"You didn't get there on your own"

I think your pure hatred for the conservative we know as Obama, is irrational and racist,

Why irrational when he's the President most opposed to our Founder's values as noted by his voting to the left of Bernie Sanders, an open socialist?

Racist? Playing the race card because you have no character and nothing to say does not make anyone feel guilty as you insanely imagine, but it does make you look like a low life on top of being a liberal.
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why would anyone think those who share the philosophy of our Founders, about freedom from liberal government, have permanent brain damage?

It amounts to childlike school yard name calling and once again shows the liberal IQ perfectly.

I think your pure hatred for the conservative we know as Obama, is irrational and racist, well I know that, but for you to see it, I am not sure how to make that happen

I think we establish in this thread that you're not commenting on - how COMPLETELY RATIONAL our rejection of your Dear Leader actually is.. And as far as "racist" goes -- I venture to guess that all these Con posters would pay real money and FLOCK to lectures by Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Allen Keyes, Herman Cain and DOZENs of other Con heroes that just happen to be black men.. Matter of Fact, since Buckley died, seems to this Libertarian like black men are the Brains and Conscience of the Con movement. Isn't that true CONZHATE?

Now be a good troll and say something stupid.... Or maybe --- you actually want to comment on how badly Dear Leader stepped in it with his "unguarded leftist moment".

How long before we get the 'Uncle Tom' speech where the aforementioned get thrown under the bus by the rube you address?

Dey isn't on da plantaion mastah Bob! Dey be bad fowks dat don't know how good dey got it!
why would anyone think those who share the philosophy of our Founders, about freedom from liberal government, have permanent brain damage?

It amounts to childlike school yard name calling and once again shows the liberal IQ perfectly.

I think your pure hatred for the conservative we know as Obama, is irrational and racist, well I know that, but for you to see it, I am not sure how to make that happen

I think we establish in this thread that you're not commenting on - how COMPLETELY RATIONAL our rejection of your Dear Leader actually is.. And as far as "racist" goes -- I venture to guess that all these Con posters would pay real money and FLOCK to lectures by Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Allen Keyes, Herman Cain and DOZENs of other Con heroes that just happen to be black men.. Matter of Fact, since Buckley died, seems to this Libertarian like black men are the Brains and Conscience of the Con movement. Isn't that true CONZHATE?

Now be a good troll and say something stupid.... Or maybe --- you actually want to comment on how badly Dear Leader stepped in it with his "unguarded leftist moment".

I have purchased every book that Thomas Sowell has ever written, and regularly read both his columns and Walter Williams'. Unlike HateUSA, who mentions race in virtually ever post, I don't give a rat's ass what color someone's skin is. I have a lot more in common with an intelligent, educated black person than I ever will with an ignorant, illiterate white person.
i think your pure hatred for the conservative we know as obama, is irrational and racist, well i know that, but for you to see it, i am not sure how to make that happen

i think we establish in this thread that you're not commenting on - how completely rational our rejection of your dear leader actually is.. And as far as "racist" goes -- i venture to guess that all these con posters would pay real money and flock to lectures by thomas sowell, walter williams, allen keyes, herman cain and dozens of other con heroes that just happen to be black men.. Matter of fact, since buckley died, seems to this libertarian like black men are the brains and conscience of the con movement. Isn't that true conzhate?

Now be a good troll and say something stupid.... Or maybe --- you actually want to comment on how badly dear leader stepped in it with his "unguarded leftist moment".

how long before we get the 'uncle tom' speech where the aforementioned get thrown under the bus by the rube you address?

Dey isn't on da plantaion mastah bob! Dey be bad fowks dat don't know how good dey got it!

4, 3, 2, 1 ------ :D:

No fun if it doesn't happen..
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i think we establish in this thread that you're not commenting on - how completely rational our rejection of your dear leader actually is.. And as far as "racist" goes -- i venture to guess that all these con posters would pay real money and flock to lectures by thomas sowell, walter williams, allen keyes, herman cain and dozens of other con heroes that just happen to be black men.. Matter of fact, since buckley died, seems to this libertarian like black men are the brains and conscience of the con movement. Isn't that true conzhate?

