"You didn't get there on your own"

One of the keys to success for a new business owner is going into the venture with an attitude of "the cup is half full".

Sadly, it seems that Obama wants us all to believe that if your cup is half full, then you should dole out a substantial amount of it to those that want it.

Which means that a new business owner will enter the new venture with a cup that is only 1/3 full.

And that person will fail.

Obamanomics 101.
are you idiot racist shitbags still lying about what the Prez said and taking his quote out of context to create an issue that doesnt exist?

thought so

when Obama said it was taken out of context he was counting on the numerous amount of morons that are too lazy to listen and watch the video who will, instead say "yeah, they took it ouyt of context."

Watch the video man. It was not taken out of context....not AT ALL.

He sees you as a lazy moron who will believe anything he says.

Need to ask you...

What is it like to adamantly support a man who views you as a lazy moron?
He said it verbatim. Obama is trying to backpeddle from his words...and if words mean things? WHY is he backpeddling as YOU with the context argument?

s0n? YOU are the stupid one here. Enjoy wallowing.:eusa_hand:

Yup. Here's the WHOLE context. And there is no way to interpret what he said as anything other than what he said:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=192oEC5TX_Q]Obama: If you've been successful you didn't get there on your own - YouTube[/ame]

even if you accept what he says he meant he still has a problem and its this -- ok who did build it - all that infrastructure? That would be the taxpayer (not really the govt, but the taxpayer) and who pays most of the taxes (and therefore is in the group that paid the most for this stuff?) The very people he wants to tax more - and the people who is tone clearly suggests he feels is getting some sort of unfair enrichment from all of this.

The big irony that he and the elizabeth Warrens of the world ignore is that if you accept his agrument --ok what about all the people who pay no income taxes despite having income (and who are largely supporters of the Democrats?). They get the benefit of the roads etc (they dont use them as effectively but they get the benefit ) but they are paying nothing for them -- not a dime. Thats is ironic and under Obamas argument they are getting the free ride.

But at the end of the day this is just more of what we already know -- the guy has a deep seeded resentment of personal wealth and a hostility to individual success and this is just another manifestation of that. Thats all.

and its also a reminder why none of these problems will EVER be resolved with him in the white house. its good politics for him to be this divisive -- very good -- but he will never be able to get compromise with his approach. Never.

I think you've reintroduced some critical points. Why are the producers, the job creators, those who have become wealthy via productivity--those who are already paying 70% to 90% of all the taxes paid at the federal level--more obligated to pay more than are those who benefit from the same infrastructure but are paying little or nothing in taxes? That would include roughly 50% of all Americans including those who are well above the poverty line but who still have enough exemptions and tax credits so they don't pay federal income taxes.

If we're all in this together, and if the President's opinion is valid that those who benefit should be who pay more, shouldn't everybody with an income be obligated to pay a little more?

A gentle correction to your last point. The President does seem to have a "deep seeded resentment of personal wealth and a hostility to individual success", but I would amend that to be only pesronal wealth and a hostility to individual success that is not accomplished through the 'system'. In other words it is okay for those in government to prosper and become insanely wealthy, but not as okay for those on the outside. That has been the mentality of all those who adopted Marxism in the past and present.

The President also cites the agreement of wealthy Americans who share his stated point of view. People like Warren Buffet. But he never gets around to admitting that Buffet shelters most of his income and that he is currently in heavy negotiations with the federal government to reduce the taxes that the IRS says he owes on his business. Or that if Buffet's vaunted secretary made her income the same way he makes his, she would pay at the same rate he does.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

There are all sorts of ways to perpetuate a lie and the President is a master of them.

The rest of us have to just keep hammering home the truth.
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Name one issue democrats have been honest about. The problem is you cant..........

with the level of brain damage you have, son, you might want to seriously check into a brain scan

I am not kidding, putting aside the obvious problem with both parties, that you support the republiklans and arent a rich person, means by definition you are a complete moron and racist

sorry, but those are the simple facts

dont make me show you what the rest of the planet thinks of you :lol:

You are getting dumber by the post...........

Well the board doesnt seem to have enough parrots, you will do well.

We needed a certified idiot to take Truthmatters' place...
are you idiot racist shitbags still lying about what the Prez said and taking his quote out of context to create an issue that doesnt exist?

thought so

when Obama said it was taken out of context he was counting on the numerous amount of morons that are too lazy to listen and watch the video who will, instead say "yeah, they took it ouyt of context."

Watch the video man. It was not taken out of context....not AT ALL.

He sees you as a lazy moron who will believe anything he says.

Need to ask you...

What is it like to adamantly support a man who views you as a lazy moron?

To be fair, I consider ConzHateUSA to be a lazy moron...

...so its completely understandable why he supports the Entitler in Chief.
Yup. Here's the WHOLE context. And there is no way to interpret what he said as anything other than what he said:

Obama: If you've been successful you didn't get there on your own - YouTube

even if you accept what he says he meant he still has a problem and its this -- ok who did build it - all that infrastructure? That would be the taxpayer (not really the govt, but the taxpayer) and who pays most of the taxes (and therefore is in the group that paid the most for this stuff?) The very people he wants to tax more - and the people who is tone clearly suggests he feels is getting some sort of unfair enrichment from all of this.

The big irony that he and the elizabeth Warrens of the world ignore is that if you accept his agrument --ok what about all the people who pay no income taxes despite having income (and who are largely supporters of the Democrats?). They get the benefit of the roads etc (they dont use them as effectively but they get the benefit ) but they are paying nothing for them -- not a dime. Thats is ironic and under Obamas argument they are getting the free ride.

