"You didn't get there on your own"

They just want to be left alone to practice thier liberty as they see fit without government intrusion.

Obama prefers intrusion. That simple.

It's more fundamental than that. The left views people as a resource, no different than a bag of grain or a computer. All resources rightfully belong to the government, which includes all people. The government is to manage resources and distribute them as needed. Thus a small business owner is property of the government, who allows their success as long as it is viewed as beneficial to the collective as a whole. Obama did nothing unusual in the eyes of the left, he merely stated their basic belief, that small business, as all business, succeeds because government decided that it should. Everything the business owner has, including his life, is property of the state to be used as the state sees fit. Obama simple said what the left believes.
People were doing business in this country waaayyy before we had a Congress with which to tax their earnings. A caveman trading a rock for a stick would've been doing business. A guy taxing that transaction wouldn't have been necessary for the transaction to be complete.

You guys ought to just ADMIT who you are. Come out of the pinko closet and have THAT conversation with the American people. At least you'd be honest. But you won't... because you already know how it would go down.
Gee, you admit that workers can do business with each other without a businessman in the middle taking his cut. the only difference between the businessman in the middle taking his cut and the government in the middle taking a cut is the businessman hoards away his cut for himself and the government uses its cut for the general welfare of the community.

Seriously? You just can't be THAT thick. A caveman with a rock to trade and a caveman with a stick to trade ARE two businessmen. A colonial with a cart-load of turnips and native with a bag of cured animal skins ARE two businessmen.

How are you not getting this? :eusa_eh:
No, a caveman with a rock or a cart full of turnips is a worker with the fruits of his labor. A businessman is a middleman who produces nothing himself trading the fruits of someone else's labor.
Gee, you admit that workers can do business with each other without a businessman in the middle taking his cut. the only difference between the businessman in the middle taking his cut and the government in the middle taking a cut is the businessman hoards away his cut for himself and the government uses its cut for the general welfare of the community.

Seriously? You just can't be THAT thick. A caveman with a rock to trade and a caveman with a stick to trade ARE two businessmen. A colonial with a cart-load of turnips and native with a bag of cured animal skins ARE two businessmen.

How are you not getting this? :eusa_eh:
No, a caveman with a rock or a cart full of turnips is a worker with the fruits of his labor. A businessman is a middleman who produces nothing himself trading the fruits of someone else's labor.

I guess he is that thick.

What he calls a businessman is just a broker or middleman.

Lot's of farmers are very good businessmen.

And this guy claimed to be a scientist ?
Gee, you admit that workers can do business with each other without a businessman in the middle taking his cut. the only difference between the businessman in the middle taking his cut and the government in the middle taking a cut is the businessman hoards away his cut for himself and the government uses its cut for the general welfare of the community.

Seriously? You just can't be THAT thick. A caveman with a rock to trade and a caveman with a stick to trade ARE two businessmen. A colonial with a cart-load of turnips and native with a bag of cured animal skins ARE two businessmen.

How are you not getting this? :eusa_eh:
No, a caveman with a rock or a cart full of turnips is a worker with the fruits of his labor. A businessman is a middleman who produces nothing himself trading the fruits of someone else's labor.

So in your world a businessman wakes up one day and has a business where he can trade the fruits of someone elses labor?

You are not aware of the financial risk, long hours, months of no income, and unexpected surprises that are associated with starting a business trading the fruits of another mans labor?

Maybe that is your problem?
They just want to be left alone to practice thier liberty as they see fit without government intrusion.

Obama prefers intrusion. That simple.

It's more fundamental than that. The left views people as a resource, no different than a bag of grain or a computer. All resources rightfully belong to the government, which includes all people. The government is to manage resources and distribute them as needed. Thus a small business owner is property of the government, who allows their success as long as it is viewed as beneficial to the collective as a whole. Obama did nothing unusual in the eyes of the left, he merely stated their basic belief, that small business, as all business, succeeds because government decided that it should. Everything the business owner has, including his life, is property of the state to be used as the state sees fit. Obama simple said what the left believes.

