"You didn't get there on your own"

If the poor is getting poorer it's due to the their own failings. Including the fact they they continually vote in democratic pukes who promises to take care of them as long as they stay poor.

Education is the key to success and is free to every child born in America. The poor it would seem fails to take advantage of this fact.

oh yeah, that is a good reason to be poor, but it's not factual. People are poor for many reasons, but empathy is not one of your strong suits is it?

You refute my opinion but offer no examples of your own.

Typical liberal....

If it's not a fact the education is the key to success then what is? Government handouts?

Education is the probably the single most important factor in determining someone's future economic success. It also happens to be expensive at every level. That makes it a mystery why conservatives want to spend less,

not more, on education.
The foundational issue is that Democrats are economically to the left of the Vietnam Communists who have embraced Free Enterprise

The foundational issue is that you are a liar. You know damn well that Democrats aren't calling for socialism. What they are calling for is what they believe would be a more healthy balance within our MIXED economic system. The fact that you can't address them on that front that not only are you completely ignorant and intellectually deplete, but that your own position is as weak as wet spagetti holding a ton of feathers.

The GOP is currently stuck on absolutism, since most of the energy in the party is being generated by the Tea Party types. Therefore:
  • Anyone who doesn't completely agree with them is a "commie"
  • Anyone who thinks the country, would be better off less unbalanced is a "socialist"
  • Anyone who thinks improvements can be made here & there "hates Amurrrrica"
It's all binary, either/or, black & white, us vs. them. Keeps things nice and simple.

Look at it this way: Pretend you're trying to communicate with Archie Bunker.


While you libs scream "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"

You are still trying to say "we only want a 'little communism!'"

And you prove it, in your talk about "balance!"

That's still screaming WEALTH DISTRIBUTION.

No matter how you libs try to change the terms, it doesn't change the results!

You can call it balance or wealth distribution, THE RESULTS ARE STILL THE SAME!

You just don't like that the tea party isn't as GULLIBLE as you Obama bots.

We KNOW a communist when we see one, no matter how he tries to phrase the debate around it.

It's the results we are centering on, NOT your lying rhetoric.

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


To assume that business operates in a vacuum and does not need the society from which it profits is ridiculous

Our society educates and trains the employees you profit off of

People make their own deals to trade their time for money. No one is forcing them to work for anyone. And if you've ever had to hire a HS grad you'd have serious doubts about just how "educated " they are.
Our society provides transportation and communications infrastructure that makes it possible for you to function

It doesn't provide any of those. We pay for them. In fact I pay a higher rate for business phone lines than the average person.
Our society protects your business interests abroad

Does not apply to a lot of businesses as not all do business abroad.
Our society provides police and fire protection to your business

Police don't protect my business I do by hiring a private alarm monitoring company. Police show up after a crime has been committed and most times stolen property is never recovered nor are the perpetrators caught.

Fire department s are not free either you know. Business people pay for them too. In my town we have a volunteer fire department which local businesses support quite generously I might add.

Our society protects your patents and protects you from unfair competition

It costs a lot of money to patent an idea and society does not pay that cost nor will it actively seek out patent or copyright infringements the persons holding the copyright or patent must submit proof of an infringement.
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Every business that hires employees who have gotten a basic education in a public school, and higher education in a state school, or a military academy, or via government aid,

that business benefits from government spending that it did not pay for. The economic value of the employees' education is a government funded benefit to employers.
oh yeah, that is a good reason to be poor, but it's not factual. People are poor for many reasons, but empathy is not one of your strong suits is it?

You refute my opinion but offer no examples of your own.

Typical liberal....

If it's not a fact the education is the key to success then what is? Government handouts?

Education is the probably the single most important factor in determining someone's future economic success. It also happens to be expensive at every level. That makes it a mystery why conservatives want to spend less,

not more, on education.

How is free education expensive?

Unless you or your parents paid property taxes in Texas, your education from K-12 didn't cost you or your parents a single dime.

And I suppose you never heard of such things as "Government grants" that allow low income people a chance to get a college degree.
oh yeah, that is a good reason to be poor, but it's not factual. People are poor for many reasons, but empathy is not one of your strong suits is it?

You refute my opinion but offer no examples of your own.

