"You didn't get there on your own"

And another thing that seems to be going completely unsaid.

MY success and the success of EVERY single American company today is dependant on the contribution of others. A very specific group.

My grandfather didnt just instill in me good values, a wrok ethic and a strong sense of family, but he, and a group of his closest friends, happened to make landfall on some French beaches on June 6, 1944. Without thier contribution, their sacrifice, my success would not even be possible.

If you dont like the tax code, work to get it changed. It is a democracy after all right? But if you decide fuck it, Im going to hide my money and simply not pay it, then you are ignoring and belittling the contribution and sacrifice of every single American soldier ever. We all demand we support the troops. How about we actually fucking mean it?!?!?!

Says the side that is once again gutting defense. Obama is set to pull $500 billion from the military next year while spending $2 trillion (which he lied about) on Socialized medicine.

By the way - you might want to learn history. When Normandy was stormed, it was to fight Hitler (which was the RIGHT thing to do). However, he posed no threat to us. It was Japan that attacked us. So unless your grandfather stormed Japan, then this is just a sappy story to garner support for your liberal cause.
The same applies here. If you blast Obama for the words while ignoring the MEANING of those words, then youre a Rebtard partisan hack.

Wrong, your just not swayed by Obama fluffer spin. Obama's meaning was quite clear: business owners don't deserve credit for their success. They owe it to the government. Every productive American should rightly feel insulted by that remark.

No. Only the ones that cant think for themselves would feel insulted. Those of us that can, choose to either ignore it as a stupid thing to say or look for the meaning behind it and see if theres any truth to the statement.

Just like "Corporations are people, my friend"
And if you think Im classless for saying things in the way I say them tough shit. Grow a pair and quit being such a whiney little bitch.

If you cant hang with the BIG dogs, stay on the porch.

Once again, show grace and class. Sorry, but there is no way with your lack of tact and class that you have EVER owned a real business. Hiring your college buddies is a far cry from running a business. Getting your high school drop out pals to plumb toilets for minimum wage is not running a business.

You have all the professionalism and tact of a typical liberal parasite low life...

I own three bakeries, two machine shops and am presently working on a "chemical" company. Its just getting off the ground so its the one that takes the most of my time.

And there is such a thing as "a time and a place" though I did tell one of my customers when he was overly demanding if he wanted to wave his dick around he could take his business down the street. He didnt.

In other words, "my mom bakes out of her house, my grandmother bakes out of her house, my sister bakes out of her house, and me and a buddy take turns working out of each others garage sifting through junk and selling it on eBay"... :lol:
I just don't see Obama supporters voting this time. He promised them all sorts of entitlements and didn't make it happen.
No dogboy, YOU dont get it. A business OWNER needs to be able to step away from the business and let the employees mainatain and build it FOR them. Otherwise, the owner has only bought themselves a JOB. Once the employees are building the business for you, you are free to go build ANOTHER business. Its in that way you can make some serious money and provide a MUCH better life for your family.

No pussyboy, a typical small business owner spends far more time working, worrying, spending money, on the business than the employees the owner hires.
In time, the owner may be able to step away and finally reap some of the rewards of their risk taking, but most of the time they spend working, and much more than the employees.

For the first couple years yes. But if youre still struggling and working more hours than your employees, then YOURE DOING IT WRONG.

Look I normally put in 18 hour days, but Im split between multiple businesses AND I sometimes sit here arguing with you folks for an hour or so a night, so it all pans out. But if I was still doing 18 hour days in a single business after year three, then that business has failed...time to move on.

You cannot make such a broad brushed statement as that. Many business owners spend much more than three years before they either fail or begin to take hold. There is no one system fits all. And don't give me the "you're doing it wrong" crap, nothing in business is a certainty.
And another thing that seems to be going completely unsaid.

MY success and the success of EVERY single American company today is dependant on the contribution of others. A very specific group.

My grandfather didnt just instill in me good values, a wrok ethic and a strong sense of family, but he, and a group of his closest friends, happened to make landfall on some French beaches on June 6, 1944. Without thier contribution, their sacrifice, my success would not even be possible.

