"You didn't get there on your own"

oh and by the way...heres the full text of what Obama said:

There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me -- because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t -- look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something -- there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires.

So we say to ourselves, ever since the founding of this country, you know what, there are some things we do better together. That’s how we funded the GI Bill. That’s how we created the middle class. That’s how we built the Golden Gate Bridge or the Hoover Dam. That’s how we invented the Internet. That’s how we sent a man to the moon. We rise or fall together as one nation and as one people, and that’s the reason I’m running for President -- because I still believe in that idea. You’re not on your own, we’re in this together.

The Meaning of "That"
And I agree with it.

And its fairly obvious that when taken as a whole, his meaning is quite clear and its not whats being painted by the partisan hacks.

You agree with what Obama said? You agree that hard work and intelligence are not what make people successful? You agree that everyone who is intelligent and works hard only succeeds because somebody helped them? Tell me something, why didn't hose people help the intelligent hard working people who were not successful? What the frack gives them the right to choose who succeeds and who fails?

Putting the remarks into context, the way all the idiotic defenders of Obama insist, ends up with me seeing what he said as the most condescending piece of crap ever spoken by anyone. I obviously am not alone in that, which is why they started arguing he didn't say what he said.

Maybe it's my years as a baker, but I know that flour and water and yeast alone are nothing, but together they become bread.I know that if they aren't mixed properly, the dough does not become that perfect shiney ball. That without heat and moisture for the yeast, the dough cannot rise. And I know that if allowed to rise too long, the dough will collapse and ruin. And if baked at too high a heat, it burns the crust while leaving the inside unbaked.

I understand that the ingredients don't mix themselves, the dough does not rise without supervision and will not bake without an oven.
Obama is an ideological idiot. He has never actually had a private sector job. He couldn't run a business- except into the ground, if you paid him. His statement reveals how he sees the world. The "government" in his world belongs to the political class and not to the people...I mean WTF financially supports the government, but tax payers.

I have run a business. Several in fact. Successfully if I may be allowed to brag a bit.

And Obama is correct. I didnt go from start up to success on my own. I had help. I had good employees who were educated on someone elses tax money. I had roads on which supplies and customers came into my business and on which product was shipped out. I pay my employees a fair wage but I always need them to produce more value than I am investing in them or I do not profit.

For people to pretend that they dont understand how our economic well being is interconnected to one another AFTER the housing crisis took down our entire economy is just plain deception.

You did too- It's your capital to risk- to lose. Of course your employees help you profit...like DUH, that's what you fucking pay them to do!

Spoken like a true Communist...

By the way, everything you listed has NOTHING to do with a person building a business.

"Police Protection" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Military Protection" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Good Schools" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Reliable Power" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Clean Water" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Road" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

Thank you for defeating yourselves with your own arguments. Glaring example of how fucking stupid you Communist liberals are....

Yes its provided TO everyone but its not provided BY everyone and THAT is the whole damned point.

When you have Romney ADMITTING hes set up offshore accoutns to keep money from being taxed, then he has chosen to keep his money out of the provided BY column and only in the provided FOR column...and THAT is what has people so pissed off.

You cant have it provided FOR you and expect not to pay into the system so you can provide it FOR the next guy.

Now if you want to talk about the rights and wrongs of a progressive tax system, Im willing to have that conversation ( and I might even agree with you on most of it ) but to actually move money out of the country isnt about progressive taxes its about evasion

You're absolutely right; it's NOT provided by everyone. But it's not the Mitt Romneys of the world who are sucking off of other people, and now trying to feel important by identifying with Obama's hubristic claim. You can piss and moan about Romney's "offshore accounts" until your face turns blue, but the truth is, the United States is one of the countries that taxes its citizens' investments even when they're overseas. Romney is still paying for "roads and bridges" in this country no matter where he's investing. You want to talk about people who are reaping the benefits of our society without contributing to it, let's talk about the half of society that's not paying a damned thing in federal taxes.

What has people so pissed off is the fact that they're uninformed numbfucks who get all their info from people with a political axe to grind. Get over it, get informed, and think for yourself.
The Constitution I have says my rights were given to me by God... not the gov't.

The gov't would not exist were it not for the wonderful American people who made it.

