"You didn't get there on your own"

I should add that if it were not for the businesses of America, there would be no jobs and no income for most. And there would be no funding for government at any level. Government did not precede property or private initiative. So how about seeing us 'all working together' that way Mr. President instead of trying to give government the credit for everybody else's success?
A perfect example of the snobbish elitist attitude of business people who think they are better than the people who do the actual work in this country. Without the elitists there would be nothing, no farms, no hunter gatherers no barter. People who do the work never did the work before businesses came along and farmed the land and hunted the game and made the clothes. People never survived until some businessman built a store on the corner with his bare hands. The first cavemen were businessmen who made it possible for the human race to survive. :cuckoo:

Business elitists consider themselves the Feudal lords and masters of the worthless little people who do all the work. They believe that no work would ever get done and mankind would starve to death without the businessman in the middle, so they deserve not only special privileges but also worship by the unwashed masses. Without a job given to him by a businessman in the city built singlehandedly by a businessman a farmer could not grow any food to feed himself and his family, so the lowly farmer owes the businessman worship. :cuckoo:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRe42BDK_R4]TRAFFIC The Low Spark High Heeled Boys - YouTube[/ame]
some dumbshit rightwing bigot racist asshole inherits daddy's gas station and all of a sudden this dumbshit asshole is a capitalist going around lecturing the working folks on how hard they worked to be a business-owner

bigot assholes never cease to amaze
BTW Ed, thanks for continuing to insult us business owners. I'm sure Obama is doing the same.
You're no business owner. Get a job you lazy f***ing leech.

Thanks for proving my point. Foxfyre is a "retired" business owner and I own one currently. That is at least two owners you have insulted. Keep it up!
You don't own shit. It's amazing just how many COPN$ervoFascists claim to be businessmen, slaving away at their businesses 18 hours a day, certainly working harder and longer than their lazy employees, and yet they have unlimited free time to post on this messageboard.

Get a job you lazy f***ing leech.
I should add that if it were not for the businesses of America, there would be no jobs and no income for most. And there would be no funding for government at any level. Government did not precede property or private initiative. So how about seeing us 'all working together' that way Mr. President instead of trying to give government the credit for everybody else's success?
A perfect example of the snobbish elitist attitude of business people who think they are better than the people who do the actual work in this country. Without the elitists there would be nothing, no farms, no hunter gatherers no barter. People who do the work never did the work before businesses came along and farmed the land and hunted the game and made the clothes. People never survived until some businessman built a store on the corner with his bare hands. The first cavemen were businessmen who made it possible for the human race to survive. :cuckoo:

Business elitists consider themselves the Feudal lords and masters of the worthless little people who do all the work. They believe that no work would ever get done and mankind would starve to death without the businessman in the middle, so they deserve not only special privileges but also worship by the unwashed masses. Without a job given to him by a businessman in the city built singlehandedly by a businessman a farmer could not grow any food to feed himself and his family, so the lowly farmer owes the businessman worship. :cuckoo:

Well... THAT didn't sound too Marxist. :eusa_shifty:........ :lmao:
I should add that if it were not for the businesses of America, there would be no jobs and no income for most. And there would be no funding for government at any level. Government did not precede property or private initiative. So how about seeing us 'all working together' that way Mr. President instead of trying to give government the credit for everybody else's success?
A perfect example of the snobbish elitist attitude of business people who think they are better than the people who do the actual work in this country. Without the elitists there would be nothing, no farms, no hunter gatherers no barter. People who do the work never did the work before businesses came along and farmed the land and hunted the game and made the clothes. People never survived until some businessman built a store on the corner with his bare hands. The first cavemen were businessmen who made it possible for the human race to survive. :cuckoo:

Business elitists consider themselves the Feudal lords and masters of the worthless little people who do all the work. They believe that no work would ever get done and mankind would starve to death without the businessman in the middle, so they deserve not only special privileges but also worship by the unwashed masses. Without a job given to him by a businessman in the city built singlehandedly by a businessman a farmer could not grow any food to feed himself and his family, so the lowly farmer owes the businessman worship. :cuckoo:

Well... THAT didn't sound too Marxist. :eusa_shifty:........ :lmao:
And there you have it, when CON$ can't refute the fact that the human race survived long before businessmen existed despite elitist businessmen's claims to the contrary, they always stoop to name calling. Anyone who doesn't give the elitist businessman the worship the businessman believes he is entitled to is a Marxist.