If you dont like the tax code, work to get it changed. It is a democracy after all right? But if you decide fuck it, Im going to hide my money and simply not pay it, then you are ignoring and belittling the contribution and sacrifice of every single American soldier ever. We all demand we support the troops. How about we actually fucking mean it?!?!?!

Says the side that is once again gutting defense. Obama is set to pull $500 billion from the military next year while spending $2 trillion (which he lied about) on Socialized medicine.

By the way - you might want to learn history. When Normandy was stormed, it was to fight Hitler (which was the RIGHT thing to do). However, he posed no threat to us. It was Japan that attacked us. So unless your grandfather stormed Japan, then this is just a sappy story to garner support for your liberal cause.

You want to debate history? Yeah lets do THAT!

A Europe controlled by Germany would not have stopped there. It would have spread. If you want proof read this:


The sequel to Mein Kampf in which Hitler lays out his plans to invade America.

That aside, Germany and Japan were allies. We knew we would have to take out both eventually. So Hitler DID pose a threat to us. But Japan had just destroyed part of our fleet so a sea war wasnt something we could just jump into. We were going to need some time on that. And if England fell, well then we'd have to invade Europe either through Italy ( which we did ) but that left England at risk or through Russia ( which would have been devastating provided the Russians even allowed it ) Therefore the most logical choice was to choose to fight the land war first which meant invade through France FROM England while our manufacturing built a bigger and better fleet to take out Japan with the sea war we were unprepared for.

Its really quite logical and easy if you understand history at all.
Seems like if the government helped you get there, it would be more interested in keeping you there.
Once again, show grace and class. Sorry, but there is no way with your lack of tact and class that you have EVER owned a real business. Hiring your college buddies is a far cry from running a business. Getting your high school drop out pals to plumb toilets for minimum wage is not running a business.

You have all the professionalism and tact of a typical liberal parasite low life...

I own three bakeries, two machine shops and am presently working on a "chemical" company. Its just getting off the ground so its the one that takes the most of my time.

And there is such a thing as "a time and a place" though I did tell one of my customers when he was overly demanding if he wanted to wave his dick around he could take his business down the street. He didnt.

In other words, "my mom bakes out of her house, my grandmother bakes out of her house, my sister bakes out of her house, and me and a buddy take turns working out of each others garage sifting through junk and selling it on eBay"... :lol:

I own three fully functional small town bakeries. In each I spent several years being the main baker first learning the business then teaching it to others so they could run it for me. Eventually though, I needed parts for my ovens which were no longer being manufactured so I went to a local machine shop. The owner and I got along well ( especially because I was a CNC machinist for seven years before I started my first bakery ) and eventually I invested in his business. Eventually he wanted to retire so I bought him out. I found a few more cleints and saw an opportunity to gain an account that required a major expansion. I split off a several of my employees into a new busiess to serve that signle account, but eventually expanded to include sevral other accounts. The first machine shop is pretty much a job shop. Small runs of parts from 10 to 1000 parts. The second is in constant production where we run about 30 different parts at least 20,000 parts each year.

The chemical business is something Im trying from scratch. Its a new industry that I think has a lot of potential for accumulating some serious wealth. Better than 1% type wealth. It could pan out...but it could not. So its not something Im putting a lot of eggs from my basket into.

Im a member of the local chamber of commerce and even ran for county commissioner several years back ( I lost oh well ).

I also took over my fathers rental properties for him after he needed triple bypass surgery and couldnt run them himself. He had it soooo screwed up. The last time he rented from anyone all that was reuired was a handshake and he just didnt get that times had changed. I set up his company with background check providers and got the delinquent renters out of his properties and got new paying customers in. When I stepped into his business, it was hemerraging money, when I stepped out, it was in the black. My friends at the time used to joke that I was a part time slum lord.

I did have one major failure. The local dry cleaner was going out of business and I thought I could turn that business around and turn a profit doing it. But I couldnt. It took far too much of my time and I found I couldnt really trust others to do the work well. Half assed work drives away customers. I lost a lot of money on that one. Ah well. Such is life.

