"You didn't get there on your own"

This shows a complete lack of understanding of the Tea Party, and you aren't as non-partisan as you pretend to be.

I'm not "non-partisan". I'm ANTI-partisan.

Then you're in abject denial.


Bwahahahaaa! All "anti-partisan" means is "I'm against anyone that has a different view than me!" :eusa_snooty:

You think you fool anybody??????? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

The sad part is, like all liberals you are so self obsessed with your own views, I'm sure you DO think you fool everyone--including yourself!


When in doubt, deflect, avoid the point.

And use lots of "smilies".

Every business that hires employees who have gotten a basic education in a public school, and higher education in a state school, or a military academy, or via government aid,

that business benefits from government spending that it did not pay for. The economic value of the employees' education is a government funded benefit to employers.

Public education costs an average of $11,000 per pupil a year. Imagine if business had to teach their employees to read, do math or operate a computer?

Each employee they hire has an education that costs the the taxpayers over $100,000. Employers turn around and profit off of skills they didn't pay for

From the title of this thread I originally thought it was about Obama's Julia.
So did your hard work make my business thrive?

Did you risk any of your money to start my business?

Did you put in 80 hours a week for the past 5 years building my business?

Are you paying my employees and my bills so my business can stay open?

If you're not then who exactly is keeping my business open if it's not me?

Anyonr else read the bullshit above and wonder wtf this dude is going on about.
The last questions is really the one that tells all. He/she can't even figure out that it is CUSTOMERS that keep a business open.

Repubs are so stupid now that they think they just open a business, have no customers and then they succeed. Pitiful.

And then he wants patted on the back for putting up some money. And working 80 hours.
Big fuking deal. It was your choice wasn't it? Then quit bitching about it and go to work cause you sure as hell ain't a "successful" businessman wasting all the time you do on a message board.

Or is this where you troll for "customers"?

It's customers???????????

Did customers put in the risk?

Find the location?

Put up the product?

Deal with labor costs, or union difficulties?

Your post shows JUST HOW IGNORANT you are about how to run a business.

If it's customers that are responsible explain how customers start that business!

All customers do is come IN and buy the product or service!

Show me how customers can buy a product or service WITHOUT the hard work of the BUSINESS OWNER?

I mean this isn't even a chicken or the egg debate.

YOU are arguing the egg being cooked and on the plate came first! That's the part the customers does! HE BUYS THE EGG!

But he can't do that without the business owner raising the chicken, feeding the chicken, collecting the eggs, packaging the eggs, and shipping them to your local store.

The local store can't do that without stocking the eggs, pricing the eggs, etc!

And YOU are trying to suggest the customer is came first!

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Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


To assume that business operates in a vacuum and does not need the society from which it profits is ridiculous

Our society educates and trains the employees you profit off of

People make their own deals to trade their time for money. No one is forcing them to work for anyone. And if you've ever had to hire a HS grad you'd have serious doubts about just how "educated " they are.

It doesn't provide any of those. We pay for them. In fact I pay a higher rate for business phone lines than the average person.

Does not apply to a lot of businesses as not all do business abroad.
Our society provides police and fire protection to your business

Police don't protect my business I do by hiring a private alarm monitoring company. Police show up after a crime has been committed and most times stolen property is never recovered nor are the perpetrators caught.

Fire department s are not free either you know. Business people pay for them too. In my town we have a volunteer fire department which local businesses support quite generously I might add.

Our society protects your patents and protects you from unfair competition

It costs a lot of money to patent an idea and society does not pay that cost nor will it actively seek out patent or copyright infringements the persons holding the copyright or patent must submit proof of an infringement.

You hire trained employess that our society has paid for. If you don't like the quality of their training, by all means train them yourself. They are your employees

That entire communications infrastructure was subsidized by the taxpayer. You hook into that network for a marginal cost to yourself. What you pay for communications in no way compenstes for the benefit you receive

International trade affects all businesses whether you know it or not

Your society is paying for that police and fire department. If your business is invaded or on fire, it is your community that will protect you
Every business that hires employees who have gotten a basic education in a public school, and higher education in a state school, or a military academy, or via government aid,

that business benefits from government spending that it did not pay for. The economic value of the employees' education is a government funded benefit to employers.

Public education costs an average of $11,000 per pupil a year. Imagine if business had to teach their employees to read, do math or operate a computer?

Each employee they hire has an education that costs the the taxpayers over $100,000. Employers turn around and profit off of skills they didn't pay for


What the dimwits don't under stand is that public education is mostly funded on the local level by property taxes and businesses pay much higher property taxes than do private citizens.

We not only pay property taxes on our land and physical structures but we have to pay property taxes on every piece of equipment we have including our office supplies.

So until you people have to count every chair, plate and piece of silverware every year and pay taxes on them don't tell me businesses don't foot a higher share of the bill for society than does the average American idiot.
true even if you are parapallegic,you should pull your own wieght in society.


liberals are nothing but users of people, even the disabled who want to make something of themselves

Exactly nothing. There are two main problems with this argument.

