"You didn't get there on your own"

Everyone of you right-wing idiots are total morons. You deliberately took Obama's statements out of context and changed the entire meaning of what he was saying. He did not say what you say he said. You're bunch of fuckin' liars and I see no reason why anyone would vote for your kind of bullshit!

Obama was talking about the roads and bridges businesses use to transport their products to market. Those businesses did not build the roads and bridges. We did. The American taxpayer built those roads and bridges and made it possible for businesses to flourish.

I swear to God, you people are as dumb as it gets.

Go on and keep thinking that.
We all know on the surface what Obama said, and actually it was a "duh" moment if I've ever heard one.
Everyone knows how our roads, bridges, infrastructure etc. comes about, we're not children needing a Sesame Street lesson.
But we conservatives know the underlying message Obama sent. It's one we're very familliar with.
We know how liberals work, and how they will always give credit only to the workers of a business, or government entity, and all the while vilifying the business owner, or corporate CEO. Never giving credit to the people who front the money, work the long hours, deal with the stress of meeting payrolls, or whether they're going to lose their shirt.
You guys will never understand what we heard between the lines.

I think some of you are in need of a Sesame Street lesson, after the Short Bus picks you up. And what you hear between the lines is more about what you bring into the conversation, not is what actually said.

I frankly get tired of treating the CEO's and Owners like heroes. Most of these people are only kept afloat because their workers put in so many hours, and when I hear one of these assholes say how lazy their employees are on their way to the golf course, there's really no sympathy. And usually when things go south, these folks can't screw over their workers fast enough.

Thanks for helping me make my point. :clap2:
Dumbass. Taxpayers ARE the government. The humans that make the decisions regarding how we are governed are duly elected to do so as per the USC.

This is simple stuff. Why can't you grasp it?
Spoken like a true Communist...

By the way, everything you listed has NOTHING to do with a person building a business.

"Police Protection" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Military Protection" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Good Schools" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Reliable Power" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Clean Water" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

"Road" - that's provided to EVERYONE, so why did only Bill Gates create Microsoft and Steve Jobs create Apple?

Thank you for defeating yourselves with your own arguments. Glaring example of how fucking stupid you Communist liberals are....

Yes its provided TO everyone but its not provided BY everyone and THAT is the whole damned point.

When you have Romney ADMITTING hes set up offshore accoutns to keep money from being taxed, then he has chosen to keep his money out of the provided BY column and only in the provided FOR column...and THAT is what has people so pissed off.

You cant have it provided FOR you and expect not to pay into the system so you can provide it FOR the next guy.

Now if you want to talk about the rights and wrongs of a progressive tax system, Im willing to have that conversation ( and I might even agree with you on most of it ) but to actually move money out of the country isnt about progressive taxes its about evasion

You're absolutely right; it's NOT provided by everyone. But it's not the Mitt Romneys of the world who are sucking off of other people, and now trying to feel important by identifying with Obama's hubristic claim. You can piss and moan about Romney's "offshore accounts" until your face turns blue, but the truth is, the United States is one of the countries that taxes its citizens' investments even when they're overseas. Romney is still paying for "roads and bridges" in this country no matter where he's investing. You want to talk about people who are reaping the benefits of our society without contributing to it, let's talk about the half of society that's not paying a damned thing in federal taxes.

What has people so pissed off is the fact that they're uninformed numbfucks who get all their info from people with a political axe to grind. Get over it, get informed, and think for yourself.

Actually it IS the Mitt Romney's who are sucking off of other people. It is self centered greed, lack of respect, lack of patriotism and appreciation for being born in this country that the opulent like Mitten have become in America. You don't see unions or common working folks out sourcing jobs or investing in foreign countries.