Typical liberal....

If it's not a fact the education is the key to success then what is? Government handouts?

Education is the probably the single most important factor in determining someone's future economic success. It also happens to be expensive at every level. That makes it a mystery why conservatives want to spend less,

not more, on education.

you people just run on lies..How MUCH do WE need to spend? when did it take money to learn to read and write?
The dimwitcraps are just as bad.

If one wants to cut the size, cost and intrusiveness of government then they are anarchists that want poor people to starve.

So don't get too high on that soap box.

I was responding to a post. As I've droned on and on about, I'm not a fan of either end of the political spectrum. Right now, however, it appears to me that the GOP is clearly the more rigid party. The fact that they've somehow put Romney out there, however, also shows it's a party that's off the rails. Any party that can make Pelosi & Co. look reasonable and moderate is fucked up, big time.

I remain hopeful that it will get past this soon, as America needs the two parties to work together, stat.


What we need is a third party that will forever end the possibility of super majorities.

You are dead wrong, and believe me, that has been tried before!

Third parties do NOT acheieve what you hope. See the end of the Weimar Republic for more that (it was ended by the "third party" the Nazis).

Every time we have had a "third party" candidate in presidential elections it has only accomplished getting the guy the third party least wants elected.

Whether that is Teddy Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party to Ralph Nader. A third party candidte NEVER wins, and ONLY gets the candidate you least want elected.

But you can't convince people who believe in third parties. They still stick to their dreams of a "better system" which is no better than those who dreams of a "better system" under communism/marxism/socialism."

Why do I say that? Because both dreams DON'T WORK IN REALITY!

You need to study history just as much as the utopians do. Both are dreams and both fail when put into practice.
Do you get this? FIRST he denies Obama is advocating socialism THEN HE ADMITS IT!

This is typical liberalism.

Look "IN the Middle of lies" All you are saying is we have "a little socialism" going on.

But socialism is SOCIALISM, whether you call it a "mixed economy" or not.

Obama is demanding that "MIX" get a little stronger, and you libs are trying to shut up anyone who says that really means.

IT'S SOCIALISM. That's NOT a lie. The LIE is coming from you libs denying the obvious, while you still try to admit it (and justify it).


And this is why you are an idiot. A mixed economy is not socialism. But you're incapable of comprehending that fact. There's an entire universe between Galt and Marx that those of us with a respectable level of intelligence are reasonably capable of navigating. So stay on the sidelines, you'll just get hurt if you try to take the field.
So did your hard work make my business thrive?

Did you risk any of your money to start my business?

Did you put in 80 hours a week for the past 5 years building my business?

Are you paying my employees and my bills so my business can stay open?

If you're not then who exactly is keeping my business open if it's not me?

Anyonr else read the bullshit above and wonder wtf this dude is going on about.
The last questions is really the one that tells all. He/she can't even figure out that it is CUSTOMERS that keep a business open.

Customers don't just walk in and they don't keep coming back if they are not getting better service than they are elsewhere.

You're not here providing that service are you?

Repubs are so stupid now that they think they just open a business, have no customers and then they succeed. Pitiful.

I'm not a repugnantcan

And then he wants patted on the back for putting up some money. And working 80 hours.
Big fuking deal. It was your choice wasn't it? Then quit bitching about it and go to work cause you sure as hell ain't a "successful" businessman wasting all the time you do on a message board.

Putting up some money? We risked everything to open this business and went in debt to the tune of a quarter million dollars 90% of which we have paid back in the past 5 years.

We would have been sleeping in our car if we failed. All those people who think business owners don't do it on their own wouldn't be putting us up in as spare room now would they?

Or is this where you troll for "customers"?

You people don't even know what business I;m in or where I'm located so I'm not getting any business from you now am I?
The foundational issue is that you are a liar. You know damn well that Democrats aren't calling for socialism. What they are calling for is what they believe would be a more healthy balance within our MIXED economic system. The fact that you can't address them on that front that not only are you completely ignorant and intellectually deplete, but that your own position is as weak as wet spagetti holding a ton of feathers.