1. Hawking is not a paraplegic. He has a motor neuron disease called ALS. His condition first began expressing itself when he was 21 years old. After diagnosis, and his condition progressed and eventually stablized for a time, he had a great deal of direct and personal help that allowed him to complete his doctorate and begin his career. As his condition has progressed, Hawking has continued to need an increasing amount of personal assistance for every day living affairs.

2. All that aside, even if we completely ignore it, your point would still be fallacy of accident. Hawking is one of the most remarkably intelligent people to ever live. He has extremely unique gifts. His life is nowhere near typical of anyone, or of disabled persons.
To assume that business operates in a vacuum and does not need the society from which it profits is ridiculous

Our society educates and trains the employees you profit off of

People make their own deals to trade their time for money. No one is forcing them to work for anyone. And if you've ever had to hire a HS grad you'd have serious doubts about just how "educated " they are.

It doesn't provide any of those. We pay for them. In fact I pay a higher rate for business phone lines than the average person.

Does not apply to a lot of businesses as not all do business abroad.

Police don't protect my business I do by hiring a private alarm monitoring company. Police show up after a crime has been committed and most times stolen property is never recovered nor are the perpetrators caught.

Fire department s are not free either you know. Business people pay for them too. In my town we have a volunteer fire department which local businesses support quite generously I might add.

Our society protects your patents and protects you from unfair competition

It costs a lot of money to patent an idea and society does not pay that cost nor will it actively seek out patent or copyright infringements the persons holding the copyright or patent must submit proof of an infringement.

You hire trained employees that our society has paid for. If you don't like the quality of their training, by all means train them yourself. They are your employees
Society did not train my employees. Most went on to get some college that they not society paid for. And when they get to me They still have to go though months of on the job traing that I pay them for.

To hear you talk it seems you think anyone fresh out of high school can just be plugged into any position in a business. Sorry but that is a fantasy that only people who never had employees hold.

That entire communications infrastructure was subsidized by the taxpayer. You hook into that network for a marginal cost to yourself. What you pay for communications in no way compenstes for the benefit you receive

Marginal? Phone internet electricity etc cost me 20K a year.

Hardly marginal

International trade affects all businesses whether you know it or not

Your society is paying for that police and fire department. If your business is invaded or on fire, it is your community that will protect you

COps don't protect you they show up after a crime has been committed. And I've already told you several times that we generously support our local volunteer fire department beyond our taxes.
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Every business that hires employees who have gotten a basic education in a public school, and higher education in a state school, or a military academy, or via government aid,

that business benefits from government spending that it did not pay for. The economic value of the employees' education is a government funded benefit to employers.

Public education costs an average of $11,000 per pupil a year. Imagine if business had to teach their employees to read, do math or operate a computer?

Each employee they hire has an education that costs the the taxpayers over $100,000. Employers turn around and profit off of skills they didn't pay for

HS grads have no skills. They can barely read, they don't know how to follow directions, they sure as shit can't spell. I spent an hour trying to teach a kid how to make change without a calculator the other day.

Yeah these kids are really bright.

Every business has a training program. They have to because most businesses have specific skill and knowledge requirements.

If you don't like it.....pay for it yourself

They are your employees, you are making a profit off them, you should pay to educate them

Why should the taxpayer pay to educate people you make money from? You pay
So, business should thank government for not taking more of what isn't theirs in the first place?

And just who is paying for this "labor and effort of others"?

Just like a republican to have such a narcissistic and self-centered point of view.
They cannot admit that it takes more than an idea to have it work.
If you think your hard-work alone and your money alone makes a business thrive then you have the narcissistic attitude and reality in now way shape or form can make you see the truth.

Have you ever run a small business? It doesnt just grow on it's own. The owner is the guys that works way harder than anyone and all businesses start out small. Sorry many but you must think there is a magic bean that just grows a business to large size, the people that start them, have to work incredibily hard and way more than any employee.
go take a suck pill



What did I tell you?

There's no reason or logic to the "platitudes" of the left.

It's about resentment and anger toward those who work hard.

The left doesn't want to work hard. They want others to work hard FOR THEM!

But when confronted with this, the left can't deny it. They just spout angry vitriol and go back demanding the hard work of others.

Funny, I thought slavery was outlawed in this Country.

But the left demand others work hard for them--and that still is slavery.

Yada-Yada, you are stupid, come with me to work and I'll show yo the meaning of sweat and toil.

So, you work hard! BIG DEAL! Welcome to the club!

Lots of people work hard in this country. What does that have to do with it?

Are others entitled to YOUR pay??????

After all! According to Obama you didn't earn that money yourself! Others did it for you!

Public education costs an average of $11,000 per pupil a year. Imagine if business had to teach their employees to read, do math or operate a computer?

Each employee they hire has an education that costs the the taxpayers over $100,000. Employers turn around and profit off of skills they didn't pay for


What the dimwits don't under stand is that public education is mostly funded on the local level by property taxes and businesses pay much higher property taxes than do private citizens.

We not only pay property taxes on our land and physical structures but we have to pay property taxes on every piece of equipment we have including our office supplies.

