"You didn't get there on your own"

Every shepherd eventually leads the sheep to slaughter.

True, though liberals don't need much patience with their shepherd Obama. He's in it for himself from the get go and the liberals are fighting over each other to be the first to jump into the knife.
The reason we need to keep hammering home the truth is that Obama's Freudian slip has finally given us some honest and useful ammunition to use in driving home the truth.

I don't know whether it was this thread or the "Justification by Romney" thread that Misty mentioned 72% of Americans believe that business owners did do it on their own. So thanks to her for reminding me to check Rasmussen's site today, and there we find this:

Monday, July 23, 2012

Most Americans believe entrepreneurs who start businesses do more to create jobs and economic growth than big businesses or government. They also believe overwhelmingly that small business owners work harder than other Americans and are primarily responsible for the success or failure of their businesses.

Seventy-two percent (72%) of Likely U.S. Voters believe that people who start small businesses are primarily responsible for their success or failure. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 13% disagree. (To see survey question . . . .)
72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success - Rasmussen Reports™

So most of the country has it right and if we aren't able to utilize that to get some critical and necessary changes made come November, we're all hopeless.
This is a perfect example of how easily the gullible are manipulated by dishonest pollsters like Ratmuffin. "Primarily" means mostly, but not completely. So 85% of Americans agree with Obama that business is not 100% responsible for their success, they had help!!!

ROMNEY: I know that you recognize a lot of people help you in a business. Perhaps the bank, the investors. There is no question your mom and dad, your school teachers. The people who provide roads, the fire, the police. A lot of people help.
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I don't know whether it was this thread or the "Justification by Romney" thread that Misty mentioned 72% of Americans believe that business owners did do it on their own

The other 28% are stupid. I can tell you as a business owner that government does nothing but try to make me fail. They could give a crap if I shut down and fired every employee as long as they squeezed every drop of blood from me they can get. Some examples:

1) I bought the assets of a company who didn't pay their business property taxes. My business is in Durham, NC. Even though I gave them the contact information of the owner who is in Durham, they said they weren't going to bother to contact him. If I didn't pay it for him, they would padlock my doors.

2) I had 3 days of vacation last year other then between Xmas and New Years. I spent the first half day of one of them on the phone with the IRS disputing a $400 fine. It was in their own records they were wrong. They removed the fine, but I still lost a half day vacation.

3) I can't change the sign in front of my building because Durham changed the signage rules and we are grandfathered in under the old ones. But we can't change the sign without submitting a plan to the town and getting it approved. The plan has to be for the whole property, which means I'd have to fund the whole property owned by by landlord. My landlord doesn't want to do it. The town gives me no out.

4) I made a mistake in March submitting a withholding payment to North Carolina. March, 2012. It was my mistake, I expect to pay something. So what did North Carolina think was reasonable for a payment three months late? Twenty five percent.

5) My employee is being garnished for not paying her property tax. My choice was to spend several hours learning about how to handle and account for it or pay my accountant to do it. And if I don't do it and do it right, they informed me that they'll just take the money from me.

6) I spent an hour on the phone with the IRS because they put a tax payment in the wrong quarter. So let me ask you, if there is an overpayment in one quarter of $5K and an underpayment in the next quarter of exactly the same amount, should they be able to figure it out on their own?

7) If I hire people and they don't work out, they raise my unemployment taxes across my whole payroll. So what is the incentive to give anyone a shot?

These are just a few off the top of my head. I own three corporations and I cringe with every letter from the government. The message from all three levels is the same. They could give a crap about me, they could give a crap about jobs, they want to squeeze blood from me and they will use their dictatorial powers to do it.

If the left really cared about jobs, they'd be going after government for trying to destroy them. Government creates jobs? Yeah ... you just believe that ... sheep ...

Well it was only 12 or 13% I believe who disagreed with it and the rest fell in the "I don't know" category. But maybe that does make all of them stupid or at least totally out of touch with what goes into a successful business.

So yeah, starting up my business, and being of limited means, I will certainly choose a location with existing infrastructure. It might be infrastructure that I previously voted to allow bonds to build (and thereby was assessed to my property taxes either directly or indirectly or sometimes the gross receipts (sales) taxes I pay), or it might be infrastructure somebody else built before I got there. Nevertheless I pay taxes year in and year out to maintain and expand that same infrastructure in addition to that which I helped build, and which is enjoyed by everybody, some who help pay for it and some who don't.

Which again begs the question, why should the buisness owner feel obligated and blessed to have that infrastructure and therefore is more obligated to pay more than anybody else is?

Also, why would I build a business in a location that had no infrastructure that a bunch of other people also need so that I don't have to pay for all of it? Still they aren't taking the risk to make the investment to start up a business that helps pay for it all with its own taxes as well as provide jobs to other people so they can also pay taxes to help.

This is what the President doesn't seem to understand. You don't owe more; I don't owe more than anybody else just because we own busineses. We'll give back much more to the community than those who don't own businesses, but the infrastructure sure as hell wasn't built for our benefit or anybody else's benefit. It was built for the mutual benefit of everybody. If that was not the case, it never would have been built.

