"You didn't get there on your own"

Of course he was. He was suggesting that small business owners don't deserve the credit. They don't work longer hours or work harder than anybody else. They built their businesses because somebody else built an infrastructure or taught a class and/or otherwise helped them do it.. It is not them doing their own thing to prosper and thereby provide taxes so that government can build and maintain an infrastructure. His meaning was 100% clear that they owe their success to society and all us working together and therefore should be grateful and obligated and pay more in taxes.
you are a pathological liar. I hasve corrected you in this and other threads and here you are STILL lying.

OBAMA: "The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

The whole speech was to drive home the point that being smart and working hard take a lowly back seat to the concept of collective effort, and he was quite clear that the collective effort was through the government. Or at least he made no reference to anything accomplished by the private sector; only that 'help' we got from government. There was no praise for the entreprenour or small business or large business owner. Only contempt for thinking he or she had anything to do with his/her own success. Yes he acknowledged that individual initiative figured into the mix, but there was zero recognition of the necessity of private business owners for a healthy economy or that the business owners contributed to the 'help' anybody has gotten along the way.

That is what is known as "throwing you a bone". Obama is graciously conceding that maybe entrepreneurs did a little more than just sit back, sipping lattes, before going back to telling them that they shouldn't get cocky and above themselves, because they'd be nothing without the benevolent collective in the form of Big Government.
Privileges like paying both halves of the social security tax for ourselves? I own a corporation, so I don't get the tax credit. I mentioned two taxes that I pay 100% as well. Typically, business people do take MORE risk. Its fact. Please, continue to show the contempt for businesses like your leader Obama. It speaks volumes.

Yep, when I had employees, I had the wonderful privilege of paying:
--income taxes and gross receipts taxes on any profits from the business.
--self employment taxes (both halves of FICA) on any profits from the bueiness.
--FICA for each employee
--SUTA for each employee
--FUTA for each employee
--Work Comp that included a flat minimum plus additional for any wages exceeding a minimum.
--General liability that included a flat minimum plus additional for any wages exceeding a minimum.
--E & O that increased when it covered the employees too.

Then there are all the other costs of doing business from the computers to transportation to utilities to storage and a myriad of supplies etc. etc. etc. The sheer volume of paper work involved can bury a person.

And tax credits for any of this? Not for us. Not a single one.

Nor did we receive any help in start up monies or any other credits to get the biz going in the first place.

liar, stop googling and posting bullshit

employees? sure, tell us what kind of biz

Disprove even one thing posted above.
disprove she owns her own business and didnt just google that?


she doesnt own her own business, there

now if she does, what kind of biz was it?
disprove she owns her own business and didnt just google that?


she doesnt own her own business, there

now if she does, what kind of biz was it?

It is clear over time that Foxfyre and myself each own a business. There are many posts discussing them. Mine is a landscape company. I had employees for awhile, but the worker's compensation premiums made that burdensome. Now its a part-time business and doing okay this year. I made a post over the weekend about completing a paver walk.

Please continue to flail around though. It reflects so well on you and the president.
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are you idiot racist shitbags still lying about what the Prez said and taking his quote out of context to create an issue that doesnt exist?

thought so

when Obama said it was taken out of context he was counting on the numerous amount of morons that are too lazy to listen and watch the video who will, instead say "yeah, they took it ouyt of context."

Watch the video man. It was not taken out of context....not AT ALL.

He sees you as a lazy moron who will believe anything he says.

Need to ask you...

What is it like to adamantly support a man who views you as a lazy moron?

WOW! You are taking what the President said, and applying what YOU want it to mean, not what the President said.

His message is clear.

“The point is … that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.”

Could you possibly grab your ears, pull until you hear the popping noise, and thus remove your head from Obama's sphincter long enough to tell us the purpose of Obama's speech? For all that you idiots like to scream about "Context!", you certainly do want to pretend that he just popped this little bit of blather out in a vacuum, apropos of nothing. But I'm going to tell you right now, however much you want to spin and pretend, absolutely no one but your fellow travelers is buying the idea that he suddenly decided to talk about roads and bridges being an interconnected society for no reason at all. So why don't you find yourself the transcript of the entire speech, if you can, and tell us what point he was getting at which this debated section was in service of.

I'll be fascinated to see if you can muster that much intellectual honesty.
phew, thank GOD you shitbaggers have no power or wont very soon

the planet itself would self destruct in less than a year if people as stupid as you were in charge of anything
and 20 points for me

i pissed of the lying piece of shit racist shitbag :clap2:

Fuck off, troll.

ahh, did i make you mad

then stop being a shitbag terrorist prick who hates the prez solely based on the color of his skin

stop hating women because you dont understand them

stop hating muslims because you dont understand them

stop hating Black people because you dont look like them

then I will fuck off

Oh my god, i am trying not to use emoticons so much, lazy man's way of expressing himself, but mr T, you phony special ops racist lying idiot, you are so funny it is killing me NOT to

*Fuck Off*

and 20 points for me

i pissed of the lying piece of shit racist shitbag :clap2:

No. s0n. You have it wrong. You did nothing of the sort.

Only pointed out your dillusional existance.

And allowed me to spray this thread idiot.

and 20 points for me

i pissed of the lying piece of shit racist shitbag :clap2:

Fuck off, troll.

ahh, did i make you mad

then stop being a shitbag terrorist prick who hates the prez solely based on the color of his skin

stop hating women because you dont understand them

stop hating muslims because you dont understand them

stop hating Black people because you dont look like them

then I will fuck off


That was so gay

Don't know what the rest of you plan to do, but for me, ConzHateUSA is one of the purest trolls we have seen. Therefore, he is sent to the ash heap of the ignore list for me. Not going to feed a troll.
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...what an opportune moment to remind us of what Barack Obama actually thinks about not only our Constitution, but "spreading the wealth".

Care to point out REAL examples of either?

No, I don't mean fux, lushbo crap. I mean PROOF.
You know stupid, it was Saul Alinsky who wrote "Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing"

Rush Limbaugh merely quoted Alinsky and stated explicitly that he was quoting Alinsky. But you have zero integrity and an IQ under 50....
While Alinsky is your MessiahRushie's mentor, he was not quoting Alinsky, he was referring to Clinton. In fact the original quote is not even attributed to Alinsky. It is actually attributed to Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx.

As usual, you are a typical know-it-all who knows nothing.

...neither did you before it was googled.

you are at least the 50th DittoNutzi to claim your MessiahRushie was quoting his mentor Alinsky.
The leader can easily be judged by the quality of person who supports him. Take a look at the posters following Obama here. Enough said.
Don't know what the rest of you plan to do, but for me, ConzHateUSA is one of the purest trolls we have seen. Therefore, he is sent to the ash heap of the ignore list for me. Not going to feed a troll.

You're right, he is a lame troll. But it is fun to screw with him for a little bit, give us that.

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