"You didn't get there on your own"

Leftist thinking:

You are avoiding the point of the thread which is that businesses do not do it on their own. They rely and profit off of the society in which they do business

Businesses do not profit off of society they have to provide a service well in order to profit. I just can't say "Hey I'm in business, let the profits roll in from society starting now"

Businesses pay more in taxes than the general public. Seems to me society benefits when there are successful businesses in the community.

The issue is that business does not generate from scratch. You plug your business into an existing society and benefit from its people, roads, communications infrastructure, police and fire protections...

You, in turn make a profit off of that relationship and are expected to pay to contribute to the society from which you benefit

Businesses are generated from capitol...ie ..money.

Without capitol no material or merchandise could be purchased, no labor could be hired.
You are avoiding the point of the thread which is that businesses do not do it on their own. They rely and profit off of the society in which they do business

Businesses do not profit off of society they have to provide a service well in order to profit. I just can't say "Hey I'm in business, let the profits roll in from society starting now"

Businesses pay more in taxes than the general public. Seems to me society benefits when there are successful businesses in the community.

The issue is that business does not generate from scratch. You plug your business into an existing society and benefit from its people, roads, communications infrastructure, police and fire protections...

You, in turn make a profit off of that relationship and are expected to pay to contribute to the society from which you benefit
How many times do you have to be told that businesses pay substantially more in taxes than the average American?
While denying the existence of the Individual, and the 9th/10th Amendments and soverignty of the Individual States.:eusa_hand:

The states ceded most of their sovereignty voluntarily when they signed on.

Helloooooooooooooooo! Did you EVER read the 10th Amendment?

Show me where that has been repealed?


All the 10th amendment does is let states do what the federal government doesn't prohibit. It's like a mom telling her kid, you can stay out as long as you like as long as you're home by 10.
The states ceded most of their sovereignty voluntarily when they signed on.

That is probably the BIGGEST crock of shit I have heard on this board... proving, without a doubt, that you know absolutely nothing on how this government is constitutionally set up

That the Constitution is the great protector of state sovereignty is the great myth. What state sovereignty amounts to is that the states are allowed to do whatever the Constitution doesn't say they can't do.

And the Constitution says that the states can't do anything that is contrary to federal law, or constitutional law,

so most meaningful sovereignty is gone right there.

Perhaps you should learn to read and understand the Constitution a bit better.... and learn that the Federal Government does not empower the states, that it is indeed that states that grant power to the federal government...
Government would not exist without those successful people. He has it ass-backwards as usual.

My husband owes his success to our loyal customers and employees and the fact that he's on call 24/7 for the past 25 years. Did Obama mention them?

This statement needs to be headlined every single day until Nov. Every American worker needs to know exactly how this president feels about them.
You had to drive on the road you previously and continuously paid for by being taxed to get to work in order to succeed therefore more government is the answer and the reason for your success?

We wouldn't need more government if businesses were thriving and employers were paying a living wage. Wages have stagnated while productivity has increased dramatically over the last ten to twenty years. The only ones reaping any reward are those at the top of the pyramid. The US has become a big ponzi scheme where only those at the top collect.
I can hardly believe that this is what people think the Constitution says. Where did they learn this? The community center?

If a business is successful today, it is in SPITE of the government, not because of it. This latest bit of nonsense by obama does need to be headlined every day, by the hour so that business people know exactly what he thinks of them.
Actually, the "Self-Made" myth was used by American families who climbed up the ladder using the full benefits of public investments but who - once they reached the top - no longer wanted to pay into the system that benefited them.

