"You didn't get there on your own"

You lost the argument because Obama was telling the truth.

"Separate an individual from society, and give him an island or a continent to possess, and he cannot acquire personal property. He cannot be rich. So inseparably are the means connected with the end, in all cases, that where the former do not exist the latter cannot be obtained. All accumulation, therefore, of personal property, beyond what a man's own hands produce, is derived to him by living in society; and he owes on every principle of justice, of gratitude, and of civilization, a part of that accumulation back again to society from whence the whole came."

Thomas Paine

Unfortunately, that does not speak to Obama's comments.

47% of the nation currently does not pay any federal income tax. If we "do things together", then he should be pushing to put a minimum income tax on all people.
Hold on a minute there Slick! The Bush tax cuts doubled the number of people who pay no income tax and the GOP and the Right want to make those tax cuts permanent. Are you now saying the Bush tax cuts should be allowed to expire? Are you now saying it is good to raise taxes on the poor in a recession?

I can wait.

Once Obama is out and the recession has ended, then we can put a minimum federal income tax of 2% on everyone. No loopholes to go to zero. You can get down to 2%, but that is it.
what explains Obama's dismissive remark "you didn't build that".....?

this article explains how it comes from the culture of affirmative action and is the racial variant of Marx's fundamental concepts of the base and superstructure, concepts from which the entire Marxist critique of civilization emanates.

Articles: You Didn't Build It...because I Didn't Earn It

In fairness to Obama, he probably did intend to mean that the business owner didn't build the infrastructure that allows the business to operate. But take the whole pathetic speech in full context and the message is clear. Other people have done stuff that benefits you and therefore deserve to share in what you earn. That is a highlighted page right out of the Communist Manifesto.

There was absolutely no acknowledgment that without your business, no infrastructure would be needed, there would be no funding for it, or that you are benefitting anybody else in any way and therefore are entitled to the fruit of your own labor. That would be contrary to the Marxist doctrine.
Re-reading my post, I already gave you a pretty good description of how they are different. What's not clear is in what possible way they are the same. Romney was helping athletes and telling them to appreciate others. Obama is crushing small business owners. But he says the same words and you say it's no difference, he just appreciates us darn it. It has nothing to do with wanting to extend the Bush tax cuts for everyone but us, escalating our unemployment taxes, throttling us with the cost of Obamacare. Just because Obama's not taking our money and giving it to the people who helped us, he's giving it to the people he wants to help him, doesn't mean he doesn't have a soft spot in his heart for us. He just wants to help us out, and to think otherwise is "bizzaro world." Gotcha, I understand now...

Yes the differences are quite astonishing. To rephrase yet once again:

Romney: Appreciate those who gave you encouragement and funding and moral support and mentoring to make it possible for you to reach for your dream of an Olympic medal. (No suggestion that anybody other than the athlete put in the effort to earn that medal or deserves any part of it.)

Obama: You owe those who did stuff that now benefits you, and therefore everybody deserves a cut of whatever you accomplish.

Exactly. I'm one of the rich, cock sucking bastards Obama, LWC and the left hate so much. Yet:

1) I can barely pay my bills. Why? I'm three years into my business and growing, every available dollar goes back into my business. Yeah, eventually I want to start taking money out, but I'm a few years from that and I'm still in double down mode. So Obama raises taxes on me by not extending the Bush Tax cuts, and guess what happens, go to part two.

2) I have three times the employees I had just two years ago. I'm working on filling three more positions and I'm in the process of looking at two more deals to acquire and grow. Raise my taxes and just subtract jobs, I can only put back into the business that which I have. And again, I barely pay my bills now.

