"You didn't get there on your own"

All you really have to do is the math people.

Do you honestly believe taking more taxes from the people, swallowing most of them up in the existing bureaucracy, and then funneling them back out in a few work projects is beneficial to the economy? If you honestly beieve that you are way left of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you believe more people benefit from not diluting investment capital by leaving it in private sector hands in the first place, you are right of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you believe government will manage healthcare more effectively, efficiently, humanely, and economically, you are way left of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you understand that if we weren't affording healthcare in the first place, diluting investment capital in the private sector and adding dozens or hundreds of more layers of government bureaucracy and funding tens of thousands new government employees to administrate it absolutely won't make healthcare more affordable, then you are right of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you believe we should be grateful to and owe everybody else, most especially government, because we have a successful business, you are way left of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you know in your heart that you built your business and your working it to make a profit along with everybody else working their businesses that they built to make a profit is what makes a strong, effective, efficient economy, then you are right of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.
Sorry bout that,

1. Well we don't have to assume much at all when we say 'Obama is out of touch with reality'.
2. His defenders can strapulate how much the physical aspects of the infrastructure some how and some way gurders anything we as business people have acomplished while they attempt to build a plausable explanation of what Obama was saying, adding a fluff to this, in order to lay thier heads on this stupid pillow. "He said we didn't build that"
3. How many roads did Obama build himself?
4. And tax money always builds the roads, and tax money comes from who else, 'The People', tollways build a lot of roads as well, so those who use those roads pay for them, and bonds, and tax on gasoline from 'The People'.
5. This whole idea that those who start a business don't actually start and build it themselves is total loonacy.
6. Is Obama saying being in business is being apart of some common link or collective, that everyone who starts a business is plugged into, is this; like *The Matrix Movie*?
7. Sorry to break this to you people, but that is untrue, if you start a business you are on your own, no one will be there for you, and the roads won't help you either, they will just be there, as a road, most businesses fail in first year.
8. The only way Obama is correct is when he handed out those trillions of dollars to Solandra and those other failed solar companies, which all that did was waste money, like going fishing and putting on the hook a perfectly eatable fish and casting it in the water. Obama failed or how shall I put it, created a slush fund of untold billions to lean on when he's out of office in November.
9. If you try to defend Obama you are nothing but a *Obamabot*
10. Don't thank me for this, just doing my part to show you how very stoopid Obama really is.


Do you think you might have read into what Obama said just a bit?
A mild recession? A 9% retraction not seen since the FIRST Pub World Depression- you're a total fool. And a REAL ESTATE meltdown, the worst kind. The middle class lost 40% of their wealth, ya brainwashed SHYTTEHEAD!. Change the GD channel fcs...

Yes, mild dickweed.

Retraction ???? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Retired school teacher my ass.


And it was a lot worse because of Obama and the dems in congress.

You need to get away from Randi and Rush and listen to more CSPAN.
Sorry bout that,

1. Well we don't have to assume much at all when we say 'Obama is out of touch with reality'.
2. His defenders can strapulate how much the physical aspects of the infrastructure some how and some way gurders anything we as business people have acomplished while they attempt to build a plausable explanation of what Obama was saying, adding a fluff to this, in order to lay thier heads on this stupid pillow. "He said we didn't build that"
3. How many roads did Obama build himself?
4. And tax money always builds the roads, and tax money comes from who else, 'The People', tollways build a lot of roads as well, so those who use those roads pay for them, and bonds, and tax on gasoline from 'The People'.
5. This whole idea that those who start a business don't actually start and build it themselves is total loonacy.
6. Is Obama saying being in business is being apart of some common link or collective, that everyone who starts a business is plugged into, is this; like *The Matrix Movie*?
7. Sorry to break this to you people, but that is untrue, if you start a business you are on your own, no one will be there for you, and the roads won't help you either, they will just be there, as a road, most businesses fail in first year.
8. The only way Obama is correct is when he handed out those trillions of dollars to Solandra and those other failed solar companies, which all that did was waste money, like going fishing and putting on the hook a perfectly eatable fish and casting it in the water. Obama failed or how shall I put it, created a slush fund of untold billions to lean on when he's out of office in November.
9. If you try to defend Obama you are nothing but a *Obamabot*
10. Don't thank me for this, just doing my part to show you how very stoopid Obama really is.


