"You didn't get there on your own"

This time, the lie machine is telling people that President Obama said that business owners didn't build their businesses, government did. What President Obama actually said was that businesses did not build the roads and bridges that help them get their products to markets:

"Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that."

The billionaire corporate lie machine version? Heritage Foundation: "Obama Tells Entrepreneurs, "You Didn't Build" Your Business."

Elections Based On Lies Bring Policies That Hurt Us -- See Update With Astonishing Lie | OurFuture.org

Watch the beginning of this FOX News segment, note how the editing actually shows Obama's mouth moving, before they bring the sound up partway through what he is saying, then listen to the commentators as they pretend this is what Obama actually said. (Of course they know this is not what he actually said, which makes the performance so shocking.)
There was literally NO WAY to take Obama's comments out of context. Think about it for a minute... the reason he made the speech that he did was to justify his larger argument about raising taxes. Why he thinks it's okay to ask more of the business community IS the context.

The guy said what he meant. And he did it in such a way as to make it impossible to take it any other way. Just because you see his speech reduced to one sentence, doesn't mean that the one sentence you see isn't actually representative of the whole.
If there was no way to take it out of context, why did you edit out the part regarding roads and bridges?
This has actually been a fascinating discussion to watch. Once you back out the professional, probably paid trolls and are left with those who actually have mostly their own opinions, those on the right seem to understand without exception how Obama's point of view on this is counter to everything the Founders intended for this country and counter to everything we know and have experienced in building and running businesses that are the economic lifeblood of the country.

Perhaps there are one or two on the left who also understand that, but most are straining at unimaginable gnats to change what he said into something more palatable, or are refusing to believe he said it at all.

Those of us who wanted Obama to be more than just another clueless Marxist knew in our hearts what he was and hoped he wasn't. From his "spread the wealth around" in the Joe the Plumber incident to so many other little clues, he has let us into his inner thoughts and motives. But letting us know how he really views those who take the risks to build the economy and provide resources and income for all is the icing on that cake. The man is a Marxist and that should be so crystal clear now beyond all question.

You claim that the paid trolls are gone and then devolve into partisan nonsense and historical bullshit.

Have you even read the Declaration of Independence?

And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.

You think that means "every man for himself"?

It's not the Individual States of America. It's the UNITED States of America.

Just what do you think all of this means?

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Why did they need roads and bridges?
It comes down to which came first, businesses or roads and highways?
Why would you need a highway or roads if not for businesses which employ people who live in towns that grow into cities?
The town came first, the business came second.

Name me one city that started with a business and not local residents.
No Krauthammer doesn't get it.

Our government is of, for and by the people. That makes it the personification of our society. You can seperate society from a monarch, or a communist committee, or a dictator, but in a democracy, they are one in the same. THAT'S what made America so different at its founding. WE are the government.

And Steve Jobs IS the perfect example because he keeps being credited with building the Mac. Steve Jobs didn't build the Mac! That was Steve Wozniak. Jobs was a salesman. And he sold The Wozs invention.

And every time that little fact is ignored to make the "individual" argument, it not further proves that it's a lie.

Can you reword this so it makes some sense ?

Krauthammer has a point of view that is shared by many of us. There is no getting it or not getting it.

But I can tell you that government is not the personification of our society. That is a really stupid statement.

So you don't believe in We the people?

Yes, but you don't seem to think that 'we the people' is what the Founders intended which was that 'we the people' are what runs the country and assigns responsibilities to the government to do. Some here seem to think that the government is 'we the people' and the source of everything. In most countries that is the situation. The USA was designed as the complete oppostie concept of government as everybody else--a concept of self governance and putting the power and faith in the individual capability of humankind and not in those who would rule over them.
This has actually been a fascinating discussion to watch. Once you back out the professional, probably paid trolls and are left with those who actually have mostly their own opinions, those on the right seem to understand without exception how Obama's point of view on this is counter to everything the Founders intended for this country and counter to everything we know and have experienced in building and running businesses that are the economic lifeblood of the country.

Perhaps there are one or two on the left who also understand that, but most are straining at unimaginable gnats to change what he said into something more palatable, or are refusing to believe he said it at all.

Those of us who wanted Obama to be more than just another clueless Marxist knew in our hearts what he was and hoped he wasn't. From his "spread the wealth around" in the Joe the Plumber incident to so many other little clues, he has let us into his inner thoughts and motives. But letting us know how he really views those who take the risks to build the economy and provide resources and income for all is the icing on that cake. The man is a Marxist and that should be so crystal clear now beyond all question.

You claim that the paid trolls are gone and then devolve into partisan nonsense and historical bullshit.

Have you even read the Declaration of Independence?

And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.

You think that means "every man for himself"?

It's not the Individual States of America. It's the UNITED States of America.

Just what do you think all of this means?


