"You didn't get there on your own"

But just like wages were taxed only once after they were paid in wages, capital gains are taxed only once after they are realized by the stockholder.

too stupid you get wages by working and paying the tax; you get capital gains when you invest wages on which you have already paid taxes.
OMG!!! TOO perfectly stupid!!! He had 2 communist parents, voted to the left of Bernie Sanders, is openly for single payer, and is beloved by the CPUSA.

Norman Thomas quotes:
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
"Comrades, you remember the ancient tale of the capture of Troy. Troy was inaccessible to the armies attacking her, thanks to her impregnable walls. And the attacking army, after suffering many sacrifices, was unable to achieve victory until, with the aid of the famous Trojan horse, it managed to penetrate to the very heart of the enemy’s camp."[4]

C. S. Lewis on Diabolical Democracy, Socialism, and Public Education « Conservative Colloquium

Buckley endorsed Chambers’ analysis of modern liberalism as a watered-down version of Communist ideology. The New Deal, Chambers insists, is not liberal democratic but “revolutionary” in its nature and intentions, seeking “a basic change in the social and, above all, the power relationships within the nation.”

Obama proposes lowering corporate tax rate to 28 percent


Is THAT what communists do ed? Do communists make the centerpiece of a health care bill, the BIG Republican/Heritage Foundation idea, the individual mandate, based on PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY??
Some improvement is not the opposite of no real improvement, thanks for playing.

Ah, so the discussion hinges on your personal interpretation of "some" vs. "real".

Good grief.

"Playing", indeed. I'm not good at partisan games. Another waste of my time.


Question, did you not just post this?

This economy is dead in the water right now

Again, I say, some is not the opposite of real. It appears you agree, but you still want to argue,

I also pointed out, as you know, improvements in unemployment data and intrabank lending as two examples of where improvements have been made, but somehow you "forgot" to notice that. Must have been an oversight, huh?

The improvements were made, and we have since slipped back to "dead in the water" status. Not sure why the two need to be mutually exclusive (okay, just kidding, I know why).

Since Obama has a (D) after his name, it's all his fault, I know. Personally, I think it's more a function of the nature of the disaster, but as I said, I'm not very good at partisan politics.

The truth is that Obama is a capitalist.

OMG!!! TOO perfectly stupid!!! He had 2 communist parents, voted to the left of Bernie Sanders, is openly for single payer, and is beloved by the CPUSA.

Norman Thomas quotes:
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
"Comrades, you remember the ancient tale of the capture of Troy. Troy was inaccessible to the armies attacking her, thanks to her impregnable walls. And the attacking army, after suffering many sacrifices, was unable to achieve victory until, with the aid of the famous Trojan horse, it managed to penetrate to the very heart of the enemy’s camp."[4]

C. S. Lewis on Diabolical Democracy, Socialism, and Public Education « Conservative Colloquium

Buckley endorsed Chambers’ analysis of modern liberalism as a watered-down version of Communist ideology. The New Deal, Chambers insists, is not liberal democratic but “revolutionary” in its nature and intentions, seeking “a basic change in the social and, above all, the power relationships within the nation.”

Nice rant.
The truth is that Obama is a capitalist.

OMG!!! TOO perfectly stupid!!! He had 2 communist parents, voted to the left of Bernie Sanders, is openly for single payer, and is beloved by the CPUSA.

Norman Thomas quotes:
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
"Comrades, you remember the ancient tale of the capture of Troy. Troy was inaccessible to the armies attacking her, thanks to her impregnable walls. And the attacking army, after suffering many sacrifices, was unable to achieve victory until, with the aid of the famous Trojan horse, it managed to penetrate to the very heart of the enemy’s camp."[4]

C. S. Lewis on Diabolical Democracy, Socialism, and Public Education « Conservative Colloquium

Buckley endorsed Chambers’ analysis of modern liberalism as a watered-down version of Communist ideology. The New Deal, Chambers insists, is not liberal democratic but “revolutionary” in its nature and intentions, seeking “a basic change in the social and, above all, the power relationships within the nation.”

Nice rant.

as a liberal you will lack the IQ to say why you disagree with it. See why we are positive liberalism is based on ignorance?
Insult? Observation? Take it as you will. By process of elimination there's nothing left to conclude but that your stance is nothing more than the same class warfare political strategy that Barack Obama employs.

Investment capital IS taxed twice. It's taxed when the company earns income and it's taxed again when stocks are cashed in. What's more, greedy leftists seem to forget that while it's true that the very wealthy are profiting in higher dollar amounts, they aren't the only ones investing these days. Since the advent of 401ks, IRAs, and other retirement plans, middle America is invested as well with "42 percent of all returns reporting capital gains were from households with incomes below $50,000. Seventy-two percent, or 6.4 million returns, were for households with incomes below $100,000". The elderly, in particularly are "two and a half times as likely to realize capital gains in a given year as are tax filers under the age of sixty-five".
The conpany and the investor are two separate entities. Each one is taxed only once. Your stupid argument was shot down in advance if you had only read the post you were replying to. Wages have been taxed as the dollars passed through other hands before they were paid as wages, so wages should get the same special tax privilages as capital gains.