"Privilege is here, and with privilege goes responsibility. There is inherited wealth in this country and also inherited poverty. And unless the graduates of this college and other colleges like it who are given a running start in life--unless they are willing to put back into our society, those talents, the broad sympathy, the understanding, the compassion--unless they are willing to put those qualities back into the service of the Great Republic, then obviously the presuppositions upon which our democracy are based are bound to be fallible."
Remarks at Amherst College
President John F. Kennedy
Amherst, Massachusetts
October 26, 1963
Go on and keep thinking that.
We all know on the surface what Obama said, and actually it was a "duh" moment if I've ever heard one.
Everyone knows how our roads, bridges, infrastructure etc. comes about, we're not children needing a Sesame Street lesson.
But we conservatives know the underlying message Obama sent. It's one we're very familliar with.
We know how liberals work, and how they will always give credit only to the workers of a business, or government entity, and all the while vilifying the business owner, or corporate CEO. Never giving credit to the people who front the money, work the long hours, deal with the stress of meeting payrolls, or whether they're going to lose their shirt.
You guys will never understand what we heard between the lines.

I think some of you are in need of a Sesame Street lesson, after the Short Bus picks you up. And what you hear between the lines is more about what you bring into the conversation, not is what actually said.

I frankly get tired of treating the CEO's and Owners like heroes. Most of these people are only kept afloat because their workers put in so many hours, and when I hear one of these assholes say how lazy their employees are on their way to the golf course, there's really no sympathy. And usually when things go south, these folks can't screw over their workers fast enough.

Thanks for helping me make my point. :clap2:

The only point is at the top of your head.

No matter how much you suck up, you are still going to be a "human resource" to these people.

They don't give a fuck about you and never will. They are not your friends.
I think its gonna turn around and bite him in the ass.

Try telling a business owner that he didn't pour his heart, soul, capital, time and effort into his business. Tell him he didn't make sacrifices to keep his dream alive. Tell him someone else did it for him. Tell him he owes it all to someone else.

Yeah. That oughta go over big with business owners especially coming from a guy who's never held a real job in his entire life.

Jesus. Obamas a schmuck.

The fact is, most businesses couldn't survive without government. It's just most of them are too arrogant to admit it.

Your store couldn't exist without government run utilities, government provided protection, and government provided roads so goods and customers could get to it. Nor would you be able to educate employees to the level of competence if the government hadn't taught them how to do math and read first.

Conservatives used to be for more efficient, more lean government. Now government has become the enemy... and that's just kind of sad.

Well ummmmmm yea the Government is the enemy. Our founding fathers knew this:

The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.-Thomas Jefferson

I'm sorry you lefties let the guy in the White House call fellow American's enemies when in fact, he and his cronies are the true enemy of liberty.
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when I saw the vid of this goofball, my face hit the floor. I said to myself, "WTF.....is this guy purposfully trying to throw the election because he's just done with this?" Politically, its one of the dumbest things he could have ever said and while the guy is seriously misguided, hes not a dummy. Makes no sense........
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I think some of you are in need of a Sesame Street lesson, after the Short Bus picks you up. And what you hear between the lines is more about what you bring into the conversation, not is what actually said.

I frankly get tired of treating the CEO's and Owners like heroes. Most of these people are only kept afloat because their workers put in so many hours, and when I hear one of these assholes say how lazy their employees are on their way to the golf course, there's really no sympathy. And usually when things go south, these folks can't screw over their workers fast enough.

Thanks for helping me make my point. :clap2:

The only point is at the top of your head.

No matter how much you suck up, you are still going to be a "human resource" to these people.

They don't give a fuck about you and never will. They are not your friends.

You sound like a total loser

So your only "Friends" are government bureaucrats, the people at DMV and IRS?
"in 1929 federal, state, and municipal governments accounted for about 8 percent of all economic activity in the united states. By the 1960s that figure was between 20 and 25 percent, far exceeding that in india, a socialist country. The national science foundation reckoned that federal funds were paying for 90 percent of research in aviation and space travel, 65 percent in electrical and electronic devices, 42 percent in scientific instruments, 31 percent in machinery, 28 percent in metal alloys, 24 percent in automobiles, and 20 percent in chemicals." william manchester "the glory and the dream"

no rich man ever made a single dime outside of society. No so called entrepreneur made their wealth in a vacuum from nothing. Obama was right, but the thought does not appeal to the cowboy mentality of the modern right wingnut. Oh, and no cowboy roped a steer before there was a steer to rope, someone made the rope, and someone taught him how to ride the horses.

