"You didn't get there on your own"

The foundational issue is that you are a liar. You know damn well that Democrats aren't calling for socialism. What they are calling for is what they believe would be a more healthy balance within our MIXED economic system. The fact that you can't address them on that front that not only are you completely ignorant and intellectually deplete, but that your own position is as weak as wet spagetti holding a ton of feathers.

Any progressives are doing exactly that. What exactly do you think they are trying to progress to?

fortunately not a theocracy, but don't worry, when you die you can go to hevean where you will be in utopian communstic sytem under God.

God doesnt run a communist system.

Nice attempt to dodge though. Progressives progress towards socialism/communism. It's historical fact that that is their goal. They argue for evolution versus revolution of the new economic order.
I expected to hear rubbish like this coming out of the idiot in the oval offices mouth. Of course he never worked a day in his life in the private sector and the only knowledge he has of business is what he was indoctrinated to think in colleges like Occidental. I am actually surprised people are really that bored enough to listen to anything he says anymore.
One must be very sick in the head to listen and believe anything that comes from this mans mouth anymore. Sick indeed.

I think the foundational issue is...

All, hell with it.


The foundational issue is that Democrats are economically to the left of the Vietnam Communists who have embraced Free Enterprise

The foundational issue is that you are a liar. You know damn well that Democrats aren't calling for socialism. What they are calling for is what they believe would be a more healthy balance within our MIXED economic system. The fact that you can't address them on that front that not only are you completely ignorant and intellectually deplete, but that your own position is as weak as wet spagetti holding a ton of feathers.

The GOP is currently stuck on absolutism, since most of the energy in the party is being generated by the Tea Party types. Therefore:
  • Anyone who doesn't completely agree with them is a "commie"
  • Anyone who thinks the country, would be better off less unbalanced is a "socialist"
  • Anyone who thinks improvements can be made here & there "hates Amurrrrica"
It's all binary, either/or, black & white, us vs. them. Keeps things nice and simple.

Look at it this way: Pretend you're trying to communicate with Archie Bunker.

The foundational issue is that Democrats are economically to the left of the Vietnam Communists who have embraced Free Enterprise

The foundational issue is that you are a liar. You know damn well that Democrats aren't calling for socialism. What they are calling for is what they believe would be a more healthy balance within our MIXED economic system. The fact that you can't address them on that front that not only are you completely ignorant and intellectually deplete, but that your own position is as weak as wet spagetti holding a ton of feathers.

The GOP is currently stuck on absolutism, since most of the energy in the party is being generated by the Tea Party types. Therefore:
  • Anyone who doesn't completely agree with them is a "commie"
  • Anyone who thinks the country, would be better off less unbalanced is a "socialist"
  • Anyone who thinks improvements can be made here & there "hates Amurrrrica"
It's all binary, either/or, black & white, us vs. them. Keeps things nice and simple.

Look at it this way: Pretend you're trying to communicate with Archie Bunker.


The dimwitcraps are just as bad.

If one wants to cut the size, cost and intrusiveness of government then they are anarchists that want poor people to starve.

So don't get too high on that soap box.
The foundational issue is that you are a liar. You know damn well that Democrats aren't calling for socialism. What they are calling for is what they believe would be a more healthy balance within our MIXED economic system. The fact that you can't address them on that front that not only are you completely ignorant and intellectually deplete, but that your own position is as weak as wet spagetti holding a ton of feathers.

The GOP is currently stuck on absolutism, since most of the energy in the party is being generated by the Tea Party types. Therefore:
  • Anyone who doesn't completely agree with them is a "commie"
  • Anyone who thinks the country, would be better off less unbalanced is a "socialist"
  • Anyone who thinks improvements can be made here & there "hates Amurrrrica"
It's all binary, either/or, black & white, us vs. them. Keeps things nice and simple.

Look at it this way: Pretend you're trying to communicate with Archie Bunker.


The dimwitcraps are just as bad.

If one wants to cut the size, cost and intrusiveness of government then they are anarchists that want poor people to starve.

So don't get too high on that soap box.

I was responding to a post. As I've droned on and on about, I'm not a fan of either end of the political spectrum. Right now, however, it appears to me that the GOP is clearly the more rigid party. The fact that they've somehow put Romney out there, however, also shows it's a party that's off the rails. Any party that can make Pelosi & Co. look reasonable and moderate is fucked up, big time.

I remain hopeful that it will get past this soon, as America needs the two parties to work together, stat.