I owe ALL of my success to me, myself and I.... the gov't has done nothing for me, and I dont want them to.

Plus, all those roads and bridges were STILL built by private companies contracted to do so by the gov't WITH OUR MONEY.

Move to a communist block country and see just how much the gov't does for you....

And if you don't believe in God?

BTW, there's this pesky little thing in your constitution called an amendment process that can remove amendments. So they are not set in stone....

Hey, move to an island and live by yourself if you think you can go it alone...

Fuck it, the powers that be are removing them right now, as we type. WITHOUT Amendments. I sure feel bad for the unlucky fucker that gets ordered to come confiscate my guns, though.
No, that is a lie your MessiahRushie filled your "skull of mush" with. Here is what Obama actually said and all the America-hating scum on the right edited out:

Ok so if that statement is true, why bring up all the other crap, people know in their lives who has helped them. This isnt some new discovery, but most people dont succeed and that's why you get the credit for you own success. If you're in the NFL HAll of Fame, it's because you worked at it and had the talent to do it, we dont put all the people that helped you along the way in there, because they may have helped, it's still up to YOU to get the job done and most simply fail at that.

But again, what is the point of the statement? What isnt being done now that people should do?
There are many coaches in the Hall of Fame!

All recognized for THEIR individual achievement!
Everyone of you right-wing idiots are total morons. You deliberately took Obama's statements out of context and changed the entire meaning of what he was saying. He did not say what you say he said. You're bunch of fuckin' liars and I see no reason why anyone would vote for your kind of bullshit!

Obama was talking about the roads and bridges businesses use to transport their products to market. Those businesses did not build the roads and bridges. We did. The American taxpayer built those roads and bridges and made it possible for businesses to flourish.

I swear to God, you people are as dumb as it gets.
Ok so if that statement is true, why bring up all the other crap, people know in their lives who has helped them. This isnt some new discovery, but most people dont succeed and that's why you get the credit for you own success. If you're in the NFL HAll of Fame, it's because you worked at it and had the talent to do it, we dont put all the people that helped you along the way in there, because they may have helped, it's still up to YOU to get the job done and most simply fail at that.

But again, what is the point of the statement? What isnt being done now that people should do?
There are many coaches in the Hall of Fame!

All recognized for THEIR individual achievement!
So the coaches pass the ball and score the touchdowns all by themselves. There is no teamwork on a football team. :cuckoo:
Everyone of you right-wing idiots are total morons. You deliberately took Obama's statements out of context and changed the entire meaning of what he was saying. He did not say what you say he said. You're bunch of fuckin' liars and I see no reason why anyone would vote for your kind of bullshit!

Obama was talking about the roads and bridges businesses use to transport their products to market. Those businesses did not build the roads and bridges. We did. The American taxpayer built those roads and bridges and made it possible for businesses to flourish.

I swear to God, you people are as dumb as it gets.

I own a business and pay taxes.

My roads and bridges.
Why do conservatives value the myth of the self-made-man so much? All of you know what he was saying but choose instead to take it as some kind attack on capitalism.

We know what he said, and what he meant on the surface. But we also can read between the lines, and like clouds moving and briefly exposing the sun, we know the true liberal when it's exposed.
I think its gonna turn around and bite him in the ass.

Try telling a business owner that he didn't pour his heart, soul, capital, time and effort into his business. Tell him he didn't make sacrifices to keep his dream alive. Tell him someone else did it for him. Tell him he owes it all to someone else.

Yeah. That oughta go over big with business owners especially coming from a guy who's never held a real job in his entire life.

Jesus. Obamas a schmuck.

The fact is, most businesses couldn't survive without government. It's just most of them are too arrogant to admit it.

Your store couldn't exist without government run utilities, government provided protection, and government provided roads so goods and customers could get to it. Nor would you be able to educate employees to the level of competence if the government hadn't taught them how to do math and read first.

Conservatives used to be for more efficient, more lean government. Now government has become the enemy... and that's just kind of sad.
Everyone of you right-wing idiots are total morons. You deliberately took Obama's statements out of context and changed the entire meaning of what he was saying. He did not say what you say he said. You're bunch of fuckin' liars and I see no reason why anyone would vote for your kind of bullshit!

