"You didn't get there on your own"


I think the foundational issue is...

All, hell with it.


The foundational issue is that Democrats are economically to the left of the Vietnam Communists who have embraced Free Enterprise

The foundational issue is that you are a liar. You know damn well that Democrats aren't calling for socialism. What they are calling for is what they believe would be a more healthy balance within our MIXED economic system. The fact that you can't address them on that front that not only are you completely ignorant and intellectually deplete, but that your own position is as weak as wet spagetti holding a ton of feathers.

Do you get this? FIRST he denies Obama is advocating socialism THEN HE ADMITS IT!

This is typical liberalism.

Look "IN the Middle of lies" All you are saying is we have "a little socialism" going on.

But socialism is SOCIALISM, whether you call it a "mixed economy" or not.

Obama is demanding that "MIX" get a little stronger, and you libs are trying to shut up anyone who says that really means.

IT'S SOCIALISM. That's NOT a lie. The LIE is coming from you libs denying the obvious, while you still try to admit it (and justify it).

I'm not a socialist and I refuse to become one.
Why can't THAT be the argumnet instead of something better heard on a playground?

Well don't become one. There are none in your govt at the moment either. People accusing Obama of being a socialist don't know the meaning of the word...

OH really?????????????

We can't say Obama is a socialist????? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Why not? Because you libs can't really refute that?

HOW is it NOT socialism to claim small business owners really got there because of others and therefore these "others" are entitled to their hard work?

That is COMPLETELY socialism. It is a justification for WEALTH DISTRIBUTION!

And you are telling me there are no people in our government that believe that?

BWAHAHAHAHAA, what part of the "Great Society" or the "War on Poverty" did YOU miss? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Wealth distribution is VERY MUCH a component of socialism.

You just don't want people to say that, because the truth will get Obama voted out of office.


the only wealth distribution in the US is the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
Face it people, Obama hates us and our country..

I think he wants to be a Hugo Chavez, or Fidel Castro

You were warned and still voted for him
Class warfare is the opening salvo in every Totalitarian Dictatorship.

"Capital is exploiting the labor of the masses! Rise up! Throw off your shackles!! Join us in Glorious revolution, come experience a real workers paradise! Free Stuff! We will give you all the stuff your boss owned!"

Then after the Revolution, the leaders round up the ones who were really enthusiastic about revolution, because revolutionaries are a threat. Then all the workers get to work for the Government -- but instead of wages you get government rations.

If you complain you join your Revolutionary bretheren in the Mass Graves
Well don't become one. There are none in your govt at the moment either. People accusing Obama of being a socialist don't know the meaning of the word...

OH really?????????????

We can't say Obama is a socialist????? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Why not? Because you libs can't really refute that?

HOW is it NOT socialism to claim small business owners really got there because of others and therefore these "others" are entitled to their hard work?

That is COMPLETELY socialism. It is a justification for WEALTH DISTRIBUTION!

And you are telling me there are no people in our government that believe that?

BWAHAHAHAHAA, what part of the "Great Society" or the "War on Poverty" did YOU miss? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Wealth distribution is VERY MUCH a component of socialism.

You just don't want people to say that, because the truth will get Obama voted out of office.


the only wealth distribution in the US is the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

If the poor is getting poorer it's due to the their own failings. Including the fact they they continually vote in democratic pukes who promises to take care of them as long as they stay poor.

Education is the key to success and is free to every child born in America. The poor it would seem fails to take advantage of this fact.
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OH really?????????????

We can't say Obama is a socialist????? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Why not? Because you libs can't really refute that?

HOW is it NOT socialism to claim small business owners really got there because of others and therefore these "others" are entitled to their hard work?

That is COMPLETELY socialism. It is a justification for WEALTH DISTRIBUTION!

And you are telling me there are no people in our government that believe that?

BWAHAHAHAHAA, what part of the "Great Society" or the "War on Poverty" did YOU miss? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Wealth distribution is VERY MUCH a component of socialism.

You just don't want people to say that, because the truth will get Obama voted out of office.


the only wealth distribution in the US is the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

If the poor is getting poorer it's due to the their own failings. Including the fact they they continually vote in democratic pukes who promises to take care of them as long as they stay poor.

Education is the key to success and is free to every child born in America. The poor it would seem fails to take advantage of this fact.

oh yeah, that is a good reason to be poor, but it's not factual. People are poor for many reasons, but empathy is not one of your strong suits is it?
the only wealth distribution in the US is the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

If the poor is getting poorer it's due to the their own failings. Including the fact they they continually vote in democratic pukes who promises to take care of them as long as they stay poor.

Education is the key to success and is free to every child born in America. The poor it would seem fails to take advantage of this fact.

oh yeah, that is a good reason to be poor, but it's not factual. People are poor for many reasons, but empathy is not one of your strong suits is it?

get off your high horse, what he said is TRUE..they are free to become NOT POOR in this country. EVERYONE IS
If the poor is getting poorer it's due to the their own failings. Including the fact they they continually vote in democratic pukes who promises to take care of them as long as they stay poor.

Education is the key to success and is free to every child born in America. The poor it would seem fails to take advantage of this fact.

oh yeah, that is a good reason to be poor, but it's not factual. People are poor for many reasons, but empathy is not one of your strong suits is it?

get off your high horse, what he said is TRUE..they are free to become NOT POOR in this country. EVERYONE IS

true even if you are parapallegic,you should pull your own wieght in society.
If the poor is getting poorer it's due to the their own failings. Including the fact they they continually vote in democratic pukes who promises to take care of them as long as they stay poor.