And do you think that 'for the support of this declaration' translates into for the support of each other? Do you really think that is what it says?
This has actually been a fascinating discussion to watch. Once you back out the professional, probably paid trolls and are left with those who actually have mostly their own opinions, those on the right seem to understand without exception how Obama's point of view on this is counter to everything the Founders intended for this country and counter to everything we know and have experienced in building and running businesses that are the economic lifeblood of the country.

Perhaps there are one or two on the left who also understand that, but most are straining at unimaginable gnats to change what he said into something more palatable, or are refusing to believe he said it at all.

Those of us who wanted Obama to be more than just another clueless Marxist knew in our hearts what he was and hoped he wasn't. From his "spread the wealth around" in the Joe the Plumber incident to so many other little clues, he has let us into his inner thoughts and motives. But letting us know how he really views those who take the risks to build the economy and provide resources and income for all is the icing on that cake. The man is a Marxist and that should be so crystal clear now beyond all question.

You claim that the paid trolls are gone and then devolve into partisan nonsense and historical bullshit.

Have you even read the Declaration of Independence?

And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.

You think that means "every man for himself"?

It's not the Individual States of America. It's the UNITED States of America.

Just what do you think all of this means?


And do you think that 'for the support of this declaration' translates into for the support of each other? Do you really think that is what it says?

I read the rest of the sentence. Pledge to each other our LIVES, FORTUNES AND SACRED HONOR.

It means exactly what it says.

And just like Obamas statement, it not means what you think it means if you take it out of context and put partisan spin on it.
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There was literally NO WAY to take Obama's comments out of context. Think about it for a minute... the reason he made the speech that he did was to justify his larger argument about raising taxes. Why he thinks it's okay to ask more of the business community IS the context.

The guy said what he meant. And he did it in such a way as to make it impossible to take it any other way. Just because you see his speech reduced to one sentence, doesn't mean that the one sentence you see isn't actually representative of the whole.
If there was no way to take it out of context, why did you edit out the part regarding roads and bridges?

I didn't edit anything out. What I said was that there's no way to take any part of Obama's statement out of context. ALL of it was within the larger context regarding why he thinks it's okay to raise taxes on business. The one sentence which appears to be the bone of contention "you didn't build that business" is representative of the whole. IOW, complete context doesn't fix this.

No one is taking it literally as Obama saying 'government built your entire business'. That's not what's happening. But he makes it sound like government is some sort of partner, like the public has some sort of small vested ownership interest, and that's just not so.
Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others.

I applaud you for not just quoting out of context. Your statement I believe accurate reflects what Obama meant.

And frankly, its true. I know that Republicans may feel in their hearts that business success - particularly their own - is 100% due to their efforts, but the facts and the evidence tell us otherwise. Everywhere you look, you'll see the influence of the greatest public-private partnership in all of history - the scientific and technological complex, a web of public and private entities, some motivated by quest for profit, others by quest for knowledge, still others by quest of national defense - all leading to best economy in the world.

Public v. Private is simply not that simple, in other words.

If all of science was funded by the public, there would be a lot more advances in general scientific theories but no concentration on the kind that would benefit the economy. Obviously business would suffer dearly.

If all of science is funded by the private, we'll do fine for a while but over several decades, we'll fall way behind in science, and the technology will eventually suffer. Most private enterprise simply has no interest in funding science whose benefits may not be realized for decades upon decades to come. Einstein's relativity would have never come about had there only been private funding of science - yet his theory is now crucial to the functioning of something most of us even take for granted now - GPS.

You did NOT just type this!! Really?? Really?? Are you idiots that desperate that you'll make up shit like this out of whole cloth?? Do you realize that it takes all of 30 seconds to prove how simple-minded you are, regardless of your flowery rhetoric?

Einstein didn't get a DIME from government, you lying sack of putrid dog shit! There was no funding from government, ANY government.

Krauthammer gets it.

To say that all individuals are embedded in and the product of society is banal. Obama rises above banality by means of fallacy: equating society with government, the collectivity with the state. Of course we are shaped by our milieu. But the most formative, most important influence on the individual is not government. It is civil society, those elements of the collectivity that lie outside government: family, neighborhood, church, Rotary club, PTA, the voluntary associations that Tocqueville understood to be the genius of America and source of its energy and freedom. …

Absurd. We don’t credit the Swiss postal service with the Special Theory of Relativity because it transmitted Einstein’s manuscript to the Annalen der Physik. Everyone drives the roads, goes to school, uses the mails. So did Steve Jobs. Yet only he created the Mac and the iPad.

Obama’s infrastructure argument is easily refuted by what is essentially a controlled social experiment. Roads and schools are the constant. What’s variable is the energy, enterprise, risk-taking, hard work and genius of the individual. It is therefore precisely those individual characteristics, not the communal utilities, that account for the different outcomes.
Did the state make you great? « Hot Air Headlines

No Krauthammer doesn't get it.