So hey, mock all you want. I have two houses, five kids, one granddaughter and while the economy has slowed me down, it hasnt devastated me ( though my father in law went from millions in the bank to working nights at wal mart. I offered to stake him in a new business but he says hes done with it. He helped me greatly over the years so I wish hed take it but thats a whole other story. ) Your mockery doesnt change the fact that I am correct in my assertion that success is not predicated solely on the acts of the individual but also of the group within the business itself.
How is that supposed to fix it? He's still presuming a public vested interest in private businesses, "we do things together".

Who's "we"??? :eusa_eh:

The infrastructure is built by the businesses themselves, sometimes directly but most often through taxes they pay. People who don't pay taxes, or offset what little they do pay by taking welfare benefits didn't contribute squat.
And by the same token Businesses that don't pay taxes didn't contribute squat either.

Study says most corporations pay no U.S. income taxes | Reuters

The Government Accountability Office said 72 percent of all foreign corporations and about 57 percent of U.S. companies doing business in the United States paid no federal income taxes for at least one year between 1998 and 2005.

More than half of foreign companies and about 42 percent of U.S. companies paid no U.S. income taxes for two or more years in that period, the report said.

I'm sure, since you printed some excerpts from the article yourself, that you must realize that the headline and text don't match, right? The fact is, that we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. It's also not surprising, given the overly complex nature of our tax law that some corporations don't pay on years when they can find a legal excuse not to. Wasn't it GE under Jeffrey Immelt who, after every sort of sweet government deal one could imagine, not to mention having a warm, fuzzy relationship with Barack Obama, who didn't pay anything recently?

100% of those companies paid employees' Medicare/social security/FUTA taxes!
NO companies could be in USA with out paying those taxes !
That was my point! You never addressed that.
I own three bakeries, two machine shops and am presently working on a "chemical" company. Its just getting off the ground so its the one that takes the most of my time.

And there is such a thing as "a time and a place" though I did tell one of my customers when he was overly demanding if he wanted to wave his dick around he could take his business down the street. He didnt.

In other words, "my mom bakes out of her house, my grandmother bakes out of her house, my sister bakes out of her house, and me and a buddy take turns working out of each others garage sifting through junk and selling it on eBay"... :lol:

I own three fully functional small town bakeries. In each I spent several years being the main baker first learning the business then teaching it to others so they could run it for me. Eventually though, I needed parts for my ovens which were no longer being manufactured so I went to a local machine shop. The owner and I got along well ( especially because I was a CNC machinist for seven years before I started my first bakery ) and eventually I invested in his business. Eventually he wanted to retire so I bought him out. I found a few more cleints and saw an opportunity to gain an account that required a major expansion. I split off a several of my employees into a new busiess to serve that signle account, but eventually expanded to include sevral other accounts. The first machine shop is pretty much a job shop. Small runs of parts from 10 to 1000 parts. The second is in constant production where we run about 30 different parts at least 20,000 parts each year.

The chemical business is something Im trying from scratch. Its a new industry that I think has a lot of potential for accumulating some serious wealth. Better than 1% type wealth. It could pan out...but it could not. So its not something Im putting a lot of eggs from my basket into.

Im a member of the local chamber of commerce and even ran for county commissioner several years back ( I lost oh well ).

I also took over my fathers rental properties for him after he needed triple bypass surgery and couldnt run them himself. He had it soooo screwed up. The last time he rented from anyone all that was reuired was a handshake and he just didnt get that times had changed. I set up his company with background check providers and got the delinquent renters out of his properties and got new paying customers in. When I stepped into his business, it was hemerraging money, when I stepped out, it was in the black. My friends at the time used to joke that I was a part time slum lord.

I did have one major failure. The local dry cleaner was going out of business and I thought I could turn that business around and turn a profit doing it. But I couldnt. It took far too much of my time and I found I couldnt really trust others to do the work well. Half assed work drives away customers. I lost a lot of money on that one. Ah well. Such is life.