3) I cancelled my group insurance plan and that of every business I acquire. My costs were out of control. Literally, I have no control. Half of everyone's insurance, regardless of their performance was killing me. Obamacare is going to make it worse. I replaced it with an HRA, everyone gets up to $200 and that's it. My professional staff all took it. A lot of my hourly staff didn't and are uninsured now. Which is ... exactly ... Obama's plan. Drive employers out of insurance and then ... da da da da ... government steps in and we get single payer.
In fairness to Obama, he probably did intend to mean that the business owner didn't build the infrastructure that allows the business to operate

I thought that for a long time because I read the speech and when you read it that's the logical conclusion. But when I heard it, I completely reversed. It's very clear when he's talking that he's saying business owners didn't build their business. He's chastising business owners and telling them they didn't do it. At least that was my take.
what explains Obama's dismissive remark "you didn't build that".....?

this article explains how it comes from the culture of affirmative action and is the racial variant of Marx's fundamental concepts of the base and superstructure, concepts from which the entire Marxist critique of civilization emanates.

Articles: You Didn't Build It...because I Didn't Earn It

In fairness to Obama, he probably did intend to mean that the business owner didn't build the infrastructure that allows the business to operate. But take the whole pathetic speech in full context and the message is clear. Other people have done stuff that benefits you and therefore deserve to share in what you earn. That is a highlighted page right out of the Communist Manifesto.

There was absolutely no acknowledgment that without your business, no infrastructure would be needed, there would be no funding for it, or that you are benefitting anybody else in any way and therefore are entitled to the fruit of your own labor. That would be contrary to the Marxist doctrine.

I strongly disagree that his remarks were limited to acknowledging the role that infrastructure plays. The proof of that is in the remarks about "being smart" --- THERES A LOT OF SMART PEOPLE! or "working hard" --- A LOT OF FOLKS WORK HARD..

Which is standard leftist memes to try and equate the amount of sweat with the relative VALUE of that work. And demean the very importance differences in the contributions made to a venture. Steve Jobs was ESSENTIAL to Apple. That's why they drew him BACK to Apple. The guys who clean windows at Apple MAY be smart and they MAY sweat a lot -- but they are a lot more interchangeable than the folks that are driven and focused on the success of the venture. There is NOT an equality of sweat equity in a cardiac cath lab. There is NOT a credit for a smart burger flipper.

It's when folks volunteer for leadership positions in these business ventures that all that juvenile Obama spouting fails badly to describe real world contributions.
In fairness to Obama, he probably did intend to mean that the business owner didn't build the infrastructure that allows the business to operate

I thought that for a long time because I read the speech and when you read it that's the logical conclusion. But when I heard it, I completely reversed. It's very clear when he's talking that he's saying business owners didn't build their business. He's chastising business owners and telling them they didn't do it. At least that was my take.

Oh I agree that was his intent with the speech, but I think he didn't intend it to be interpreted that way with the "You didn't built that" line which I think was a Freudian slip. I do think he thought that would be attached to the infrastructure thing. If he had not been dissing and diminishing business owners with the whole speech, it probably would have been accepted that he didn't intend it the way it has been interpreted.

But anybody with a clue knows that the entire speech was to emphasize that business owners don't deserve their profits and because business owners take advantage of what others have done, everybody is entitled to what the business owners earn.

THAT is what we need to make damn sure nobody forgets between now and November.
In fairness to Obama, he probably did intend to mean that the business owner didn't build the infrastructure that allows the business to operate

I thought that for a long time because I read the speech and when you read it that's the logical conclusion. But when I heard it, I completely reversed. It's very clear when he's talking that he's saying business owners didn't build their business. He's chastising business owners and telling them they didn't do it. At least that was my take.

Oh I agree that was his intent with the speech, but I think he didn't intend it to be interpreted that way with the "You didn't built that" line which I think was a Freudian slip. I do think he thought that would be attached to the infrastructure thing. If he had not been dissing and diminishing business owners with the whole speech, it probably would have been accepted that he didn't intend it the way it has been interpreted.

But anybody with a clue knows that the entire speech was to emphasize that business owners don't deserve their profits and because business owners take advantage of what others have done, everybody is entitled to what the business owners earn.

THAT is what we need to make damn sure nobody forgets between now and November.

Agreed, and well put. What he meant by "that" really isn't the issue. What you're saying about the speech is. And accurately so.