Do you think you might have read into what Obama said just a bit?

After 3 1/2 years of an Obama Administration, Barry...I think I've got a pretty good fix on what Obama's feelings are towards the Private Sector. Between his comment that the Private Sector was doing "fine" and that we needed to spend more money on the Public Sector when the Private Sector is still down about 3 million jobs...and now this comment about how it wasn't individuals that built their businesses and that they owe much of it to the government...it's pretty obvious that our current President is not on your "side" if you're a business owner in this country. Barack primarily sees the Private Sector as the means to fund Government...which he sees as the answer to all problems.
A mild recession? A 9% retraction not seen since the FIRST Pub World Depression- you're a total fool. And a REAL ESTATE meltdown, the worst kind. The middle class lost 40% of their wealth, ya brainwashed SHYTTEHEAD!. Change the GD channel fcs...

Yes, mild dickweed.

Retraction ???? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Retired school teacher my ass.


And it was a lot worse because of Obama and the dems in congress.

You need to get away from Randi and Rush and listen to more CSPAN.

Is Franco claiming to be a school teacher? Now THAT is funny stuff!
Sorry bout that,

1. Well we don't have to assume much at all when we say 'Obama is out of touch with reality'.
2. His defenders can strapulate how much the physical aspects of the infrastructure some how and some way gurders anything we as business people have acomplished while they attempt to build a plausable explanation of what Obama was saying, adding a fluff to this, in order to lay thier heads on this stupid pillow. "He said we didn't build that"
3. How many roads did Obama build himself?
4. And tax money always builds the roads, and tax money comes from who else, 'The People', tollways build a lot of roads as well, so those who use those roads pay for them, and bonds, and tax on gasoline from 'The People'.
5. This whole idea that those who start a business don't actually start and build it themselves is total loonacy.
6. Is Obama saying being in business is being apart of some common link or collective, that everyone who starts a business is plugged into, is this; like *The Matrix Movie*?
7. Sorry to break this to you people, but that is untrue, if you start a business you are on your own, no one will be there for you, and the roads won't help you either, they will just be there, as a road, most businesses fail in first year.
8. The only way Obama is correct is when he handed out those trillions of dollars to Solandra and those other failed solar companies, which all that did was waste money, like going fishing and putting on the hook a perfectly eatable fish and casting it in the water. Obama failed or how shall I put it, created a slush fund of untold billions to lean on when he's out of office in November.
9. If you try to defend Obama you are nothing but a *Obamabot*
10. Don't thank me for this, just doing my part to show you how very stoopid Obama really is.


Do you think you might have read into what Obama said just a bit?

After 3 1/2 years of an Obama Administration, Barry...I think I've got a pretty good fix on what Obama's feelings are towards the Private Sector. Between his comment that the Private Sector was doing "fine" and that we needed to spend more money on the Public Sector when the Private Sector is still down about 3 million jobs...and now this comment about how it wasn't individuals that built their businesses and that they owe much of it to the government...it's pretty obvious that our current President is not on your "side" if you're a business owner in this country. Barack primarily sees the Private Sector as the means to fund Government...which he sees as the answer to all problems.

What is amazing is the lavish adoration his followers heap on him even as he holds them in such contempt. But similar phenomena has existed through history when would be dictators and or those employing the Marxist and/or Alinsky methods have gradually wrested it all away from the people.

I don't know what is in Obama's heart and do not presume to suggest it is evil. He may in fact really think that what he does is in the best interest of all in the long run. But those of us who have actually read history books know all too well in the history of the world that the consequences of ever stronger, more authoritarian, more intrusive government has invariably prospered a favored few and impoverished the many. Conversely, the more individual freedom and initative there is, the more prosperity results.
Liz Warren is a fucking joke. A total absolute fucking joke and a fraud and a Neo-Marxist

Who the fuck cares what she says?

apparently, an awful lot since she and brown are neck and neck ...