Obama was talking about the roads and bridges businesses use to transport their products to market. Those businesses did not build the roads and bridges. We did. The American taxpayer built those roads and bridges and made it possible for businesses to flourish.

I swear to God, you people are as dumb as it gets.

Go on and keep thinking that.
We all know on the surface what Obama said, and actually it was a "duh" moment if I've ever heard one.
Everyone knows how our roads, bridges, infrastructure etc. comes about, we're not children needing a Sesame Street lesson.
But we conservatives know the underlying message Obama sent. It's one we're very familliar with.
We know how liberals work, and how they will always give credit only to the workers of a business, or government entity, and all the while vilifying the business owner, or corporate CEO. Never giving credit to the people who front the money, work the long hours, deal with the stress of meeting payrolls, or whether they're going to lose their shirt.
You guys will never understand what we heard between the lines.
Everyone of you right-wing idiots are total morons. You deliberately took Obama's statements out of context and changed the entire meaning of what he was saying. He did not say what you say he said. You're bunch of fuckin' liars and I see no reason why anyone would vote for your kind of bullshit!

Obama was talking about the roads and bridges businesses use to transport their products to market. Those businesses did not build the roads and bridges. We did. The American taxpayer built those roads and bridges and made it possible for businesses to flourish.

I swear to God, you people are as dumb as it gets.

You want dumb look in the mirror, dipshit.

Who is the American taxpayer? A citizen 'gainfully employed'.
Who employs the American taxpayer? Either business or government.
If a business, the employer pays.
If a government, the taxpayer pays.

Either way, those businesses provided the funds that paid the taxpayer that paid the government that paid other businesses to build the roads and bridges. Without the businesses, neither the taxpayer or the government would exist, they wouldn't have a DIME.
Everyone of you right-wing idiots are total morons. You deliberately took Obama's statements out of context and changed the entire meaning of what he was saying. He did not say what you say he said. You're bunch of fuckin' liars and I see no reason why anyone would vote for your kind of bullshit!

Obama was talking about the roads and bridges businesses use to transport their products to market. Those businesses did not build the roads and bridges. We did. The American taxpayer built those roads and bridges and made it possible for businesses to flourish.

I swear to God, you people are as dumb as it gets.

Go on and keep thinking that.
We all know on the surface what Obama said, and actually it was a "duh" moment if I've ever heard one.
Everyone knows how our roads, bridges, infrastructure etc. comes about, we're not children needing a Sesame Street lesson.
But we conservatives know the underlying message Obama sent. It's one we're very familliar with.
We know how liberals work, and how they will always give credit only to the workers of a business, or government entity, and all the while vilifying the business owner, or corporate CEO. Never giving credit to the people who front the money, work the long hours, deal with the stress of meeting payrolls, or whether they're going to lose their shirt.
You guys will never understand what we heard between the lines.

I think some of you are in need of a Sesame Street lesson, after the Short Bus picks you up. And what you hear between the lines is more about what you bring into the conversation, not is what actually said.

I frankly get tired of treating the CEO's and Owners like heroes. Most of these people are only kept afloat because their workers put in so many hours, and when I hear one of these assholes say how lazy their employees are on their way to the golf course, there's really no sympathy. And usually when things go south, these folks can't screw over their workers fast enough.
I think its gonna turn around and bite him in the ass.

Try telling a business owner that he didn't pour his heart, soul, capital, time and effort into his business. Tell him he didn't make sacrifices to keep his dream alive. Tell him someone else did it for him. Tell him he owes it all to someone else.

Yeah. That oughta go over big with business owners especially coming from a guy who's never held a real job in his entire life.

Jesus. Obamas a schmuck.

The fact is, most businesses couldn't survive without government. It's just most of them are too arrogant to admit it.

Your store couldn't exist without government run utilities, government provided protection, and government provided roads so goods and customers could get to it. Nor would you be able to educate employees to the level of competence if the government hadn't taught them how to do math and read first.

Conservatives used to be for more efficient, more lean government. Now government has become the enemy... and that's just kind of sad.

Thank you Joe!! That's the funniest damned thing I've read in a WEEK!!
Everyone of you right-wing idiots are total morons. You deliberately took Obama's statements out of context and changed the entire meaning of what he was saying. He did not say what you say he said. You're bunch of fuckin' liars and I see no reason why anyone would vote for your kind of bullshit!