Our government is of, for and by the people. That makes it the personification of our society. You can seperate society from a monarch, or a communist committee, or a dictator, but in a democracy, they are one in the same. THAT'S what made America so different at its founding. WE are the government.

Einstein didn't PROVE relativity. That was Swarzchild and Eddington.In other words, he didn't do it alone.

And Steve Jobs IS the perfect example because he keeps being credited with building the Mac. Steve Jobs didn't build the Mac! That was Steve Wozniak. Jobs was a salesman. And he sold The Wozs invention.

And every time that little fact is ignored to make the "individual" argument, it not further proves that it's a lie.

You live in a republic. You are not the government. You can choose to vote in elections and have your representative make decisions. I seriously doubt everything is going according to your plans.
Why did they need roads and bridges?
It comes down to which came first, businesses or roads and highways?
Why would you need a highway or roads if not for businesses which employ people who live in towns that grow into cities?
The town came first, the business came second.

Name me one city that started with a business and not local residents.

Just what did the residences do in a town with no business? Even panning for gold is a business. farming is a business. sheesh.....
This has actually been a fascinating discussion to watch. Once you back out the professional, probably paid trolls and are left with those who actually have mostly their own opinions, those on the right seem to understand without exception how Obama's point of view on this is counter to everything the Founders intended for this country and counter to everything we know and have experienced in building and running businesses that are the economic lifeblood of the country.

Perhaps there are one or two on the left who also understand that, but most are straining at unimaginable gnats to change what he said into something more palatable, or are refusing to believe he said it at all.

Those of us who wanted Obama to be more than just another clueless Marxist knew in our hearts what he was and hoped he wasn't. From his "spread the wealth around" in the Joe the Plumber incident to so many other little clues, he has let us into his inner thoughts and motives. But letting us know how he really views those who take the risks to build the economy and provide resources and income for all is the icing on that cake. The man is a Marxist and that should be so crystal clear now beyond all question.

You claim that the paid trolls are gone and then devolve into partisan nonsense and historical bullshit.

Have you even read the Declaration of Independence?

And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.

You think that means "every man for himself"?

It's not the Individual States of America. It's the UNITED States of America.

Just what do you think all of this means?


And do you think that 'for the support of this declaration' translates into for the support of each other? Do you really think that is what it says?

It was all about Colonial Unity against the Indians, and oddly the French at the time Franklin made that cartoon. I was later adopted by colonists to make a statement against Great Britain, and the Crown.


No Krauthammer doesn't get it.

Our government is of, for and by the people. That makes it the personification of our society. You can seperate society from a monarch, or a communist committee, or a dictator, but in a democracy, they are one in the same. THAT'S what made America so different at its founding. WE are the government.

Einstein didn't PROVE relativity. That was Swarzchild and Eddington.In other words, he didn't do it alone.

And Steve Jobs IS the perfect example because he keeps being credited with building the Mac. Steve Jobs didn't build the Mac! That was Steve Wozniak. Jobs was a salesman. And he sold The Wozs invention.

And every time that little fact is ignored to make the "individual" argument, it not further proves that it's a lie.

You live in a republic. You are not the government. You can choose to vote in elections and have your representative make decisions. I seriously doubt everything is going according to your plans.

Good point. Look, the question isn't whether we all don't get help along the way, successful or not. The question is whether that is a good reason for raising taxes on successful people. Which it isn't.
You did NOT just type this!! Really?? Really?? Are you idiots that desperate that you'll make up shit like this out of whole cloth??

No, you don't get it. Oohpah really, honestly, is so stupid that he believes that shit. I kid you not, he actually thinks that is the way it works, that if only all science were done by gubmint, we would have unlimited breakthroughs.

This really is the level of stupidity in the average Obama voter. Oohpah is just a dramatic example of the point I keep making here, leftism is simply a manifestation of stupidity.

Do you realize that it takes all of 30 seconds to prove how simple-minded you are, regardless of your flowery rhetoric?

Einstein didn't get a DIME from government, you lying sack of putrid dog shit! There was no funding from government, ANY government.


What drives researchers to work 20 hours a day, 7 days a week searching for the next wonder drug is the hope that a patent will make the researcher filthy rich. 99% of the wonders in our world were discovered and created by greedy people wanting to get rich.

But people like OohPah are too stupid to grasp this, they believe the bullshit of Obama and the other autocrats that seeking personal gain is wrong and harms others.

Again, leftism is a manifestation of stupidity.
The stock market thrives on a stable enviroment when it is growing a modest but predictable rate. Wild bubbles and crashes are not good because it takes people out of the market.

It also gets people into the market.
Why did they need roads and bridges?
It comes down to which came first, businesses or roads and highways?
Why would you need a highway or roads if not for businesses which employ people who live in towns that grow into cities?
The town came first, the business came second.

Name me one city that started with a business and not local residents.
Little America, Wyoming

Hershey, Pennsylvania

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