Now be a good troll and say something stupid.... Or maybe --- you actually want to comment on how badly dear leader stepped in it with his "unguarded leftist moment".

how long before we get the 'uncle tom' speech where the aforementioned get thrown under the bus by the rube you address?

Dey isn't on da plantaion mastah bob! Dey be bad fowks dat don't know how good dey got it!

4, 3, 2, 1 ------ :d

I think your pure hatred for the conservative we know as Obama, is irrational and racist, well I know that, but for you to see it, I am not sure how to make that happen

I think we establish in this thread that you're not commenting on - how COMPLETELY RATIONAL our rejection of your Dear Leader actually is.. And as far as "racist" goes -- I venture to guess that all these Con posters would pay real money and FLOCK to lectures by Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Allen Keyes, Herman Cain and DOZENs of other Con heroes that just happen to be black men.. Matter of Fact, since Buckley died, seems to this Libertarian like black men are the Brains and Conscience of the Con movement. Isn't that true CONZHATE?

Now be a good troll and say something stupid.... Or maybe --- you actually want to comment on how badly Dear Leader stepped in it with his "unguarded leftist moment".

I have purchased every book that Thomas Sowell has ever written, and regularly read both his columns and Walter Williams'. Unlike HateUSA, who mentions race in virtually ever post, I don't give a rat's ass what color someone's skin is. I have a lot more in common with an intelligent, educated black person than I ever will with an ignorant, illiterate white person.

Thomas Sowell, And Walter Williams are a dangerous combination.

I listen every time Mr. Williams is on for Limbaugh...because Mr. Sowell is SURE to be there speaking with him.

Great radio...and a great Combination for America!
All you do is pontificate, like the "zombie" you linked to. Post some real numbers that show corporations paying "their share and more."

Corporations contribute 7.4% of federal revenues, wage earners 84.6%, and capital gains tycoons 2.5%.

Is that right, edtheliar?

So 84.6% of all federal revenue is from income tax on wage earners?


Wait a minute, income taxes don't even make up 50% of the federal revenue stream. How could income tax on wages be 84.6% then?

Oh, that's right - you're a fucking liar - you're a leftist and you'll say anything to promote your shameful party. Like all Obamabots, you don't have so much as a shred of integrity..
Notice how a professional liar creates a Straw Man to support their lie. Nowhere did I say income taxes make up 84% of the federal revenue stream. I said WAGE EARNERS paid 84% of the federal income stream. Wage earners pay a lot more than just income taxes, which you would know if you had ever worked even one job in your entire life, you lazy fuck. Your own chart shows wage earners paying 82% of the federal income stream, so sue me for the 2%.
All you do is pontificate, like the "zombie" you linked to. Post some real numbers that show corporations paying "their share and more."

Corporations contribute 7.4% of federal revenues, wage earners 84.6%, and capital gains tycoons 2.5%.

Is that right, edtheliar?

So 84.6% of all federal revenue is from income tax on wage earners?


Wait a minute, income taxes don't even make up 50% of the federal revenue stream. How could income tax on wages be 84.6% then?

Oh, that's right - you're a fucking liar - you're a leftist and you'll say anything to promote your shameful party. Like all Obamabots, you don't have so much as a shred of integrity..
Notice how a professional liar creates a Straw Man to support their lie. Nowhere did I say income taxes make up 84% of the federal revenue stream. I said WAGE EARNERS paid 84% of the federal income stream. Wage earners pay a lot more than just income taxes, which you would know if you had ever worked even one job in your entire life, you lazy fuck. Your own chart shows wage earners paying 82% of the federal income stream, so sue me for the 2%.

Over half of payroll taxes are paid by the employer you lying dimwit.
Is that right, edtheliar?

So 84.6% of all federal revenue is from income tax on wage earners?