But at the end of the day this is just more of what we already know -- the guy has a deep seeded resentment of personal wealth and a hostility to individual success and this is just another manifestation of that. Thats all.

and its also a reminder why none of these problems will EVER be resolved with him in the white house. its good politics for him to be this divisive -- very good -- but he will never be able to get compromise with his approach. Never.

I think you've reintroduced some critical points. Why are the producers, the job creators, those who have become wealthy via productivity--those who are already paying 70% to 90% of all the taxes paid at the federal level--more obligated to pay more than are those who benefit from the same infrastructure but are paying little or nothing in taxes? That would include roughly 50% of all Americans including those who are well above the poverty line but who still have enough exemptions and tax credits so they don't pay federal income taxes.

If we're all in this together, and if the President's opinion is valid that those who benefit should be who pay more, shouldn't everybody with an income be obligated to pay a little more?

A gentle correction to your last point. The President does seem to have a "deep seeded resentment of personal wealth and a hostility to individual success", but I would amend that to be only pesronal wealth and a hostility to individual success that is not accomplished through the 'system'. In other words it is okay for those in government to prosper and become insanely wealthy, but not as okay for those on the outside. That has been the mentality of all those who adopted Marxism in the past and present.

The President also cites the agreement of wealthy Americans who share his stated point of view. People like Warren Buffet. But he never gets around to admitting that Buffet shelters most of his income and that he is currently in heavy negotiations with the federal government to reduce the taxes that the IRS says he owes on his business. Or that if Buffet's vaunted secretary made her income the same way he makes his, she would pay at the same rate he does.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

There are all sorts of ways to perpetuate a lie and the President is a master of them.

The rest of us have to just keep hammering home the truth.

Indeed. I addressed this point too regarding personal property and liberty and the inexorable link made by John Locke.
Why shouldn't the middle class pay more? Because it is harder to demonize them, can't claim they accumulated their economic level through stealing or some such lie and only the most rabid liberal could believe it.
The reason we need to keep hammering home the truth is that Obama's Freudian slip has finally given us some honest and useful ammunition to use in driving home the truth.

I don't know whether it was this thread or the "Justification by Romney" thread that Misty mentioned 72% of Americans believe that business owners did do it on their own. So thanks to her for reminding me to check Rasmussen's site today, and there we find this:

Monday, July 23, 2012

Most Americans believe entrepreneurs who start businesses do more to create jobs and economic growth than big businesses or government. They also believe overwhelmingly that small business owners work harder than other Americans and are primarily responsible for the success or failure of their businesses.

Seventy-two percent (72%) of Likely U.S. Voters believe that people who start small businesses are primarily responsible for their success or failure. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 13% disagree. (To see survey question . . . .)
72% Believe Small Business Owners Primarily Responsible for Their Own Success - Rasmussen Reports™

So most of the country has it right and if we aren't able to utilize that to get some critical and necessary changes made come November, we're all hopeless.
Why shouldn't the middle class pay more? Because it is harder to demonize them, can't claim they accumulated their economic level through stealing or some such lie and only the most rabid liberal could believe it.

What i want to know is that the left champions the 'middle class', but thier progressive policies are killing it to get them on the dole...:eusa_eh:
I don't know whether it was this thread or the "Justification by Romney" thread that Misty mentioned 72% of Americans believe that business owners did do it on their own

The other 28% are stupid. I can tell you as a business owner that government does nothing but try to make me fail. They could give a crap if I shut down and fired every employee as long as they squeezed every drop of blood from me they can get. Some examples:

1) I bought the assets of a company who didn't pay their business property taxes. My business is in Durham, NC. Even though I gave them the contact information of the owner who is in Durham, they said they weren't going to bother to contact him. If I didn't pay it for him, they would padlock my doors.

2) I had 3 days of vacation last year other then between Xmas and New Years. I spent the first half day of one of them on the phone with the IRS disputing a $400 fine. It was in their own records they were wrong. They removed the fine, but I still lost a half day vacation.

3) I can't change the sign in front of my building because Durham changed the signage rules and we are grandfathered in under the old ones. But we can't change the sign without submitting a plan to the town and getting it approved. The plan has to be for the whole property, which means I'd have to fund the whole property owned by by landlord. My landlord doesn't want to do it. The town gives me no out.

4) I made a mistake in March submitting a withholding payment to North Carolina. March, 2012. It was my mistake, I expect to pay something. So what did North Carolina think was reasonable for a payment three months late? Twenty five percent.

5) My employee is being garnished for not paying her property tax. My choice was to spend several hours learning about how to handle and account for it or pay my accountant to do it. And if I don't do it and do it right, they informed me that they'll just take the money from me.

6) I spent an hour on the phone with the IRS because they put a tax payment in the wrong quarter. So let me ask you, if there is an overpayment in one quarter of $5K and an underpayment in the next quarter of exactly the same amount, should they be able to figure it out on their own?

7) If I hire people and they don't work out, they raise my unemployment taxes across my whole payroll. So what is the incentive to give anyone a shot?

These are just a few off the top of my head. I own three corporations and I cringe with every letter from the government. The message from all three levels is the same. They could give a crap about me, they could give a crap about jobs, they want to squeeze blood from me and they will use their dictatorial powers to do it.

If the left really cared about jobs, they'd be going after government for trying to destroy them. Government creates jobs? Yeah ... you just believe that ... sheep ...

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