Pretty good take on it. I like the view. In other words 'chattle' to be manipulated at the whim of government for the purpose OF government.
Wouldn't you guys love to see how spartan a life Ed lives. No delivered pizza, no automobile, all homemade furniture in his house, no refrigerator, no indoor plumbing unless he dug the iron or copper off his own land and fabricated it himself, grows all wild produce in his garden or from seed he scrounged from his neighbor, and God only knows what he barters with all those farmers who also are living completely self contained lives without benefit of any business. I'm sure they're all doing just fantastically though.

Meanwhile, I don't think any of my employees ever objected to working for me. At least I never had one quit because of working environment or conditions. I've had a few who learned the ropes and acquired stellar skills and then moved on to bigger and better things after they hit the ceiling at our place. We still stay in touch. And I never objected to working for the other fellow when I have done that in the past too. I was paid what I agreed to work for and in return they got what I agreed to do for them plus a bit more so that I could move into more interesting and/or better paying jobs.

Somehow the government just didn't factor into any of that except for the amount of taxes I had to pay and the mountains of paperwork required by government bureaucracies.

If I ever get elected dictator for a year or two, one of the first mandates I would put out is that we business owners have one federal form to fill out with all the information the government at all levels needs. It will go to one central clearing station who will then distribute it to whatever various departments need the information as well as to the state and local governments who need the information. Filling out endless forms, most containing the identical information, is ridiculous.
Seriously? You just can't be THAT thick. A caveman with a rock to trade and a caveman with a stick to trade ARE two businessmen. A colonial with a cart-load of turnips and native with a bag of cured animal skins ARE two businessmen.

How are you not getting this? :eusa_eh:
No, a caveman with a rock or a cart full of turnips is a worker with the fruits of his labor. A businessman is a middleman who produces nothing himself trading the fruits of someone else's labor.

I guess he is that thick.

What he calls a businessman is just a broker or middleman.

Lot's of farmers are very good businessmen.

And this guy claimed to be a scientist ?
Willard is called a businessman, and he is nothing more than a broker!!!!!

You are obviously not a scientist and very jealous of those who are.
So it was the businessman who organized the people into a military and armed them for the defense of the community and not the government.


So you think the military learned to plant crops, to irrigate so those crops would live; learned to breed and raise livestock, to weave wool and cotton, to trade between those who specialized at what they were good at?

No edtheliar, the military only took by force of arms that which OTHERS, business people, created. The military creates nothing, it destroys and it steals, that is all it can do. We have our military because we believe they will do less harm and take less than the raiders of another tribe, but no one with an IQ above 10 thinks the military builds anything.

We see yet another example of businessmen taking credit for the accomplishments of others.
Thank you.

Trade is the basis of every good thing in the human condition. Those who attack trade have humanities worsts interests at heart.
No, a caveman with a rock or a cart full of turnips is a worker with the fruits of his labor. A businessman is a middleman who produces nothing himself trading the fruits of someone else's labor.

I guess he is that thick.

What he calls a businessman is just a broker or middleman.

Lot's of farmers are very good businessmen.

And this guy claimed to be a scientist ?
Willard is called a businessman, and he is nothing more than a broker!!!!!

You are obviously not a scientist and very jealous of those who are.

What is a broker than a businessman Edith? Please? You're getting boring with your stretches.

What is Obama but a tyrant and confirmed it to the rest of us as he unmasked himself with his statement? :eusa_hand:
Gee, you admit that workers can do business with each other without a businessman in the middle taking his cut. the only difference between the businessman in the middle taking his cut and the government in the middle taking a cut is the businessman hoards away his cut for himself and the government uses its cut for the general welfare of the community.

Seriously? You just can't be THAT thick. A caveman with a rock to trade and a caveman with a stick to trade ARE two businessmen. A colonial with a cart-load of turnips and native with a bag of cured animal skins ARE two businessmen.

How are you not getting this? :eusa_eh:
No, a caveman with a rock or a cart full of turnips is a worker with the fruits of his labor. A businessman is a middleman who produces nothing himself trading the fruits of someone else's labor.

Wrong. Most small business owners have to be involved in the business everyday. My business has one employee, me. So their goes your middleman rant. Try owning a restaurant and not be there.

