"You didn't get there on your own"

In any case, Barry's idea was that since successful people had help he would graciously stand by on behalf of all the helpers, living and dead, to impose a new round of taxes on the successful people for the benefit of the helpers.

Those who helped the less successful people will apparently not be entitled
to such new benefits, for some reason.

"We still find the greedy hand of government thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry, and grasping at the spoil of the multitude. Invention is continually exercised to furnish new pretenses for revenue and taxation. It watches prosperity as its prey and permits none to escape without a tribute."

-- Thomas Paine
"Fox and Friends" still has beef with President Obama's comments about small businesses. On Tuesday, the show turned to the ultimate source to prove its point: two little girls who run a lemonade stand.

'Fox And Friends' To Little Girls: Did The Government Help You Start Lemonade Stand? (VIDEO)

If Obama believes businesses didn't make it on their own but government helped them do it, then the same can be said of those who are unable to find employment. If an individual in their 20s graduated without the basic necessities like math skills, or the ability to simply read a tape measure, then it's the same government "public school policies" that allowed for it. If those on welfare simply can receive a check without the slightest need or desire to have to earn it, again . . . you can't look far than the government that created such a system. Is Obama equally proud of government when it fails to deliver the much needed tools / skills to allow everyone the fighting opportunity for individual success?
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THAT's your 'smoking gun'??? :rolleyes:
I didn't note the title of the article in any quoted format though. That said, Romney's got a good point... the context of telling people they're not particularly smart or hard-working is probably more insulting than the money-line of "you didn't build that".

“The context is worse than the quote,” Romney said in an exchange with Larry Kudlow. “The context, he says, ‘you know, you think you’ve been successful because you’re smart, but he says a lot of people are smart. You think you’ve been successful because you work hard, a lot of people work hard.’"

Romney, RNC: We Did Obama A Favor By Taking Him Out Of Context! | TPM2012
When it comes time to walk into the voting booth, people vote their wallets. The economic factors point to Romney as the clear choice. Obama put a nail in his presidential coffin last week.
You know...........I thought the GOP was against big FEDERAL government, because they seem to stand on the side of states and towns rights to be enforced locally.

Did you know it was CITY ORDINANCE that stopped the girls stand? The mayor could have given them a pass if he wanted.

Midway Police Shut Down Girls' Lemonade Stand

Midway police bust none other than a lemonade stand, because the three girls running it didn't have a business license. The three girls thought if they sold enough lemonade, they could make money to go to the water park Splash in the Boro. Well they thought wrong. Midway police say, they're breaking city law and have to go.

“It’s kind of crazy that we couldn’t sell lemonade. It was fun, but we had to listen to the cops and shut it down,” 14-year-old Casity Dixon said.

The girls had only been opened for one day before Midway’s police chief and another officer cruised by and saw the stand.

“They told us to shut it down,” 10-year-old Skylar Roberts said.

“We had told them, we understand you guys are young, but still, you’re breaking the law, and we can’t let you do it anymore. The law is the law, and we have to be consistent with how we enforce the laws,” Midway Police Chief Kelly (actually, Kelli-- Ed.) Morningstar said.

Read more: Young Girls' Lemonade Stand Shut Down in Midway, Ga. | NewsBusters.org
Is Obama equally proud of government when it fails to deliver the much needed tools / skills to allow everyone the fighting opportunity for?

good point!!! so if government is to get more money, under Barry's reign, from successful people because government helped them, then, it should be penalized for all the failures like the Great Society near-genocide against blacks!!
How does business benefit from roads again? Seems to be Obama's big example. Roads are a cost and all costs are passed on to the consumer. So Obama is really saying consumers should pay more.
Republicans are against big government, period. State government can be almost as oppressive as the federal government. The one advantage to state government is that you can move to another state if you don't like the way the one you're in is governed.

The worst possible solution to any problem is the government solution.

You know...........I thought the GOP was against big FEDERAL government, because they seem to stand on the side of states and towns rights to be enforced locally.

Did you know it was CITY ORDINANCE that stopped the girls stand? The mayor could have given them a pass if he wanted.

Midway Police Shut Down Girls' Lemonade Stand

Midway police bust none other than a lemonade stand, because the three girls running it didn't have a business license. The three girls thought if they sold enough lemonade, they could make money to go to the water park Splash in the Boro. Well they thought wrong. Midway police say, they're breaking city law and have to go.

“It’s kind of crazy that we couldn’t sell lemonade. It was fun, but we had to listen to the cops and shut it down,” 14-year-old Casity Dixon said.

The girls had only been opened for one day before Midway’s police chief and another officer cruised by and saw the stand.

“They told us to shut it down,” 10-year-old Skylar Roberts said.

“We had told them, we understand you guys are young, but still, you’re breaking the law, and we can’t let you do it anymore. The law is the law, and we have to be consistent with how we enforce the laws,” Midway Police Chief Kelly (actually, Kelli-- Ed.) Morningstar said.