The GOP is currently stuck on absolutism, since most of the energy in the party is being generated by the Tea Party types. Therefore:
  • Anyone who doesn't completely agree with them is a "commie"
  • Anyone who thinks the country, would be better off less unbalanced is a "socialist"
  • Anyone who thinks improvements can be made here & there "hates Amurrrrica"
It's all binary, either/or, black & white, us vs. them. Keeps things nice and simple.

Look at it this way: Pretend you're trying to communicate with Archie Bunker.


The dimwitcraps are just as bad.

If one wants to cut the size, cost and intrusiveness of government then they are anarchists that want poor people to starve.

So don't get too high on that soap box.

I was responding to a post. As I've droned on and on about, I'm not a fan of either end of the political spectrum. Right now, however, it appears to me that the GOP is clearly the more rigid party. The fact that they've somehow put Romney out there, however, also shows it's a party that's off the rails. Any party that can make Pelosi & Co. look reasonable and moderate is fucked up, big time.

I remain hopeful that it will get past this soon, as America needs the two parties to work together, stat.


What we need is a third party that will forever end the possibility of super majorities.
The foundational issue is that Democrats are economically to the left of the Vietnam Communists who have embraced Free Enterprise

The foundational issue is that you are a liar. You know damn well that Democrats aren't calling for socialism. What they are calling for is what they believe would be a more healthy balance within our MIXED economic system. The fact that you can't address them on that front that not only are you completely ignorant and intellectually deplete, but that your own position is as weak as wet spagetti holding a ton of feathers.

The GOP is currently stuck on absolutism, since most of the energy in the party is being generated by the Tea Party types. Therefore:
  • Anyone who doesn't completely agree with them is a "commie"
  • Anyone who thinks the country, would be better off less unbalanced is a "socialist"
  • Anyone who thinks improvements can be made here & there "hates Amurrrrica"
It's all binary, either/or, black & white, us vs. them. Keeps things nice and simple.

Look at it this way: Pretend you're trying to communicate with Archie Bunker.


This shows a complete lack of understanding of the Tea Party, and you aren't as non-partisan as you pretend to be.
Obama is absolutely full of shit as usual. I can start a business, get it up and running without a dime from the government. All I need is an idea and some elbow grease.

People do it all the time but Bam Bam doesn't understand that and he can't admit that some people are succeeding in spite of the government.

If our business didn't work out my wife and I would have been sleeping in our car.

All the people who want to take credit for the success of others don't understand the concept of risking everything you own to make a dream come true.
The foundational issue is that you are a liar. You know damn well that Democrats aren't calling for socialism. What they are calling for is what they believe would be a more healthy balance within our MIXED economic system. The fact that you can't address them on that front that not only are you completely ignorant and intellectually deplete, but that your own position is as weak as wet spagetti holding a ton of feathers.

The GOP is currently stuck on absolutism, since most of the energy in the party is being generated by the Tea Party types. Therefore:
  • Anyone who doesn't completely agree with them is a "commie"
  • Anyone who thinks the country, would be better off less unbalanced is a "socialist"
  • Anyone who thinks improvements can be made here & there "hates Amurrrrica"
It's all binary, either/or, black & white, us vs. them. Keeps things nice and simple.

Look at it this way: Pretend you're trying to communicate with Archie Bunker.


This shows a complete lack of understanding of the Tea Party, and you aren't as non-partisan as you pretend to be.

I'm not "non-partisan". I'm ANTI-partisan.

And you're trying to claim that the Tea Party and the people they support are not absolutist? That they're not running around shoving "pledges" in the faces of their politicians? That they're not nominating people who are somehow to the right of committed conservatives? That they're not spurting the words "commie" and "socialist" at everything that moves?

Then you're in abject denial.

So, business should thank government for not taking more of what isn't theirs in the first place?

And just who is paying for this "labor and effort of others"?

Just like a republican to have such a narcissistic and self-centered point of view.
They cannot admit that it takes more than an idea to have it work.
If you think your hard-work alone and your money alone makes a business thrive then you have the narcissistic attitude and reality in now way shape or form can make you see the truth.

Republican? I'm a business owner, fighting to keep what I've earned by among other things paying for the labor and effort of others. You think there's no "labor and effort" in owning and operating a business? Typical of a democrat.