'it’s mitt romney who doesn’t understand america'

"if this country is to continue leading the world both economically and technologically, then someone has to be willing to spend money on silly risks. Someone has to fund a production line for the integrated circuit computers that t.i. Can’t see a use for. Someone has to send rockets into space for no other reason than because we can, and because we should see what happens after that. It’s the american way." romney and obama on american inventions : The new yorker

the rich get rich because of their merit.

elizabeth warren on debt crisis, fair taxation - youtube

"on moral grounds, then, we could argue for a flat income tax of 90 percent to return that wealth to its real owners. in the united states, even a flat tax of 70 percent would support all governmental programs (about half the total tax) and allow payment, with the remainder, of a patrimony of about $8,000 per annum per inhabitant, or $25,000 for a family of three. This would generously leave with the original recipients of the income about three times what, according to my rough guess, they had earned."ubi and the flat tax

the government doesn't pay for anything! Taxpayers do!
Well ummmmmm yea the Government is the enemy. Our founding fathers knew this:

The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.-Thomas Jefferson

I'm sorry you lefties let the guy in the White House call fellow American's enemies when in fact, he and his cronies are the true enemy of liberty.

Sorry, that's another wonderful bogus internet quote attributed to Jefferson he didn't say.

The two enemies of the people are criminals and government...(Quotation) « Thomas Jefferson

Earliest appearance in print: 2002[1]

Earliest appearance in print, attributed to Thomas Jefferson: see above.

Status: This quotation has not been found in any of Thomas Jefferson's writings. He did, however, employ the phrase "chains of the Constitution" at least once, in the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798: "...in questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the constitution..." (from draft)[2]

Jefferson seems to have a lot of things attributed to him that he never said, mostly by Wingnuts.
Thanks for helping me make my point. :clap2:

The only point is at the top of your head.

No matter how much you suck up, you are still going to be a "human resource" to these people.

They don't give a fuck about you and never will. They are not your friends.

You sound like a total loser

So your only "Friends" are government bureaucrats, the people at DMV and IRS?

No, my friends are working stiff just like me, trying to do the best job they can and hoping the geniuses with their MBA's don't make brain dead stupid decisions that wreck the company.

Which inevitably they do, anyway.
Well ummmmmm yea the Government is the enemy. Our founding fathers knew this:

The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.-Thomas Jefferson

I'm sorry you lefties let the guy in the White House call fellow American's enemies when in fact, he and his cronies are the true enemy of liberty.

Sorry, that's another wonderful bogus internet quote attributed to Jefferson he didn't say.

The two enemies of the people are criminals and government...(Quotation) « Thomas Jefferson

Earliest appearance in print: 2002[1]

Earliest appearance in print, attributed to Thomas Jefferson: see above.

Status: This quotation has not been found in any of Thomas Jefferson's writings. He did, however, employ the phrase "chains of the Constitution" at least once, in the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798: "...in questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the constitution..." (from draft)[2]

Jefferson seems to have a lot of things attributed to him that he never said, mostly by Wingnuts.

Yea, well government is the enemy............here are some more Jefferson quotes I have confirmed are true. ;)

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."

"To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical. "
Krauthammer gets it.

To say that all individuals are embedded in and the product of society is banal. Obama rises above banality by means of fallacy: equating society with government, the collectivity with the state. Of course we are shaped by our milieu. But the most formative, most important influence on the individual is not government. It is civil society, those elements of the collectivity that lie outside government: family, neighborhood, church, Rotary club, PTA, the voluntary associations that Tocqueville understood to be the genius of America and source of its energy and freedom. …

Absurd. We don’t credit the Swiss postal service with the Special Theory of Relativity because it transmitted Einstein’s manuscript to the Annalen der Physik. Everyone drives the roads, goes to school, uses the mails. So did Steve Jobs. Yet only he created the Mac and the iPad.