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Massachusetts Senate - Brown vs. Warren

but we know you're allergic to educted people, so it's understandable that you'd find elizabeth warren offensive.

Jilly, you're the party of Robert KKK Byrd, Charlie Rangel, and Liz "High Cheekbones" Warren, we know you have no standard whatsoever for who you put in office.

The Party of Barack 57 States Obama and Joe Biden has to keep telling us how educated and intelligent they are. It feels like the Thatcher "Power is like being a lady... if you have to tell people you are, you aren't" quote. Democrats keep insisting on telling us how smart they are and all they do is sound a lot like Freddy Corleone in the process

Here's Liz Warren Yearbook pic from Harvard. Note the high cheekbones.


It's not that liberals and Democrats keep telling us how educated and intelligent they are. It people like you who keep proving how uneducated and unintelligent you are.
All you really have to do is the math people.

Do you honestly believe taking more taxes from the people, swallowing most of them up in the existing bureaucracy, and then funneling them back out in a few work projects is beneficial to the economy? If you honestly beieve that you are way left of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you believe more people benefit from not diluting investment capital by leaving it in private sector hands in the first place, you are right of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you believe government will manage healthcare more effectively, efficiently, humanely, and economically, you are way left of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you understand that if we weren't affording healthcare in the first place, diluting investment capital in the private sector and adding dozens or hundreds of more layers of government bureaucracy and funding tens of thousands new government employees to administrate it absolutely won't make healthcare more affordable, then you are right of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you believe we should be grateful to and owe everybody else, most especially government, because we have a successful business, you are way left of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you know in your heart that you built your business and your working it to make a profit along with everybody else working their businesses that they built to make a profit is what makes a strong, effective, efficient economy, then you are right of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

We've been waiting over 30 years for 'trickle down' to happen. It never did, and it never will. The conservative era that began with Nixon and Reagan has brought us exactly WHAT? Skyrocketing prices on everything we consume. Reagan created as much debt in 8 years that ALL the presidents that preceded him accumulated...COMBINED.

Ronald Reagan was the WORST president for the small businessman/woman...The self-employment tax jumped as much as 66 percent.

In 1982, taxes were raised on gasoline and cigarettes, but the deficit hardly budged. In 1983, the president signed the biggest tax rise on payrolls, promising to create a surplus in the Social Security system, while knowing all along that the new revenue would be used to finance the deficit.

The retirement system was looted from the first day the Social Security surplus came into being, because the legislation itself gave the president a free hand to spend the surplus in any way he liked.

Thus began a massive transfer of wealth from the poor and the middle class, especially the self-employed small businessman, to the wealthy. The self-employment tax jumped as much as 66 percent.

In 1986, Reagan slashed the top tax rate further. His redistributionist obsession led to a perversity in the law. The wealthiest faced a 28 percent tax rate, while those with lower incomes faced a 33 percent rate; in addition, the bottom rate climbed from 11 percent to 15 percent.

For the first time in history, the top rate fell and the bottom rate rose simultaneously. Even unemployment compensation was not spared. The jobless had to pay income tax on their benefits.

A year later, the man who would not spare unemployment compensation from taxation called for a cut in the capital gains tax.

Thus, Reagan was a staunch socialist, totally committed to his cause of wealth redistribution towards the affluent.How much wealth transfer has occurred through Reagan’s policies? At least $3 trillion.

Last edited:
Insult? Observation? Take it as you will. By process of elimination there's nothing left to conclude but that your stance is nothing more than the same class warfare political strategy that Barack Obama employs.

Investment capital IS taxed twice. It's taxed when the company earns income and it's taxed again when stocks are cashed in. What's more, greedy leftists seem to forget that while it's true that the very wealthy are profiting in higher dollar amounts, they aren't the only ones investing these days. Since the advent of 401ks, IRAs, and other retirement plans, middle America is invested as well with "42 percent of all returns reporting capital gains were from households with incomes below $50,000. Seventy-two percent, or 6.4 million returns, were for households with incomes below $100,000". The elderly, in particularly are "two and a half times as likely to realize capital gains in a given year as are tax filers under the age of sixty-five".
Capital Gains Taxes: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

What they're doing is attempting to rob my retirement account and yours too if it's invested. But what is it that this administration is doing that would make us believe that they're going to behave responsibly with our money? :eusa_eh:

They've REFUSED to make a budget for the past 3+ years. They've increased our national debt to almost 16 Trillion. They won't even look at entitlements, all ahead of schedule on their way to going bust. In fact, they've saddled us with another one which dwarfs the ones we've got, and is already forecast to cost three times as much as they said it would.