Obama was talking about the roads and bridges businesses use to transport their products to market. Those businesses did not build the roads and bridges. We did. The American taxpayer built those roads and bridges and made it possible for businesses to flourish.

I swear to God, you people are as dumb as it gets.

You want dumb look in the mirror, dipshit.

Who is the American taxpayer? A citizen 'gainfully employed'.
Who employs the American taxpayer? Either business or government.
If a business, the employer pays.
If a government, the taxpayer pays.

Either way, those businesses provided the funds that paid the taxpayer that paid the government that paid other businesses to build the roads and bridges. Without the businesses, neither the taxpayer or the government would exist, they wouldn't have a DIME.

BUt where does the employer get the money to pay?

From customers buying goods and services.

Without workers bringing home salaries and spending money, the businesses would have no business.

This is what has gotten lost in the "make a quick buck" mentality of modern business. There is no long term partnership. We stopped calling them "employees" and started calling them "Human Resources".
I think its gonna turn around and bite him in the ass.

Try telling a business owner that he didn't pour his heart, soul, capital, time and effort into his business. Tell him he didn't make sacrifices to keep his dream alive. Tell him someone else did it for him. Tell him he owes it all to someone else.

Yeah. That oughta go over big with business owners especially coming from a guy who's never held a real job in his entire life.

Jesus. Obamas a schmuck.

The fact is, most businesses couldn't survive without government. It's just most of them are too arrogant to admit it.

Your store couldn't exist without government run utilities, government provided protection, and government provided roads so goods and customers could get to it. Nor would you be able to educate employees to the level of competence if the government hadn't taught them how to do math and read first.

Conservatives used to be for more efficient, more lean government. Now government has become the enemy... and that's just kind of sad.

Thank you Joe!! That's the funniest damned thing I've read in a WEEK!!

Why, just because you're an illiterate twit, doesn't mean everyone else is.

Fact is, you hire people, they come in with the ability to read and do the basic math to do the job. Most of them. Maybe not the people you'd hire, because most qualified folks wouldn't want to work for you, anyway.

Sorry, man, most of them were educated in Public Schools. And while you can make a lot of criticisms of how they work, they do get the job done.
"in 1929 federal, state, and municipal governments accounted for about 8 percent of all economic activity in the united states. By the 1960s that figure was between 20 and 25 percent, far exceeding that in india, a socialist country. The national science foundation reckoned that federal funds were paying for 90 percent of research in aviation and space travel, 65 percent in electrical and electronic devices, 42 percent in scientific instruments, 31 percent in machinery, 28 percent in metal alloys, 24 percent in automobiles, and 20 percent in chemicals." william manchester "the glory and the dream"

no rich man ever made a single dime outside of society. No so called entrepreneur made their wealth in a vacuum from nothing. Obama was right, but the thought does not appeal to the cowboy mentality of the modern right wingnut. Oh, and no cowboy roped a steer before there was a steer to rope, someone made the rope, and someone taught him how to ride the horses.

'it’s mitt romney who doesn’t understand america'

"if this country is to continue leading the world both economically and technologically, then someone has to be willing to spend money on silly risks. Someone has to fund a production line for the integrated circuit computers that t.i. Can’t see a use for. Someone has to send rockets into space for no other reason than because we can, and because we should see what happens after that. It’s the american way." romney and obama on american inventions : The new yorker

the rich get rich because of their merit.

elizabeth warren on debt crisis, fair taxation - youtube

"on moral grounds, then, we could argue for a flat income tax of 90 percent to return that wealth to its real owners. in the united states, even a flat tax of 70 percent would support all governmental programs (about half the total tax) and allow payment, with the remainder, of a patrimony of about $8,000 per annum per inhabitant, or $25,000 for a family of three. This would generously leave with the original recipients of the income about three times what, according to my rough guess, they had earned."ubi and the flat tax

the government doesn't pay for anything! Taxpayers do!
Bigger fonts do not make your argument any smarter.

Yes, the taxpayers do. that was the point Obama was making. If you have success in business, it's because the taxpayers created the kind of environment where your business could thrive by having good infrastructure, solid public services and decent education, all of which are at risk now because the "mine, mine, mine" mentality of guys who don't want to pay their fair share.

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