"You didn't get there on your own"

who runs the sewer systems that keep the private business owners land from filling with shit or flooding when it rains?

I have a private septic system that I paid 30,000 dollars to have installed and I pay to have it pumped out every year.

I also have a private will with a 2500 dollar filtration system that I paid for and maintain

who polices the area to make sure they dont get robbbed.

FYI police don't stop people from getting robbed all they do is show up after people are robbed and most of the time they never catch the crooks. I pay for an alarm monitoring company and i installed video and audio surveillance.

who would put the fire out if it caught fire?

My local volunteer fire department to which I donate generously every year

How would the customer get to the property if the roads where not there?

I pay my share for roads. And people who are in the business of delivering freight pay more taxes than average citizens that are supposed to be for roads.

who teaches the kids that grow up to be their employees?

If you ever hired a recent high school grad you would wonder who the hell teaches them because they ain't too bright.

Why is it republicans dont want to take part in society?

Why is it that liberals sheep feel they should get credit for someone else's success in business?
On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

Speaking of which....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu61aU4N8mM]Elizabeth Warren Announces Her Bid for Senate - YouTube[/ame]
On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

Speaking of which....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu61aU4N8mM]Elizabeth Warren Announces Her Bid for Senate - YouTube[/ame]

She has some high cheekbones!

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Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


TAXES????? Who pays taxes?

as far as "effort" from labor and "others"...
A) labor gets paid for their effort or they won't work. Their only concern that a business succeeds is that their paycheck is secured!
B) "others" who are the Others????
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcFDF87-SdQ&feature=player_detailpage]Elizabeth Warren on The Myth of Class Warfare: Nobody Got Rich on His Own... - YouTube[/ame]
To disingenuously use Native American heritage as means of self-promotional advantage and advancement based on the scant evidence she relied upon cuts to the quick with alot of honest folks.

It further undermines her credibility on matters where she may put forth accurate criticism.
It's not mocking anything.

That's the truth.

Spoken like a person who's never contributed anything to anything, other than body heat to the room.

Only a damned fool looks at successful business owners and says, "You're taking more out of the system than you're putting into it."
So, business should thank government for not taking more of what isn't theirs in the first place?

And just who is paying for this "labor and effort of others"?

Just like a republican to have such a narcissistic and self-centered point of view.
They cannot admit that it takes more than an idea to have it work.
If you think your hard-work alone and your money alone makes a business thrive then you have the narcissistic attitude and reality in now way shape or form can make you see the truth.

Just like a Democrat to think there's nothing more to becoming a successful business owner than "having an idea".

If you think YOU are putting more into someone's successful business than they are, you're narcissistic to the point of delusional.

Why don't you tell us what this "truth" is that you've airily dismissed us as being unable to see? 'Cause you know what "there's no way to make you see the truth" means when I hear the likes of you saying it? It means, "I'm full of shit, and I know it, but I'm hoping I can bluff you into believing I have something important to say."

So if you really believe you've got some "truth" to show us, pony up and show it. Otherwise, your bluff's been called, and you lose.
Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

But the president is also telling the truth; their success is predicated not only on the labor and efforts of others, but on the public sector’s contributions as well. From providing roads to transport raw materials and fished products, to educating and training their workforce, and yes, to the regulatory policy that protects business from its worst enemy: itself.

Considering how much red tape, aggravation, and hassle the public sector adds to the life of anyone trying to do more than be a wage slave, I think their "contribution" to that effort is, at best, a wash.

And how about YOU consider how much business owners add to the system, compared to what they take out? First, they're providing a shit-ton more in taxes to fund all those lovely roads and schools than individuals are, and everyone gets to profit from them, don't they? (By the way, most transport is done by private business, not the vaunted "public sector".) Second, they provide jobs to all those people, so that they don't move away and take their taxes with them. Third, they provide goods and services for those individual people to purchase. Fourth, it's very common for businesses, large and small, to put some of their advertising dollars toward community programs that support things like athletic programs for kids and community donation programs for the poor.

And you're contributing what to their success again? Your measly pittance of taxes, the value of which you MORE than get back through your own use of public resources? Your grudging attendance at work, where you do as little as you can possibly get away with because you don't think your paycheck is worth a full effort?

One of these days a partisan ideologue is going to tell me how they have a vice-like grip on The Truth and I'm gonna barf right on their shoes. I won't mean to, it will just happen. I hope they're wearing sandals at that moment, holy crap, seriously.

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Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


And just when we thought he couldn't possibly be any more clueless.....
who runs the sewer systems that keep the private business owners land from filling with shit or flooding when it rains?

And they pay for it through their taxes, don't they? In fact, they pay enough in taxes to subsidize YOUR usage of the sewer system, too. Or did you really think your personal taxes were enough to cover your share?

who polices the area to make sure they dont get robbbed.

Yeah, ask any store owner how much good the cops are doing at "making sure they don't get robbed." Ask them about the insurance premiums they have to pay to cover theft because the cops are "making sure they don't get robbed."

By the way, Sparkles, they ALSO pay for the cops in their taxes, plus subsidizing YOUR use of law enforcement as well. Once again, they pay a shit-ton more than you do, and get exactly the same amount of "service".

who would put the fire out if it caught fire?

Same answer, punkin. More taxes for the same service you're getting.

How would the customer get to the property if the roads where not there?

Did you know that trucking companies pay A LOT MORE in taxes that goes to roads than the average four-wheeler driver does? And you'd best believe they're passing that cost on to the customers. And YOU PERSONALLY could just walk to the store if you didn't have roads. It used to be quite common in urban areas, back before the automobile boom led people to move to the suburbs.

who teaches the kids that grow up to be their employees?

Judging by the amazing amount of illiteracy in this country, I'd say no one. But still and again, individuals are benefitting from this more than businesses are, and more directly, and yet they don't pay nearly as much for it.

Why is it republicans dont want to take part in society?

Why is it that leftists want everyone else to provide a society for them, and then whine that they aren't being given enough?

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