Obama’s infrastructure argument is easily refuted by what is essentially a controlled social experiment. Roads and schools are the constant. What’s variable is the energy, enterprise, risk-taking, hard work and genius of the individual. It is therefore precisely those individual characteristics, not the communal utilities, that account for the different outcomes.
Did the state make you great? « Hot Air Headlines
Strange that Obama would draw attention to his concept of a state run economy. In addition to confirming his socialist philosophy, it means he must take full blame for a failed economy.
Actually it IS the Mitt Romney's who are sucking off of other people. It is self centered greed, lack of respect, lack of patriotism and appreciation for being born in this country that the opulent like Mitten have become in America. You don't see unions or common working folks out sourcing jobs or investing in foreign countries.

How do you know they are not investing in foriegn countries? How do you know their 401K isn't loaded down with overseas stocks? Just a typical bullshit claim from a typical lib who makes things up.

"Privilege is here, and with privilege goes responsibility. There is inherited wealth in this country and also inherited poverty. And unless the graduates of this college and other colleges like it who are given a running start in life--unless they are willing to put back into our society, those talents, the broad sympathy, the understanding, the compassion--unless they are willing to put those qualities back into the service of the Great Republic, then obviously the presuppositions upon which our democracy are based are bound to be fallible."
Remarks at Amherst College
President John F. Kennedy
Amherst, Massachusetts
October 26, 1963

Kennedy wasn't a god. He wasn't right about everything. All his and your presuppositions about democracy are pure bullshit.
Krauthammer gets it.

To say that all individuals are embedded in and the product of society is banal. Obama rises above banality by means of fallacy: equating society with government, the collectivity with the state. Of course we are shaped by our milieu. But the most formative, most important influence on the individual is not government. It is civil society, those elements of the collectivity that lie outside government: family, neighborhood, church, Rotary club, PTA, the voluntary associations that Tocqueville understood to be the genius of America and source of its energy and freedom. …

Absurd. We don’t credit the Swiss postal service with the Special Theory of Relativity because it transmitted Einstein’s manuscript to the Annalen der Physik. Everyone drives the roads, goes to school, uses the mails. So did Steve Jobs. Yet only he created the Mac and the iPad.

Obama’s infrastructure argument is easily refuted by what is essentially a controlled social experiment. Roads and schools are the constant. What’s variable is the energy, enterprise, risk-taking, hard work and genius of the individual. It is therefore precisely those individual characteristics, not the communal utilities, that account for the different outcomes.
Did the state make you great? « Hot Air Headlines

Obama is minimizing the 'individual's' drive, determination and persistence in starting/running a business and is pushing the 'collective' end of it as being more important.

Hmmmm, wonder where he got that notion from ...
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These idiots don't want to get it. They are deliberately following Obama off a cliff. That's what lemmings do. Dogs bark, Horses run, pigs roll in mud, and lemmings go off the cliff. It's their nature and they can't help themselves. And when they lose, they will just blame someone or something else. In their feeble minds the American people would never reject Obama. They're indoctrinated.
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Really? God gave you your rights? The Constitution says so?

Please provide us with the exact quote in the Constitution that says God gave you your rights.

Please be sure its the CONSTITUTION youre thinking of...its late and you may have had a few drinks by now...so I wont be too hard on you for screwing this one up.

No one said the Constitution says so, dipshit. However the Declaration of Independence does.

T said it...dipshit. Next time you throw insults maybe you should actually READ the thread...dipshit.

Sorry about the insults but you asked for it by ignoring the post I was responding to. I even quoted it. So you have no excuse...dipshit.)

You are correct, he did say it. I didn't read it carefully enough.

[And yes, I am aware of the unalienable rights...which is why I am for Single Payer Health care...dipshit

( see how stupid the insult is? )

Healthcare is an inalienable right? What happens to your INALIENABLE right if you're stranded in the middle of some primitive African hell hole?

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