"You didn't get there on your own"

I don't usually even read Ed's posts any more, Becki, but thanks. (Also to Save.) I suspect Ed is an assigned or even paid troll instructed to derail threads by insulting members and trying to start a food fight. I won't take the bait.

But thanks to Clevergirl for the Krauthammer piece. I hadn't seen that but I am pleased the Charles sees it like I do. Obama's entire speech was to dininish private initiative and entrepreneurial effort and to throw the key to success to the government which is the ONLY way he sees us as 'all working together."

But Obama talks about that teacher who may have helped me along the way. That is true. I had some really good ones way back when. But I estimate that Mr. Foxfyre and I have now paid a total of at least somewhere around $80,000 in school taxes over the years. So when we made the investment and took the plunge to start up our business, don't we also get credit for the collective effort for the education system?

We have also paid several hundred thousand in income and sales taxes over the years. I think we have contributed our share to all that infrastructure including the internet which Obama said was to help everybody but in fact was not intended for any private sector use at the time the government was doing that research and came up with ARPANET. It was initially illegal to use it for any private sector purpose. Nevertheless, Mr. Foxfyre and I have paid our fair share of the "all working together" part of the social contract. The infrastructure and social services he holds up as 'government effort' were funded by all of us who paid taxes and everybody benefits from it whether they contributed or not. So don't try to tell me that anybody "gave" me anything or "made anything possible" that I wasn't part of.

Then when Fearless Leader suggests that it is no big deal that we stuck our necks out to invest our life savings in our own business, went through the process to get the licenses, insurance, and do the marketing necessary to get it going, and then spent the long, LONG hours necessary to make it profitable, and suggests we can't take any credit for that? That it was everybody else who made that happen? That is the height of disrespect and insult to all the entreprenours of the world and everybody who has taken the risk to open and run a business. Nor does he seem to realize that those businesses are the lifeblood of the community because they are the source of jobs and also provide the products and services needed or wanted by others in the community.

The President is so out of touch with reality on this one, I wouldn't know where to start to try to explain it to him. Not that he is interested anyway.
Yep, Ed appears to be part of the Obama camp's attempt to silence business owners on the subject. Denial and insults are a really stupid way of accomplishing that goal.
you are a pathological liar. I hasve corrected you in this and other threads and here you are STILL lying.

OBAMA: "The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."
Foxfyre does not lie, edthecynic. She's one of the finest members on this board, an experienced, honest business community member, and a prolific helper with seniors in her community. Badmouthing her makes you look like a creature from the gloom lagoon. I recommend a new hobby for you other than trying to spin a smear on an innocent person like Foxfyre.
Her lies in this thread are obvious and I have highlighted them.
You, sir are straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel.
I should add that if it were not for the businesses of America, there would be no jobs and no income for most. And there would be no funding for government at any level. Government did not precede property or private initiative. So how about seeing us 'all working together' that way Mr. President instead of trying to give government the credit for everybody else's success?
Nice sentiment Foxfyre. Unfortunately when Obama says work together, he means doing it his way. A proven fact over and over again in this adminstration.

This isn't about taxes or roads or bridges for me. It's about a President tossing out a straw man argument to the delight of people who have no idea what it takes to run a business.


That is exactly what he did. Built a backhanded kind of straw man to try to justify socking more taxes on the income producers.

And while we're talking about lies, his line that he was using a balanced approach to deficit reduction and had already cut a trillion from the budget? Talk about a whopper when his own CBO projects trillion plus deficits as far as the eye can see. And Congress hasn't even passed a budget in three years and has no intention of doing so this year. President Obama and Harry Reid see the debt ceiling limit as their 'budget' and then will again declare national emergency if we don't keep raising it. If ANY other President had attempted that, the country would be calling for their resignation on grounds of incompetence and recklessness.

Any imaginary 'cuts' are projected over ten or more years into the future, most occurring long after Obama will be out of office and will have no control over that.

And he will accomplish deficit reduction by the 'wealthy' paying more even as he is pushing for another enormous stimulus package. In Obama-speak, deficit reduction means offsetting huge increases in spending by just a smidgeon.

And he has the nerve to say that I can't take credit for the success of my business? And I'm not supposed to be insulted by that?
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Obama Fluffers are trying to cover up Obama exiting the Marxist closet dressed all in anti-Capitalist drag before the reelection. We weren't supposed to see that!