Get off your knees and stop kissing an elitist businessman's feet.
A perfect example of the snobbish elitist attitude of business people who think they are better than the people who do the actual work in this country. Without the elitists there would be nothing, no farms, no hunter gatherers no barter. People who do the work never did the work before businesses came along and farmed the land and hunted the game and made the clothes. People never survived until some businessman built a store on the corner with his bare hands. The first cavemen were businessmen who made it possible for the human race to survive. :cuckoo:

Business elitists consider themselves the Feudal lords and masters of the worthless little people who do all the work. They believe that no work would ever get done and mankind would starve to death without the businessman in the middle, so they deserve not only special privileges but also worship by the unwashed masses. Without a job given to him by a businessman in the city built singlehandedly by a businessman a farmer could not grow any food to feed himself and his family, so the lowly farmer owes the businessman worship. :cuckoo:

Well... THAT didn't sound too Marxist. :eusa_shifty:........ :lmao:
And there you have it, when CON$ can't refute the fact that the human race survived long before businessmen existed despite elitist businessmen's claims to the contrary, they always stoop to name calling. Anyone who doesn't give the elitist businessman the worship the businessman believes he is entitled to is a Marxist.

Get off your knees and stop kissing an elitist businessman's feet.

People were doing business in this country waaayyy before we had a Congress with which to tax their earnings. A caveman trading a rock for a stick would've been doing business. A guy taxing that transaction wouldn't have been necessary for the transaction to be complete.

You guys ought to just ADMIT who you are. Come out of the pinko closet and have THAT conversation with the American people. At least you'd be honest. But you won't... because you already know how it would go down.
You're no business owner. Get a job you lazy f***ing leech.

Thanks for proving my point. Foxfyre is a "retired" business owner and I own one currently. That is at least two owners you have insulted. Keep it up!
You don't own shit. It's amazing just how many COPN$ervoFascists claim to be businessmen, slaving away at their businesses 18 hours a day, certainly working harder and longer than their lazy employees, and yet they have unlimited free time to post on this messageboard.

Get a job you lazy f***ing leech.

54 hours a week at the regular job and then 15 a week more during landscape season.
Thanks for showing your contempt and Obama's for us business owners once again.
No small businesss owners I know want to be worshipped. Respected perhaps but most would rather that the govt stop villifying and punishing them for their success. Why is that so hard for the lefties to understand?

Save your worshipping for your messiah. And his Hollywood minions.

They just want to be left alone to practice thier liberty as they see fit without government intrusion.

Obama prefers intrusion. That simple.
A perfect example of the snobbish elitist attitude of business people who think they are better than the people who do the actual work in this country. Without the elitists there would be nothing, no farms, no hunter gatherers no barter. People who do the work never did the work before businesses came along and farmed the land and hunted the game and made the clothes. People never survived until some businessman built a store on the corner with his bare hands. The first cavemen were businessmen who made it possible for the human race to survive. :cuckoo:

Business elitists consider themselves the Feudal lords and masters of the worthless little people who do all the work. They believe that no work would ever get done and mankind would starve to death without the businessman in the middle, so they deserve not only special privileges but also worship by the unwashed masses. Without a job given to him by a businessman in the city built singlehandedly by a businessman a farmer could not grow any food to feed himself and his family, so the lowly farmer owes the businessman worship. :cuckoo:

TRAFFIC The Low Spark High Heeled Boys - YouTube

The farmer is a business person too idiot. Way to show your hatred of capitalism. Obama must be proud.
My husband discussed successsion planning with his guys in the event of his death. No one was interested in taking over. When he dies either I will sell it or it will fold. What does that tell you?
what makes me laugh is how he is still playing on that "everyone deserves a fair chance" thing...

When I started my own business I was bagging groceries at night for the extra cash. I was not eligible for a loan; I did not have family to turn to...and my education by no means prepared me for the real world.

If anyone can say they didnt have a fair chance, it would be someone in my shoes.

Yet, becuase I had a fair chance, I made it and sold my first company in 5 years.
My husband discussed successsion planning with his guys in the event of his death. No one was interested in taking over. When he dies either I will sell it or it will fold. What does that tell you?

it tells me that you have long term plans to outlive your husband!
And there you have it, when CON$ can't refute the fact that the human race survived long before businessmen existed despite elitist businessmen's claims to the contrary, they always stoop to name calling. Anyone who doesn't give the elitist businessman the worship the businessman believes he is entitled to is a Marxist.

Get off your knees and stop kissing an elitist businessman's feet.

Define "survived," edtheliar? You mean lived to 30 if we didn't get picked off by a predator or get murdered by an rival clan? You mean starved in the winter with the weaker members dying en mass, chasing water holes in the summer.

