"You didn't get there on your own"

what explains Obama's dismissive remark "you didn't build that".....?

this article explains how it comes from the culture of affirmative action and is the racial variant of Marx's fundamental concepts of the base and superstructure, concepts from which the entire Marxist critique of civilization emanates.

Articles: You Didn't Build It...because I Didn't Earn It

In fairness to Obama, he probably did intend to mean that the business owner didn't build the infrastructure that allows the business to operate. But take the whole pathetic speech in full context and the message is clear. Other people have done stuff that benefits you and therefore deserve to share in what you earn. That is a highlighted page right out of the Communist Manifesto.

There was absolutely no acknowledgment that without your business, no infrastructure would be needed, there would be no funding for it, or that you are benefitting anybody else in any way and therefore are entitled to the fruit of your own labor. That would be contrary to the Marxist doctrine.

I strongly disagree that his remarks were limited to acknowledging the role that infrastructure plays. The proof of that is in the remarks about "being smart" --- THERES A LOT OF SMART PEOPLE! or "working hard" --- A LOT OF FOLKS WORK HARD..

Which is standard leftist memes to try and equate the amount of sweat with the relative VALUE of that work. And demean the very importance differences in the contributions made to a venture. Steve Jobs was ESSENTIAL to Apple. That's why they drew him BACK to Apple. The guys who clean windows at Apple MAY be smart and they MAY sweat a lot -- but they are a lot more interchangeable than the folks that are driven and focused on the success of the venture. There is NOT an equality of sweat equity in a cardiac cath lab. There is NOT a credit for a smart burger flipper.

It's when folks volunteer for leadership positions in these business ventures that all that juvenile Obama spouting fails badly to describe real world contributions.

I appreciate your passion and don't disagree with your context. But I still think the "You didn't build that" line was intended specifically to address the infrastructure and not the business within the context of the speech. Nevertheless, the entire speech was clearly intended to minimize the contribution of the entreprenour and the business owner and to entitle the non achievers to the profits of the achievers.

But you are absolutely correct that the skill set of the CEO of a successful business is something few people possess. And that is why the CEO is worth so much more money than is the janitor who was born into the same world and into the same infrastructure as the CEO. The janitor might be just as intelligent and might work just as many hours and expend just as much or more energy as the CEO, but for whatever reason he did not choose to prepare himself in the necessary skill sets, he did not take the same risks, and he was not willing to take on the same responsibilities.

Very few people can do what the successful CEO can do which gives him/her ability to command a high salary. Many many people can do what the janitor does which limits his ability to command more than others are willing to work for. Gold is rare and therefore valuable. Lead is plentiful and therefore cheap. Both, however, are important to and contribute to the whole, but in different ways. One is not better than the other, but different values are placed on their contribution to the whole.
I thought that for a long time because I read the speech and when you read it that's the logical conclusion. But when I heard it, I completely reversed. It's very clear when he's talking that he's saying business owners didn't build their business. He's chastising business owners and telling them they didn't do it. At least that was my take.

The point is that everyone benefits from roads and infrastructure. Employees benefit--even generations of welfare recipients benefit from infrastructure. EVERYONE DOES. Yet Obama chose to single out SMALL BUSINESS owners in this country to JUSTIFY his raising taxes on the most innovative--risk taking--hardest working people on the planet--that are still considered the largest employer in this nation--telling THEM--they didn't build their business's by themselves--"they had help."--:badgrin::badgrin:


"If you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people need to run from"--Barack Obama.

Remember this though? Obama is speaking to welfare people...he's telling them that they have been robbed by 'successful people' and they should be angry. It wasn't by anything they did...and thier failure to exercise thier liberty...but those whom claim to be successful stole it all from them.

Obama is preaching 180 degrees backward what the Founders built.

And he ran on Unity. How funny is that? Not ha-ha funny, of course, but more of an 'OMG! WHAT THE HELL DID WE DRINK LAST NIGHT?' kind of funny. :lol:

It just makes sense that he's at a 180 with the Founders though. What the left wants is essentially FDR's Second Bill of Rights, but that can't exist in tandem with our first Bill of Rights. Since one is positive (what the government must do FOR you) and the other is negative (what the government can't do TO you), you can only have one or the other. Any "right" which depends upon the labor or property (money) of others is NOT a natural, unalienable right. We are self-fruitful in our unalienable rights. We don't NEED anyone else in which to exercise them.

