"You have humiliated us"

You are a lying piece of shit.

Did you have some sort of evidence to the contrary?
Nazis, Klansmen, White Nationalists, Militia Groups, Conspiracy Kooks, Birthers, Baggers, Blowhards and other angry malcontents ALL voted Drumpf.....

You are lumping "blowhards" in with actual Nazis. YOu are a lying piece of shit.

LOOK at this photo of yours, you moron.


I count maybe 13 actually nazis.

They are too small to matter. You are an asshole for conflating them with good people.
Agreed. The DNCMSM has gaslighted many average Americans into thinking they are a force to be concerned about. Plus ask some lefties and they will gladly tell you Trump is a white supremacist and a Nazi. LMFAO!
Trump is a bully who has used the powers of the president in ways not seen by any president before
He is Drunk on Power and the sheep in his party in congress remain silent??
They remain silent because they also see a need in many of the things he is doing.

This nation was screwed up, and it was only getting worse.
Who's silent? He's done some things that can be agreed upon But the things he's done to damage America far outnumber the good Drunk with power this is not a man Americans can be proud of
Scores of certified patriotic heroes and former Intelligence and Military officials have come out and agreed with, endorsed, and warned about how Trump's actions are weakening America's ability to protect and defend itself by threatening to purge the US military and intelligence community of one of it's most valuable assets by politicizing those assets by purging in a way and style of traditional authoritarian dictatorships have done.

America is being made weaker and more susceptible to both cyber and terrorist attacks.
Problem with your time sequence is that the politicizing was done to everything prior to Trump's arrival.

Now he is attempting to unravel the mess, and get it cleaned up, but the ruling class (multiple dictators within), are in protect their corruption by any means nessesary mode.
Ruling class?? Who received the vast lions share of his tax cuts ?? The fn ruling class
It’s common practice for active CIA directors to consult their predecessors.
.... ar least it was lol
/——/ I guess as a former CIA director you have first hand knowledge of this practice. How often does Director Pompey call you every week? If that’s classified info, I understand if you can’t share.

Tea party Pompeo? You must be friggin kidding me lmao (my stomach hurts). Trump put him there to fill an empty seat, the guy is a lawyer with no prior experience with intel. (Better Call Saul lol)
I'll safely assume that Pompeo had ZERO communication with Brennan and that Trump instructed Pompeo not to contact Brennan under any circumstance. 'I never respected Brennan' Trump also likely told Pompeo that Brennan was an asshole.

A bit of history:
Jnuary 15, 2017 - Brennan tells Fox News' Chris Wallace that he doesn't think President-elect Donald Trump has "a full appreciation of Russian capabilities, Russia's intentions," and that HTrump's public displays of contempt for the US intelligence community could undermine national security. His remarks are made after Trump rejects intelligence agencies' reports of claims that Russia has compromising information on the President-elect.
January 20, 2017 - Brennan leaves office.

Pompeo is simply a puppet that let the yellow hair guy loose to do whatever he wanted. The perfect yes man who is now, believe it or not, the United States Secretary of State.... bwahahahahahaha.

In this context of war between the White House and the intelligence community, you could revoke clearance to all the former intel staff since there's no point in having clearance. The line is effectively cut. You should know by now that the CIA is a close-knit organization and its relation with the White House is strained to the max right now.

Losing priceless resources competent on a global stage will have consequences... how about tea with Kim Jong-Un while a mig flies over.

Better get used to your new flag :)

So Trump can use the drip drip terror menace to revoke clearance all he wants. The clearance feature is effectively not used right now by the government. It's a useless feature.

Trump is ripping apart your national security infrastructure while everyone laughs in ignorance.
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Sure, Sparky... anyone who disagrees with you or disses your Demigod just has to be brainwashed, eh?

Sounds more like the pot calling the kettle black... but that's just me. :21:

You do understand that using "the pot calling the kettle black" in that context, would mean both are brainwashed at best.
He goes to Trump, lol:

You "humiliated" and "divided" America ...