You people argue that the government spends our money better than we do, but where's your evidence that it's so? If you could simply unwrap your minds from your slavish devotion to the political class, you'd see the evidence all around you that it doesn't. Obama's foray into socialist wealth redistribution hasn't benefited anyone. And it's not likely to either. You can't honestly think that all the left's sacred cows are going to survive when we're pulling a trillion dollars out of the economy by the end of the decade just to service the debt?

These people DON'T DESERVE one more red cent from any American, no matter how filthy rich that one American might be. Because they've PROVED they can't behave responsibly with it. They fill your heads with talk of infrastructure and use that argument to forward their Robin Hood political games, but when they produced their "stimulus" bill, less than 5% went toward it. What does that tell you??? :eusa_eh:

I'm sorry to say it, but some of you folks need to wise up. This isn't team sports, where we root for whichever jersey we like best. It's not The Red Team vs. The Blue Team. This is the future of our country; it's the future of our children and their children after them. And if you're not using your interest in politics with that in mind, what the hell are you doing?
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

USMB Rep Police said:
You must spread some reputation.....
All you really have to do is the math people.

Do you honestly believe taking more taxes from the people, swallowing most of them up in the existing bureaucracy, and then funneling them back out in a few work projects is beneficial to the economy? If you honestly beieve that you are way left of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you believe more people benefit from not diluting investment capital by leaving it in private sector hands in the first place, you are right of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you believe government will manage healthcare more effectively, efficiently, humanely, and economically, you are way left of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you understand that if we weren't affording healthcare in the first place, diluting investment capital in the private sector and adding dozens or hundreds of more layers of government bureaucracy and funding tens of thousands new government employees to administrate it absolutely won't make healthcare more affordable, then you are right of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you believe we should be grateful to and owe everybody else, most especially government, because we have a successful business, you are way left of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you know in your heart that you built your business and your working it to make a profit along with everybody else working their businesses that they built to make a profit is what makes a strong, effective, efficient economy, then you are right of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

We've been waiting over 30 years for 'trickle down' to happen. It never did, and it never will. The conservative era that began with Nixon and Reagan has brought us exactly WHAT? Skyrocketing prices on everything we consume. Reagan created as much debt in 8 years that ALL the presidents that preceded him accumulated...COMBINED.

Ronald Reagan was the WORST president for the small businessman/woman...The self-employment tax jumped as much as 66 percent.

In 1982, taxes were raised on gasoline and cigarettes, but the deficit hardly budged. In 1983, the president signed the biggest tax rise on payrolls, promising to create a surplus in the Social Security system, while knowing all along that the new revenue would be used to finance the deficit.

The retirement system was looted from the first day the Social Security surplus came into being, because the legislation itself gave the president a free hand to spend the surplus in any way he liked.

Thus began a massive transfer of wealth from the poor and the middle class, especially the self-employed small businessman, to the wealthy. The self-employment tax jumped as much as 66 percent.

In 1986, Reagan slashed the top tax rate further. His redistributionist obsession led to a perversity in the law. The wealthiest faced a 28 percent tax rate, while those with lower incomes faced a 33 percent rate; in addition, the bottom rate climbed from 11 percent to 15 percent.

For the first time in history, the top rate fell and the bottom rate rose simultaneously. Even unemployment compensation was not spared. The jobless had to pay income tax on their benefits.

A year later, the man who would not spare unemployment compensation from taxation called for a cut in the capital gains tax.

Thus, Reagan was a staunch socialist, totally committed to his cause of wealth redistribution towards the affluent.How much wealth transfer has occurred through Reagan’s policies? At least $3 trillion.


