"You didn't get there on your own"

I'd back him over you any day of the week

Really? Oh Frankie say it ain't so. Heartbroken I am. I tell you, fuk you.

Frankie, are you one of those successful businessmen who spend all day every day on this message board? You know. Waiting for those customers to walk in. Or is your business successful without customers. Like the other dudes.
Is it any wonder that in his book 'Dreams From my Father' he wrote that working in the private sector was like "being behind enemy lines"?

Is there any doubt he's waging war against capitalism, private enterprise?

Does this sound familiar? Remember Elizabeth Warren last year?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htX2usfqMEs&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PLF088A010EEB2ECC0"]Elizabeth Warren on Debt Crisis, Fair Taxation - YouTube[/ame]


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-ZO7XOpwa8"]Obama 7.13.2012: If you've got a business -- you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. - YouTube[/ame]

Two raging Marxists speak.
So did your hard work make my business thrive?

Did you risk any of your money to start my business?

Did you put in 80 hours a week for the past 5 years building my business?

Are you paying my employees and my bills so my business can stay open?

If you're not then who exactly is keeping my business open if it's not me?

Anyonr else read the bullshit above and wonder wtf this dude is going on about.
The last questions is really the one that tells all. He/she can't even figure out that it is CUSTOMERS that keep a business open.

Repubs are so stupid now that they think they just open a business, have no customers and then they succeed. Pitiful.

And then he wants patted on the back for putting up some money. And working 80 hours.
Big fuking deal. It was your choice wasn't it? Then quit bitching about it and go to work cause you sure as hell ain't a "successful" businessman wasting all the time you do on a message board.

Or is this where you troll for "customers"?

kinda like obummer worked hard to get his job and all we get for his paycheck is bitchin and a blaming. We need to fire his ass and enjoy doing it. :D
My gawd I hope the people have wised up to the Socialist-commie in Chief..

we can't take four more years of this idiot

vote him out people
What President Obama is saying is that no business is successful without labor and it's on the backs of labor that gets a man rich. It's just more class warfare and people are eating it up. President Obama and the left in this country needs to be stopped, now. I just wonder how much more damage they can do before the guy is finally thrown out of office.

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


It's a refrain I always use: No one in America gets there on their own.

And all it means is, YOU are entitled to the hard work of others!

This is liberalism peeps and it hasn't changed since the Soviet Union screamed the same things.

It's about greed for other people's hard work and how you rationalize a justification for all that.

All Obama is doing is stirring up more resentment for people who work hard to build their own business.

Instead of praising the small business owner, Obama's saying, that he and all others are entitled to their hard work!

(Image: EIB Network )​

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


It's a refrain I always use: No one in America gets there on their own.

And all it means is, YOU are entitled to the hard work of others!

This is liberalism peeps and it hasn't changed since the Soviet Union screamed the same things.

It's about greed for other people's hard work and how you rationalize a justification for all that.

All Obama is doing is stirring up more resentment for people who work hard to build their own business.

Instead of praising the small business owner, Obama's saying, that he and all others are entitled to their hard work!

Class Warfare/Envy all the way.

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


It's a refrain I always use: No one in America gets there on their own.

Speak for yourself.

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


How is this going to backfire?

First off Romney did not even come close to making it on his own. His parents and grandparents made it for him, and even they had to actually run a business.

The only businesses I know who make it on the hard work and sweat of their owners might be self owned and run businesses with no employees, but even they probably have help from friends, things like the SBA, the government, and they rely on their customers.

If mittens wants to claim he, and he alone, did it then the Obama campaign will have a field day showing his completely misplaced ideas, and that he doesn't care about anyone but himself, and certainly does not care about the people he trashed while at Bain.

It is actually a well planned attack. If Mittens tries to claim he cares about his workers they have some soundbites from him to run against pictures of people who's lives he destroyed at Bain. If Romney ignores it they can go along the line that Romney is way out of touch. If Romney's ego takes over and he declares he is the sole reason for his success they can slam him with the fact he inherited most of it and destroyed the people underneath him.

Well, guess what you hypocrites!

The KENNEDY'S started off rich and privileged and you libs LOVED (and still love) them!

How hypocritical can you get! A lot of your liberal heros were and are always rich!

Obama was raised as a kid of privilege, yet you turn a blind eye to that!