Admiral Who Led Bin Laden Raid Tells President Trump to Revoke His Security Clearance, Too

Admiral Who Led Bin Laden Raid Tells President Trump to Revoke His Security Clearance, Too

June 28: Vice Adm. William H. McRaven, nominated to be admiral and commander, U.S. Special Operations Command; during the Senate Armed Services hearing on his nomination.
Scott J. Ferrell—CQ-Roll Call,Inc.
I would have done it by now....bye!
70 former intelligence officials denounce trumps using security clearances as a pawn to protect his misuse of power

Brennan slams those in GOP for giving the slimebag a pass
Ret. Navy Admiral to Trump: ‘I Would Consider It an Honor if You Would Revoke My Security Clearance’

a Washington Post op-ed Thursday afternoon. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him."

McRaven gave 37 years of his life to the Navy before retiring in 2014 with the honor of being the longest serving Navy SEAL to still be on duty.

"Therefore, I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency," McRaven continues.

Admiral McRaven also served as the first director of the NATO Special Operations Forces Coordination Centre (NSCC), and ninth commander of the United States Special Operations Command, and just retired as chancellor of the University of Texas System.

"Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation," the Admiral continues. "If you think for a moment that your McCarthy-era tactics will suppress the voices of criticism, you are sadly mistaken."

The Post includes this short clip of McRaven calling Trump's attack on the free press as "the enemy of the American people," possibly "the greatest threat to democracy" in his lifetime.
McCraven is accusing Trump of what he is doing. Trying to divide the country.

McCraven needs to be investigated for the botched Abbottabad raid that gave our rivals access to our top secret stealth helicopter. The men who performed the mission wanted to use the more powerful Chinook helicopters for the bin Laden raid, however they were overruled by McCraven, and we lost one of the top secret aircraft.

The US didn't get the aircraft back until weeks later after the Chinese had a hands on examination of the stealth helicopter.
The good Captain says what needed to be said about the Admiral. Spot on

Dear Admiral McRaven:

Your OPED yesterday, which was picked up by every liberal media outlet in the country, was sadly indicative of the current state of mind of many of our nation’s recently retired and active duty senior military leaders.

You stated that former CIA director John Brennan, “is one of the finest public servants I have ever known. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him.”

The man whom you describe as being a cross between George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Mother Theresa is a deep state hack; who, along with other Obama holdouts, is openly and aggressively pursuing a coup d’etat against the current President of the United States, for one reason and one reason only – his side lost the election.

Frankly, I can’t think of any actions that are more un-American, and against the values that Americans hold dear and that which so many Americans died for in the past.

What you call unparalleled integrity, I call honest to goodness treason.

(entire letter in link)

An Open Letter to Admiral William McRaven
Mo go back to your Mosque and pray your god doesn't strike you down with serious anger for lying about an American hero
Scores of certified patriotic heroes and former Intelligence and Military officials have come out and agreed with, endorsed, and warned about how Trump's actions are weakening America's ability to protect and defend itself by threatening to purge the US military and intelligence community of one of it's most valuable assets by politicizing those assets by purging in a way and style of traditional authoritarian dictatorships have done.

America is being made weaker and more susceptible to both cyber and terrorist attacks.
Problem with your time sequence is that the politicizing was done to everything prior to Trump's arrival.

Now he is attempting to unravel the mess, and get it cleaned up, but the ruling class (multiple dictators within), are in protect their corruption by any means nessesary mode.
Ruling class?? Who received the vast lions share of his tax cuts ?? The fn ruling class
I guess Trump learned that you can't buy people's loyalty in order to turn them around, so it is time he goes at it from a better angle by way of the people.

Obama thought the same way, and he made the same mistakes. It is why he started crying out for the people to come join him in the fight, because washington was just way to corrupt a place to change it with other people's money being thrown at it. Only made things worse.
The good Captain says what needed to be said about the Admiral. Spot on

Dear Admiral McRaven:

Your OPED yesterday, which was picked up by every liberal media outlet in the country, was sadly indicative of the current state of mind of many of our nation’s recently retired and active duty senior military leaders.

You stated that former CIA director John Brennan, “is one of the finest public servants I have ever known. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him.”

