"You have humiliated us"

Clearly the ruling class wants Donnie gone. I for one do not like the ruling class. F**k them.
No patriots want Trump held accountable. Trump is a friggin nut tearing apart this country. Trump is anything but a patriot.

It's a clearance revocation. Get over it. Your guy can still rant and cry on MSNBC or CNN ALL HE WANTS.

The hypocrisy here is HUMONGOUS. Because it was Left who ended CIA interference in Domestic spying in the 70s. And Brennan is the person who MARKETED AND SOLD the phony ass Hillary/Russian dossier to the public 2 weeks before a presidential election. It was election meddling by the US Intel agencies. And it's sedition and will be proven as such in short order.

It's also hypocrisy because it was Brennan who went to the brave hero survivors of Ben Ghazi when they were still in the hospital recovering from their defense of American outposts in Libya and bullied them about speaking out over what transpired.

Special ops shoot down Brennan and his defenders: 'You put your politics before us'

It was also Brennan that spied on Congress and lied about it in the media and Congressional investigation.
Good to know that the Left is NO LONGER concerned with having America's Intel Groups pranking and spying and meddling in internal US affairs.
I tend to think the response by the MSM to Trump’s taking Brennan’s clearance, is further proof they are controlled by the ruling class. Brennan is clearly a lying scumbag.
Scores of certified patriotic heroes and former Intelligence and Military officials have come out and agreed with, endorsed, and warned about how Trump's actions are weakening America's ability to protect and defend itself by threatening to purge the US military and intelligence community of one of it's most valuable assets by politicizing those assets by purging in a way and style of traditional authoritarian dictatorships have done.

America is being made weaker and more susceptible to both cyber and terrorist attacks.
America has a choice. Listen to a cult of Trump followers dedicated to defending Trump no matter what, or listen to masses of retired intelligence and military leaders.
Scores of certified patriotic heroes and former Intelligence and Military officials have come out and agreed with, endorsed, and warned about how Trump's actions are weakening America's ability to protect and defend itself by threatening to purge the US military and intelligence community of one of it's most valuable assets by politicizing those assets by purging in a way and style of traditional authoritarian dictatorships have done.

America is being made weaker and more susceptible to both cyber and terrorist attacks.
Must you always support the criminal ruling class?
again I must agree BUT there must be some reason those types you speak of gravitate to Republicans side
The Deplorables are welcome in the Republican Party

You are a lying piece of shit.

Did you have some sort of evidence to the contrary?
Nazis, Klansmen, White Nationalists, Militia Groups, Conspiracy Kooks, Birthers, Baggers, Blowhards and other angry malcontents ALL voted Drumpf.....

You are lumping "blowhards" in with actual Nazis. YOu are a lying piece of shit.

LOOK at this photo of yours, you moron.


I count maybe 13 actually nazis.

They are too small to matter. You are an asshole for conflating them with good people.
Agreed. The DNCMSM has gaslighted many average Americans into thinking they are a force to be concerned about. Plus ask some lefties and they will gladly tell you Trump is a white supremacist and a Nazi. LMFAO!
Trump is a bully who has used the powers of the president in ways not seen by any president before
He is Drunk on Power and the sheep in his party in congress remain silent??
The Deplorables are welcome in the Republican Party

You are a lying piece of shit.

Did you have some sort of evidence to the contrary?
Nazis, Klansmen, White Nationalists, Militia Groups, Conspiracy Kooks, Birthers, Baggers, Blowhards and other angry malcontents ALL voted Drumpf.....

You are lumping "blowhards" in with actual Nazis. YOu are a lying piece of shit.

LOOK at this photo of yours, you moron.


I count maybe 13 actually nazis.

They are too small to matter. You are an asshole for conflating them with good people.
Agreed. The DNCMSM has gaslighted many average Americans into thinking they are a force to be concerned about. Plus ask some lefties and they will gladly tell you Trump is a white supremacist and a Nazi. LMFAO!
Trump is a bully who has used the powers of the president in ways not seen by any president before
He is Drunk on Power and the sheep in his party in congress remain silent??
Hilarious. Trump is under attack by DNCMSM everyday. It is a massive effort by the ruling class, to remove him. Why do you support them?
Scores of certified patriotic heroes and former Intelligence and Military officials have come out and agreed with, endorsed, and warned about how Trump's actions are weakening America's ability to protect and defend itself by threatening to purge the US military and intelligence community of one of it's most valuable assets by politicizing those assets by purging in a way and style of traditional authoritarian dictatorships have done.