So hey, mock all you want. I have two houses, five kids, one granddaughter and while the economy has slowed me down, it hasnt devastated me ( though my father in law went from millions in the bank to working nights at wal mart. I offered to stake him in a new business but he says hes done with it. He helped me greatly over the years so I wish hed take it but thats a whole other story. ) Your mockery doesnt change the fact that I am correct in my assertion that success is not predicated solely on the acts of the individual but also of the group within the business itself.

It was just a joke. Congrats on all of your ventures. However, none of that changes the fact that both you and Obama are horribly wrong on your Marxist assertions.

You can't cite employees because they do not apply to the debate. They are there of their own free will and compensated by the private industry. Barack Hussein's entire assertion was that the success of business owners was only through (and because of) government (hence the reason he cited only public infrastructure such as schools, roads, and bridges)...

He's a public/government representative. He's only speaking through that perspective and has no incentive to accurately portray private industry since his power and money stems from the growth of government.
My response to this:

"(1)If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. (2)Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. (3) If you’ve got a business. you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."
President Obama

1:That's actually true in many cases, but a person can have many great people in their life but it's still up to the individual to follow through and make themselves a success.


3: That's complete BULLSHIT, the success or failure of a business depends on the INDIVIDUAL owner, their employees, the customers, the economy, and the state of that particular market. Ultimately, it's the principles of the business that primarily determine the course of the business.

And if the economy is bad we expect our govt. to fix it.

Who's "we", Sparkles? You and the gerbil in your anus?

When the economy takes a dip, I hope the government will stay the hell out of it, personally.

The Stock Market Loves President Obama - MarketBeat - WSJ

Some days I have more patience than others for you disgusting, filthy America hating terrorists....

There are some ignorant fucksticks that don't know what the word value means.

when we prove you wrong over and over over and overover and overover and overover and overover and overover and overover and overover and overover and over again, what do you tell yourself so you can sleep at night?

And then there are ignorant fucksticks who think blogs are "proof". :lol:
I own three bakeries, two machine shops and am presently working on a "chemical" company. Its just getting off the ground so its the one that takes the most of my time.

And there is such a thing as "a time and a place" though I did tell one of my customers when he was overly demanding if he wanted to wave his dick around he could take his business down the street. He didnt.

In other words, "my mom bakes out of her house, my grandmother bakes out of her house, my sister bakes out of her house, and me and a buddy take turns working out of each others garage sifting through junk and selling it on eBay"... :lol:

I own three fully functional small town bakeries. In each I spent several years being the main baker first learning the business then teaching it to others so they could run it for me. Eventually though, I needed parts for my ovens which were no longer being manufactured so I went to a local machine shop. The owner and I got along well ( especially because I was a CNC machinist for seven years before I started my first bakery ) and eventually I invested in his business. Eventually he wanted to retire so I bought him out. I found a few more cleints and saw an opportunity to gain an account that required a major expansion. I split off a several of my employees into a new busiess to serve that signle account, but eventually expanded to include sevral other accounts. The first machine shop is pretty much a job shop. Small runs of parts from 10 to 1000 parts. The second is in constant production where we run about 30 different parts at least 20,000 parts each year.

The chemical business is something Im trying from scratch. Its a new industry that I think has a lot of potential for accumulating some serious wealth. Better than 1% type wealth. It could pan out...but it could not. So its not something Im putting a lot of eggs from my basket into.

Im a member of the local chamber of commerce and even ran for county commissioner several years back ( I lost oh well ).

I also took over my fathers rental properties for him after he needed triple bypass surgery and couldnt run them himself. He had it soooo screwed up. The last time he rented from anyone all that was reuired was a handshake and he just didnt get that times had changed. I set up his company with background check providers and got the delinquent renters out of his properties and got new paying customers in. When I stepped into his business, it was hemerraging money, when I stepped out, it was in the black. My friends at the time used to joke that I was a part time slum lord.

I did have one major failure. The local dry cleaner was going out of business and I thought I could turn that business around and turn a profit doing it. But I couldnt. It took far too much of my time and I found I couldnt really trust others to do the work well. Half assed work drives away customers. I lost a lot of money on that one. Ah well. Such is life.

