"You didn't get there on your own"

Ed the Simpleton thinks everything said here comes from Fox News or Rush Limbaugh. At least that is what Huffo told him.
See the first quote in my sig.

You know stupid, it was Saul Alinsky who wrote "Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing"

Rush Limbaugh merely quoted Alinsky and stated explicitly that he was quoting Alinsky. But you have zero integrity and an IQ under 50....

Edith has been taking Limbaugh out of context for some time. He has a hardon for him for whatever reason. Limbaugh siding with Alinsky is just way far stupid and a means for Edith to justify himself however falsely . Good catch.
your MessiahRushie following his mentor Alinsky is unassailable, and you know it, and it is a testimony to your lack of credibility.
Thank you.

Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

November 11, 2009
RUSH: I think that's the fastest way to persuade people, you know, is to ridicule and make fun of the people that you're having problems with.

May 14, 2007
RUSH: Everything we did about Clinton was humorous. It had a political point. We were making fun of and laughing.

January 24, 2007
RUSH: One of the techniques that Alinsky has advocated be used against people you need to destroy is ridicule, because there's no response to it. When you get ridiculed and made fun of, that's the toughest thing to have a response because everybody's laughing at you... In order to execute the strategeries and the policies of Saul Alinsky, you cannot have a soul, you cannot have a conscience, because your sole objective is to destroy people and ruin them.
WOW! You are taking what the President said, and applying what YOU want it to mean, not what the President said.

His message is clear.

“The point is … that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.”

Pure undadulterated garbage.

His message is clear.

You didn't earn your money without some help and so we are going to help ourselves to more of your money.

Have a nice day.

That is not what he said or what what he meant. If you watched the video or read the transcript and came away with: 'You didn't earn your money without some help and so we are going to help ourselves to more of your money', you are applying what YOU want it to mean, not what the President said.

How about we look at the rest of his speech and see what it was he really meant, hmmm, Context Boy?

From earlier in Obama's speech, as found in the transcripts released on WhiteHouse.gov:

THE PRESIDENT: On the one side you’ve got my opponent in this presidential race and his Republican allies who --


THE PRESIDENT: No, no, look -- I mean, we’re having a good, healthy, democratic debate. That’s how this works. And on their side, they’ve got a basic theory about how you grow the economy. And the theory is very simple: They think that the economy grows from the top down. So their basic theory is, if wealthy investors are doing well then everybody does well. So if we spend trillions of dollars on more tax cuts mostly for the wealthy, that that’s somehow going to create jobs, even if we have to pay for it by gutting education and gutting job-training programs and gutting transportation projects, and maybe even seeing middle-class folks have a higher tax burden.


THE PRESIDENT: So that’s part number one, right. More tax cuts for those at the top.

Part number two is they believe if you tear down all the regulations that we’ve put in place -- for example, on Wall Street banks or on insurance companies or on credit card companies or on polluters -- that somehow the economy is going to do much, much better. So those are their two theories. They’ve got the tax cuts for the high end, and they’ve got rollback regulation.

Now, here’s the problem. You may have guessed -- we tried this. We tried this in the last decade and it did not work.


But you know what, I’m not going to see us gut the investments that grow our economy to give tax breaks to me or Mr. Romney or folks who don’t need them. So I’m going to reduce the deficit in a balanced way. We’ve already made a trillion dollars’ worth of cuts. We can make another trillion or trillion-two, and what we then do is ask for the wealthy to pay a little bit more. (Applause.) And, by the way, we’ve tried that before -- a guy named Bill Clinton did it. We created 23 million new jobs, turned a deficit into a surplus, and rich people did just fine. We created a lot of millionaires.

There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me -- because they want to give something back.

And this is where his little rant about business owners "not building that" started up.

So tell me, Context Boy, how we're wrong about Mr. Obama's point in the controversial clip - indeed, in his entire speech - being that successful people should want to "give something back" - ie. pay more taxes - because they "owe" the collective for generously contributing to their success?