And as fat as that bullshit that the little guy is getting a big share of the capital gains, the top 20% own 90% of all the stock and the bottom 80% own 10%. So while a lot of little people have some stock through an mutual fund, etc., the amount is so miniscule they are not getting very much from their stock.

The rest of your post was just a desperate attempt to change the subject awayu from an argument you know you are wrong about. Even your MessiahRushie admits that wage earner income is what is taxed the most to keep the wage earner from becoming wealthy as the capital gains tycoon. And this little tidbit from your link proves it. Wage earners pay 33 times more in taxes than the capitol gains tycoons.

Table 1 Sources of Federal Revenue (billions of 2003 dollars)

Capital gains tax $45
Corporate income tax $132
Individual income tax $794
Social Security taxes $713

Total revenues $1,782
Source: Historical Tables: Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2005 (Washington, D.C: Government Printing Office, 2004), Table 2.1, p. 22. Capital Gains from CBO.
Note: Columns do not add because not all sources of federal revenue are shown.

The Truth About Taxes
August 6, 2007
RUSH: I've told you before: the income tax is designed to keep people like his [Buffett's] secretary from becoming wealthy! There is no "wealth" tax. So this is a big misnomer. ...
But there's no tax on wealth. There is a tax on income, and the tax on income is designed to keep everybody who is not wealthy from getting there.
I'm talking about genuine wealth, not the way Democrats define "rich."

To begin with, ignoring the rest of my post as you did, is hardly a refutation of my argument that the current administration is UNWORTHY of any additional revenues to begin with. They've proved conclusively over the past 3 and a half years that they can't be trusted to behave responsibly with it.

In response to your argument on capital gains... I would still disagree. You say that two separate entities are being taxed, but the investors essentially ARE the corporation. They provide the capital, and the money that they buy their stocks with is taxed as earned income before the stock is even bought, at the corporate level when profits are made, and again as capital gains taxes.
I love it, Republican administrations racked up about 13 trillion, including interest, of the 16 trillion GOP debt and it's the Obama administration who are untrustworthy. :cookoo: The GOP piss the money away and then say the cure is to punish the poor, the elderly and the sick. :tongue: You say punish Obama. :cuckoo:

The investors are essentially investors and corporations are essentially corporations, they are still two separate entities. But if you want to claim that investors are essentially the corporation because they provide the capital, then the workers essentially are the corporation because they produce the goods and services the corpotation markets. All the capital in the world won't generate a single profit if the corporation has nothing to sell and no workers to sell it.

Elitist capital gains snobs think they are special and should be worshiped and everyone else is worthless and should pay the freight. They want a Feudal system with tycoons as the lords and masters and everyone else as peons. In reality it takes BOTH capital AND labor working together to make a successful economy. Either BOTH deserve special tax privilages or neither.
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Elitist capital gains snobs think they are special and should be worshiped and everyone else is worthless and should pay the freight. .

Switzerland and Germany have no capital gains tax since it is a tax on economic growth.

The more capital you tax from venture capitalists the fewer new ventures like Apple, Google, Intel, Cisco etc can be funded.

It makes sense to much of the world which explains why low IQ liberals can't understand it.

Capital gains rate;

Moldova 10.00%
Bosnia & H. 10.00%
Macedonia 10.00%
Serbia 10.00%
Bulgaria 10.00%
Slovenia 10.00%
Greece 10.00%
Montenegro 9.00%
Netherlands 1.20%
Ukraine 1.00%
Romania 0.00%
Switzerland 0.00%
Turkey 0.00%
Poland 0.00%
Croatia 0.00%
Belgium 0.00%
Austria 0.00%
Liechtenstein 0.00%
Monaco 0.00%
Germany 0.00%
Italy 0.00%
Andorra 0.00%
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But just like wages were taxed only once after they were paid in wages, capital gains are taxed only once after they are realized by the stockholder.

too stupid you get wages by working and paying the tax; you get capital gains when you invest wages on which you have already paid taxes.
I love how the most ignorant know-it-alls think everyone else is more stupid then themselves.

you get capital GAINS when your investment GAINS value. That GAIN in value has never been taxed before and is taxed for the first time when it is realized. The original investment of your already taxed dollars is NOT taxed again when the capital asset is sold, and therefore only taxed once while in your possession.
you get capital GAINS when your investment GAINS value.

you get wages when your investment in a job pays off in the form of a paycheck. You don't pay taxes on your wages before you earn them and again after.

with capital gains you pay taxes to get the capital and then again when the investment pays off.

This is why the whole world taxes capital gains differently. Its really over your head isn't it?

Plus its pure 100% liberal ignorance to tax capital since its a tax on economic growth!!
It's not mocking anything.

That's the truth.