Wait a minute, income taxes don't even make up 50% of the federal revenue stream. How could income tax on wages be 84.6% then?

Oh, that's right - you're a fucking liar - you're a leftist and you'll say anything to promote your shameful party. Like all Obamabots, you don't have so much as a shred of integrity..
Notice how a professional liar creates a Straw Man to support their lie. Nowhere did I say income taxes make up 84% of the federal revenue stream. I said WAGE EARNERS paid 84% of the federal income stream. Wage earners pay a lot more than just income taxes, which you would know if you had ever worked even one job in your entire life, you lazy fuck. Your own chart shows wage earners paying 82% of the federal income stream, so sue me for the 2%.

Over half of payroll taxes are paid by the employer you lying dimwit.

And lot of business owners also pay themselves in wages AFAIK. Thus paying income taxes. However employees also pay corporate taxes.

Not that this isn't completely pointless...
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All you do is pontificate, like the "zombie" you linked to. Post some real numbers that show corporations paying "their share and more."

Corporations contribute 7.4% of federal revenues, wage earners 84.6%, and capital gains tycoons 2.5%.

It's not 'pontification', Ed. It's patience. I come here to talk... not to fight with people. Talking is actually fun when one doesn't make a chore of it. And while I enjoy talking with the like-minded, debating opposing views is also entertaining. But less so, when people keep repeating the same lame misunderstanding of the situation time after time.

Obama's not just trying to raise taxes on corporations. When he's talking to most of these small business people, he's talking income tax.

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Obama Unveils Proposal to Cut Corporate Tax Rate



America’s system of business taxation is in need of reform. The United States has a relatively narrow corporate tax base compared to other countries—a tax base reduced by loopholes, tax expenditures, and tax planning. This is combined with a statutory corporate tax rate that will soon be the highest among advanced countries. As a result of this combination of a relatively narrow tax base and a high statutory tax rate, the U.S. tax system is uncompetitive and inefficient. The system distorts choices such as where to produce, what to invest in, how to finance a business, and what business form to use. And it does too little to encourage job creation and investment in the United States while allowing firms to benefit from incentives to locate production and shift profits overseas. The system is also too complicated—especially for America’s small businesses.

For these reasons, the President is committed to reform that will support the competitiveness of American businesses—large and small—and increase incentives to invest and hire in the United States by lowering rates, cutting tax expenditures, and reducing complexity, while being fiscally responsible.

This report presents the President’s Framework for business tax reform. In laying out this Framework, the President recognizes that tax reform will take time, require work on a bipartisan basis, and benefit from additional feedback from stakeholders and experts. To start that process, this report outlines what the President believes should be five key elements of business tax reform.


I. Eliminate dozens of tax loopholes and subsidies, broaden the base and cut the corporate tax rate to spur growth in America: The Framework would eliminate dozens of different tax expenditures and fundamentally reform the business tax base to reduce distortions that hurt productivity and growth. It would reinvest these savings to lower the corporate tax rate to 28 percent, putting the United States in line with major competitor countries and encouraging greater investment in America.

II. Strengthen American manufacturing and innovation: The Framework would refocus the manufacturing deduction and use the savings to reduce the effective rate on manufacturing to no more than 25 percent, while encouraging greater research and development and the production of clean energy.

III. Strengthen the international tax system, including establishing a new minimum tax on foreign earnings, to encourage domestic investment: Our tax system should not give companies an incentive to locate production overseas or engage in accounting games to shift profits abroad, eroding the U.S. tax base. Introducing a minimum tax on foreign earnings would help address these problems and discourage a global race to the bottom in tax rates.

IV. Simplify and cut taxes for America’s small businesses: Tax reform should make tax filing simpler for small businesses and entrepreneurs so that they can focus on growing their businesses rather than filling out tax returns.

V. Restore fiscal responsibility and not add a dime to the deficit: Business tax reform should be fully paid for and lead to greater fiscal responsibility than our current business tax system by either eliminating or making permanent and fully paying for temporary tax provisions now in the tax code.