What runs the economy and what creates and funds the government is the individual business owner doing his own thing to put bread on the table.

Ouch! That must have hurt. Liberals, don't try logic at home.

Romney was talking about Olympians appreciating the support they got. Obama is talking about that business owners don't deserve the most credit for what they did.

Seriously, you didn't get that? You heard some of the same words and just assume it was the same?

Doubtful Lakhota even read the source.
why should the buisness owner feel obligated and blessed to have that infrastructure and therefore is more obligated to pay more than anybody else is?

Like the people who use the infrastructure to get to their jobs you mean? I agree with that. As you said, we pay more then anyone else. And realistically, is it really that impressive that with what we're charged we get roads, bridges and the police? Providing roads for me to go to work and coming if I get robbed, is what they do all that impressive? I'm having a hard time seeing that they really enable me all that much.
Which again begs the question, why should the buisness owner feel obligated and blessed to have that infrastructure and therefore is more obligated to pay more than anybody else is?
Which begs the question, what makes you think the business owner pays more than everybody else????

Table 1 Sources of Federal Revenue (billions of 2003 dollars)

Corporate income tax $132
Individual income tax $794
Social Security taxes $713
Which again begs the question, why should the buisness owner feel obligated and blessed to have that infrastructure and therefore is more obligated to pay more than anybody else is?
Which begs the question, what makes you think the business owner pays more than everybody else????

Table 1 Sources of Federal Revenue (billions of 2003 dollars)

Corporate income tax $132
Individual income tax $794
Social Security taxes $713

The reference was that we not only pay the corporate income tax but the majority of individual income taxes. The top 5% of earners pay 60% of Federal taxes, and the top 5% of earners are dominated by business owners. But that's only if you care about facts and stuff like that, it wouldn't interest you. It doesn't serve the interest of government, so you'd be cynical about that.
So what about someone on Medicare who lives to the age of 90?

yes!!! You see that because liberal goveernment has usurped health care it costs about 10 times what it ought to cost; to the point of bankrupting the entire nation.

We need to install a capitalist system where costs would be reduced 90% and people and their familes and insurance companies could afford their own health care.
So what about someone on Medicare who lives to the age of 90?

yes!!! You see that because liberal goveernment has usurped health care it costs about 10 times what it ought to cost; to the point of bankrupting the entire nation.

We need to install a capitalist system where costs would be reduced 90% and people and their familes and insurance companies could afford their own health care.

so the problem with health care in america is not enough capitalism? :lol::lol:

dear god
So what about someone on Medicare who lives to the age of 90?

yes!!! You see that because liberal goveernment has usurped health care it costs about 10 times what it ought to cost; to the point of bankrupting the entire nation.

We need to install a capitalist system where costs would be reduced 90% and people and their familes and insurance companies could afford their own health care.

so the problem with health care in america is not enough capitalism? :lol::lol:

dear god

So endlessly increasing government control hasn't solved the problem with healthcare, so the problem is we need MORE government.

You think that's a good argument? Seriously?
so the problem with health care in america is not enough capitalism?

yes, if you disagree please say why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so.

edward, your position is so ludicrous, so completely insane, that it cannot be discussed without laughing

a. i am in the business and know more about it than you ever will
b. as i am in the business, it is the profit motive that is ruining it
c. the rest of the planet seems to do fine without the profit motive

d. jesus, could you be any more of a complete idiot :lol:

(now, there needs to be a profit motive in the RX field, to a degree, but there is NO good reason AT ALL for health insurance)

oh, and I dont disagree, there is no debate here, i am educating you
So endlessly increasing government control hasn't solved the problem with healthcare, so the problem is we need MORE government.

You think that's a good argument? Seriously?

sure!!! When Stalin's first 5 year plan failed he just tired another more aggressive 5 year plan.

Capitalism is never the plan for liberals because they lack the IQ to understand it. For all a liberal knows our current health care system is capitalist. Conhate just proved it!!
the stupid just gets deeper and deeper, i liked it before Obama was elected and you rabid moronic dumbshits were in the closet
as i am in the business, it is the profit motive that is ruining it

America is more profit oriented or capitalist oriented than any other country on earth and has the highest standard of living in human history. Its about 30% higher than Europe which is about to collapse anyway.

So if you idiotically think profit hurts then you must explain why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so and have no business being here.
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as i am in the business, it is the profit motive that is ruining it

America is more profit oriented or capitalist oriented than any other country on earth and has the highest standard of living in human history. Its about 30% higher than Europe which is about to collapse anyway.

So if profit hurts then you must explain why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so.

i thought we were talking about health care, right?

universal health care, give it to the people before the people get so desperate and pissed that they start burning down the whole ballgame

and again, i am not debating you, i am educating you...we know what you think and why, who told you to think it and what fears you live with they can rely on to get you to keep thinking it

I am the teacher, you are the student
Which begs the question, what makes you think the business owner pays more than everybody else????

Table 1 Sources of Federal Revenue (billions of 2003 dollars)

Corporate income tax $132
Individual income tax $794
Social Security taxes $713

No shit the group with by far the most contributors pays the most ?

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