ALGORE that totally ignorant as to how the Federal government pays its bills?

NO Obama meant that statement and was stupid for making it!
His whole educational background hated businesses hated profits.. hated USA and it is totally true or WHY else is he bent on tearing people down? Tearing businesses down?
Tearing the USA down???

Yes OBAMA stepped into it big time. This very POWERFUL ad is now being shown in all battleground states. Frank Luntz pollster says this is the most POWERFUL ad of the season as it unites blue collar workers with white collar workers.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNHeTwoy5vI]These Hands - YouTube[/ame]

"If you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people need to run from."--Barack Obama
The Constitution I have says my rights were given to me by God... not the gov't.

The gov't would not exist were it not for the wonderful American people who made it.

I owe ALL of my success to me, myself and I.... the gov't has done nothing for me, and I dont want them to.

Plus, all those roads and bridges were STILL built by private companies contracted to do so by the gov't WITH OUR MONEY.

Move to a communist block country and see just how much the gov't does for you....

And if you don't believe in God?

BTW, there's this pesky little thing in your constitution called an amendment process that can remove amendments. So they are not set in stone....

Hey, move to an island and live by yourself if you think you can go it alone...
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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I've built several business, and trust me, no one was there to build it for me.
2. I had some paid advisor's early on, but thats all the help I got, and they were paid by me!
3 The Obama duffass said this...,"If you’ve got a business --you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."
4 Fuck is he really that fucking stoopid!!!!!


Not sorry

1. You may have started them but writing in thsi format prevented you from being successful
2. Giving your brother some free beer and pizza to help you move does not constitute "paid advisor"
3. The full statement is "Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen." so taking him OUT OF CONTEXT to spin it into something he didnt say is the mark of true cowardice
4 Fuck you really are too stupid to spell stupid arent you?



1. Look here,.....shit for brains, Obama said what he said.
2. Stop being a fucking *LIAR*!!!!
3. People like me built the infrastructure duffass!!!!
4. People with small business did this.
5. Government doesn't build anything well.
6. I have used the context that he used,.......he said what he said.......
7. Stoopid is five times more stupid than just saying stupid....lol!
8. Which describes Obama perfectly.
9. I don't know if you are aware, but in reading your perfect rant, there were no less that five words miss spelled......lol!!!!

I owe what the government asks of me. If Reagan say 28% I owe 28%. If Clinton say 39%, I owe 39%. And if Obama wants to go back to 39%, and its passes, then THAT is what I owe.

If I dont like the tax rate, I am more than within my rights to petition my senator and congressperson and ask them to propose changes.

What I do not do is whine about how I "earned" my money and how dare these "parasites" try to sponge the sweat of my brow, the fruit of my labor. I dont whine that my success puts me in a higher tax bracket. Its like movie stars who whine that they lost their privacy. Everytime I see one on TV complain about it I yell at the TV," Thats what 12 million dollars for 6 weeks of work gets you asshole! Good trade! "

Same thing. Im in a higher tax bracket. I pay more in taxes. But I bring home more than most people as well.

Good trade.

You didn't answer my question. Do you think the govt deserves credit for your success and as a result you should have your taxes raised?

Sorry I misunderstood the question then.

The government is the personification of our society. Our society pays the bills via the government that allow me to be successful ( ie public education, roads, police, fire dept. , etc. ) . Society via military service makes sacrifices that allow me the freedom to be successful.

So yes, the government as a personification of the society that protects my freedom and rights deserves some credit for my success. Raising or lowering of taxes is within their Constitutional right to do. The reasoning behind the raising or lowering of tax rates however is irrelevant.

Not to me it isn't. If they need it to perform a function that I think is warranted, that's fine. If it's being done for sound economic reasons and is in the best interests of the country, that's fine. But if it's being done because somebody thinks it's "fair", that's bullshit. Especially if it means the overall economy suffers as a result, just to make political points.

Now let me ask you this:

If the concept that lower taxes and less regulation provide for greater economic opportunity is true, then wouldnt a government that stays out of the way also be entitled to some credit for success?

Yeah, I think the gov't deserves credit for good, effective, and efficient governance as well as blame when it doesn't. But that's not a good reason to raise or lower our taxes. I'm good with as little gov't as possible, but it's gotta be enough to protect our rights and foster a free and competitive market with as much opportunity as possible for as many people as possible. Right now we seem to be limiting our rights and controlling the market; I don't think that is the best way to go.
Communist bloc? LOL Cold War dinosaur brainwashed Pub dupes. Thanks for the greed and cronyism DEPRESSION fcs. How dumb can you get. Let's try intelligence and people who don't use gov't to rip off the citizens...
Really? God gave you your rights? The Constitution says so?

Please provide us with the exact quote in the Constitution that says God gave you your rights.

Please be sure its the CONSTITUTION youre thinking of...its late and you may have had a few drinks by now...so I wont be too hard on you for screwing this one up.

No one said the Constitution says so, dipshit. However the Declaration of Independence does.
You didn't answer my question. Do you think the govt deserves credit for your success and as a result you should have your taxes raised?

Sorry I misunderstood the question then.

The government is the personification of our society. Our society pays the bills via the government that allow me to be successful ( ie public education, roads, police, fire dept. , etc. ) . Society via military service makes sacrifices that allow me the freedom to be successful.

So yes, the government as a personification of the society that protects my freedom and rights deserves some credit for my success. Raising or lowering of taxes is within their Constitutional right to do. The reasoning behind the raising or lowering of tax rates however is irrelevant.

Not to me it isn't. If they need it to perform a function that I think is warranted, that's fine. If it's being done for sound economic reasons and is in the best interests of the country, that's fine. But if it's being done because somebody thinks it's "fair", that's bullshit. Especially if it means the overall economy suffers as a result, just to make political points.

Now let me ask you this:

If the concept that lower taxes and less regulation provide for greater economic opportunity is true, then wouldnt a government that stays out of the way also be entitled to some credit for success?

Yeah, I think the gov't deserves credit for good, effective, and efficient governance as well as blame when it doesn't. But that's not a good reason to raise or lower our taxes. I'm good with as little gov't as possible, but it's gotta be enough to protect our rights and foster a free and competitive market with as much opportunity as possible for as many people as possible. Right now we seem to be limiting our rights and controlling the market; I don't think that is the best way to go.

I cannot argue against that. Your reasoning is sound.
Really? God gave you your rights? The Constitution says so?

Please provide us with the exact quote in the Constitution that says God gave you your rights.

Please be sure its the CONSTITUTION youre thinking of...its late and you may have had a few drinks by now...so I wont be too hard on you for screwing this one up.

No one said the Constitution says so, dipshit. However the Declaration of Independence does.

T said it...dipshit. Next time you throw insults maybe you should actually READ the thread...dipshit.

Sorry about the insults but you asked for it by ignoring the post I was responding to. I even quoted it. So you have no excuse...dipshit.

And yes, I am aware of the unalienable rights...which is why I am for Single Payer Health care...dipshit

( see how stupid the insult is? )
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