Make no mistake - the left does NOT want tax reform in any capacity, especially Barack Obama, because the more complicated the code, the more they can hide their taxes (like the endless taxes in Obamacare) and keep the vicious cycle of tax and spend until we are the full Communist state they dream of - where the government controls 100% of the nations wealth and 100% of the people.
How close is Obama to the 500,000 green energy jobs creation number today? Great business plan Obama. Not.
Is that right, edtheliar?

So 84.6% of all federal revenue is from income tax on wage earners?


Wait a minute, income taxes don't even make up 50% of the federal revenue stream. How could income tax on wages be 84.6% then?

Oh, that's right - you're a fucking liar - you're a leftist and you'll say anything to promote your shameful party. Like all Obamabots, you don't have so much as a shred of integrity..
Notice how a professional liar creates a Straw Man to support their lie. Nowhere did I say income taxes make up 84% of the federal revenue stream. I said WAGE EARNERS paid 84% of the federal income stream. Wage earners pay a lot more than just income taxes, which you would know if you had ever worked even one job in your entire life, you lazy fuck. Your own chart shows wage earners paying 82% of the federal income stream, so sue me for the 2%.

Over half of payroll taxes are paid by the employer you lying dimwit.
The government counts the employer's payments as the wage earners income.

Source: Congressional Budget Office.

Notes: Income categories are defined by ranking all people by their comprehensive household income adjusted for household
size--that is, divided by the square root of the household's size. (A household consists of the people who share a housing
unit, regardless of their relationships.) Quintiles, or fifths, of the income distribution contain equal numbers of people.

Comprehensive household income equals pretax cash income plus income from other sources. Pretax cash income is
the sum of
wages, salaries, self-employment income, rents, taxable and nontaxable interest, dividends, realized capital
gains, cash transfer payments, and retirement benefits plus taxes paid by businesses (corporate income taxes and the
employer's share of Social Security, Medicare, and federal unemployment insurance payroll taxes
) and employee contri-
butions to 401(k) retirement plans. Other sources of income include all in-kind benefits (Medicare, Medicaid, employer-
paid health insurance premiums, food stamps, school lunches and breakfasts, housing assistance, and energy assis-
tance). Households with negative income are excluded from the lowest income category but are included in the totals.
For these reasons, the President is committed to reform that will support the competitiveness of American businesses

We have corporate taxes only because liberals lack the ability to understand the business tax and so get some Marxist satisfaction in feeling they are getting even with corporations by taxing them. It is a blatant example of pandering to the perfect ignorance of liberals.

Common sense will tell you that corporate taxes are expenses like any other that are passed on to customers like any other expenses. A business is a tax collector , not a tax payer, but that is way way over a liberal's head. The business tax should be eliminated as a huge waste of time and effort and efficiency.

GE for example has 1000 tax professionals all of whom could be fired if the tax was eliminated allowing GE to lower its prices and become more competitive. Plus, most companies do whatever is necessary to avoid the tax like moving off shore and then keeping profits and jobs off shore to avoid the liberal tax man who should not be there at all except to pander to the pure ignorance of liberals.
Notice how a professional liar creates a Straw Man to support their lie. Nowhere did I say income taxes make up 84% of the federal revenue stream. I said WAGE EARNERS paid 84% of the federal income stream. Wage earners pay a lot more than just income taxes, which you would know if you had ever worked even one job in your entire life, you lazy fuck. Your own chart shows wage earners paying 82% of the federal income stream, so sue me for the 2%.

Over half of payroll taxes are paid by the employer you lying dimwit.
The government counts the employer's payments as the wage earners income.

Source: Congressional Budget Office.

Notes: Income categories are defined by ranking all people by their comprehensive household income adjusted for household
size--that is, divided by the square root of the household's size. (A household consists of the people who share a housing
unit, regardless of their relationships.) Quintiles, or fifths, of the income distribution contain equal numbers of people.