So hey, mock all you want. I have two houses, five kids, one granddaughter and while the economy has slowed me down, it hasnt devastated me ( though my father in law went from millions in the bank to working nights at wal mart. I offered to stake him in a new business but he says hes done with it. He helped me greatly over the years so I wish hed take it but thats a whole other story. ) Your mockery doesnt change the fact that I am correct in my assertion that success is not predicated solely on the acts of the individual but also of the group within the business itself.

What about the gov't? Do you think you owe more in taxes cuz the gov't built roads and bridges and stuff with our tax dollars? How much credit do you think they deserve for your success?
Repubs like Hoover and the "29 crash!?

as a liberal you will lack the IQ to know that Hoover acted liberally

It's so much easier for the thinking-impaired to just reduce everything to the simplistic formula of "Republican/Democrat". The idea of looking at actual policies and attitudes and ascertaining where they fall on the broad spectrum of "liberal vs conservative" not only requires way more brain wattage than they possess, it also spoils their worldview. Literally the only chance they have in life of EVER thinking of themselves as intelligent, enlightened, and morally superior is if they ignore complex realities (and often, just reality in general).
In other words, "my mom bakes out of her house, my grandmother bakes out of her house, my sister bakes out of her house, and me and a buddy take turns working out of each others garage sifting through junk and selling it on eBay"... :lol:

I own three fully functional small town bakeries. In each I spent several years being the main baker first learning the business then teaching it to others so they could run it for me. Eventually though, I needed parts for my ovens which were no longer being manufactured so I went to a local machine shop. The owner and I got along well ( especially because I was a CNC machinist for seven years before I started my first bakery ) and eventually I invested in his business. Eventually he wanted to retire so I bought him out. I found a few more cleints and saw an opportunity to gain an account that required a major expansion. I split off a several of my employees into a new busiess to serve that signle account, but eventually expanded to include sevral other accounts. The first machine shop is pretty much a job shop. Small runs of parts from 10 to 1000 parts. The second is in constant production where we run about 30 different parts at least 20,000 parts each year.

The chemical business is something Im trying from scratch. Its a new industry that I think has a lot of potential for accumulating some serious wealth. Better than 1% type wealth. It could pan out...but it could not. So its not something Im putting a lot of eggs from my basket into.

Im a member of the local chamber of commerce and even ran for county commissioner several years back ( I lost oh well ).

I also took over my fathers rental properties for him after he needed triple bypass surgery and couldnt run them himself. He had it soooo screwed up. The last time he rented from anyone all that was reuired was a handshake and he just didnt get that times had changed. I set up his company with background check providers and got the delinquent renters out of his properties and got new paying customers in. When I stepped into his business, it was hemerraging money, when I stepped out, it was in the black. My friends at the time used to joke that I was a part time slum lord.

I did have one major failure. The local dry cleaner was going out of business and I thought I could turn that business around and turn a profit doing it. But I couldnt. It took far too much of my time and I found I couldnt really trust others to do the work well. Half assed work drives away customers. I lost a lot of money on that one. Ah well. Such is life.

So hey, mock all you want. I have two houses, five kids, one granddaughter and while the economy has slowed me down, it hasnt devastated me ( though my father in law went from millions in the bank to working nights at wal mart. I offered to stake him in a new business but he says hes done with it. He helped me greatly over the years so I wish hed take it but thats a whole other story. ) Your mockery doesnt change the fact that I am correct in my assertion that success is not predicated solely on the acts of the individual but also of the group within the business itself.

It was just a joke. Congrats on all of your ventures. However, none of that changes the fact that both you and Obama are horribly wrong on your Marxist assertions.

You can't cite employees because they do not apply to the debate. They are there of their own free will and compensated by the private industry. Barack Hussein's entire assertion was that the success of business owners was only through (and because of) government (hence the reason he cited only public infrastructure such as schools, roads, and bridges)...

He's a public/government representative. He's only speaking through that perspective and has no incentive to accurately portray private industry since his power and money stems from the growth of government.