America is being made weaker and more susceptible to both cyber and terrorist attacks.
Must you always support the criminal ruling class?
In case you did not notice, the ruling class at the present time are the billionaires and those close to being billionaires like Trump has loaded his cabinet with. America's ruling class is the wealthiest 1%.
Clearly the ruling class wants Donnie gone. I for one do not like the ruling class. F**k them.
No patriots want Trump held accountable. Trump is a friggin nut tearing apart this country. Trump is anything but a patriot.

It's a clearance revocation. Get over it. Your guy can still rant and cry on MSNBC or CNN ALL HE WANTS.

The hypocrisy here is HUMONGOUS. Because it was Left who ended CIA interference in Domestic spying in the 70s. And Brennan is the person who MARKETED AND SOLD the phony ass Hillary/Russian dossier to the public 2 weeks before a presidential election. It was election meddling by the US Intel agencies. And it's sedition and will be proven as such in short order.

It's also hypocrisy because it was Brennan who went to the brave hero survivors of Ben Ghazi when they were still in the hospital recovering from their defense of American outposts in Libya and bullied them about speaking out over what transpired.

Special ops shoot down Brennan and his defenders: 'You put your politics before us'

It was also Brennan that spied on Congress and lied about it in the media and Congressional investigation.
Good to know that the Left is NO LONGER concerned with having America's Intel Groups pranking and spying and meddling in internal US affairs.
I tend to think the response by the MSM to Trump’s taking Brennan’s clearance, is further proof they are controlled by the ruling class. Brennan is clearly a lying scumbag.
The only lying scumbag is your man trump He proves it every day Drain the swamp?? He brought it to the WH Personal gain is his middle name and when he couldn't confront Putin it showed he was a punk afraid of what putin had on him Now he rids himself of all investigating him ? You have to be a repub with your head up his ass to not know why
the whiny asses of the alt right stained traitors should do something worthwhile rather than defend that Trumpstain.

Hey. Get a job. Thanks to Obama there are plenty of jobs out there. Get to work.
That's the problem, most whom you like to disparage are the working class, and they are working harder than ever in this country to date. What I can't figure out yet, is how in the heck are we seeing these people in the streets protesting stuff they don't have a clue about, and during the day when they should be working a job some where ???

How many are out there lazying around while the citizens you scoff at daily work their aces off to give them a free pass to carry on as they do ???? The number by media appearence must be astronomical these days.
America has a choice. Listen to a cult of Trump followers dedicated to defending Trump no matter what, or listen to masses of retired intelligence and military leaders.
I'll choose those working for America and not the lying scum in our WH and in congress
You are a lying piece of shit.

Did you have some sort of evidence to the contrary?
Nazis, Klansmen, White Nationalists, Militia Groups, Conspiracy Kooks, Birthers, Baggers, Blowhards and other angry malcontents ALL voted Drumpf.....

You are lumping "blowhards" in with actual Nazis. YOu are a lying piece of shit.

LOOK at this photo of yours, you moron.


I count maybe 13 actually nazis.

They are too small to matter. You are an asshole for conflating them with good people.
Agreed. The DNCMSM has gaslighted many average Americans into thinking they are a force to be concerned about. Plus ask some lefties and they will gladly tell you Trump is a white supremacist and a Nazi. LMFAO!
Trump is a bully who has used the powers of the president in ways not seen by any president before
He is Drunk on Power and the sheep in his party in congress remain silent??
Hilarious. Trump is under attack by DNCMSM everyday. It is a massive effort by the ruling class, to remove him. Why do you support them?
It has to be obvious to you why anyone would support those wishing to get the slime out of our WH or at least reduce the power he holds by voting at least part of congress out in Nov The man is a bully using presidential powers in ways never done before----- a liar a lout a bully Taking all out that are looking at his colluding, you don't get it
Scores of certified patriotic heroes and former Intelligence and Military officials have come out and agreed with, endorsed, and warned about how Trump's actions are weakening America's ability to protect and defend itself by threatening to purge the US military and intelligence community of one of it's most valuable assets by politicizing those assets by purging in a way and style of traditional authoritarian dictatorships have done.

America is being made weaker and more susceptible to both cyber and terrorist attacks.
Problem with your time sequence is that the politicizing was done to everything prior to Trump's arrival.

Now he is attempting to unravel the mess, and get it cleaned up, but the ruling class (multiple dictators within), are in protect their corruption by any means nessesary mode.
Ret. Navy Admiral to Trump: ‘I Would Consider It an Honor if You Would Revoke My Security Clearance’

a Washington Post op-ed Thursday afternoon. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him."

McRaven gave 37 years of his life to the Navy before retiring in 2014 with the honor of being the longest serving Navy SEAL to still be on duty.

"Therefore, I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency," McRaven continues.