I don't see you morons ranting about other rich people like Michael Moore or Noam Chomsky.

It's ONLY become bad to be rich, since Obama started ramping up his mindless drones to how all the hard work of others really belongs to you and your ilk.

And, you'll fall for it, like all mindless drones have since the French Revolution.

Look through the history of class warefare. Do you EVER see the "little people" getting rich? Or do you ONLY see the leaders getting rich--and off your stupidity to boot!

So keep up the mindless rhetoric. It will never make you a dime, but it will keep those manipulating you in power.

And the sad part is, Obama KNOWS he's manipulating you to keep himself in power. He couldn't be more cynical.

And I bet, you will never get that.

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


How is this going to backfire?

I'm not sure if this is a rhetorical question, but I'll answer it anyway.

As I pointed out, the danger is that he's appearing to do precisely what the GOP has been accusing him of: Being anti-business. No, I'm saying he is anti-business, I'm talking about image, which is pretty much what politics has deteriorated into. The GOP will almost certainly try to bang on this, and we'll see what happens. My guess is that Obama's attacks will be relatively effective, but then I also thought the Broncos were going to the Super Bowl last year.


It "appears" he's anti-business? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

For pity sake! If Obama beat his wife tomorrow, would you say it "appears" he beat his wife? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Keep trying to mealy mouth your way out of this libs.

Perception? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
It's a refrain I always use: No one in America gets there on their own.

How does that entitle the federal government or welfare parasites one additional dime of my money?

Apparently you like to spout meaningless platitudes.

It entitles them to your money because they SAY it entitles them to your money.

You didn't expect these parasites on the left to give logical reasons did you?

It's just the mindless droning of those in the cart, telling those who are pulling the cart, the cart is only moving because of those IN the cart.

It makes no sense whatsoever, but those in the cart will feel better about themselves and Obama will gain power from those mindless drones.

That's all it's about!

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


To assume that business operates in a vacuum and does not need the society from which it profits is ridiculous

Our society educates and trains the employees you profit off of
Our society provides transportation and communications infrastructure that makes it possible for you to function
Our society protects your business interests abroad
Our society provides police and fire protection to your business
Our society protects your patents and protects you from unfair competition
It's a refrain I always use: No one in America gets there on their own.

How does that entitle the federal government or welfare parasites one additional dime of my money?

Apparently you like to spout meaningless platitudes.

go take a suck pill



What did I tell you?

There's no reason or logic to the "platitudes" of the left.

It's about resentment and anger toward those who work hard.

The left doesn't want to work hard. They want others to work hard FOR THEM!

But when confronted with this, the left can't deny it. They just spout angry vitriol and go back demanding the hard work of others.

Funny, I thought slavery was outlawed in this Country.

But the left demand others work hard for them--and that still is slavery.

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


It's a refrain I always use: No one in America gets there on their own.

Speak for yourself.

Youdidn't even need a mother, you carried yourself and gave birth to yourself.
How does that entitle the federal government or welfare parasites one additional dime of my money?

Apparently you like to spout meaningless platitudes.

go take a suck pill



What did I tell you?

There's no reason or logic to the "platitudes" of the left.

It's about resentment and anger toward those who work hard.

The left doesn't want to work hard. They want others to work hard FOR THEM!

But when confronted with this, the left can't deny it. They just spout angry vitriol and go back demanding the hard work of others.

Funny, I thought slavery was outlawed in this Country.

But the left demand others work hard for them--and that still is slavery.

Yada-Yada, you are stupid, come with me to work and I'll show yo the meaning of sweat and toil.
I'm not a socialist and I refuse to become one.
Why can't THAT be the argumnet instead of something better heard on a playground?

Well don't become one. There are none in your govt at the moment either. People accusing Obama of being a socialist don't know the meaning of the word...

OH really?????????????

We can't say Obama is a socialist????? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Why not? Because you libs can't really refute that?

HOW is it NOT socialism to claim small business owners really got there because of others and therefore these "others" are entitled to their hard work?

That is COMPLETELY socialism. It is a justification for WEALTH DISTRIBUTION!

And you are telling me there are no people in our government that believe that?

BWAHAHAHAHAA, what part of the "Great Society" or the "War on Poverty" did YOU miss? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Wealth distribution is VERY MUCH a component of socialism.

You just don't want people to say that, because the truth will get Obama voted out of office.


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