It's what they have to give up... EVERYTHING that we've held dear and made us an "exceptional" nation, that they don't understand is in the balance here. They think it's possible to meld the two, because we've been dabbling in that sort of thing for decades. But they don't see the slippery slope before us.
The point is that everyone benefits from roads and infrastructure. Employees benefit--even generations of welfare recipients benefit from infrastructure. EVERYONE DOES. Yet Obama chose to single out SMALL BUSINESS owners in this country to JUSTIFY his raising taxes on the most innovative--risk taking--hardest working people on the planet--that are still considered the largest employer in this nation--telling THEM--they didn't build their business's by themselves--"they had help."--:badgrin::badgrin:


"If you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people need to run from"--Barack Obama.

Remember this though? Obama is speaking to welfare people...he's telling them that they have been robbed by 'successful people' and they should be angry. It wasn't by anything they did...and thier failure to exercise thier liberty...but those whom claim to be successful stole it all from them.

Obama is preaching 180 degrees backward what the Founders built.

And he ran on Unity. How funny is that? Not ha-ha funny, of course, but more of an 'OMG! WHAT THE HELL DID WE DRINK LAST NIGHT?' kind of funny. :lol:

It just makes sense that he's at a 180 with the Founders though. What the left wants is essentially FDR's Second Bill of Rights, but that can't exist in tandem with our first Bill of Rights. Since one is positive (what the government must do FOR you) and the other is negative (what the government can't do TO you), you can only have one or the other. Any "right" which depends upon the labor or property (money) of others is NOT a natural, unalienable right. We are self-fruitful in our unalienable rights. We don't NEED anyone else in which to exercise them.

It's what they have to give up... EVERYTHING that we've held dear and made us an "exceptional" nation, that they don't understand is in the balance here. They think it's possible to meld the two, because we've been dabbling in that sort of thing for decades. But they don't see the slippery slope before us.

Indeed. The Founders by what they did in this great experiment forced them to be all in, thier lives, thier very fortunes were on the line...not unlike those whom practice thier very liberty right now in the form of business owners with the Government breathing down thier necks waiting for them to do or say the wrong thing and nail them for it.
In fairness to Obama, he probably did intend to mean that the business owner didn't build the infrastructure that allows the business to operate. But take the whole pathetic speech in full context and the message is clear. Other people have done stuff that benefits you and therefore deserve to share in what you earn. That is a highlighted page right out of the Communist Manifesto.

There was absolutely no acknowledgment that without your business, no infrastructure would be needed, there would be no funding for it, or that you are benefitting anybody else in any way and therefore are entitled to the fruit of your own labor. That would be contrary to the Marxist doctrine.

I strongly disagree that his remarks were limited to acknowledging the role that infrastructure plays. The proof of that is in the remarks about "being smart" --- THERES A LOT OF SMART PEOPLE! or "working hard" --- A LOT OF FOLKS WORK HARD..

Which is standard leftist memes to try and equate the amount of sweat with the relative VALUE of that work. And demean the very importance differences in the contributions made to a venture. Steve Jobs was ESSENTIAL to Apple. That's why they drew him BACK to Apple. The guys who clean windows at Apple MAY be smart and they MAY sweat a lot -- but they are a lot more interchangeable than the folks that are driven and focused on the success of the venture. There is NOT an equality of sweat equity in a cardiac cath lab. There is NOT a credit for a smart burger flipper.

It's when folks volunteer for leadership positions in these business ventures that all that juvenile Obama spouting fails badly to describe real world contributions.

I appreciate your passion and don't disagree with your context. But I still think the "You didn't build that" line was intended specifically to address the infrastructure and not the business within the context of the speech. Nevertheless, the entire speech was clearly intended to minimize the contribution of the entreprenour and the business owner and to entitle the non achievers to the profits of the achievers.

But you are absolutely correct that the skill set of the CEO of a successful business is something few people possess. And that is why the CEO is worth so much more money than is the janitor who was born into the same world and into the same infrastructure as the CEO. The janitor might be just as intelligent and might work just as many hours and expend just as much or more energy as the CEO, but for whatever reason he did not choose to prepare himself in the necessary skill sets, he did not take the same risks, and he was not willing to take on the same responsibilities.

Very few people can do what the successful CEO can do which gives him/her ability to command a high salary. Many many people can do what the janitor does which limits his ability to command more than others are willing to work for. Gold is rare and therefore valuable. Lead is plentiful and therefore cheap. Both, however, are important to and contribute to the whole, but in different ways. One is not better than the other, but different values are placed on their contribution to the whole.

hmm.....according to Obama dogma.....Obama should be getting the same minimum wages just like all the intelligent hardworking janitors and others who "built" this country.....i say we should revise his pay immediately....:badgrin:
I thought that for a long time because I read the speech and when you read it that's the logical conclusion. But when I heard it, I completely reversed. It's very clear when he's talking that he's saying business owners didn't build their business. He's chastising business owners and telling them they didn't do it. At least that was my take.

