"You didn't get there on your own"

Wouldn't you guys love to see how spartan a life Ed lives. No delivered pizza, no automobile, all homemade furniture in his house, no refrigerator, no indoor plumbing unless he dug the iron or copper off his own land and fabricated it himself, grows all wild produce in his garden or from seed he scrounged from his neighbor, and God only knows what he barters with all those farmers who also are living completely self contained lives without benefit of any business. I'm sure they're all doing just fantastically though.

Meanwhile, I don't think any of my employees ever objected to working for me. At least I never had one quit because of working environment or conditions. I've had a few who learned the ropes and acquired stellar skills and then moved on to bigger and better things after they hit the ceiling at our place. We still stay in touch. And I never objected to working for the other fellow when I have done that in the past too. I was paid what I agreed to work for and in return they got what I agreed to do for them plus a bit more so that I could move into more interesting and/or better paying jobs.

Somehow the government just didn't factor into any of that except for the amount of taxes I had to pay and the mountains of paperwork required by government bureaucracies.

If I ever get elected dictator for a year or two, one of the first mandates I would put out is that we business owners have one federal form to fill out with all the information the government at all levels needs. It will go to one central clearing station who will then distribute it to whatever various departments need the information as well as to the state and local governments who need the information. Filling out endless forms, most containing the identical information, is ridiculous.
I make my own pizza, I'm Italian. :D

Seriously, you claimed that there would be nothing if it wasn't for businessmen and I simply showed that people existed and survived before businessmen ever existed. Society became more specialized and organized and then businessmen appeared. Businessmen have their place in society, but they are not the elitist Gods they think they are and are not ENTITLED to special privileges simply because they are businessmen. Everybody contributes to society in different ways, and just because businessmen do not appreciate or even recognize the contributions of others does not make businessmen special.

Even Obama wants businesses to provide jobs. We have already stated multiple times no special status or privileges required. We just want to persue our opportunities without government looking for disproportional gains. I am already told I have to equally fund medicare coverage for employees and more than half their social security as it stands right now. I need to fund possible unemployment and injuries on the job at 100%. Somehow you think the worker is being cheated.
Bullshit. Businessmen want special tax privileges for their "risk" as is they are the only people on Earth who take risks.
Wouldn't you guys love to see how spartan a life Ed lives. No delivered pizza, no automobile, all homemade furniture in his house, no refrigerator, no indoor plumbing unless he dug the iron or copper off his own land and fabricated it himself, grows all wild produce in his garden or from seed he scrounged from his neighbor, and God only knows what he barters with all those farmers who also are living completely self contained lives without benefit of any business. I'm sure they're all doing just fantastically though.

Meanwhile, I don't think any of my employees ever objected to working for me. At least I never had one quit because of working environment or conditions. I've had a few who learned the ropes and acquired stellar skills and then moved on to bigger and better things after they hit the ceiling at our place. We still stay in touch. And I never objected to working for the other fellow when I have done that in the past too. I was paid what I agreed to work for and in return they got what I agreed to do for them plus a bit more so that I could move into more interesting and/or better paying jobs.

Somehow the government just didn't factor into any of that except for the amount of taxes I had to pay and the mountains of paperwork required by government bureaucracies.

If I ever get elected dictator for a year or two, one of the first mandates I would put out is that we business owners have one federal form to fill out with all the information the government at all levels needs. It will go to one central clearing station who will then distribute it to whatever various departments need the information as well as to the state and local governments who need the information. Filling out endless forms, most containing the identical information, is ridiculous.
I make my own pizza, I'm Italian. :D

Seriously, you claimed that there would be nothing if it wasn't for businessmen and I simply showed that people existed and survived before businessmen ever existed. Society became more specialized and organized and then businessmen appeared. Businessmen have their place in society, but they are not the elitist Gods they think they are and are not ENTITLED to special privileges simply because they are businessmen. Everybody contributes to society in different ways, and just because businessmen do not appreciate or even recognize the contributions of others does not make businessmen special.

Are you crazy? :eusa_eh: People trading with one another IS "business".