Two fundamental differences between Romney and Obama are that:

1) Romney wasn't asking for anything, just telling them to appreciate the support they got. Obama is asking for something. Mo money, mo money, mo money.

2) Obama isn't asking for mo money for the people who helped us business owners, he's asking for money for people who help Obama.

There really is nothing the same other then some of the words they used.
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In fairness to Obama, he probably did intend to mean that the business owner didn't build the infrastructure that allows the business to operate

I thought that for a long time because I read the speech and when you read it that's the logical conclusion. But when I heard it, I completely reversed. It's very clear when he's talking that he's saying business owners didn't build their business. He's chastising business owners and telling them they didn't do it. At least that was my take.

Oh I agree that was his intent with the speech, but I think he didn't intend it to be interpreted that way with the "You didn't built that" line which I think was a Freudian slip. I do think he thought that would be attached to the infrastructure thing. If he had not been dissing and diminishing business owners with the whole speech, it probably would have been accepted that he didn't intend it the way it has been interpreted.

But anybody with a clue knows that the entire speech was to emphasize that business owners don't deserve their profits and because business owners take advantage of what others have done, everybody is entitled to what the business owners earn.

THAT is what we need to make damn sure nobody forgets between now and November.

It's a complete and total attack on the individual and individual achievement.
In fairness to Obama, he probably did intend to mean that the business owner didn't build the infrastructure that allows the business to operate

I thought that for a long time because I read the speech and when you read it that's the logical conclusion. But when I heard it, I completely reversed. It's very clear when he's talking that he's saying business owners didn't build their business. He's chastising business owners and telling them they didn't do it. At least that was my take.

Oh I agree that was his intent with the speech, but I think he didn't intend it to be interpreted that way with the "You didn't built that" line which I think was a Freudian slip. I do think he thought that would be attached to the infrastructure thing. If he had not been dissing and diminishing business owners with the whole speech, it probably would have been accepted that he didn't intend it the way it has been interpreted.

But anybody with a clue knows that the entire speech was to emphasize that business owners don't deserve their profits and because business owners take advantage of what others have done, everybody is entitled to what the business owners earn.

THAT is what we need to make damn sure nobody forgets between now and November.

Even if Obama had succeeded in attaching his ridiculous comments to infrastructure... he'd still be WRONG. That's the comedy of this thing. These businesses pay their way. They pay their taxes just like they pay their other bills. Their debt to society and its infrastructure is PAID, and then some.

What this guy did was to infer a vested public interest in PRIVATE businesses. He's suggesting they owe him something. And it's just not true, not in any way. They don't owe him anything.
They did, in fact, build those businesses by themselves.
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I thought that for a long time because I read the speech and when you read it that's the logical conclusion. But when I heard it, I completely reversed. It's very clear when he's talking that he's saying business owners didn't build their business. He's chastising business owners and telling them they didn't do it. At least that was my take.

Oh I agree that was his intent with the speech, but I think he didn't intend it to be interpreted that way with the "You didn't built that" line which I think was a Freudian slip. I do think he thought that would be attached to the infrastructure thing. If he had not been dissing and diminishing business owners with the whole speech, it probably would have been accepted that he didn't intend it the way it has been interpreted.

But anybody with a clue knows that the entire speech was to emphasize that business owners don't deserve their profits and because business owners take advantage of what others have done, everybody is entitled to what the business owners earn.

THAT is what we need to make damn sure nobody forgets between now and November.

Even if Obama had succeeded in attaching his ridiculous comments to infrastructure... he'd still be WRONG. That's the comedy of this thing. These businesses pay their way. They pay their taxes just like they pay their other bills. Their debt to society and its infrastructure is PAID, and then some.

What this guy did was to infer a vested public interest in PRIVATE businesses. He's suggesting that And it's just not true, not in any way. They don't owe him anything.
They did, in fact, build those businesses by themselves.

And the infrastructure he claims he was speaking about would have never been built without those businesses being successful. If the business failed government would have no incoming taxes to pay for that infrastructure.