Oh I agree that was his intent with the speech, but I think he didn't intend it to be interpreted that way with the "You didn't built that" line which I think was a Freudian slip. I do think he thought that would be attached to the infrastructure thing. If he had not been dissing and diminishing business owners with the whole speech, it probably would have been accepted that he didn't intend it the way it has been interpreted.

But anybody with a clue knows that the entire speech was to emphasize that business owners don't deserve their profits and because business owners take advantage of what others have done, everybody is entitled to what the business owners earn.

THAT is what we need to make damn sure nobody forgets between now and November.

Even if Obama had succeeded in attaching his ridiculous comments to infrastructure... he'd still be WRONG. That's the comedy of this thing. These businesses pay their way. They pay their taxes just like they pay their other bills. Their debt to society and its infrastructure is PAID, and then some.

What this guy did was to infer a vested public interest in PRIVATE businesses. He's suggesting they owe him something. And it's just not true, not in any way. They don't owe him anything.
They did, in fact, build those businesses by themselves.

Here's the Infrastructure that we're supposed to believe was gratuitously provided to us by Obama..


Just to emphasize Murph's last comments there. The "help" did not come well organized or even free of charge.
Oh I agree that was his intent with the speech, but I think he didn't intend it to be interpreted that way with the "You didn't built that" line which I think was a Freudian slip. I do think he thought that would be attached to the infrastructure thing. If he had not been dissing and diminishing business owners with the whole speech, it probably would have been accepted that he didn't intend it the way it has been interpreted.

But anybody with a clue knows that the entire speech was to emphasize that business owners don't deserve their profits and because business owners take advantage of what others have done, everybody is entitled to what the business owners earn.

THAT is what we need to make damn sure nobody forgets between now and November.

Even if Obama had succeeded in attaching his ridiculous comments to infrastructure... he'd still be WRONG. That's the comedy of this thing. These businesses pay their way. They pay their taxes just like they pay their other bills. Their debt to society and its infrastructure is PAID, and then some.

What this guy did was to infer a vested public interest in PRIVATE businesses. He's suggesting they owe him something. And it's just not true, not in any way. They don't owe him anything.
They did, in fact, build those businesses by themselves.

Here's the Infrastructure that we're supposed to believe was gratuitously provided to us by Obama..


Just to emphasize Murph's last comments there. The "help" did not come well organized or even free of charge.

Toll roads are the worst. taxpayer money builds them...Government extracts money for thier use, and even when it's been paid back...they continue to extract tolls...thier excuse? 'Maintenance'...

But wait a minute? Isn't that what gas taxes are for?:eusa_eh:
Even if Obama had succeeded in attaching his ridiculous comments to infrastructure... he'd still be WRONG. That's the comedy of this thing. These businesses pay their way. They pay their taxes just like they pay their other bills. Their debt to society and its infrastructure is PAID, and then some.

What this guy did was to infer a vested public interest in PRIVATE businesses. He's suggesting they owe him something. And it's just not true, not in any way. They don't owe him anything.
They did, in fact, build those businesses by themselves.

Here's the Infrastructure that we're supposed to believe was gratuitously provided to us by Obama..


Just to emphasize Murph's last comments there. The "help" did not come well organized or even free of charge.

Toll roads are the worst. taxpayer money builds them...Government extracts money for thier use, and even when it's been paid back...they continue to extract tolls...thier excuse? 'Maintenance'...

But wait a minute? Isn't that what gas taxes are for?:eusa_eh:

I know that in Silicon Valley EVERYONE sat in traffic. 1.5 hours a day wasted to go 30 miles. That was BOTH the CEOs and the WINDOWWASHERS.. The socialist dream of equal service and outcomes for everyone..

All the while watching an empty "commuter" lane reserved for earth-saving eco-nauts.
Here's the Infrastructure that we're supposed to believe was gratuitously provided to us by Obama..


Just to emphasize Murph's last comments there. The "help" did not come well organized or even free of charge.

Toll roads are the worst. taxpayer money builds them...Government extracts money for thier use, and even when it's been paid back...they continue to extract tolls...thier excuse? 'Maintenance'...

But wait a minute? Isn't that what gas taxes are for?:eusa_eh:

I know that in Silicon Valley EVERYONE sat in traffic. 1.5 hours a day wasted to go 30 miles. That was BOTH the CEOs and the WINDOWWASHERS.. The socialist dream of equal service and outcomes for everyone..

All the while watching an empty "commuter" lane reserved for earth-saving eco-nauts.

The people are being fleeced at every turn. Obama has all but admitted it in the open by word and deed.

He better start packing.
One is not better than the other, but different values are placed on their contribution to the whole.