Want to know why most people start their own business (because I know you have no clue)? Because they liked something enough to turn it into a business. They also hoped to make a living at it. If they make money, but quit, its because they retired or were so removed from the activity they actually wanted to do, it wasn't worth it any more.
Seriously? You just can't be THAT thick. A caveman with a rock to trade and a caveman with a stick to trade ARE two businessmen. A colonial with a cart-load of turnips and native with a bag of cured animal skins ARE two businessmen.

How are you not getting this? :eusa_eh:

That he cannot grasp even a simple concept is the reason he is a Bolshevik.
Wouldn't you guys love to see how spartan a life Ed lives. No delivered pizza, no automobile, all homemade furniture in his house, no refrigerator, no indoor plumbing unless he dug the iron or copper off his own land and fabricated it himself, grows all wild produce in his garden or from seed he scrounged from his neighbor, and God only knows what he barters with all those farmers who also are living completely self contained lives without benefit of any business. I'm sure they're all doing just fantastically though.

Meanwhile, I don't think any of my employees ever objected to working for me. At least I never had one quit because of working environment or conditions. I've had a few who learned the ropes and acquired stellar skills and then moved on to bigger and better things after they hit the ceiling at our place. We still stay in touch. And I never objected to working for the other fellow when I have done that in the past too. I was paid what I agreed to work for and in return they got what I agreed to do for them plus a bit more so that I could move into more interesting and/or better paying jobs.

Somehow the government just didn't factor into any of that except for the amount of taxes I had to pay and the mountains of paperwork required by government bureaucracies.

If I ever get elected dictator for a year or two, one of the first mandates I would put out is that we business owners have one federal form to fill out with all the information the government at all levels needs. It will go to one central clearing station who will then distribute it to whatever various departments need the information as well as to the state and local governments who need the information. Filling out endless forms, most containing the identical information, is ridiculous.
I make my own pizza, I'm Italian. :D

Seriously, you claimed that there would be nothing if it wasn't for businessmen and I simply showed that people existed and survived before businessmen ever existed. Society became more specialized and organized and then businessmen appeared. Businessmen have their place in society, but they are not the elitist Gods they think they are and are not ENTITLED to special privileges simply because they are businessmen. Everybody contributes to society in different ways, and just because businessmen do not appreciate or even recognize the contributions of others does not make businessmen special.
See the first quote in my sig.

You know stupid, it was Saul Alinsky who wrote "Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing"

Rush Limbaugh merely quoted Alinsky and stated explicitly that he was quoting Alinsky. But you have zero integrity and an IQ under 50....

Edith has been taking Limbaugh out of context for some time. He has a hardon for him for whatever reason. Limbaugh siding with Alinsky is just way far stupid and a means for Edith to justify himself however falsely . Good catch.
Wouldn't you guys love to see how spartan a life Ed lives. No delivered pizza, no automobile, all homemade furniture in his house, no refrigerator, no indoor plumbing unless he dug the iron or copper off his own land and fabricated it himself, grows all wild produce in his garden or from seed he scrounged from his neighbor, and God only knows what he barters with all those farmers who also are living completely self contained lives without benefit of any business. I'm sure they're all doing just fantastically though.

Meanwhile, I don't think any of my employees ever objected to working for me. At least I never had one quit because of working environment or conditions. I've had a few who learned the ropes and acquired stellar skills and then moved on to bigger and better things after they hit the ceiling at our place. We still stay in touch. And I never objected to working for the other fellow when I have done that in the past too. I was paid what I agreed to work for and in return they got what I agreed to do for them plus a bit more so that I could move into more interesting and/or better paying jobs.

Somehow the government just didn't factor into any of that except for the amount of taxes I had to pay and the mountains of paperwork required by government bureaucracies.

If I ever get elected dictator for a year or two, one of the first mandates I would put out is that we business owners have one federal form to fill out with all the information the government at all levels needs. It will go to one central clearing station who will then distribute it to whatever various departments need the information as well as to the state and local governments who need the information. Filling out endless forms, most containing the identical information, is ridiculous.
I make my own pizza, I'm Italian. :D

Seriously, you claimed that there would be nothing if it wasn't for businessmen and I simply showed that people existed and survived before businessmen ever existed. Society became more specialized and organized and then businessmen appeared. Businessmen have their place in society, but they are not the elitist Gods they think they are and are not ENTITLED to special privileges simply because they are businessmen. Everybody contributes to society in different ways, and just because businessmen do not appreciate or even recognize the contributions of others does not make businessmen special.