FYI, the transcript of the entire speech is available at Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event in Roanoke, Virginia | The White House
You know stupid, it was Saul Alinsky who wrote "Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing"

Rush Limbaugh merely quoted Alinsky and stated explicitly that he was quoting Alinsky. But you have zero integrity and an IQ under 50....

Edith has been taking Limbaugh out of context for some time. He has a hardon for him for whatever reason. Limbaugh siding with Alinsky is just way far stupid and a means for Edith to justify himself however falsely . Good catch.
your MessiahRushie following his mentor Alinsky is unassailable, and you know it, and it is a testimony to your lack of credibility.
Thank you.

Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

November 11, 2009
RUSH: I think that's the fastest way to persuade people, you know, is to ridicule and make fun of the people that you're having problems with.

May 14, 2007
RUSH: Everything we did about Clinton was humorous. It had a political point. We were making fun of and laughing.

January 24, 2007
RUSH: One of the techniques that Alinsky has advocated be used against people you need to destroy is ridicule, because there's no response to it. When you get ridiculed and made fun of, that's the toughest thing to have a response because everybody's laughing at you... In order to execute the strategeries and the policies of Saul Alinsky, you cannot have a soul, you cannot have a conscience, because your sole objective is to destroy people and ruin them.

NO Dumbass...it isn't...and referring to it wasn't endorsing it.

YOU need to wein yourself OFF of Thinkprogress and THINK for yourself Edith, you dingbat. :eusa_hand:
Don't know what the rest of you plan to do, but for me, ConzHateUSA is one of the purest trolls we have seen. Therefore, he is sent to the ash heap of the ignore list for me. Not going to feed a troll.

You're right, he is a lame troll. But it is fun to screw with him for a little bit, give us that.

you silly stupid bigot shitbag terrorists, the entire planet is laughing at you

by now I would think that would bother you at least a little?
and i see foxfyre never did tell me what kind of biz they are in

why? cuz it knows I have them on something, so he or she doesn't know what to say

that is all you guys do is lie, amazing, sometimes when I say it I dont actually believe it, i mean how can a group of people never ever once tell the truth, but you do
Don't know what the rest of you plan to do, but for me, ConzHateUSA is one of the purest trolls we have seen. Therefore, he is sent to the ash heap of the ignore list for me. Not going to feed a troll.

You're right, he is a lame troll. But it is fun to screw with him for a little bit, give us that.

you silly stupid bigot shitbag terrorists, the entire planet is laughing at you

by now I would think that would bother you at least a little?

Ouch, next are you going to go to pee pee and poo poo jokes? I was kidding when I said you're eight, but you actually are aren't you? Are you and ed in the same class?

Here's a pee pee for you ... :piss2:
You're right, he is a lame troll. But it is fun to screw with him for a little bit, give us that.

you silly stupid bigot shitbag terrorists, the entire planet is laughing at you

by now I would think that would bother you at least a little?

Ouch, next are you going to go to pee pee and poo poo jokes? I was kidding when I said you're eight, but you actually are aren't you? Are you and ed in the same class?

Here's a pee pee for you ... :piss2:
Insisting on talking to me, therefore losing every single discussion, insisting on continuing to prove to the planet that you are the idiot this headline is talking about


is really something...you dont actually know you are the butt of the joke around the planet, do you?
The Ed-Obama camp must be scared to death about this gaffe by the President. Their mutual contempt for hard working American business owners is out. Might want to find a better way of dealing with it.

They are. This tops every Obama gaffe ever made by its sheer magnitude. And there's no escaping it. Small businesses create about 70% of jobs. And Obama just let them know that he thinks they owe him something more than what they're already paying.

Small business owners are ubiquitous. Their influence is wide-ranging. We all know somebody or other who's out there busting their ass to make it. And we LIKE that enterprising American spirit. We respect it the way we respect "the troops" and "the middle class".