You know, it takes a special kind of slavish devotion to one's ideology when he has stooped SO LOW that he's arguing that people who are in business for themselves aren't doing business at all. :cuckoo:

Come out of the pinko closet, Ed. You'll sound more intelligent.
I make my own pizza, I'm Italian. :D

Seriously, you claimed that there would be nothing if it wasn't for businessmen and I simply showed that people existed and survived before businessmen ever existed. Society became more specialized and organized and then businessmen appeared. Businessmen have their place in society, but they are not the elitist Gods they think they are and are not ENTITLED to special privileges simply because they are businessmen. Everybody contributes to society in different ways, and just because businessmen do not appreciate or even recognize the contributions of others does not make businessmen special.

Even Obama wants businesses to provide jobs. We have already stated multiple times no special status or privileges required. We just want to persue our opportunities without government looking for disproportional gains. I am already told I have to equally fund medicare coverage for employees and more than half their social security as it stands right now. I need to fund possible unemployment and injuries on the job at 100%. Somehow you think the worker is being cheated.

Bullshit. Businessmen want special tax privileges for their "risk" as is they are the only people on Earth who take risks.

Privileges like paying both halves of the social security tax for ourselves? I own a corporation, so I don't get the tax credit. I mentioned two taxes that I pay 100% as well. Typically, business people do take MORE risk. Its fact. Please, continue to show the contempt for businesses like your leader Obama. It speaks volumes.
It's not mocking anything.

That's the truth.

The only one that is accustomed to taking credit for something they DIDN'T do is Barack Obama.

The thing is Save, you might come landscape my back yard free gratis if you feel you really owed me a very VERY nice gift or were returning a favor. But you would go broke very quckly giving away much of your services like that as well as not having any new income coming in. So you aren't landscaping my back yard for my benefit. You are doing it to put bread on your own table and pay for the expenses you incur in the process and for other purposes that are in your interest.

When I went out to do work in my business, I wasn't doing it for the benefit of my clients. I was doing it to fund my own interests, put bread on my table, and to have the money to pay Save to landscape my back yard.

My clients did not give me the contracts for my benefit. They gave me the contracts in order to run their own businesses for their own purposes to put bread on their tables and to pay their expenses of running the business and for other purposes.

I don't hire my employees for their benefit. I hire them because I have more work than I can do myself and I need to complete the work that takes care of my interests.

My employees don't work for me for my benefit. They work for me for their own interests to put bread on their own tables and for their own interests.

The guy repaving the road out there isn't doing it for my benefit. He is doing it to put bread on his table and for other purposes all in his interest.

The baker doesn't bake the bread for any of our benefit but he bakes it to sell in his own interest. And we don't buy the bread to benefit the baker but we buy it in order to have something to eat.

And if we all happen to become friends and enjoy each other in the process, well that is very nice and an unexpected benefit, but it doesn't change the fact that we do what we do for nobody's benefit but our own. The fact that it happens to all be interrelated in some way is the miracle of the free market, but we still are each simply doing our own thing for our own purposes.

And we ALL vote the bonds and pay taxes to help pay for shared government infrastructure and services that we all need that would not be needed and could not be funded if we all weren't doing our own thing for our own purposes.
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It's not mocking anything.

That's the truth.

The only one that is accustomed to taking credit for something they DIDN'T do is Barack Obama.


How very appropriate! Hey? Maybe after Romney is elected/ he'll get one of those too...(Or is he the wrong political persuation)? :eusa_shhh:

Yeah, they aren't gonna give a Nobel Peace Prize to a rich white guy, even one that has done far more for the world already than our current POTUS ever thought about. And besides, Hugo Chavez has endorsed Obama (again) and dismissed Romney in attempt. So that probably dashes Romney's chances to get anything from a Nobel group.
The only one that is accustomed to taking credit for something they DIDN'T do is Barack Obama.