And there you go with your bat shit crazy talk again.

According to you, I started not one, not two but SIX different businesses ( well seven if you count the one Im working on now ) but Im a MARXIST because I recognize that OTHER PEOPLE contributed to my success, that I did not accomplish all of this by myself.

In YOUR estimation, one has to be an arrogant self righteous prick or they are a marxist.

which begs the next question:

Which one are you?
In other words, "my mom bakes out of her house, my grandmother bakes out of her house, my sister bakes out of her house, and me and a buddy take turns working out of each others garage sifting through junk and selling it on eBay"... :lol:

I own three fully functional small town bakeries. In each I spent several years being the main baker first learning the business then teaching it to others so they could run it for me. Eventually though, I needed parts for my ovens which were no longer being manufactured so I went to a local machine shop. The owner and I got along well ( especially because I was a CNC machinist for seven years before I started my first bakery ) and eventually I invested in his business. Eventually he wanted to retire so I bought him out. I found a few more cleints and saw an opportunity to gain an account that required a major expansion. I split off a several of my employees into a new busiess to serve that signle account, but eventually expanded to include sevral other accounts. The first machine shop is pretty much a job shop. Small runs of parts from 10 to 1000 parts. The second is in constant production where we run about 30 different parts at least 20,000 parts each year.

The chemical business is something Im trying from scratch. Its a new industry that I think has a lot of potential for accumulating some serious wealth. Better than 1% type wealth. It could pan out...but it could not. So its not something Im putting a lot of eggs from my basket into.

Im a member of the local chamber of commerce and even ran for county commissioner several years back ( I lost oh well ).

I also took over my fathers rental properties for him after he needed triple bypass surgery and couldnt run them himself. He had it soooo screwed up. The last time he rented from anyone all that was reuired was a handshake and he just didnt get that times had changed. I set up his company with background check providers and got the delinquent renters out of his properties and got new paying customers in. When I stepped into his business, it was hemerraging money, when I stepped out, it was in the black. My friends at the time used to joke that I was a part time slum lord.

I did have one major failure. The local dry cleaner was going out of business and I thought I could turn that business around and turn a profit doing it. But I couldnt. It took far too much of my time and I found I couldnt really trust others to do the work well. Half assed work drives away customers. I lost a lot of money on that one. Ah well. Such is life.

So hey, mock all you want. I have two houses, five kids, one granddaughter and while the economy has slowed me down, it hasnt devastated me ( though my father in law went from millions in the bank to working nights at wal mart. I offered to stake him in a new business but he says hes done with it. He helped me greatly over the years so I wish hed take it but thats a whole other story. ) Your mockery doesnt change the fact that I am correct in my assertion that success is not predicated solely on the acts of the individual but also of the group within the business itself.

What about the gov't? Do you think you owe more in taxes cuz the gov't built roads and bridges and stuff with our tax dollars? How much credit do you think they deserve for your success?

I owe what the government asks of me. If Reagan say 28% I owe 28%. If Clinton say 39%, I owe 39%. And if Obama wants to go back to 39%, and its passes, then THAT is what I owe.

If I dont like the tax rate, I am more than within my rights to petition my senator and congressperson and ask them to propose changes.

What I do not do is whine about how I "earned" my money and how dare these "parasites" try to sponge the sweat of my brow, the fruit of my labor. I dont whine that my success puts me in a higher tax bracket. Its like movie stars who whine that they lost their privacy. Everytime I see one on TV complain about it I yell at the TV," Thats what 12 million dollars for 6 weeks of work gets you asshole! Good trade! "

Same thing. Im in a higher tax bracket. I pay more in taxes. But I bring home more than most people as well.

Good trade.
Last edited:
Righty always lies, about everything, this issue proves my point completely

We are not debating you, we are calling you filthy, disgusting liars, end of story

You're absolutely right. You're NOT debating, because you can't, and you ARE just reduced to calling names and shouting, "You're wrong . . . because I say you're wrong! I can't prove it, but you're wrong anyway!"

Congratulations. The first time in your miserable existence, you're correct about something. :clap2:

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