You are being polite. When WW 2 started FDR dropped the socialist BS, booted the liberals from positions of responsibility, and appointed the top business people in the country with the know how to produce enough armaments to save civilization on earth. A CEO is better than a janitor. We risk our lives by not recognizing and rewarding their talent. This is not to say we cant be polite to janitors.
what explains Obama's dismissive remark "you didn't build that".....?

this article explains how it comes from the culture of affirmative action and is the racial variant of Marx's fundamental concepts of the base and superstructure, concepts from which the entire Marxist critique of civilization emanates.

Articles: You Didn't Build It...because I Didn't Earn It

In fairness to Obama, he probably did intend to mean that the business owner didn't build the infrastructure that allows the business to operate. But take the whole pathetic speech in full context and the message is clear. Other people have done stuff that benefits you and therefore deserve to share in what you earn. That is a highlighted page right out of the Communist Manifesto.

There was absolutely no acknowledgment that without your business, no infrastructure would be needed, there would be no funding for it, or that you are benefitting anybody else in any way and therefore are entitled to the fruit of your own labor. That would be contrary to the Marxist doctrine.

I don't honestly give a damn if he meant their businesses or the infrastructure with his "you didn't build that" remark. He's wrong either way.

First of all, new roads and bridges get built all the time, and they're always paid for by tax dollars, which business owners most certainly do pay. Second of all, the existing roads and bridges have to be repaired, maintained, and even rebuilt on a regular basis, which is ALSO paid for by tax dollars, ie. by CURRENT-DAY business owners. IF Obama is saying that the roads were generously given to us by long-ago, dead taxpayers, he's wrong, because they continue to cost tax money, and always will. If, as I believe, Obama is saying that "the government" generously gave us roads and bridges, then he's wrong, because he needs to track that back to who funds the government, which would be the people he's scolding for not wanting to "give something back".
what explains Obama's dismissive remark "you didn't build that".....?

this article explains how it comes from the culture of affirmative action and is the racial variant of Marx's fundamental concepts of the base and superstructure, concepts from which the entire Marxist critique of civilization emanates.

Articles: You Didn't Build It...because I Didn't Earn It

In fairness to Obama, he probably did intend to mean that the business owner didn't build the infrastructure that allows the business to operate. But take the whole pathetic speech in full context and the message is clear. Other people have done stuff that benefits you and therefore deserve to share in what you earn. That is a highlighted page right out of the Communist Manifesto.

There was absolutely no acknowledgment that without your business, no infrastructure would be needed, there would be no funding for it, or that you are benefitting anybody else in any way and therefore are entitled to the fruit of your own labor. That would be contrary to the Marxist doctrine.

I don't honestly give a damn if he meant their businesses or the infrastructure with his "you didn't build that" remark. He's wrong either way.

First of all, new roads and bridges get built all the time, and they're always paid for by tax dollars, which business owners most certainly do pay. Second of all, the existing roads and bridges have to be repaired, maintained, and even rebuilt on a regular basis, which is ALSO paid for by tax dollars, ie. by CURRENT-DAY business owners. IF Obama is saying that the roads were generously given to us by long-ago, dead taxpayers, he's wrong, because they continue to cost tax money, and always will. If, as I believe, Obama is saying that "the government" generously gave us roads and bridges, then he's wrong, because he needs to track that back to who funds the government, which would be the people he's scolding for not wanting to "give something back".

Indeed. The people are Always giving. Government that produces nothing has an appetite that can't be quenched. Thjis is another example of Obama admitting the Nefarious track/tact that government has reached...

Control...and TYRANNY.
therefore deserve to share in what you earn. That is a highlighted page right out of the Communist Manifesto.

yes and it makes no sense.

1) the guy who build the road got paid what he was worth by free people in free transactions and so did Gates; so why does Gates not deserve some more from what the guy who build the road got paid?

If Gates earned more its because free people wanted to pay him more. Imagine if Marxist's reversed the incentives so that government eliminates pay based on free transactions. You'd have the USSR all over again.

There is no possible conclusion other than that liberals are just plain dumb.
First of all, new roads and bridges get built all the time, and they're always paid for by tax dollars, which business owners most certainly do pay. .

Great point! If the top 1% pay 38% of all Federal income taxes
(more than any nation on earth) they paid for the roads too!

So how does BO claim the top 1% are so indebted by virtue of using the roads they paid for???

It could only make sense to a liberal.
In fairness to Obama, he probably did intend to mean that the business owner didn't build the infrastructure that allows the business to operate

I thought that for a long time because I read the speech and when you read it that's the logical conclusion. But when I heard it, I completely reversed. It's very clear when he's talking that he's saying business owners didn't build their business. He's chastising business owners and telling them they didn't do it. At least that was my take.

I think the phrase "You didn't build that" specifically referred to roads and bridges, but I know the point of saying it, and of the whole speech, was to tell business owners that they didn't really build their own businesses.

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