In a nutshell, you believe you deserve and are entitled to a share of what I worked for and earned whether you worked at all or earned anything in your life.
The "Class warfare strategy" isn't working. The latest Gallup poll is a testament to Obama's failure to make Romney's wealth an issue.

And other polls show that the average blue collar working is not going to be cheering The O on like they did last time. His popularity is dropping like a stone.

"An overwhelming majority of voters – 75 percent – say that Mitt Romney’s $200 million net worth makes no difference in their choice between him and President Barack Obama, according to a new Gallup poll.

Meanwhile, 20 percent of voters say Romney’s wealth makes them less likely to vote for him, and 4 percent say it makes them more likely to vote for him.

Breaking it down by party affiliation, among Republicans, 89 percent say Romney’s riches make no difference, 8 percent say they are a reason to vote for him, and 4 percent say they are a reason to vote against him. Among Democrats, 62 percent don’t care about Romney’s wealth, 37 percent say it’s a negative factor, and 1 percent say it’s positive.

The sentiment of independents may be most important, as they are likely to decide the election’s outcome. In this demographic 76 are indifferent to Romney’s wealth, 19 percent say it makes them less likely to vote for him, and 4 percent say it makes them more likely to vote for him.

Read more on Newsmax.com: Gallup: Majority Say Romney’s Wealth Won’t Affect Their Vote
Insert links, not just references or posts will be deleted. Thanks.

No-one is suggesting that people would vote for or against anyone based on their wealth.

You've apparently missed the entire point.
All you really have to do is the math people.

Do you honestly believe taking more taxes from the people, swallowing most of them up in the existing bureaucracy, and then funneling them back out in a few work projects is beneficial to the economy? If you honestly beieve that you are way left of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you believe more people benefit from not diluting investment capital by leaving it in private sector hands in the first place, you are right of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you believe government will manage healthcare more effectively, efficiently, humanely, and economically, you are way left of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you understand that if we weren't affording healthcare in the first place, diluting investment capital in the private sector and adding dozens or hundreds of more layers of government bureaucracy and funding tens of thousands new government employees to administrate it absolutely won't make healthcare more affordable, then you are right of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you believe we should be grateful to and owe everybody else, most especially government, because we have a successful business, you are way left of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you know in your heart that you built your business and your working it to make a profit along with everybody else working their businesses that they built to make a profit is what makes a strong, effective, efficient economy, then you are right of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

We've been waiting over 30 years for 'trickle down' to happen. It never did, and it never will. The conservative era that began with Nixon and Reagan has brought us exactly WHAT? Skyrocketing prices on everything we consume. Reagan created as much debt in 8 years that ALL the presidents that preceded him accumulated...COMBINED.

Ronald Reagan was the WORST president for the small businessman/woman...The self-employment tax jumped as much as 66 percent.

In 1982, taxes were raised on gasoline and cigarettes, but the deficit hardly budged. In 1983, the president signed the biggest tax rise on payrolls, promising to create a surplus in the Social Security system, while knowing all along that the new revenue would be used to finance the deficit.

The retirement system was looted from the first day the Social Security surplus came into being, because the legislation itself gave the president a free hand to spend the surplus in any way he liked.

Thus began a massive transfer of wealth from the poor and the middle class, especially the self-employed small businessman, to the wealthy. The self-employment tax jumped as much as 66 percent.

In 1986, Reagan slashed the top tax rate further. His redistributionist obsession led to a perversity in the law. The wealthiest faced a 28 percent tax rate, while those with lower incomes faced a 33 percent rate; in addition, the bottom rate climbed from 11 percent to 15 percent.

For the first time in history, the top rate fell and the bottom rate rose simultaneously. Even unemployment compensation was not spared. The jobless had to pay income tax on their benefits.

A year later, the man who would not spare unemployment compensation from taxation called for a cut in the capital gains tax.

Thus, Reagan was a staunch socialist, totally committed to his cause of wealth redistribution towards the affluent.How much wealth transfer has occurred through Reagan’s policies? At least $3 trillion.


In a nutshell, you believe you deserve and are entitled to a share of what I worked for and earned whether you worked at all or earned anything in your life.