Comprehensive household income equals pretax cash income plus income from other sources. Pretax cash income is
the sum of
wages, salaries, self-employment income, rents, taxable and nontaxable interest, dividends, realized capital
gains, cash transfer payments, and retirement benefits plus taxes paid by businesses (corporate income taxes and the
employer's share of Social Security, Medicare, and federal unemployment insurance payroll taxes
) and employee contri-
butions to 401(k) retirement plans. Other sources of income include all in-kind benefits (Medicare, Medicaid, employer-
paid health insurance premiums, food stamps, school lunches and breakfasts, housing assistance, and energy assis-
tance). Households with negative income are excluded from the lowest income category but are included in the totals.

That is for comprehensive household income, not your chart.
Sorry asshole, you're the mooch who wants to live off us hard working conservatives. You're the one who wants government to take what we earn and give it to your lazy, sorry, stupid ass.

You're missing something fundamental because your framework for contextualization has been overly influenced by the demographic which owns your information sources.

When FDR bailed out the Reagan family by giving Ron's father a government job (paid for by higher taxes on the surplus capital of the wealthy), he wasn't giving the Reagan's a hand out. He was allocating capital to something more profitable than the derivatives market. He was using "after market" policies to invest in the upward mobility of the middle class.

The result was the 40th president of the United States.

Had FDR seen the Reagan family as welfare queens - had he seen Reagan's father as a lazy mooch looking for a handout - the great conservative resurgence that flowered in 1980 would have never happened. Carter and Ford were practically identical from a policy perspective.

You need to turn off talk radio and research information that hasn't been prepared in a political think tank.

(FDR wasn't giving the Reagan's a hand out, he was investing in them)

(There are much better arguments against postwar liberalism than the one you've used. If you want to "defeat" the other side, you need to master the most defensible arguments for their policies, none of which has been stated in this thread. You can do better. FYI: I'm not trying to be snarky.)
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(FDR wasn't giving the Reagan's a hand out, he was investing in them)

Yes but the liberals have created huge ghettos of dependency, to buy votes, that go on and on over many generations. The liberal Great Society amounted to a near genocide against American blacks.

Is that really over your head?

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
-Benjamin Franklin
(FDR wasn't giving the Reagan's a hand out, he was investing in them)

Yes but the liberals have created huge ghettos of dependency, to buy votes, that go on and on over many generations. The liberal Great Society amounted to a near genocide against American blacks.

Is that really over your head?

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
-Benjamin Franklin

Which is interesting, because Reagan actually supported FDR passionately.. which is why he campaigned for Truman and did more to save Social Security than any post FDR president. In fact, if Reagan were alive today, the war on SS would never have gotten off the ground.
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Sorry asshole, you're the mooch who wants to live off us hard working conservatives. You're the one who wants government to take what we earn and give it to your lazy, sorry, stupid ass.

You're missing something fundamental because your framework for contextualization has been overly influenced by the demographic which owns your information sources.

When FDR bailed out the Reagan family by giving Ron's father a government job (paid for by higher taxes on the surplus capital of the wealthy), he wasn't giving the Reagan's a hand out. He was allocating capital to something more profitable than the derivatives market. He was using "after market" policies to invest in the upward mobility of the middle class.

The result was the 40th president of the United States.

Had FDR seen the Reagan family as welfare queens - had he seen Reagan's father as a lazy mooch looking for a handout - the great conservative resurgence that flowered in 1980 would have never happened. Carter and Ford were practically identical from a policy perspective.

You need to turn off talk radio and research information that hasn't been prepared in a political think tank.

(FDR wasn't giving the Reagan's a hand out, he was investing in them)

(There are much better arguments against postwar liberalism than the one you've used. If you want to "defeat" the other side, you need to master the most defensible arguments for their policies, none of which has been stated in this thread. You can do better. FYI: I'm not trying to be snarky.)

Don't you have some meat pies to sell to the tourists there in London? Why is it ONLY REAGAN that cooks your mash.. Let's do Thatcher for a change eh?

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