"You didn't get there on your own"

why do you think we make so much off of your death?

health insurance companies don't make a lot of money. They are not among the most profitable industries. Want to bet?? or again admit that as a liberal you lack the IQ to know what you are talking about?
dear, we are looking for your best example of knowing something about the health care industry, not your best example of changing the subject and hoping no one will notice.
game set match, dear

let me tell you how i live like that, by owning a company that among other things sells health insurance, we make that money by turning you down when you get sick, we tell you to fuck off and die, just wait

stupid shit

dear, if a company does not serve its customers better than any other company in the world it goes bankrupt. Welcome to Econ 101 class one day one!!

It does not work that way in health care but only because liberals made competition illegal. Over your head still?

Okay.........wanna tell us exactly how Bain served it's customers better than any other country?

That's right.......made a lot of money for stockholders by outsourcing jobs from America to India and China.
why do you think we make so much off of your death?

health insurance companies don't make a lot of money. They are not among the most profitable industries. Want to bet?? or again admit that as a liberal you lack the IQ to know what you are talking about?

yeah, tell that to this guy

McGuire's payday is a shame, if not a crime | StarTribune.com

you are an idiot, like i said

"Dollar Bill" has made lots of news with cash-and-stock paydays that have topped $100 million in recent years -- and he's still sitting atop stock options valued at $1.6 billion. McGuire's admiring outside board members -- 10 of whom have become millionaires through the sale of their own appreciated stock in recent years -- have defended his league-leading compensation on grounds that the giant health insurer's stock price has been a superb performer.

you have no idea what we make, the insurance industry, as profit, because we literally invented the "loss" factor as a major part of our math, moron
ok, here is my best example

dear, we are looking for your best example of knowing something about the health care industry, not your best example of changing the subject and hoping no one will notice.
game set match, dear

let me tell you how i live like that, by owning a company that among other things sells health insurance, we make that money by turning you down when you get sick, we tell you to fuck off and die, just wait

stupid shit

I doubt you own the computer you type on.
Okay.........wanna tell us exactly how Bain served it's customers better than any other company?

Bain bought companies with the hope of making them very very profitable. The way you are profitable in a capitalist system is to have better price and quality for your customers than all of your world wide competition. Not so hard grasp is it????

That's right.......made a lot of money for stockholders by outsourcing jobs from America to India and China.

would you rather they source jobs to the most expensive place in the world so they have the highest prices in the world and then go bankrupt with 100% of the jobs gone?

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow and not have the IQ to understand capitalism? Is any other conclusion possible?
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you have no idea what we make, the insurance industry, as profit, because we literally invented the "loss" factor as a major part of our math, moron

Health Insurance Industry's Profit Margins Rank #86 - Seeking Alphaseekingalpha.com/.../155858-health-insurance-industry-s-profit-marg...Cached - Similar
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Aug 13, 2009 – Health Care for America Now: Simply put, the private insurance companies have secured monopolies or tight oligopolies and exercised that ...
Okay.........wanna tell us exactly how Bain served it's customers better than any other company?

Bain bought companies with the hope of making them very very profitable. The way you are profitable in a capitalist system is to have better price and quality for your customers than all of your world wide competition. Not so hard grasp is it????

That's right.......made a lot of money for stockholders by outsourcing jobs from America to India and China.

would you rather they source jobs to the most expensive place in the world so they have the highest prices in the world and then go bankrupt with 100% of the jobs gone?

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow and not have the IQ to understand capitalism? Is any other conclusion possible?

Got news for you............it's the demand for a product that drives capitalism, not some vulture capitalist who makes money only for the shareholders.

Quick question chumpsteak..................do you think Romney is going to treat ALL Americans as "shareholders" in this country, or do you think he's only gonna take care of the 16 or so people who have contributed to his super PAC?

I'll give you a hint...............it's the second.
Got news for you............it's the demand for a product that drives capitalism, not some vulture capitalist who makes money only for the shareholders.

you said Bain didn't serve its customers??? You learned you were wrong so you switched the subject to "demand"????? hoping no one would notice?? Slow???

Quick question chumpsteak..................do you think Romney is going to treat ALL Americans as "shareholders" in this country, or do you think he's only gonna take care of the 16 or so people who have contributed to his super PAC?

I'll give you a hint...............it's the second.

both sides have super pacs?????????? Do you think you're intelligent to be here? Do you want to be a liberal all your llife?
why should the buisness owner feel obligated and blessed to have that infrastructure and therefore is more obligated to pay more than anybody else is?

Like the people who use the infrastructure to get to their jobs you mean? I agree with that. As you said, we pay more then anyone else. And realistically, is it really that impressive that with what we're charged we get roads, bridges and the police? Providing roads for me to go to work and coming if I get robbed, is what they do all that impressive? I'm having a hard time seeing that they really enable me all that much.

What I meant though is do I, the entreprenour, benefit from the infrastructure more than anybody does? The people who work for me use the same roads, same utilities, same fire department, same police services that I do. So does the retiree and so does the welfare family.

Further my business is providing jobs, products, and services that are benefitting the larger community as well as paying taxes to support the infrastructure. If I had not taken the risk to to start up a new business, there would be no business to pay taxes, nobody working for me who pay taxes, and no products/serviuces produced by my business that helps other businesses make profits to pay taxes.

The President seems clueless about how an economy really works.
What I meant though is do I, the entreprenour, benefit from the infrastructure more than anybody does?

you may use it more but then you pay more tolls and fuel taxes. What BO has done is to make an idiotic argument to steal even more of your money. Is he now going to reduce bridge tolls on those who didn't make it big to be consistent?