Ronald Reagan is a perfect example. He grew up in a poor family that was on the way to being crushed by the Great Depression. Reagan's father was saved by an FDR work program - a BIG Government work program literally saved Ronald Reagan. FDR's theory was that the American people had greatness inside them. And that all you needed to do was give them a leg-up during hdd times, than then they would survive and thrive. FDR called it an investment in human capital. Do you think this nation's public or government investment in the Reagan family paid off? But it wasn't just the Reagans. Countless returning veterans from WWII were put to work by Republican presidents like Eisenhower building this nation's interstate's and energy grids and water plants. Big Government put jobless people to work building modern industrial America - and all of today's profit makers are dependent on ll the advantages of a modern industrial state. Indeed, there was a massive public investment in turning America into the most technologically advanced nation earth. This had a huge multiplier effect enjoyed by business. Today, however, we don't invest in infrastructure; nope - we just sell it to China because of the free market logic of selling to the highest bidder. [You fucking morons. The market isn't patriotic. It will sell everything you own until you lose your country to outsiders]

Private profits in the Southwest would not exist but for the Hoover Dam. The technology that fueled the 80s consumer electronics boom came out of the Cold War Pentagon/NASA. All the people who profit wildly because of these public investments use the self-made myth to avoid paying anything back. Therefore,, we have to cut education and let new infrastructureprojects go unfinished so that we can keep letting the wealthy walk away with everything. The country is dying because we have been taken over by an Ayn Rand narrative which 100% ignores how dependent business and the wealthy are on the Public.

When America was at it's economic apex in the 50s and 60s, there was a proud and successful partnership between business and government. Indeed, business craves this partnership. This is why they build massive lobbying bases in Washington, so they can suckle at the public teet in the back of the room; and then they slither out of that dark room pockets stuffed with public money, and they use the "self-made" myth so they don't have to pay taxes on all the benefits they're sucking from the system.

The anti-tax revolution has always been about maximizing what you take from government and the public, but paying as little back as possible. This includes moving all your profits offshore, like Romney. The point is to suck this country dry. To use all it's free resources, and then not pay anything back to future. This has been going on for 30 years, It was the point of the Reagan Revolution: to increase what the private sector takes from the pubic (in terms of subsidies, bail-outs, and regulatory favors) while radically decreasing what they pay back.

And it was kind of funny to watch it happen. As the wealthy began to gain control over more and more wealth, they also gained control of the Republican Party, who now 100% works for this small collection of ultra wealthy corporate interests. They began shipping jobs to freedom-hating labor markets (mostly in communist China) in order to realize a higher return on investment. Companies like Bain were essential to this transfer of jobs to China on behalf of a small collection of American investors. All the while they'd say "give us tax cuts, and we'll give you more jobs." So we gave them more and more tax cuts and they'd ship more and more jobs to China. It was hoax, and only naive people who listened to talk radio and FOX News bought it.

This is not a complicated story. The wealthy took over this country. They bought Washington and mass media. They locked down our laws and then they used media to promote the "self-made" myth to keep from having to pay back all the resources and subsidies they sucked from the system. (You people have no idea how much they rely on publicly funded infrastructure and public subsidies and public FDIC laws and public regulations which provect their monopolies.) The only way they get away with this shit is because Republican voters don't know how to question their information sources. We are still living under the essential logic of the Reagan Revolution. Tax cuts and deregulation. The result has been to concentrate all the wealth and resources into the hands of avery smaller group. And then these fucking billionaires who own the political system and mass media claim to be John Gault so that we give them even more money and resources.

We call them job creators. This is such a fucking joke. They've been job shippers since Reagan.
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It's not mocking anything.

That's the truth.
All this asshole does is ether mock people or patronize them.

Any business owner would tell Obama to go fuck himself.

He never ran a business in his life. What gives him the right to talk smack about someone putting in 18 hour days just to keep his head above water?
The states ceded most of their sovereignty voluntarily when they signed on.

That is probably the BIGGEST crock of shit I have heard on this board... proving, without a doubt, that you know absolutely nothing on how this government is constitutionally set up

That the Constitution is the great protector of state sovereignty is the great myth. What state sovereignty amounts to is that the states are allowed to do whatever the Constitution doesn't say they can't do.