Wait a second, so that means that Obama build the very bank ATM's and airport kiosks that are killing off economic recovery!
The President seems clueless about how an economy really works.

Yes, wouldn't it be nice to have a President who had a clue? Who was the last who had a real, non-government career? Ronald Reagan. And it shows. One after another hack politician. W had non government jobs, but his death of knowledge of business showed the source of those jobs was his daddy and not his accomplishments.
The President seems clueless about how an economy really works.

Yes, wouldn't it be nice to have a President who had a clue? Who was the last who had a real, non-government career? Ronald Reagan. And it shows. One after another hack politician. W had non government jobs, but his death of knowledge of business showed the source of those jobs was his daddy and not his accomplishments.

That is one reason I am finally mustering up some enthusiasm for Mitt, and Obama is helping me a whole bunch with that. Mitt will be the first President we have had in a very long time who came into politics after a successful business career. Reagan really didn't qualify as a knowledgeable businessman, but he did have an uncanny aptitude to see things as they were and to the cut through the crap to get at the core of a problem. Obama has never had a private sector job or non government funded job and the only serious government experience he has is as a stooge of the Chicago machine. He didn't spend enough time actually being a Senator during his brief tenure as U.S. Senator to claim any substantive experience there.

After this last blatant and unimaginable graphic public account of Obama's disrespect and contempt for the American business owner, the idea of a President who will have a clue is becoming very attractive.
The President seems clueless about how an economy really works.

Yes, wouldn't it be nice to have a President who had a clue? Who was the last who had a real, non-government career? Ronald Reagan. And it shows. One after another hack politician. W had non government jobs, but his death of knowledge of business showed the source of those jobs was his daddy and not his accomplishments.

That is one reason I am finally mustering up some enthusiasm for Mitt, and Obama is helping me a whole bunch with that. Mitt will be the first President we have had in a very long time who came into politics after a successful business career. Reagan really didn't qualify as a knowledgeable businessman, but he did have an uncanny aptitude to see things as they were and to the cut through the crap to get at the core of a problem. Obama has never had a private sector job or non government funded job and the only serious government experience he has is as a stooge of the Chicago machine. He didn't spend enough time actually being a Senator during his brief tenure as U.S. Senator to claim any substantive experience there.

After this last blatant and unimaginable graphic public account of Obama's disrespect and contempt for the American business owner, the idea of a President who will have a clue is becoming very attractive.

I'd like to see Romney take some of his corporate raider mentality to some government agencies. Now that ... would be sweet ...

And I agree on Romney. I haven't voted Republican for President since 1988. That string will unflinchingly end this year. That the Democrats stopped dabbling with Marxism and went for the real thing finally did it for me and brought me back. I think we need third parties and got sick of voting for the lesser evil. But Obama isn't just a "greater" evil, he's "evil" regarding our liberty.
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Everyone is tiring of Obama's all talk adminstration. Even Sunday's Aurora speech only garnered NBC live. My guess is the phone calls about program interuption will make them think twice about that the next time Obama asks for air time.
The Ed-Obama camp must be scared to death about this gaffe by the President. Their mutual contempt for hard working American business owners is out. Might want to find a better way of dealing with it.

They are. This tops every Obama gaffe ever made by its sheer magnitude. And there's no escaping it. Small businesses create about 70% of jobs. And Obama just let them know that he thinks they owe him something more than what they're already paying.

Small business owners are ubiquitous. Their influence is wide-ranging. We all know somebody or other who's out there busting their ass to make it. And we LIKE that enterprising American spirit. We respect it the way we respect "the troops" and "the middle class".
I'd like to see Romney take some of his corporate raider mentality to some government agencies. Now that ... would be sweet ...

And I agree on Romney. I haven't voted Republican for President since 1988. That string will unflinchingly end this year. That the Democrats stopped dabbling with Marxism and went for the real thing finally did it for me and brought me back. I think we need third parties and got sick of voting for the lesser evil. But Obama isn't just a "greater" evil, he's "evil" regarding our liberty.

I'm with you 100%

I too was so disgusted by George Bush Sr. that I've voted LPUSA every election since 88, and I too will vote Romney due to the clear and present danger Obama poses to constitutional governance.
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