No, they don't Mr. H...... it's that whole union speak. Management and labor, labor is the working class and management just sits back all day counting their money that labor earned for them and drinking martinis....... what's funny is what happens to a business when labor takes it over(always a huge failure, like if the mexicans would "take back" California, it would look exactly like that shithole Mexico within a year)...... it's a mentality that the dems have been pushing for years. The communist have a different name for each, they call them the Bourgeois and the Proletarians...... when are the democrats going to finally bring out the communist manifesto and admit that that is their belief system.......be honest for once. Are they afraid to admit that their "ideas" are those of the third world?
Obama is losing the argument big time and I hope he keeps beating the Redistribution drum because it a huge loser
I expected to hear rubbish like this coming out of the idiot in the oval offices mouth. Of course he never worked a day in his life in the private sector and the only knowledge he has of business is what he was indoctrinated to think in colleges like Occidental. I am actually surprised people are really that bored enough to listen to anything he says anymore.
One must be very sick in the head to listen and believe anything that comes from this mans mouth anymore. Sick indeed.

It's commiecrap.
So did your hard work make my business thrive?

Did you risk any of your money to start my business?

Did you put in 80 hours a week for the past 5 years building my business?

Are you paying my employees and my bills so my business can stay open?

If you're not then who exactly is keeping my business open if it's not me?

Anyonr else read the bullshit above and wonder wtf this dude is going on about.
The last questions is really the one that tells all. He/she can't even figure out that it is CUSTOMERS that keep a business open.

Repubs are so stupid now that they think they just open a business, have no customers and then they succeed. Pitiful.

And then he wants patted on the back for putting up some money. And working 80 hours.
Big fuking deal. It was your choice wasn't it? Then quit bitching about it and go to work cause you sure as hell ain't a "successful" businessman wasting all the time you do on a message board.

Or is this where you troll for "customers"?
You know our educational system is a sabotaged when Dems openly embrace an economic system that comes with a 100% Guaranteed Fail
So did your hard work make my business thrive?

Did you risk any of your money to start my business?

Did you put in 80 hours a week for the past 5 years building my business?

Are you paying my employees and my bills so my business can stay open?

If you're not then who exactly is keeping my business open if it's not me?

Anyonr else read the bullshit above and wonder wtf this dude is going on about.
The last questions is really the one that tells all. He/she can't even figure out that it is CUSTOMERS that keep a business open.

Repubs are so stupid now that they think they just open a business, have no customers and then they succeed. Pitiful.

And then he wants patted on the back for putting up some money. And working 80 hours.
Big fuking deal. It was your choice wasn't it? Then quit bitching about it and go to work cause you sure as hell ain't a "successful" businessman wasting all the time you do on a message board.

Or is this where you troll for "customers"?

I'd back him over you any day of the week
Just like a republican to have such a narcissistic and self-centered point of view.
They cannot admit that it takes more than an idea to have it work.
If you think your hard-work alone and your money alone makes a business thrive then you have the narcissistic attitude and reality in now way shape or form can make you see the truth.

Republican? I'm a business owner, fighting to keep what I've earned by among other things paying for the labor and effort of others. You think there's no "labor and effort" in owning and operating a business? Typical of a democrat.

No, they don't Mr. H...... it's that whole union speak. Management and labor, labor is the working class and management just sits back all day counting their money that labor earned for them and drinking martinis....... what's funny is what happens to a business when labor takes it over(always a huge failure, like if the mexicans would "take back" California, it would look exactly like that shithole Mexico within a year)...... it's a mentality that the dems have been pushing for years. The communist have a different name for each, they call them the Bourgeois and the Proletarians...... when are the democrats going to finally bring out the communist manifesto and admit that that is their belief system.......be honest for once. Are they afraid to admit that their "ideas" are those of the third world?

Dividing people into labor and capital is Communist thinking
So did your hard work make my business thrive?

Did you risk any of your money to start my business?

Did you put in 80 hours a week for the past 5 years building my business?

Are you paying my employees and my bills so my business can stay open?

If you're not then who exactly is keeping my business open if it's not me?

Anyonr else read the bullshit above and wonder wtf this dude is going on about.
The last questions is really the one that tells all. He/she can't even figure out that it is CUSTOMERS that keep a business open.

Repubs are so stupid now that they think they just open a business, have no customers and then they succeed. Pitiful.

And then he wants patted on the back for putting up some money. And working 80 hours.
Big fuking deal. It was your choice wasn't it? Then quit bitching about it and go to work cause you sure as hell ain't a "successful" businessman wasting all the time you do on a message board.

Or is this where you troll for "customers"?

good grief, you should get off the message boards
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