The GOP is currently stuck on absolutism, since most of the energy in the party is being generated by the Tea Party types. Therefore:
  • Anyone who doesn't completely agree with them is a "commie"
  • Anyone who thinks the country, would be better off less unbalanced is a "socialist"
  • Anyone who thinks improvements can be made here & there "hates Amurrrrica"
It's all binary, either/or, black & white, us vs. them. Keeps things nice and simple.

Look at it this way: Pretend you're trying to communicate with Archie Bunker.


This shows a complete lack of understanding of the Tea Party, and you aren't as non-partisan as you pretend to be.

That's the hilarity of the left. They never see themselves as "partisan."

Why they are the "mainstream" of the country. It's anyone that disagrees with them, that are "fringe."

They never see that as believing the world revolves around them and their views. Nooooooooooooo, it's just being "non-partisan."
The foundational issue is that you are a liar. You know damn well that Democrats aren't calling for socialism. What they are calling for is what they believe would be a more healthy balance within our MIXED economic system. The fact that you can't address them on that front that not only are you completely ignorant and intellectually deplete, but that your own position is as weak as wet spagetti holding a ton of feathers.

The GOP is currently stuck on absolutism, since most of the energy in the party is being generated by the Tea Party types. Therefore:
  • Anyone who doesn't completely agree with them is a "commie"
  • Anyone who thinks the country, would be better off less unbalanced is a "socialist"
  • Anyone who thinks improvements can be made here & there "hates Amurrrrica"
It's all binary, either/or, black & white, us vs. them. Keeps things nice and simple.

Look at it this way: Pretend you're trying to communicate with Archie Bunker.


While you libs scream "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"

You are still trying to say "we only want a 'little communism!'"

And you prove it, in your talk about "balance!"

That's still screaming WEALTH DISTRIBUTION.

No matter how you libs try to change the terms, it doesn't change the results!

You can call it balance or wealth distribution, THE RESULTS ARE STILL THE SAME!

You just don't like that the tea party isn't as GULLIBLE as you Obama bots.

We KNOW a communist when we see one, no matter how he tries to phrase the debate around it.

It's the results we are centering on, NOT your lying rhetoric.

A vivid, spot-on example of my point.

Every business that hires employees who have gotten a basic education in a public school, and higher education in a state school, or a military academy, or via government aid,

that business benefits from government spending that it did not pay for. The economic value of the employees' education is a government funded benefit to employers.

Public education costs an average of $11,000 per pupil a year. Imagine if business had to teach their employees to read, do math or operate a computer?

Each employee they hire has an education that costs the the taxpayers over $100,000. Employers turn around and profit off of skills they didn't pay for
The GOP is currently stuck on absolutism, since most of the energy in the party is being generated by the Tea Party types. Therefore:
  • Anyone who doesn't completely agree with them is a "commie"
  • Anyone who thinks the country, would be better off less unbalanced is a "socialist"
  • Anyone who thinks improvements can be made here & there "hates Amurrrrica"
It's all binary, either/or, black & white, us vs. them. Keeps things nice and simple.

Look at it this way: Pretend you're trying to communicate with Archie Bunker.


This shows a complete lack of understanding of the Tea Party, and you aren't as non-partisan as you pretend to be.

I'm not "non-partisan". I'm ANTI-partisan.

Then you're in abject denial.


Bwahahahaaa! All "anti-partisan" means is "I'm against anyone that has a different view than me!" :eusa_snooty:

You think you fool anybody??????? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

The sad part is, like all liberals you are so self obsessed with your own views, I'm sure you DO think you fool everyone--including yourself!

Every business that hires employees who have gotten a basic education in a public school, and higher education in a state school, or a military academy, or via government aid,

that business benefits from government spending that it did not pay for. The economic value of the employees' education is a government funded benefit to employers.

Public education costs an average of $11,000 per pupil a year. Imagine if business had to teach their employees to read, do math or operate a computer?

Each employee they hire has an education that costs the the taxpayers over $100,000. Employers turn around and profit off of skills they didn't pay for

HS grads have no skills. They can barely read, they don't know how to follow directions, they sure as shit can't spell. I spent an hour trying to teach a kid how to make change without a calculator the other day.

Yeah these kids are really bright.

Every business has a training program. They have to because most businesses have specific skill and knowledge requirements.

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