When the Chamber of Commerce and the National Federation of Independent Business are BOTH reading his comments as insults to small business owners and getting pissed off about it, I think the Democrats and their useful idiots should just give up on the idea of convincing people that's not what he meant.
Foxfyre does not lie, edthecynic. She's one of the finest members on this board, an experienced, honest business community member, and a prolific helper with seniors in her community. Badmouthing her makes you look like a creature from the gloom lagoon. I recommend a new hobby for you other than trying to spin a smear on an innocent person like Foxfyre.
Her lies in this thread are obvious and I have highlighted them.
You, sir are straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel.

Careful, next he'll call you a Bible-thumping Christian terrorist!
Edith has been taking Limbaugh out of context for some time. He has a hardon for him for whatever reason. Limbaugh siding with Alinsky is just way far stupid and a means for Edith to justify himself however falsely . Good catch.
your MessiahRushie following his mentor Alinsky is unassailable, and you know it, and it is a testimony to your lack of credibility.
Thank you.

Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

November 11, 2009
RUSH: I think that's the fastest way to persuade people, you know, is to ridicule and make fun of the people that you're having problems with.

May 14, 2007
RUSH: Everything we did about Clinton was humorous. It had a political point. We were making fun of and laughing.

January 24, 2007
RUSH: One of the techniques that Alinsky has advocated be used against people you need to destroy is ridicule, because there's no response to it. When you get ridiculed and made fun of, that's the toughest thing to have a response because everybody's laughing at you... In order to execute the strategeries and the policies of Saul Alinsky, you cannot have a soul, you cannot have a conscience, because your sole objective is to destroy people and ruin them.

NO Dumbass...it isn't...and referring to it wasn't endorsing it.

YOU need to wein yourself OFF of Thinkprogress and THINK for yourself Edith, you dingbat. :eusa_hand:
Oh that patented CON$ervoFascist dumb act again.

Your MessiahRushie wasn't referring to it, he admitted it was his FASTEST and therefore his favorite tactic!!!!! If that isn't an endorsement there is no such thing as an endorsement.
He also claims it was Reagan's favorite tactic too. that's right St Ronnie was an Alinskyite too!!! All CON$ worship at the altar of Alinsky.

June 23, 2008
RUSH: Ronald Reagan said, "Just laugh at 'em, just laugh at 'em and just ridicule it,"
The Ed-Obama camp must be scared to death about this gaffe by the President. Their mutual contempt for hard working American business owners is out. Might want to find a better way of dealing with it.

They are. This tops every Obama gaffe ever made by its sheer magnitude. And there's no escaping it. Small businesses create about 70% of jobs. And Obama just let them know that he thinks they owe him something more than what they're already paying.

Small business owners are ubiquitous. Their influence is wide-ranging. We all know somebody or other who's out there busting their ass to make it. And we LIKE that enterprising American spirit. We respect it the way we respect "the troops" and "the middle class".

When the Chamber of Commerce and the National Federation of Independent Business are BOTH reading his comments as insults to small business owners and getting pissed off about it, I think the Democrats and their useful idiots should just give up on the idea of convincing people that's not what he meant.
No, all they prove is CON$ervoFascists lie in packs!!
These kids didn't get there without the government.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1p7L3s_gyD8]Kids Lemonade Stand Fined $500, Shut Down - YouTube[/ame]
No small businesss owners I know want to be worshipped. Respected perhaps but most would rather that the govt stop villifying and punishing them for their success. Why is that so hard for the lefties to understand?

Save your worshipping for your messiah. And his Hollywood minions.

Leftists don't think it's possible to take a position for any reason other than that you are slavishly adoring someone. The idea of advocating something - like respect for business owners and their entrepreneurship - simply because it's the right thing to do is totally alien to them.
Don't know what the rest of you plan to do, but for me, ConzHateUSA is one of the purest trolls we have seen. Therefore, he is sent to the ash heap of the ignore list for me. Not going to feed a troll.