In a nutshell, you are a social Darwinist who believes that all people need is punishment to 'see the light'. You spew the exact same philosophy that was the foundation of fascism, communism and every atrocity that has ever occurred. The most dangerous and vile part of your social Darwinism is not your Monica Lewinsky worship of a hierarchy, it your dismissal and disdain for the common men and women on this planet.

You and I have gone over this all before. And you always continue to ignore FACTS that will never ever change. Like the FACT Social Security and Medicare are vital and necessary because what afflicts senior citizens can NOT be corrected with your vial punishment.
You and I have gone over this all before. And you always continue to ignore FACTS that will never ever change. Like the FACT Social Security and Medicare are vital and necessary because what afflicts senior citizens can NOT be corrected with your vial punishment.

I love how you use the term "FACTS".

Your statement about Social Security and Medicare are CONCLUSIONS....not facts.

You state them as articles of faith, but they are not.

A case can be made and a CONCLUSION drawn that Social Security and Medicare are self fullfilling prophecies.

I would never vote to end them because of the promises made to those who are now come to depend upon them. However, I would revisit their goals and be more than willing to look at alternatives for those who are just coming into the workplace.

But, I will go back to my statement that what you call FACTS are not FACTS.

No wonder you think you bury people with your B.S.
Yea, well government is the enemy............here are some more Jefferson quotes I have confirmed are true. ;)

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."

"To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical. "

Sorry, you don't get a second bite at the apple...

Those people whose lives were saved yesterday by the quick actions of first responders in Colorado didn't consider the government their "enemy". They were probably damned glad those first responders were there and got them to safety or treated their injuries.

Hey, I want all you wingnuts who rip on government workers to remember that those people who responded to Aurora were "government workers" in "Public Sector unions".

I want you to remember that the people who carried victims out of the theater during the shooting weren't.

Sorry bout that,

1. Well we don't have to assume much at all when we say 'Obama is out of touch with reality'.
2. His defenders can strapulate how much the physical aspects of the infrastructure some how and some way gurders anything we as business people have acomplished while they attempt to build a plausable explanation of what Obama was saying, adding a fluff to this, in order to lay thier heads on this stupid pillow. "He said we didn't build that"
3. How many roads did Obama build himself?
4. And tax money always builds the roads, and tax money comes from who else, 'The People', tollways build a lot of roads as well, so those who use those roads pay for them, and bonds, and tax on gasoline from 'The People'.
5. This whole idea that those who start a business don't actually start and build it themselves is total loonacy.
6. Is Obama saying being in business is being apart of some common link or collective, that everyone who starts a business is plugged into, is this; like *The Matrix Movie*?
7. Sorry to break this to you people, but that is untrue, if you start a business you are on your own, no one will be there for you, and the roads won't help you either, they will just be there, as a road, most businesses fail in first year.
8. The only way Obama is correct is when he handed out those trillions of dollars to Solandra and those other failed solar companies, which all that did was waste money, like going fishing and putting on the hook a perfectly eatable fish and casting it in the water. Obama failed or how shall I put it, created a slush fund of untold billions to lean on when he's out of office in November.
9. If you try to defend Obama you are nothing but a *Obamabot*
10. Don't thank me for this, just doing my part to show you how very stoopid Obama really is.


Do you think you might have read into what Obama said just a bit?

After 3 1/2 years of an Obama Administration, Barry...I think I've got a pretty good fix on what Obama's feelings are towards the Private Sector. Between his comment that the Private Sector was doing "fine" and that we needed to spend more money on the Public Sector when the Private Sector is still down about 3 million jobs...and now this comment about how it wasn't individuals that built their businesses and that they owe much of it to the government...it's pretty obvious that our current President is not on your "side" if you're a business owner in this country. Barack primarily sees the Private Sector as the means to fund Government...which he sees as the answer to all problems.

After 3+ years of the Obama Presidency, it's pretty clear we have a collectivist in the White House.

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


Liz Warren is a fucking joke. A total absolute fucking joke and a fraud and a Neo-Marxist

Who the fuck cares what she says?

apparently, an awful lot since she and brown are neck and neck ...