Admiral McRaven also served as the first director of the NATO Special Operations Forces Coordination Centre (NSCC), and ninth commander of the United States Special Operations Command, and just retired as chancellor of the University of Texas System.

"Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation," the Admiral continues. "If you think for a moment that your McCarthy-era tactics will suppress the voices of criticism, you are sadly mistaken."

The Post includes this short clip of McRaven calling Trump's attack on the free press as "the enemy of the American people," possibly "the greatest threat to democracy" in his lifetime.
Listen to random Trump followers on a random political message board, or, listen to this hero who has dedicated his life to protecting and fighting for America.
Scores of certified patriotic heroes and former Intelligence and Military officials have come out and agreed with, endorsed, and warned about how Trump's actions are weakening America's ability to protect and defend itself by threatening to purge the US military and intelligence community of one of it's most valuable assets by politicizing those assets by purging in a way and style of traditional authoritarian dictatorships have done.

America is being made weaker and more susceptible to both cyber and terrorist attacks.
Must you always support the criminal ruling class?
In case you did not notice, the ruling class at the present time are the billionaires and those close to being billionaires like Trump has loaded his cabinet with. America's ruling class is the wealthiest 1%.
Where was your concern when Big Ears was silencing the Tea Party and attacking James Rosen and the AP?

Did you have some sort of evidence to the contrary?
Nazis, Klansmen, White Nationalists, Militia Groups, Conspiracy Kooks, Birthers, Baggers, Blowhards and other angry malcontents ALL voted Drumpf.....

You are lumping "blowhards" in with actual Nazis. YOu are a lying piece of shit.

LOOK at this photo of yours, you moron.


I count maybe 13 actually nazis.

They are too small to matter. You are an asshole for conflating them with good people.
Agreed. The DNCMSM has gaslighted many average Americans into thinking they are a force to be concerned about. Plus ask some lefties and they will gladly tell you Trump is a white supremacist and a Nazi. LMFAO!
Trump is a bully who has used the powers of the president in ways not seen by any president before
He is Drunk on Power and the sheep in his party in congress remain silent??
Hilarious. Trump is under attack by DNCMSM everyday. It is a massive effort by the ruling class, to remove him. Why do you support them?
It has to be obvious to you why anyone would support those wishing to get the slime out of our WH or at least reduce the power he holds by voting at least part of congress out in Nov The man is a bully using presidential powers in ways never done before----- a liar a lout a bully Taking all out that are looking at his colluding, you don't get it
You really need to seek mental help. You are a gaslighted nutjob.
The Deplorables are welcome in the Republican Party

You are a lying piece of shit.

Did you have some sort of evidence to the contrary?
Nazis, Klansmen, White Nationalists, Militia Groups, Conspiracy Kooks, Birthers, Baggers, Blowhards and other angry malcontents ALL voted Drumpf.....

You are lumping "blowhards" in with actual Nazis. YOu are a lying piece of shit.

LOOK at this photo of yours, you moron.


I count maybe 13 actually nazis.

They are too small to matter. You are an asshole for conflating them with good people.
Agreed. The DNCMSM has gaslighted many average Americans into thinking they are a force to be concerned about. Plus ask some lefties and they will gladly tell you Trump is a white supremacist and a Nazi. LMFAO!
Trump is a bully who has used the powers of the president in ways not seen by any president before
He is Drunk on Power and the sheep in his party in congress remain silent??
They remain silent because they also see a need in many of the things he is doing.

This nation was screwed up, and it was only getting worse.
". . . the working class, and they are working harder than ever in this country to date."

Yes, and the working class is realizing as their purchasing power is dropping because of tariffs and inflation, that, some of them, Trump lied to them.

The working class is not being scoffed at.

The Trump cultists are laughed at, mocked, etc., as well they should be. That won't stop, and it is not hurting Trump's opponents.
Scores of certified patriotic heroes and former Intelligence and Military officials have come out and agreed with, endorsed, and warned about how Trump's actions are weakening America's ability to protect and defend itself by threatening to purge the US military and intelligence community of one of it's most valuable assets by politicizing those assets by purging in a way and style of traditional authoritarian dictatorships have done.

America is being made weaker and more susceptible to both cyber and terrorist attacks.
Must you always support the criminal ruling class?
In case you did not notice, the ruling class at the present time are the billionaires and those close to being billionaires like Trump has loaded his cabinet with. America's ruling class is the wealthiest 1%.
Where was your concern when Big Ears was silencing the Tea Party and attacking James Rosen and the AP?

Well, there it is, the default defense, just mention Obama. Always blame Obama or Hillary. Coincidentally, the mantra of Russian bots and propaganda mills.

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