Conz does nothing but posts hateful filthy names directed at conservatives.
He is the most hateful member of this board, and it's amazing the mods allow his stink.
Edith has been taking Limbaugh out of context for some time. He has a hardon for him for whatever reason. Limbaugh siding with Alinsky is just way far stupid and a means for Edith to justify himself however falsely . Good catch.
your MessiahRushie following his mentor Alinsky is unassailable, and you know it, and it is a testimony to your lack of credibility.
Thank you.

Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

November 11, 2009
RUSH: I think that's the fastest way to persuade people, you know, is to ridicule and make fun of the people that you're having problems with.

May 14, 2007
RUSH: Everything we did about Clinton was humorous. It had a political point. We were making fun of and laughing.

January 24, 2007
RUSH: One of the techniques that Alinsky has advocated be used against people you need to destroy is ridicule, because there's no response to it. When you get ridiculed and made fun of, that's the toughest thing to have a response because everybody's laughing at you... In order to execute the strategeries and the policies of Saul Alinsky, you cannot have a soul, you cannot have a conscience, because your sole objective is to destroy people and ruin them.

NO Dumbass...it isn't...and referring to it wasn't endorsing it.

YOU need to wein yourself OFF of Thinkprogress and THINK for yourself Edith, you dingbat. :eusa_hand:
All you mindless drones have been programmed to say that anyone who exposes you to the fact that your MessiahRushie is nothing but worthless lying scum got their info from some Lib website. Yet every time I challenge you to link to the website that uses the same quotes that I do, you brainwashed fools NEVER can.

Come on, prove me wrong and link to the Thinkprogress page that uses the same quotes I just used. If you can't or won't, you will have proven yourself to be a liar yet again.
Thank you.
Q. Is it wrong to call a shovel a spade?

A. Yes. Shovels have sharp, pointed tips capable of breaking new ground. Spades have flattened tips, more suitable for scooping up and spreading dung.
Don't know what the rest of you plan to do, but for me, ConzHateUSA is one of the purest trolls we have seen. Therefore, he is sent to the ash heap of the ignore list for me. Not going to feed a troll.

Conz does nothing but posts hateful filthy names directed at conservatives.
He is the most hateful member of this board, and it's amazing the mods allow his stink.
CON$ervoFascists can dish it out, but cry to their mommy or the mods when they are treated in kind. :eusa_boohoo:
People were doing business in this country waaayyy before we had a Congress with which to tax their earnings. A caveman trading a rock for a stick would've been doing business. A guy taxing that transaction wouldn't have been necessary for the transaction to be complete.

You guys ought to just ADMIT who you are. Come out of the pinko closet and have THAT conversation with the American people. At least you'd be honest. But you won't... because you already know how it would go down.
Gee, you admit that workers can do business with each other without a businessman in the middle taking his cut. the only difference between the businessman in the middle taking his cut and the government in the middle taking a cut is the businessman hoards away his cut for himself and the government uses its cut for the general welfare of the community.

Seriously? You just can't be THAT thick. A caveman with a rock to trade and a caveman with a stick to trade ARE two businessmen. A colonial with a cart-load of turnips and native with a bag of cured animal skins ARE two businessmen.

How are you not getting this? :eusa_eh:

Ever since primitive man realized that different members of the tribe had varying skill levels at different things, humans have been trading, ie. doing business.

Settlers on the plains weren't staking claims of the size that they were because they just wanted to plant a vegetable garden to feel their families. They did it because they intended to grow enough of something to sell it.

It always amazes me how 21st-century-America-centric lefties are.
Conz does nothing but posts hateful filthy names directed at conservatives.
He is the most hateful member of this board, and it's amazing the mods allow his stink.

There's nothing in the TOS against being a troll.

Put him on ignore if he really bothers you. He's a stupid little kid, trolling to try to make himself feel better about being a loser.

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