"You didn't get there on your own"


Of course he was. He was suggesting that small business owners don't deserve the credit. They don't work longer hours or work harder than anybody else. They built their businesses because somebody else built an infrastructure or taught a class and/or otherwise helped them do it.. It is not them doing their own thing to prosper and thereby provide taxes so that government can build and maintain an infrastructure. His meaning was 100% clear that they owe their success to society and all us working together and therefore should be grateful and obligated and pay more in taxes.

C'mon Foxy, he wasn't even close to suggesting that. He started out by stating that people LIKE HIM should pay more taxes. There is nothing new in the liberal/Democrat mantra in that.

Then in order to intercept the usual cattle cry from the right "I made it on my own, I deserve everything I get, fuck the rest", he made it clear that no person/business is an island and other people helped. Hell, he even qualified it by saying at the end of his speech at 2.00 "The point is, when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together." He is praising the business man and the individual who helped.

Nowhere does he suggest that small business owners don't deserve the credit.
Nowhere does he suggest small business owners don't work longer hours or work harder than anybody else (nor did he say workers do either).
Nowhere does he say that they owe their success to society and all us working together.
He absolutely did say that people in his salary bracket (and there would be a lot more small business owners who are NOT in that bracket than are) should pay more taxes.

You are mostly wrong in what you have said. That isn't an opinion either. It's there in his words. If I see a cow and call it a giraffe it doesn't mean it is one....
Yup. Here's the WHOLE context. And there is no way to interpret what he said as anything other than what he said:

Obama: If you've been successful you didn't get there on your own - YouTube

You are right. And anybody who thinks he was dissing small business owners, IN THIS CONTEXT, would be wrong. Am more than happy to break it down by sentence if you like....

Of course he was. He was suggesting that small business owners don't deserve the credit. They don't work longer hours or work harder than anybody else. They built their businesses because somebody else built an infrastructure or taught a class and/or otherwise helped them do it.. It is not them doing their own thing to prosper and thereby provide taxes so that government can build and maintain an infrastructure. His meaning was 100% clear that they owe their success to society and all us working together and therefore should be grateful and obligated and pay more in taxes.
you are a pathological liar. I hasve corrected you in this and other threads and here you are STILL lying.

OBAMA: "The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

Obama said this:

"I'm always struck by people who think, 'well, it must be because I was just so smart...it must be because I worked harder than anybody else.'"

So, let's break that down.

First, "I'm always struck...". Sounds like this happens often.

Next, "...people who think...". Precisely how do you know what other people are thinking?

Next, "...well, it must be because I was just so smart...it must be because I worked harder than anybody else...". Again, having worked with hundreds of business owners over the years, I have yet to hear ONE of them say ANYTHING like that.

So with whom do you hang out, Mr. President? Precisely which business owners have told you - oh wait, they didn't tell you this, they just THOUGHT it - precisely which business owners THINK this? With your history of being around business owners (I started to type OTHER business owners, but that would have been factually incorrect), how did you manage to obtain such an insight into our thought processes?

I'm always struck by people who think, "well, it must be because I was just so smart...it must be because I worked harder than anybody else."

The President tossed out a straw man based on pure ignorance, then ran with it, while insulting business owners at the same time. He said what he said.

Go ahead, spin that. And the "roads and bridges" dodge/deflection/diversion does not apply here.

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are you idiot racist shitbags still lying about what the Prez said and taking his quote out of context to create an issue that doesnt exist?

thought so

when Obama said it was taken out of context he was counting on the numerous amount of morons that are too lazy to listen and watch the video who will, instead say "yeah, they took it ouyt of context."

Watch the video man. It was not taken out of context....not AT ALL.

He sees you as a lazy moron who will believe anything he says.

Need to ask you...

What is it like to adamantly support a man who views you as a lazy moron?

WOW! You are taking what the President said, and applying what YOU want it to mean, not what the President said.

His message is clear.

“The point is … that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.”
are you idiot racist shitbags still lying about what the Prez said and taking his quote out of context to create an issue that doesnt exist?

thought so

when Obama said it was taken out of context he was counting on the numerous amount of morons that are too lazy to listen and watch the video who will, instead say "yeah, they took it ouyt of context."

Watch the video man. It was not taken out of context....not AT ALL.

He sees you as a lazy moron who will believe anything he says.

Need to ask you...

What is it like to adamantly support a man who views you as a lazy moron?

WOW! You are taking what the President said, and applying what YOU want it to mean, not what the President said.

His message is clear.

“The point is … that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.”

Pure undadulterated garbage.

His message is clear.

You didn't earn your money without some help and so we are going to help ourselves to more of your money.

Have a nice day.
You are right. And anybody who thinks he was dissing small business owners, IN THIS CONTEXT, would be wrong. Am more than happy to break it down by sentence if you like....