And the Constitution says that the states can't do anything that is contrary to federal law, or constitutional law,

so most meaningful sovereignty is gone right there.

Doesn't say you can't do???????????

Does this idiot understand the essense of the double negative or even the concept of logic???????

Obviously not!

The left are twisting themselves into pretzels trying to justify what Obama said, and it's coming out as laughable as the above!

Here's a question for all those who think "society" trained my employees.

Since "society" is responsible for training my people so I can "make money off them" does society have any responsibility when an employee fucks up and costs me money?

I only ask because I caught an employee mistake last month that cost me over 700 dollars

So all of you can pay up.
The states ceded most of their sovereignty voluntarily when they signed on.

Helloooooooooooooooo! Did you EVER read the 10th Amendment?

Show me where that has been repealed?


All the 10th amendment does is let states do what the federal government doesn't prohibit. It's like a mom telling her kid, you can stay out as long as you like as long as you're home by 10.

Then explain that POWER component of the 10th Amendment?

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

Tenth Amendment | U.S. Constitution | LII / Legal Information Institute

All this is says is powers not given to the Federal government NOR PROHIBITED TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, goes to the states.

You cannot back up your assertion.
I can hardly believe that this is what people think the Constitution says. Where did they learn this? The community center?

If a business is successful today, it is in SPITE of the government, not because of it. This latest bit of nonsense by obama does need to be headlined every day, by the hour so that business people know exactly what he thinks of them.

Agreed! For it is the Independents who will be doing the thinking.

O. is just desperate to feed his base ammunition and hope it spreads to other "victims" of capitalism.....you know, the middle-class that business owners created, by providing them jobs and wages....
The states ceded most of their sovereignty voluntarily when they signed on.

Helloooooooooooooooo! Did you EVER read the 10th Amendment?

Show me where that has been repealed?


All the 10th amendment does is let states do what the federal government doesn't prohibit. It's like a mom telling her kid, you can stay out as long as you like as long as you're home by 10.

Actually, it doesn't even do that much. It lets the states retain their original powers that they possessed prior to the ratification of the constitution. That's why states don't have the power to establish their own term limits for their own members of Congress, for example. Don't let yourself fall into their Tenther BS.
I can hardly believe that this is what people think the Constitution says. Where did they learn this? The community center?

If a business is successful today, it is in SPITE of the government, not because of it. This latest bit of nonsense by obama does need to be headlined every day, by the hour so that business people know exactly what he thinks of them.

Right. Govt is there to block you before you even launch a company.
You had to drive on the road you previously and continuously paid for by being taxed to get to work in order to succeed therefore more government is the answer and the reason for your success?

We wouldn't need more government if businesses were thriving and employers were paying a living wage. Wages have stagnated while productivity has increased dramatically over the last ten to twenty years. The only ones reaping any reward are those at the top of the pyramid. The US has become a big ponzi scheme where only those at the top collect.

"Living wage."

You ever notice those pushing that crap have no idea how to run a business, but still think they know how to DICTATE TO A BUSINESS OW TO PAY IT'S EMPLOYEES?

The "living wage" hurts those people, it's supposed to help, the most.

Why, you say?

Because if I must pay someone a "living wage" who am I going to pay it to? Someone with 10 years experience in the business, or someone with no skills or experience I have to train?

I'm not going to take a chance to someone without skills or experience if I have to pay them more then they are worth.

Thus, the poor are hurt the worse by "living wages."
I can hardly believe that this is what people think the Constitution says. Where did they learn this? The community center?

If a business is successful today, it is in SPITE of the government, not because of it. This latest bit of nonsense by obama does need to be headlined every day, by the hour so that business people know exactly what he thinks of them.

Right. Govt is there to block you before you even launch a company.

Government has put up roadblock after roadblock to make it extremely difficult for people to go into business...and stay in business. So whenthey fail? What does government do? Blame business.

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