Oddly it's my car in the parking lot at night and it's my bank account that is on the line. But I'm the one who's supposed to be "grateful." Gotcha. And you're welcome...
you get capital GAINS when your investment GAINS value.

you get wages when your investment in a job pays off in the form of a paycheck. You don't pay taxes on your wages before you earn them and again after.

with capital gains you pay taxes to get the capital and then again when the investment pays off.

This is why the whole world taxes capital gains differently. Its really over your head isn't it?

Plus its pure 100% liberal ignorance to tax capital since its a tax on economic growth!!
You get more ignorant with each post. That's why you are a CON$ervoFascist.
Last edited:
Elitist capital gains snobs think they are special and should be worshiped and everyone else is worthless and should pay the freight. .

Switzerland and Germany have no capital gains tax since it is a tax on economic growth.

The more capital you tax from venture capitalists the fewer new ventures like Apple, Google, Intel, Cisco etc can be funded.

It makes sense to much of the world which explains why low IQ liberals can't understand it.

Capital gains rate;

Moldova 10.00%
Bosnia & H. 10.00%
Macedonia 10.00%
Serbia 10.00%
Bulgaria 10.00%
Slovenia 10.00%
Greece 10.00%
Montenegro 9.00%
Netherlands 1.20%
Ukraine 1.00%
Romania 0.00%
Switzerland 0.00%
Turkey 0.00%
Poland 0.00%
Croatia 0.00%
Belgium 0.00%
Austria 0.00%
Liechtenstein 0.00%
Monaco 0.00%
Germany 0.00%
Italy 0.00%
Andorra 0.00%

What's interesting is what big fans the leftists are of imitating the rest of the world in everything else.
you get capital GAINS when your investment GAINS value.

you get wages when your investment in a job pays off in the form of a paycheck. You don't pay taxes on your wages before you earn them and again after.

with capital gains you pay taxes to get the capital and then again when the investment pays off.

This is why the whole world taxes capital gains differently. Its really over your head isn't it?

Plus its pure 100% liberal ignorance to tax capital since its a tax on economic growth!!
You get more igfnorant with each post. That's why you are a CON$ervoFascist.

translation: as a low IQ liberal I lost the debate and so have been reduced to personal attack in a vain attempt to change the subject.
translation: as a low IQ liberal I lost the debate and so have been reduced to personal attack in a vain attempt to change the subject.

That's Ed. What do you want from a guy who calls himself a "cynic" because he's cynical of anyone who doesn't trust government? We're not talking "brain surgeon" material...
Elitist capital gains snobs think they are special and should be worshiped and everyone else is worthless and should pay the freight. .

Switzerland and Germany have no capital gains tax since it is a tax on economic growth.

The more capital you tax from venture capitalists the fewer new ventures like Apple, Google, Intel, Cisco etc can be funded.

It makes sense to much of the world which explains why low IQ liberals can't understand it.

Capital gains rate;

Moldova 10.00%
Bosnia & H. 10.00%
Macedonia 10.00%
Serbia 10.00%
Bulgaria 10.00%
Slovenia 10.00%
Greece 10.00%
Montenegro 9.00%
Netherlands 1.20%
Ukraine 1.00%
Romania 0.00%
Switzerland 0.00%
Turkey 0.00%
Poland 0.00%
Croatia 0.00%
Belgium 0.00%
Austria 0.00%
Liechtenstein 0.00%
Monaco 0.00%
Germany 0.00%
Italy 0.00%
Andorra 0.00%

What's interesting is what big fans the leftists are of imitating the rest of the world in everything else.

yes but now that Europe is very obviously broke and about to fall apart they have lost their most treasured idle.
translation: as a low IQ liberal I lost the debate and so have been reduced to personal attack in a vain attempt to change the subject.

That's Ed. What do you want from a guy who calls himself a "cynic" because he's cynical of anyone who doesn't trust government? We're not talking "brain surgeon" material...

as a liberal he has no idea our country was founded by folks who didn't trust government.

As an example, all of the founders were for free speech but many were against the Bill of Rights on the theory that free speech might be lost if the government was protecting it.
Is THAT what communists do ed?

what is "that" you fool????????????????

Do communists make the centerpiece of a health care bill, the BIG Republican/Heritage Foundation idea, the individual mandate, based on PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY??

dear, BO is for single payer!! Its really way over your head isn't it??

Did we get single payer ed? Did we get even a public option ed? What we got is a carbon copy of the 1993 GOP/Heritage Foundation health care reform bill, including the BIG Republican/Heritage Foundation idea...the INDIVIDUAL MANDATE.

If Obama is a commie, then so is the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute.

Why do you keep avoiding the truth ed??

Maybe George W. Bush's speechwriter can explain it to you?

Waterloo - by David Frum

At the beginning of this process we made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994.

Could a deal have been reached? Who knows? But we do know that the gap between this plan and traditional Republican ideas is not very big. The Obama plan has a broad family resemblance to Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts plan. It builds on ideas developed at the Heritage Foundation in the early 1990s that formed the basis for Republican counter-proposals to Clintoncare in 1993-1994.

David Frum is the former economic speechwriter for President George W. Bush

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