Of course he was. He was suggesting that small business owners don't deserve the credit. They don't work longer hours or work harder than anybody else. They built their businesses because somebody else built an infrastructure or taught a class and/or otherwise helped them do it.. It is not them doing their own thing to prosper and thereby provide taxes so that government can build and maintain an infrastructure. His meaning was 100% clear that they owe their success to society and all us working together and therefore should be grateful and obligated and pay more in taxes.
you are a pathological liar. I hasve corrected you in this and other threads and here you are STILL lying.

OBAMA: "The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

No, Foxfyre has it right. Note the word but. It is important, because in speech, it denotes a shift in the subject. From this point on Obama discusses the importance of government in the success of businesses. That is the true subject of the speech and only a partisan would try to interpret it any other way.
You are right. And anybody who thinks he was dissing small business owners, IN THIS CONTEXT, would be wrong. Am more than happy to break it down by sentence if you like....

Of course he was. He was suggesting that small business owners don't deserve the credit. They don't work longer hours or work harder than anybody else. They built their businesses because somebody else built an infrastructure or taught a class and/or otherwise helped them do it.. It is not them doing their own thing to prosper and thereby provide taxes so that government can build and maintain an infrastructure. His meaning was 100% clear that they owe their success to society and all us working together and therefore should be grateful and obligated and pay more in taxes.
you are a pathological liar. I hasve corrected you in this and other threads and here you are STILL lying.

OBAMA: "The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

The whole speech was to drive home the point that being smart and working hard take a lowly back seat to the concept of collective effort, and he was quite clear that the collective effort was through the government. Or at least he made no reference to anything accomplished by the private sector; only that 'help' we got from government. There was no praise for the entreprenour or small business or large business owner. Only contempt for thinking he or she had anything to do with his/her own success. Yes he acknowledged that individual initiative figured into the mix, but there was zero recognition of the necessity of private business owners for a healthy economy or that the business owners contributed to the 'help' anybody has gotten along the way.
when Obama said it was taken out of context he was counting on the numerous amount of morons that are too lazy to listen and watch the video who will, instead say "yeah, they took it ouyt of context."

Watch the video man. It was not taken out of context....not AT ALL.

He sees you as a lazy moron who will believe anything he says.

Need to ask you...

What is it like to adamantly support a man who views you as a lazy moron?

WOW! You are taking what the President said, and applying what YOU want it to mean, not what the President said.

His message is clear.

“The point is … that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.”

Pure undadulterated garbage.

His message is clear.

You didn't earn your money without some help and so we are going to help ourselves to more of your money.

Have a nice day.

That is not what he said or what what he meant. If you watched the video or read the transcript and came away with: 'You didn't earn your money without some help and so we are going to help ourselves to more of your money', you are applying what YOU want it to mean, not what the President said.
WOW! You are taking what the President said, and applying what YOU want it to mean, not what the President said.

His message is clear.

“The point is … that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.”

Pure undadulterated garbage.

His message is clear.

You didn't earn your money without some help and so we are going to help ourselves to more of your money.

Have a nice day.

That is not what he said or what what he meant. If you watched the video or read the transcript and came away with: 'You didn't earn your money without some help and so we are going to help ourselves to more of your money', you are applying what YOU want it to mean, not what the President said.

Sorry Charlie,

That is just what the president said.
Of course he was. He was suggesting that small business owners don't deserve the credit. They don't work longer hours or work harder than anybody else. They built their businesses because somebody else built an infrastructure or taught a class and/or otherwise helped them do it.. It is not them doing their own thing to prosper and thereby provide taxes so that government can build and maintain an infrastructure. His meaning was 100% clear that they owe their success to society and all us working together and therefore should be grateful and obligated and pay more in taxes.
you are a pathological liar. I hasve corrected you in this and other threads and here you are STILL lying.

OBAMA: "The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

No, Foxfyre has it right. Note the word but. It is important, because in speech, it denotes a shift in the subject. From this point on Obama discusses the importance of government in the success of businesses. That is the true subject of the speech and only a partisan would try to interpret it any other way.

Anyone who does not look at his constant cry for more taxes on the rich (and the upper middle class....recall how the limit kept shifting....but then he just hit us in our HSA's...so everyone), and thinks his words meant anything different is full of crap.
Of course he was. He was suggesting that small business owners don't deserve the credit. They don't work longer hours or work harder than anybody else. They built their businesses because somebody else built an infrastructure or taught a class and/or otherwise helped them do it.. It is not them doing their own thing to prosper and thereby provide taxes so that government can build and maintain an infrastructure. His meaning was 100% clear that they owe their success to society and all us working together and therefore should be grateful and obligated and pay more in taxes.
you are a pathological liar. I hasve corrected you in this and other threads and here you are STILL lying.