Education is the key to success and is free to every child born in America. The poor it would seem fails to take advantage of this fact.

oh yeah, that is a good reason to be poor, but it's not factual. People are poor for many reasons, but empathy is not one of your strong suits is it?

get off your high horse, what he said is TRUE..they are free to become NOT POOR in this country. EVERYONE IS

Indeed. Obama and the Statist progressives don't belive in the individual. Equal outcome is everything for their purpose of ultimate control.
If the poor is getting poorer it's due to the their own failings. Including the fact they they continually vote in democratic pukes who promises to take care of them as long as they stay poor.

Education is the key to success and is free to every child born in America. The poor it would seem fails to take advantage of this fact.

oh yeah, that is a good reason to be poor, but it's not factual. People are poor for many reasons, but empathy is not one of your strong suits is it?

get off your high horse, what he said is TRUE..they are free to become NOT POOR in this country. EVERYONE IS

I am guessing your christian ideals have led you to help people when thy are down and in need of help?
oh yeah, that is a good reason to be poor, but it's not factual. People are poor for many reasons, but empathy is not one of your strong suits is it?

get off your high horse, what he said is TRUE..they are free to become NOT POOR in this country. EVERYONE IS

true even if you are parapallegic,you should pull your own wieght in society.

You are pathetic. No one has said that but you and your ilk. Liar.
oh yeah, that is a good reason to be poor, but it's not factual. People are poor for many reasons, but empathy is not one of your strong suits is it?

get off your high horse, what he said is TRUE..they are free to become NOT POOR in this country. EVERYONE IS

Indeed. Obama and the Statist progressives don't belive in the individual. Equal outcome is everything for their purpose of ultimate control.

I thought it was about the cartooned underwear we are promised if we let Obama turn this nation into Russia?
the only wealth distribution in the US is the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

If the poor is getting poorer it's due to the their own failings. Including the fact they they continually vote in democratic pukes who promises to take care of them as long as they stay poor.

Education is the key to success and is free to every child born in America. The poor it would seem fails to take advantage of this fact.

oh yeah, that is a good reason to be poor, but it's not factual. People are poor for many reasons, but empathy is not one of your strong suits is it?

You refute my opinion but offer no examples of your own.

Typical liberal....

If it's not a fact the education is the key to success then what is? Government handouts?
oh yeah, that is a good reason to be poor, but it's not factual. People are poor for many reasons, but empathy is not one of your strong suits is it?

get off your high horse, what he said is TRUE..they are free to become NOT POOR in this country. EVERYONE IS

true even if you are parapallegic,you should pull your own wieght in society.

So he thinks telling people that he is responsible for their greatest achievements is really going to be a good selling point?

But it's more than that.

Yes, Obama is a narcissist, but so are many of his followers.

So, telling them, they are also responsible for the success of others feeds into their greed for the MONEY of others.

It's pathetic. Rich leaders have been promising their followers the work of others since the French Revolution.

Do, the followers EVER get rich? No! They become even more impoverished. But the LEADERS get rich!

That is the lesson of socialism/communism/marxism that the followers never seem to learn.

No wonder they don't teach history in school, anymore!
the only wealth distribution in the US is the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

If the poor is getting poorer it's due to the their own failings. Including the fact they they continually vote in democratic pukes who promises to take care of them as long as they stay poor.

Education is the key to success and is free to every child born in America. The poor it would seem fails to take advantage of this fact.

oh yeah, that is a good reason to be poor, but it's not factual. People are poor for many reasons, but empathy is not one of your strong suits is it?

Hey Moonbat! I'm fucking poor, but I don't want or need the 'gubmint' to come take care of me. You think you speak for the poor, but all you speak for is the salving of your own conscience with platitudes about helping the poor with OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY.
oh yeah, that is a good reason to be poor, but it's not factual. People are poor for many reasons, but empathy is not one of your strong suits is it?

get off your high horse, what he said is TRUE..they are free to become NOT POOR in this country. EVERYONE IS

true even if you are parapallegic,you should pull your own wieght in society.

Nice deflection. You brought up the poor and now you changed to the disabled. And you still fail to adequately prove a point.

Though you have proven, once again how stupid liberals are.
The foundational issue is that you are a liar. You know damn well that Democrats aren't calling for socialism. What they are calling for is what they believe would be a more healthy balance within our MIXED economic system. The fact that you can't address them on that front that not only are you completely ignorant and intellectually deplete, but that your own position is as weak as wet spagetti holding a ton of feathers.

Any progressives are doing exactly that. What exactly do you think they are trying to progress to?

fortunately not a theocracy, but don't worry, when you die you can go to hevean where you will be in utopian communstic sytem under God.


That is the point! ONLY GOD could pull off such a system.

Communism depends on it's leaders being PERFECT!

But humans aren't perfect. They are subject to corruption and history shows that all leaders of communism were corrupt.

That is why our Constitution endures despite liberals like Obama trying to tear it down.

Our Founding Fathers knew our leaders are not God and therefore are imperfect. So, they set up a system of checks and balances to keep corrupt human beings from having too much power.

The marxist sytem has no such checks and balances. It alway puts too much power in the hands of too few people.

That will always be the difference.

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