Even Obama wants businesses to provide jobs. We have already stated multiple times no special status or privileges required. We just want to persue our opportunities without government looking for disproportional gains. I am already told I have to equally fund medicare coverage for employees and more than half their social security as it stands right now. I need to fund possible unemployment and injuries on the job at 100%. Somehow you think the worker is being cheated.
See the first quote in my sig.

You know stupid, it was Saul Alinsky who wrote "Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing"

Rush Limbaugh merely quoted Alinsky and stated explicitly that he was quoting Alinsky. But you have zero integrity and an IQ under 50....
While Alinsky is your MessiahRushie's mentor, he was not quoting Alinsky, he was referring to Clinton. In fact the original quote is not even attributed to Alinsky. It is actually attributed to Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx.

As usual, you are a typical know-it-all who knows nothing.
Wouldn't you guys love to see how spartan a life Ed lives. No delivered pizza, no automobile, all homemade furniture in his house, no refrigerator, no indoor plumbing unless he dug the iron or copper off his own land and fabricated it himself, grows all wild produce in his garden or from seed he scrounged from his neighbor, and God only knows what he barters with all those farmers who also are living completely self contained lives without benefit of any business. I'm sure they're all doing just fantastically though.

Meanwhile, I don't think any of my employees ever objected to working for me. At least I never had one quit because of working environment or conditions. I've had a few who learned the ropes and acquired stellar skills and then moved on to bigger and better things after they hit the ceiling at our place. We still stay in touch. And I never objected to working for the other fellow when I have done that in the past too. I was paid what I agreed to work for and in return they got what I agreed to do for them plus a bit more so that I could move into more interesting and/or better paying jobs.

Somehow the government just didn't factor into any of that except for the amount of taxes I had to pay and the mountains of paperwork required by government bureaucracies.

If I ever get elected dictator for a year or two, one of the first mandates I would put out is that we business owners have one federal form to fill out with all the information the government at all levels needs. It will go to one central clearing station who will then distribute it to whatever various departments need the information as well as to the state and local governments who need the information. Filling out endless forms, most containing the identical information, is ridiculous.
I make my own pizza, I'm Italian. :D

Seriously, you claimed that there would be nothing if it wasn't for businessmen and I simply showed that people existed and survived before businessmen ever existed. Society became more specialized and organized and then businessmen appeared. Businessmen have their place in society, but they are not the elitist Gods they think they are and are not ENTITLED to special privileges simply because they are businessmen. Everybody contributes to society in different ways, and just because businessmen do not appreciate or even recognize the contributions of others does not make businessmen special.

Yes and I'm sure you grow your own wheat, grind it into flour, and find some sort of wild yeast to leaven it, dehydrate your own sea salt, and fire it in your own brick oven made from clay bricks you dug and formed from the ground. And you grow, butcher, cure, and grind your own pork sausage, butcher your own beef--you had to find wild hogs and cattle somewhere--and somewhere find spices to make some sort of Pepperoni. I mean you couldn't possibly deal with the evil people who would sell you such things for profit.

In all of recorded history in every tribe and culture known to humankind, you will find the businessman. And even if we go back to the caveman, I'm sure even they developed some sort of barter system that after all is conducting business.

Nobody her has said the businessman is entitled to special privileges or has rights different from anybody else. What we ARE saying is that our society works efficiently, effectively, and prosperously when the businessman is free to do his own thing for his own interests and thereby benefits everybody else, and none of us are free or can expect to prosper if the businessman is not entitled to the profts he earns.
See the first quote in my sig.

You know stupid, it was Saul Alinsky who wrote "Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing"

Rush Limbaugh merely quoted Alinsky and stated explicitly that he was quoting Alinsky. But you have zero integrity and an IQ under 50....
While Alinsky is your MessiahRushie's mentor, he was not quoting Alinsky, he was referring to Clinton. In fact the original quote is not even attributed to Alinsky. It is actually attributed to Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx.

As usual, you are a typical know-it-all who knows nothing.

...neither did you before it was googled.
Ed the hypocrite is getting his electricity from somewhere...

...not to mention his computer.

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