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Massachusetts Senate - Brown vs. Warren

but we know you're allergic to educted people, so it's understandable that you'd find elizabeth warren offensive.

Amazing what some money spent in the right places will accomplish, isn't it?

Tell me something, why would any self respecting person listen to a person who spins a fanciful yarn about being a Cherokee, uses that yarn to gain employment, and then deny she did this? How about the fact that she committed fraud in at lest one of her papers when she deliberately used numbers that she knew were inaccurate? Do you, personally, think this is the type of person that should be in the Senate?
A mild recession?

Holy crap.

Congratulations. You made me speechless. I don't even know what to say here.


It boggles the fucking mind that anyone would say something like that.

See, this is an example of what really fascinates me about partisan ideologues. When I see something as completely absurd as this, a few questions immediately start running through what remains of my little mind:

1. Surely this person realizes this isn't true, right?
2. Wait, maybe they do, how could that be?
3. What was the thought process that completely blocked out all evidence and allowed them to come to this conclusion?
4. Is this person having any contrary thoughts about this statement?
5. If so, what are they doing with those thoughts? How are they handling them?
6. What outside influences have contributed to such thought processes? Fox and MSNBC? Is it that simple?
7. Do they approach other areas of life like this, where they just ignore contrary evidence and run with stuff?
8. Does thinking in a vacuum, in an intellectual cocoon, become habit, second nature?
9. Or maybe, is this just a game they like to play, really having little to do with the topic at hand, just fun?

If course, while these questions and others are bouncing around in my little brain, I'm sitting there in front of the computer, transfixed, trying not to drool.


The strange thing is that there has been no real improvement, yet you think what we have now is a mild recovery, and you think what we had 3 years ago is a full blown disaster.
All you really have to do is the math people.

Do you honestly believe taking more taxes from the people, swallowing most of them up in the existing bureaucracy, and then funneling them back out in a few work projects is beneficial to the economy? If you honestly beieve that you are way left of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you believe more people benefit from not diluting investment capital by leaving it in private sector hands in the first place, you are right of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you believe government will manage healthcare more effectively, efficiently, humanely, and economically, you are way left of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you understand that if we weren't affording healthcare in the first place, diluting investment capital in the private sector and adding dozens or hundreds of more layers of government bureaucracy and funding tens of thousands new government employees to administrate it absolutely won't make healthcare more affordable, then you are right of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you believe we should be grateful to and owe everybody else, most especially government, because we have a successful business, you are way left of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

If you know in your heart that you built your business and your working it to make a profit along with everybody else working their businesses that they built to make a profit is what makes a strong, effective, efficient economy, then you are right of center. You don't have to demonize somebody to know that.

We've been waiting over 30 years for 'trickle down' to happen. It never did, and it never will. The conservative era that began with Nixon and Reagan has brought us exactly WHAT? Skyrocketing prices on everything we consume. Reagan created as much debt in 8 years that ALL the presidents that preceded him accumulated...COMBINED.

Ronald Reagan was the WORST president for the small businessman/woman...The self-employment tax jumped as much as 66 percent.

In 1982, taxes were raised on gasoline and cigarettes, but the deficit hardly budged. In 1983, the president signed the biggest tax rise on payrolls, promising to create a surplus in the Social Security system, while knowing all along that the new revenue would be used to finance the deficit.

The retirement system was looted from the first day the Social Security surplus came into being, because the legislation itself gave the president a free hand to spend the surplus in any way he liked.

Thus began a massive transfer of wealth from the poor and the middle class, especially the self-employed small businessman, to the wealthy. The self-employment tax jumped as much as 66 percent.

In 1986, Reagan slashed the top tax rate further. His redistributionist obsession led to a perversity in the law. The wealthiest faced a 28 percent tax rate, while those with lower incomes faced a 33 percent rate; in addition, the bottom rate climbed from 11 percent to 15 percent.

For the first time in history, the top rate fell and the bottom rate rose simultaneously. Even unemployment compensation was not spared. The jobless had to pay income tax on their benefits.