So until you people have to count every chair, plate and piece of silverware every year and pay taxes on them don't tell me businesses don't foot a higher share of the bill for society than does the average American idiot.

You are avoiding the point of the thread which is that businesses do not do it on their own. They rely and profit off of the society in which they do business

What the dimwits don't under stand is that public education is mostly funded on the local level by property taxes and businesses pay much higher property taxes than do private citizens.

We not only pay property taxes on our land and physical structures but we have to pay property taxes on every piece of equipment we have including our office supplies.

So until you people have to count every chair, plate and piece of silverware every year and pay taxes on them don't tell me businesses don't foot a higher share of the bill for society than does the average American idiot.

You are avoiding the point of the thread which is that businesses do not do it on their own. They rely and profit off of the society in which they do business

Businesses do not profit off of society they have to provide a service well in order to profit. I just can't say "Hey I'm in business, let the profits roll in from society starting now"

Businesses pay more in taxes than the general public. Seems to me society benefits when there are successful businesses in the community.
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Well don't become one. There are none in your govt at the moment either. People accusing Obama of being a socialist don't know the meaning of the word...

OH really?????????????

We can't say Obama is a socialist????? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Why not? Because you libs can't really refute that?

HOW is it NOT socialism to claim small business owners really got there because of others and therefore these "others" are entitled to their hard work?

That is COMPLETELY socialism. It is a justification for WEALTH DISTRIBUTION!

And you are telling me there are no people in our government that believe that?

BWAHAHAHAHAA, what part of the "Great Society" or the "War on Poverty" did YOU miss? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Wealth distribution is VERY MUCH a component of socialism.

You just don't want people to say that, because the truth will get Obama voted out of office.


the only wealth distribution in the US is the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

You ever notice that the morons who say this stuff ARE ALL RICH????????

Ted Kennedy said it. Lyndon Johnson said it.

John Edwards ranted about the "Two Americas" while he paid off a mistress with campaign funds.

Obama is rich!

But you morons who follow them NEVER GET THAT!

DO YOU EVER find the followers of people saying this from Robespierre to Obama ever getting ONE THIN DIME from all that rhetoric? Or do the followers become more impoverished (and in a lot of cases DEAD) while the LEADERS BECOME MORE POWERFUL AND RICH!

So, keep on with the class envy rhetoric. I want you to.

The more you push your socialism, the more voters will see it, and realize we need to get the Socialist in Chief out of office!

OH really?????????????

We can't say Obama is a socialist????? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Why not? Because you libs can't really refute that?

HOW is it NOT socialism to claim small business owners really got there because of others and therefore these "others" are entitled to their hard work?

That is COMPLETELY socialism. It is a justification for WEALTH DISTRIBUTION!

And you are telling me there are no people in our government that believe that?

BWAHAHAHAHAA, what part of the "Great Society" or the "War on Poverty" did YOU miss? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Wealth distribution is VERY MUCH a component of socialism.

You just don't want people to say that, because the truth will get Obama voted out of office.


the only wealth distribution in the US is the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

If the poor is getting poorer it's due to the their own failings. Including the fact they they continually vote in democratic pukes who promises to take care of them as long as they stay poor.

Education is the key to success and is free to every child born in America. The poor it would seem fails to take advantage of this fact.

Which is why Liberals are against any kind of real education. They want kids to stay in mediocre public schools where the kids never learn any real history.

Real history teaches you class warefare is a failure, and the only people who benefit from it, are the leaders. The followers always end up more impoverished.
the only wealth distribution in the US is the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

If the poor is getting poorer it's due to the their own failings. Including the fact they they continually vote in democratic pukes who promises to take care of them as long as they stay poor.

Education is the key to success and is free to every child born in America. The poor it would seem fails to take advantage of this fact.

oh yeah, that is a good reason to be poor, but it's not factual. People are poor for many reasons, but empathy is not one of your strong suits is it?

Sure they are!

I'm not rich. Not by any sense of the word!

This country never guarranteed you will EVER be rich.

It just guarrantees you CAN be a success. You have that opportunity!

Or at least WE DID until Obama sunk our economy.

And Obama is DELIBERATELY sinking our economy to create more followers like YOU.

Believing the lies you will be better off under the leaders of class envy, and never seeing anything from it but more poverty.
oh yeah, that is a good reason to be poor, but it's not factual. People are poor for many reasons, but empathy is not one of your strong suits is it?

get off your high horse, what he said is TRUE..they are free to become NOT POOR in this country. EVERYONE IS

true even if you are parapallegic,you should pull your own wieght in society.

I see a parapallegic woman who works at Starbucks!

She can't even speak. She has a pad of buttons and when we walk by she pushes (she can't even hold up her head, but she does have control of one hand) the button and specials for Starbucks coffee are announced.

But that is not even germain to the discussion.

YOU ARE NOT HANDICAPPED. The people we are talking about are not handicapped.

YOU simply want to HIDE BEHIND THE HANDICAPPED to conceal your own greed for other's hard work.

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