Suppose someone got a ton of help to be middle class and someone else got 1/2 ton of help to be rich? Does the middle class person pay more to be consistent with BO's idiotic argument about paying those who helped? Why did BO anoint himself to collect and distribute the money?

"We still find the greedy hand of government thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry, and grasping at the spoil of the multitude. Invention is continually exercised to furnish new pretenses for revenue and taxation. It watches prosperity as its prey and permits none to escape without a tribute." Thomas Jefferson

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Solyndra must owe about two billion by now. Seems like Obama used our tax dollars to fund that...
are you idiot racist shitbags still lying about what the Prez said and taking his quote out of context to create an issue that doesnt exist?

thought so

He said it verbatim. Obama is trying to backpeddle from his words...and if words mean things? WHY is he backpeddling as YOU with the context argument?

s0n? YOU are the stupid one here. Enjoy wallowing.:eusa_hand:

Yup. Here's the WHOLE context. And there is no way to interpret what he said as anything other than what he said:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=192oEC5TX_Q]Obama: If you've been successful you didn't get there on your own - YouTube[/ame]

I love it when the left screams, "Out of context! You have to hear the WHOLE QUOTE!" and then it turns out to be even more putrid than the clip was.
with the level of brain damage you have, son, you might want to seriously check into a brain scan

I am not kidding, putting aside the obvious problem with both parties, that you support the republiklans and arent a rich person, means by definition you are a complete moron and racist

sorry, but those are the simple facts

dont make me show you what the rest of the planet thinks of you :lol:

You are getting dumber by the post...........

Well the board doesnt seem to have enough parrots, you will do well.

We needed a certified idiot to take Truthmatters' place...

We did?!

I never thought we needed TruthDoesn'tMatter, so I find it hard to believe we needed to replace her.
Quote: Originally Posted by ConzHateUSA

with the level of brain damage you have, son, you might want to seriously check into a brain scan

I am not kidding, putting aside the obvious problem with both parties, that you support the republiklans and arent a rich person, means by definition you are a complete moron and racist

sorry, but those are the simple facts

dont make me show you what the rest of the planet thinks of you :lol:

Well conz if you're a white male and a liberal you must be a dick sucking homo? See how this works?
He said it verbatim. Obama is trying to backpeddle from his words...and if words mean things? WHY is he backpeddling as YOU with the context argument?

s0n? YOU are the stupid one here. Enjoy wallowing.:eusa_hand:

Yup. Here's the WHOLE context. And there is no way to interpret what he said as anything other than what he said:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=192oEC5TX_Q]Obama: If you've been successful you didn't get there on your own - YouTube[/ame]

I love it when the left screams, "Out of context! You have to hear the WHOLE QUOTE!" and then it turns out to be even more putrid than the clip was.

Yup. It was right out of the Communist Manifesto with the emphasis on the class warfare concept that the President has been pushing for some time now.

We have an infrastructure because it was more practical to share one than for each person to build their own. And yes, that is a kind of cooperative effort. But it doesn't make business owners somehow more obligated because we have one than it makes the teacher or the county clerk or the janitor or the housewife or retired factory worker. All need and benefit from the same infrastructure, and in a fair world, all would contribute to the building and maintenance of it. In an honest world Obama would admit that without the businessman, very little infrastructure would be needed.

Again it isn't all of us working together that creates a strong economy. It is everybody doing their own thng, looking to their own inerest, that creates a strong economy. This is the concept on which I believe President Obama is totally clueless.
are you idiot racist shitbags still lying about what the Prez said and taking his quote out of context to create an issue that doesnt exist?

thought so

He said it verbatim. Obama is trying to backpeddle from his words...and if words mean things? WHY is he backpeddling as YOU with the context argument?

s0n? YOU are the stupid one here. Enjoy wallowing.:eusa_hand:

Yup. Here's the WHOLE context. And there is no way to interpret what he said as anything other than what he said:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=192oEC5TX_Q]Obama: If you've been successful you didn't get there on your own - YouTube[/ame]

You are right. And anybody who thinks he was dissing small business owners, IN THIS CONTEXT, would be wrong. Am more than happy to break it down by sentence if you like....
He said it verbatim. Obama is trying to backpeddle from his words...and if words mean things? WHY is he backpeddling as YOU with the context argument?

s0n? YOU are the stupid one here. Enjoy wallowing.:eusa_hand:

Yup. Here's the WHOLE context. And there is no way to interpret what he said as anything other than what he said:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=192oEC5TX_Q]Obama: If you've been successful you didn't get there on your own - YouTube[/ame]

You are right. And anybody who thinks he was dissing small business owners, IN THIS CONTEXT, would be wrong. Am more than happy to break it down by sentence if you like....

Of course he was. He was suggesting that small business owners don't deserve the credit. They don't work longer hours or work harder than anybody else. They built their businesses because somebody else built an infrastructure or taught a class and/or otherwise helped them do it.. It is not them doing their own thing to prosper and thereby provide taxes so that government can build and maintain an infrastructure. His meaning was 100% clear that they owe their success to society and all us working together and therefore should be grateful and obligated and pay more in taxes.
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He said it verbatim. Obama is trying to backpeddle from his words...and if words mean things? WHY is he backpeddling as YOU with the context argument?

s0n? YOU are the stupid one here. Enjoy wallowing.:eusa_hand:

Yup. Here's the WHOLE context. And there is no way to interpret what he said as anything other than what he said:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=192oEC5TX_Q"]Obama: If you've been successful you didn't get there on your own - YouTube[/ame]

You are right. And anybody who thinks he was dissing small business owners, IN THIS CONTEXT, would be wrong. Am more than happy to break it down by sentence if you like....

Ok, so why did he make the statement, and it wasnt context, he has never taken the statement back or tried to clarifiy, so why did he say it?

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