A year later, the man who would not spare unemployment compensation from taxation called for a cut in the capital gains tax.

Thus, Reagan was a staunch socialist, totally committed to his cause of wealth redistribution towards the affluent.How much wealth transfer has occurred through Reagan’s policies? At least $3 trillion.


Too bad for you it actually did.

You and I have gone over this all before. And you always continue to ignore FACTS that will never ever change. Like the FACT Social Security and Medicare are vital and necessary because what afflicts senior citizens can NOT be corrected with your vial punishment.

I love how you use the term "FACTS".

Your statement about Social Security and Medicare are CONCLUSIONS....not facts.

You state them as articles of faith, but they are not.

A case can be made and a CONCLUSION drawn that Social Security and Medicare are self fullfilling prophecies.

I would never vote to end them because of the promises made to those who are now come to depend upon them. However, I would revisit their goals and be more than willing to look at alternatives for those who are just coming into the workplace.

But, I will go back to my statement that what you call FACTS are not FACTS.

No wonder you think you bury people with your B.S.

I present FACTS, you emote a dogmatic ideology, based on.........?

Can you name ONE country that has a private health care system that works? I can name dozens of industrialized countries that have government run universal health care that cost less the HALF of what our cartel run system costs per capita. And they are all way ahead of America's ranking at or near the bottom of the heap in infant mortality, adult female mortality, adult male mortality, and life expectancy?

Medicare is the greatest accomplishment in our nation's history...


47 MILLION…the number of Americans for whom Medicare provides comprehensive health care

51 PERCENT…the number of Americans 65 or older who did not have health care before Medicare was passed, while today virtually all elderly Americans have health care thanks to Medicare

30 PERCENT…the number of elderly Americans who lived in poverty before Medicare, a number now reduced to 7.5 PERCENT

72 PERCENT…the number of Americans in a recent poll who said that Medicare is “extremely” or “very” important to their retirement security

Medicare assures health care for seniors who might otherwise find health care inaccessible. It saves our government money. It makes the lives of our seniors better.

Two concepts inspired Medicare. First, seniors require more care than younger Americans. Second, seniors usually live on less income; many survive only on Social Security. This combination renders seniors extremely vulnerable to losing their savings, homes or lives from easily treatable diseases.

And Medicare provides good care. American life expectancy at birth ranks 30th in the world. We remain 30th for the rest of our lives -- until we reach 65. Then, our rank rises until we reach 14th at 80. We can thank the remarkable access to health care provided by Medicare.

Every industrialized nation guarantees health care for seniors. Indeed, we are unhappily distinctive in being the only industrialized nation that does not guarantee care for everyone else, as well. Medicare restores us to a civilized status.

Before Medicare, only 40 percent of nonworking seniors had health insurance, and of those with coverage, private insurance paid for less than 10 percent of their hospital bills. The principle of insuring only the healthy who consume little care and avoiding the sick has always driven our private insurance industry. No insurance company can make money by offering the same comprehensive, affordable coverage to seniors as Medicare, so they don't offer it. Our experience with Medicare Advantage, an effort to privatize parts of Medicare, resulted in our government spending $17 billion more for the same benefits available through Medicare. Our private insurance industry was in no hurry to insure seniors before Medicare started. They are in no hurry now. Medicare revolutionized health care access for seniors.

Why is Medicare expensive? Simply, health care for seniors will always cost more than that of healthier, younger Americans. And costs are rising in every health care system around the world, not just Medicare. The United States is doubly cursed because our costs are rising faster and are already twice as expensive as other countries. Though hard to believe, Medicare is a leader in fighting cost increases. Private insurance industry costs are rising nearly twice as fast as those of Medicare. And when it comes to administrative expenses, private insurance is 10 times higher than Medicare. In fact, if the single payer financing of Medicare were applied to citizens of all ages, we would save $350 billion annually, more than enough to provide comprehensive health care to every American.

Medicare is good for our seniors and good for our country. It provides health care far more affordably and efficiently than our private insurance industry. It saves our country hundreds of billions of dollars in administrative overhead. And if we expand Medicare to cover younger, healthier Americans, we would all get more care at less cost.


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