Yeah, that's a hell of a life you worship, edtheliar. And I believe you Bolsheviks would be more than happy to return the commoners to exactly that kind of life.
Well... THAT didn't sound too Marxist. :eusa_shifty:........ :lmao:
And there you have it, when CON$ can't refute the fact that the human race survived long before businessmen existed despite elitist businessmen's claims to the contrary, they always stoop to name calling. Anyone who doesn't give the elitist businessman the worship the businessman believes he is entitled to is a Marxist.

Get off your knees and stop kissing an elitist businessman's feet.

People were doing business in this country waaayyy before we had a Congress with which to tax their earnings. A caveman trading a rock for a stick would've been doing business. A guy taxing that transaction wouldn't have been necessary for the transaction to be complete.

You guys ought to just ADMIT who you are. Come out of the pinko closet and have THAT conversation with the American people. At least you'd be honest. But you won't... because you already know how it would go down.
Gee, you admit that workers can do business with each other without a businessman in the middle taking his cut. the only difference between the businessman in the middle taking his cut and the government in the middle taking a cut is the businessman hoards away his cut for himself and the government uses its cut for the general welfare of the community.
And there you have it, when CON$ can't refute the fact that the human race survived long before businessmen existed despite elitist businessmen's claims to the contrary, they always stoop to name calling. Anyone who doesn't give the elitist businessman the worship the businessman believes he is entitled to is a Marxist.

Get off your knees and stop kissing an elitist businessman's feet.

Define "survived," edtheliar? You mean lived to 30 if we didn't get picked off by a predator or get murdered by an rival clan? You mean starved in the winter with the weaker members dying en mass, chasing water holes in the summer.

Yeah, that's a hell of a life you worship, edtheliar. And I believe you Bolsheviks would be more than happy to return the commoners to exactly that kind of life.

Edith prefers to be a Serf, and drag the rest of us down with him.

And there you have it, when CON$ can't refute the fact that the human race survived long before businessmen existed despite elitist businessmen's claims to the contrary, they always stoop to name calling. Anyone who doesn't give the elitist businessman the worship the businessman believes he is entitled to is a Marxist.

Get off your knees and stop kissing an elitist businessman's feet.

Define "survived," edtheliar? You mean lived to 30 if we didn't get picked off by a predator or get murdered by an rival clan? You mean starved in the winter with the weaker members dying en mass, chasing water holes in the summer.

Yeah, that's a hell of a life you worship, edtheliar. And I believe you Bolsheviks would be more than happy to return the commoners to exactly that kind of life.
So it was the businessman who organized the people into a military and armed them for the defense of the community and not the government. We see yet another example of businessmen taking credit for the accomplishments of others.
Thank you.
And there you have it, when CON$ can't refute the fact that the human race survived long before businessmen existed despite elitist businessmen's claims to the contrary, they always stoop to name calling. Anyone who doesn't give the elitist businessman the worship the businessman believes he is entitled to is a Marxist.

Get off your knees and stop kissing an elitist businessman's feet.

Define "survived," edtheliar? You mean lived to 30 if we didn't get picked off by a predator or get murdered by an rival clan? You mean starved in the winter with the weaker members dying en mass, chasing water holes in the summer.

Yeah, that's a hell of a life you worship, edtheliar. And I believe you Bolsheviks would be more than happy to return the commoners to exactly that kind of life.

Edith prefers to be a Serf, and drag the rest of us down with him.

I love it, CON$ are on their knees licking clean the boots of their Feudal business masters while calling everybody else serfs! :rofl::lmao:
See the first quote in my sig.
And there you have it, when CON$ can't refute the fact that the human race survived long before businessmen existed despite elitist businessmen's claims to the contrary, they always stoop to name calling. Anyone who doesn't give the elitist businessman the worship the businessman believes he is entitled to is a Marxist.

Get off your knees and stop kissing an elitist businessman's feet.

People were doing business in this country waaayyy before we had a Congress with which to tax their earnings. A caveman trading a rock for a stick would've been doing business. A guy taxing that transaction wouldn't have been necessary for the transaction to be complete.

You guys ought to just ADMIT who you are. Come out of the pinko closet and have THAT conversation with the American people. At least you'd be honest. But you won't... because you already know how it would go down.
Gee, you admit that workers can do business with each other without a businessman in the middle taking his cut. the only difference between the businessman in the middle taking his cut and the government in the middle taking a cut is the businessman hoards away his cut for himself and the government uses its cut for the general welfare of the community.

Seriously? You just can't be THAT thick. A caveman with a rock to trade and a caveman with a stick to trade ARE two businessmen. A colonial with a cart-load of turnips and native with a bag of cured animal skins ARE two businessmen.

How are you not getting this? :eusa_eh:

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