OBAMA: "The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

No, Foxfyre has it right. Note the word but. It is important, because in speech, it denotes a shift in the subject. From this point on Obama discusses the importance of government in the success of businesses. That is the true subject of the speech and only a partisan would try to interpret it any other way.
Again we see how professional liars take things out of context to weave their web of deceit. The word "BUT does not stand alone, it is "but ALSO" which indicates a connection rather than a shift in the subject, as you well know.
Of course he was. He was suggesting that small business owners don't deserve the credit. They don't work longer hours or work harder than anybody else. They built their businesses because somebody else built an infrastructure or taught a class and/or otherwise helped them do it.. It is not them doing their own thing to prosper and thereby provide taxes so that government can build and maintain an infrastructure. His meaning was 100% clear that they owe their success to society and all us working together and therefore should be grateful and obligated and pay more in taxes.
you are a pathological liar. I hasve corrected you in this and other threads and here you are STILL lying.

OBAMA: "The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

The whole speech was to drive home the point that being smart and working hard take a lowly back seat to the concept of collective effort, and he was quite clear that the collective effort was through the government. Or at least he made no reference to anything accomplished by the private sector; only that 'help' we got from government. There was no praise for the entreprenour or small business or large business owner. Only contempt for thinking he or she had anything to do with his/her own success. Yes he acknowledged that individual initiative figured into the mix, but there was zero recognition of the necessity of private business owners for a healthy economy or that the business owners contributed to the 'help' anybody has gotten along the way.
Even after highlighting the fact that Obama clearly referred to the involvement of private sector initiative, pathological liars cannot stop themselves from lying some more.
The Ed-Obama camp must be scared to death about this gaffe by the President. Their mutual contempt for hard working American business owners is out. Might want to find a better way of dealing with it.
Even after highlighting the fact that Obama clearly referred to the involvement of private sector initiative, pathological liars cannot stop themselves from lying some more.

Initiative? That all a business owner brings? Being one myself, I know better. Too bad you and the President don't have a clue.
BTW Ed, thanks for continuing to insult us business owners. I'm sure Obama is doing the same.
You are right. And anybody who thinks he was dissing small business owners, IN THIS CONTEXT, would be wrong. Am more than happy to break it down by sentence if you like....

Of course he was. He was suggesting that small business owners don't deserve the credit. They don't work longer hours or work harder than anybody else. They built their businesses because somebody else built an infrastructure or taught a class and/or otherwise helped them do it.. It is not them doing their own thing to prosper and thereby provide taxes so that government can build and maintain an infrastructure. His meaning was 100% clear that they owe their success to society and all us working together and therefore should be grateful and obligated and pay more in taxes.
you are a pathological liar. I hasve corrected you in this and other threads and here you are STILL lying.

OBAMA: "The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."
Foxfyre does not lie, edthecynic. She's one of the finest members on this board, an experienced, honest business community member, and a prolific helper with seniors in her community. Badmouthing her makes you look like a creature from the gloom lagoon. I recommend a new hobby for you other than trying to spin a smear on an innocent person like Foxfyre.
Once again Krauthammer nails it~

Charles Krauthammer: Did the state make you great in business?

WASHINGTON — “If you've got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

— Barack Obama, Roanoke, Va., July 13

"And who might that somebody else be? Government, says Obama. It built the roads you drive on. It provided the teacher who inspired you. It “created the Internet.” It represents the embodiment of “we’re in this together” social solidarity that, in Obama’s view, is the essential origin of individual and national achievement.

To say all individuals are embedded in and the product of society is banal. Obama rises above banality by means of fallacy: equating society with government, the collectivity with the state. Of course we are shaped by our milieu. But the most formative, most important influence on the individual is not government. It is civil society, those elements of the collectivity that lie outside government: family, neighborhood, church, Rotary club, PTA, the voluntary associations that Tocqueville understood to be the genius of America and source of its energy and freedom.

Moreover, the greatest threat to a robust, autonomous civil society is the ever-growing Leviathan state and those like Obama who see it as the ultimate expression of the collective."

read more

Of course he was. He was suggesting that small business owners don't deserve the credit. They don't work longer hours or work harder than anybody else. They built their businesses because somebody else built an infrastructure or taught a class and/or otherwise helped them do it.. It is not them doing their own thing to prosper and thereby provide taxes so that government can build and maintain an infrastructure. His meaning was 100% clear that they owe their success to society and all us working together and therefore should be grateful and obligated and pay more in taxes.
you are a pathological liar. I hasve corrected you in this and other threads and here you are STILL lying.

OBAMA: "The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."
Foxfyre does not lie, edthecynic. She's one of the finest members on this board, an experienced, honest business community member, and a prolific helper with seniors in her community. Badmouthing her makes you look like a creature from the gloom lagoon. I recommend a new hobby for you other than trying to spin a smear on an innocent person like Foxfyre.
Her lies in this thread are obvious and I have highlighted them.

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