This whole issue is fast becoming convoluted and perverted by the left.
In fairness to Obama, he probably did intend to mean that the business owner didn't build the infrastructure that allows the business to operate

I thought that for a long time because I read the speech and when you read it that's the logical conclusion. But when I heard it, I completely reversed. It's very clear when he's talking that he's saying business owners didn't build their business. He's chastising business owners and telling them they didn't do it. At least that was my take.

The point is that everyone benefits from roads and infrastructure. Employees benefit--even generations of welfare recipients benefit from infrastructure. EVERYONE DOES. Yet Obama chose to single out SMALL BUSINESS owners in this country to JUSTIFY his raising taxes on the most innovative--risk taking--hardest working people on the planet--that are still considered the largest employer in this nation--telling THEM--they didn't build their business's by themselves--"they had help."--:badgrin::badgrin:


"If you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people need to run from"--Barack Obama.
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In fairness to Obama, he probably did intend to mean that the business owner didn't build the infrastructure that allows the business to operate

I thought that for a long time because I read the speech and when you read it that's the logical conclusion. But when I heard it, I completely reversed. It's very clear when he's talking that he's saying business owners didn't build their business. He's chastising business owners and telling them they didn't do it. At least that was my take.

The point is that everyone benefits from roads and infrastructure. Employees benefit--even generations of welfare recipients benefit from infrastructure. EVERYONE DOES. Yet Obama chose to single out SMALL BUSINESS owners in this country to JUSTIFY his raising taxes on the most innovative--risk taking--hardest working people on the planet--that are still considered the largest employer in this nation--telling THEM--they didn't build their business's by themselves--"they had help."--:badgrin::badgrin:


"If you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people need to run from"--Barack Obama.

Yup. I expect his handlers will be bringing back the teleprompter now. :lol:
In fairness to Obama, he probably did intend to mean that the business owner didn't build the infrastructure that allows the business to operate

I thought that for a long time because I read the speech and when you read it that's the logical conclusion. But when I heard it, I completely reversed. It's very clear when he's talking that he's saying business owners didn't build their business. He's chastising business owners and telling them they didn't do it. At least that was my take.

The point is that everyone benefits from roads and infrastructure. Employees benefit--even generations of welfare recipients benefit from infrastructure. EVERYONE DOES. Yet Obama chose to single out SMALL BUSINESS owners in this country to JUSTIFY his raising taxes on the most innovative--risk taking--hardest working people on the planet--that are still considered the largest employer in this nation--telling THEM--they didn't build their business's by themselves--"they had help."--:badgrin::badgrin:


"If you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people need to run from"--Barack Obama.

Remember this though? Obama is speaking to welfare people...he's telling them that they have been robbed by 'successful people' and they should be angry. It wasn't by anything they did...and thier failure to exercise thier liberty...but those whom claim to be successful stole it all from them.

Obama is preaching 180 degrees backward what the Founders built.

Edit: The other day remember Obama stated that 'We tried it thier way...it doesn't work'...

What he fails to add is that it was government tinkering with what WAS working for 'equal outcome' result.
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I really didn't think of it til now, but there's also an implied threat to small business owners. Government is watching and we want MORE.
In fairness to Obama, he probably did intend to mean that the business owner didn't build the infrastructure that allows the business to operate

I thought that for a long time because I read the speech and when you read it that's the logical conclusion. But when I heard it, I completely reversed. It's very clear when he's talking that he's saying business owners didn't build their business. He's chastising business owners and telling them they didn't do it. At least that was my take.

The point is that everyone benefits from roads and infrastructure. Employees benefit--even generations of welfare recipients benefit from infrastructure. EVERYONE DOES. Yet Obama chose to single out SMALL BUSINESS owners in this country to JUSTIFY his raising taxes on the most innovative--risk taking--hardest working people on the planet--that are still considered the largest employer in this nation--telling THEM--they didn't build their business's by themselves--"they had help."--:badgrin::badgrin:


"If you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people need to run from"--Barack Obama.

Barack Obama certainly didn't become a success on his own......he should call himself the First Affirmative Action President........:eusa_whistle:

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