Read more: Young Girls' Lemonade Stand Shut Down in Midway, Ga. | NewsBusters.org
Republicans are against big government, period. State government can be almost as oppressive as the federal government. The one advantage to state government is that you can move to another state if you don't like the way the one you're in is governed.

The worst possible solution to any problem is the government solution.

You know...........I thought the GOP was against big FEDERAL government, because they seem to stand on the side of states and towns rights to be enforced locally.

Did you know it was CITY ORDINANCE that stopped the girls stand? The mayor could have given them a pass if he wanted.

Midway Police Shut Down Girls' Lemonade Stand

Midway police bust none other than a lemonade stand, because the three girls running it didn't have a business license. The three girls thought if they sold enough lemonade, they could make money to go to the water park Splash in the Boro. Well they thought wrong. Midway police say, they're breaking city law and have to go.

“It’s kind of crazy that we couldn’t sell lemonade. It was fun, but we had to listen to the cops and shut it down,” 14-year-old Casity Dixon said.

The girls had only been opened for one day before Midway’s police chief and another officer cruised by and saw the stand.

“They told us to shut it down,” 10-year-old Skylar Roberts said.

“We had told them, we understand you guys are young, but still, you’re breaking the law, and we can’t let you do it anymore. The law is the law, and we have to be consistent with how we enforce the laws,” Midway Police Chief Kelly (actually, Kelli-- Ed.) Morningstar said.

Read more: Young Girls' Lemonade Stand Shut Down in Midway, Ga. | NewsBusters.org
Actually is not republicans who oppose big government. It is conservatives who oppose it.
The laws in which are cited in the story above exist because too many of us are either afraid to take a stand or unwilling to take a stand against UNJUST laws.
That includes the members of law enforcement who know darned well that those kid's lemonade stand was not hurting anyone.
Republicans are against big government, period. State government can be almost as oppressive as the federal government. The one advantage to state government is that you can move to another state if you don't like the way the one you're in is governed.

The worst possible solution to any problem is the government solution.

You know...........I thought the GOP was against big FEDERAL government, because they seem to stand on the side of states and towns rights to be enforced locally.

Did you know it was CITY ORDINANCE that stopped the girls stand? The mayor could have given them a pass if he wanted.
Actually is not republicans who oppose big government. It is conservatives who oppose it.
The laws in which are cited in the story above exist because too many of us are either afraid to take a stand or unwilling to take a stand against UNJUST laws.
That includes the members of law enforcement who know darned well that those kid's lemonade stand was not hurting anyone.

You're right. The GOP has not been a whole lot better than the Democrats in restraining the growth of government and shifting more and more power to the government. It happens maybe a bit more disciplined and a bit more slowly under the Republicans, but it has been steadily happening for a long time now.

Unless the Tea Partiers and similar groups are able to put enough true conservatives, that would be Constitutional originalists, into government at all levels, we're screwed.

At least the GOP has traditionally been more pro business and don't disrespect and dismiss entreprenourship as the President and many of his Democratic supporters do.
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Someone else made that happen? Business owners know hard work, long hours lead to success -- and an early grave

By Perry Chiaramonte
July 24, 2012

Long hours and hard work helped Joey Vento build a landmark restaurant in Philadelphia from the ground up, but that work ethic may have also sent him to an early grave.

That's why Eileen Vento's blood boiled when she heard President Obama declare last week that small business owners like her husband owed others for their success.

“That is ridiculous. My husband had $6 in his pocket when he started.” Vento said to FoxNews.com about Joey Vento, who opened Geno’s Steaks in 1966 in the neighborhood of South Philly.

“He worked hard his whole life to build the place up. We made a lot of money. Unfortunately he didn’t get to enjoy it.”
- Eileen Vento, widow of cheesesteak king Joey Vento

“He worked hard his whole life to build the place up. We made a lot of money. Unfortunately, he didn’t get to enjoy it,” she added.


Read more: Someone else made that happen? Business owners know hard work, long hours lead to success -- and an early grave | Fox News
Someone else made that happen? Business owners know hard work, long hours lead to success -- and an early grave

By Perry Chiaramonte
July 24, 2012

Long hours and hard work helped Joey Vento build a landmark restaurant in Philadelphia from the ground up, but that work ethic may have also sent him to an early grave.

That's why Eileen Vento's blood boiled when she heard President Obama declare last week that small business owners like her husband owed others for their success.

“That is ridiculous. My husband had $6 in his pocket when he started.” Vento said to FoxNews.com about Joey Vento, who opened Geno’s Steaks in 1966 in the neighborhood of South Philly.

“He worked hard his whole life to build the place up. We made a lot of money. Unfortunately he didn’t get to enjoy it.”
- Eileen Vento, widow of cheesesteak king Joey Vento

“He worked hard his whole life to build the place up. We made a lot of money. Unfortunately, he didn’t get to enjoy it,” she added.


Read more: Someone else made that happen? Business owners know hard work, long hours lead to success -- and an early grave | Fox News
The bigoted pig ate himself to death after living a full life of over 71 years. You assholes are really getting desperate with your lies and FAUX outrage.



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