How very appropriate! Hey? Maybe after Romney is elected/ he'll get one of those too...(Or is he the wrong political persuation)? :eusa_shhh:

Yeah, they aren't gonna give a Nobel Peace Prize to a rich white guy, even one that has done far more for the world already than our current POTUS ever thought about. And besides, Hugo Chavez has endorsed Obama (again) and dismissed Romney in attempt. So that probably dashes Romney's chances to get anything from a Nobel group.
did you just say romney has done more good for the world than obama?

please tell me i misread that
How very appropriate! Hey? Maybe after Romney is elected/ he'll get one of those too...(Or is he the wrong political persuation)? :eusa_shhh:

Yeah, they aren't gonna give a Nobel Peace Prize to a rich white guy, even one that has done far more for the world already than our current POTUS ever thought about. And besides, Hugo Chavez has endorsed Obama (again) and dismissed Romney in attempt. So that probably dashes Romney's chances to get anything from a Nobel group.
did you just say romney has done more good for the world than obama?

please tell me i misread that

You didn't, and it was correct. And THIS bothers YOU how exactly?
Even Obama wants businesses to provide jobs. We have already stated multiple times no special status or privileges required. We just want to persue our opportunities without government looking for disproportional gains. I am already told I have to equally fund medicare coverage for employees and more than half their social security as it stands right now. I need to fund possible unemployment and injuries on the job at 100%. Somehow you think the worker is being cheated.

Bullshit. Businessmen want special tax privileges for their "risk" as is they are the only people on Earth who take risks.

Privileges like paying both halves of the social security tax for ourselves? I own a corporation, so I don't get the tax credit. I mentioned two taxes that I pay 100% as well. Typically, business people do take MORE risk. Its fact. Please, continue to show the contempt for businesses like your leader Obama. It speaks volumes.

Yep, when I had employees, I had the wonderful privilege of paying:
--income taxes and gross receipts taxes on any profits from the business.
--self employment taxes (both halves of FICA and Medicare) on any profits from the bueiness.
--FICA for each employee .
--SUTA for each employee
--FUTA for each employee
--Work Comp that included a flat minimum plus additional for any wages exceeding a minimum.
--General liability that included a flat minimum plus additional for any wages exceeding a minimum.
--E & O that increased when it covered the employees too.

Then there are all the other costs of doing business from the computers to transportation to utilities to storage and a myriad of supplies etc. etc. etc. The sheer volume of paper work involved can bury a person.

And tax credits for any of this? Not for us. Not a single one.

Nor did we receive any help in start up monies or any other credits to get the biz going in the first place.
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Oh my god, i am trying not to use emoticons so much, lazy man's way of expressing himself, but mr T, you phony special ops racist lying idiot, you are so funny it is killing me NOT to
How very appropriate! Hey? Maybe after Romney is elected/ he'll get one of those too...(Or is he the wrong political persuation)? :eusa_shhh:

Yeah, they aren't gonna give a Nobel Peace Prize to a rich white guy, even one that has done far more for the world already than our current POTUS ever thought about. And besides, Hugo Chavez has endorsed Obama (again) and dismissed Romney in attempt. So that probably dashes Romney's chances to get anything from a Nobel group.
did you just say romney has done more good for the world than obama?

please tell me i misread that

If Romney has done 1 good thing for the world.. it would be more than Obama.. the worst Romney could do is tie
Bullshit. Businessmen want special tax privileges for their "risk" as is they are the only people on Earth who take risks.

Privileges like paying both halves of the social security tax for ourselves? I own a corporation, so I don't get the tax credit. I mentioned two taxes that I pay 100% as well. Typically, business people do take MORE risk. Its fact. Please, continue to show the contempt for businesses like your leader Obama. It speaks volumes.

Yep, when I had employees, I had the wonderful privilege of paying:
--income taxes and gross receipts taxes on any profits from the business.
--self employment taxes (both halves of FICA) on any profits from the bueiness.
--FICA for each employee
--SUTA for each employee
--FUTA for each employee
--Work Comp that included a flat minimum plus additional for any wages exceeding a minimum.
--General liability that included a flat minimum plus additional for any wages exceeding a minimum.
--E & O that increased when it covered the employees too.

Then there are all the other costs of doing business from the computers to transportation to utilities to storage and a myriad of supplies etc. etc. etc. The sheer volume of paper work involved can bury a person.

And tax credits for any of this? Not for us. Not a single one.

Nor did we receive any help in start up monies or any other credits to get the biz going in the first place.

liar, stop googling and posting bullshit

employees? sure, tell us what kind of biz

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