The man whom you describe as being a cross between George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Mother Theresa is a deep state hack; who, along with other Obama holdouts, is openly and aggressively pursuing a coup d’etat against the current President of the United States, for one reason and one reason only – his side lost the election.

Frankly, I can’t think of any actions that are more un-American, and against the values that Americans hold dear and that which so many Americans died for in the past.

What you call unparalleled integrity, I call honest to goodness treason.

(entire letter in link)

An Open Letter to Admiral William McRaven
Yes Trump proved what a hero he was when confronting Putin in Helsinki and 70 former and present intelligence professionals don't know what they're talking about ? Trump is slime a bully drunk with power who deserves to be put down
The good Captain says what needed to be said about the Admiral. Spot on

Dear Admiral McRaven:

Your OPED yesterday, which was picked up by every liberal media outlet in the country, was sadly indicative of the current state of mind of many of our nation’s recently retired and active duty senior military leaders.

You stated that former CIA director John Brennan, “is one of the finest public servants I have ever known. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him.”

The man whom you describe as being a cross between George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Mother Theresa is a deep state hack; who, along with other Obama holdouts, is openly and aggressively pursuing a coup d’etat against the current President of the United States, for one reason and one reason only – his side lost the election.

Frankly, I can’t think of any actions that are more un-American, and against the values that Americans hold dear and that which so many Americans died for in the past.

What you call unparalleled integrity, I call honest to goodness treason.

(entire letter in link)

An Open Letter to Admiral William McRaven
Yes Trump proved what a hero he was when confronting Putin in Helsinki and 70 former and present intelligence professionals don't know what they're talking about ? Trump is slime a bully drunk with power who deserves to be put down

Then either do it or shut the EFFF up. You little pussies are REALLY good at talk but suck at doing. Butch up, grab a weapon and go do it.
The good Captain says what needed to be said about the Admiral. Spot on

Dear Admiral McRaven:

Your OPED yesterday, which was picked up by every liberal media outlet in the country, was sadly indicative of the current state of mind of many of our nation’s recently retired and active duty senior military leaders.

You stated that former CIA director John Brennan, “is one of the finest public servants I have ever known. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him.”

The man whom you describe as being a cross between George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Mother Theresa is a deep state hack; who, along with other Obama holdouts, is openly and aggressively pursuing a coup d’etat against the current President of the United States, for one reason and one reason only – his side lost the election.

Frankly, I can’t think of any actions that are more un-American, and against the values that Americans hold dear and that which so many Americans died for in the past.

What you call unparalleled integrity, I call honest to goodness treason.

(entire letter in link)

An Open Letter to Admiral William McRaven
Yes Trump proved what a hero he was when confronting Putin in Helsinki and 70 former and present intelligence professionals don't know what they're talking about ? Trump is slime a bully drunk with power who deserves to be put down

Then either do it or shut the EFFF up. You little pussies are REALLY good at talk but suck at doing. Butch up, grab a weapon and go do it.
Drunk on power and abusing it You keep supporting the lying scum You're no better than he is
The good Captain says what needed to be said about the Admiral. Spot on

Dear Admiral McRaven:

Your OPED yesterday, which was picked up by every liberal media outlet in the country, was sadly indicative of the current state of mind of many of our nation’s recently retired and active duty senior military leaders.

You stated that former CIA director John Brennan, “is one of the finest public servants I have ever known. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him.”

The man whom you describe as being a cross between George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Mother Theresa is a deep state hack; who, along with other Obama holdouts, is openly and aggressively pursuing a coup d’etat against the current President of the United States, for one reason and one reason only – his side lost the election.

Frankly, I can’t think of any actions that are more un-American, and against the values that Americans hold dear and that which so many Americans died for in the past.

What you call unparalleled integrity, I call honest to goodness treason.

(entire letter in link)

An Open Letter to Admiral William McRaven
Yes Trump proved what a hero he was when confronting Putin in Helsinki and 70 former and present intelligence professionals don't know what they're talking about ? Trump is slime a bully drunk with power who deserves to be put down

Then either do it or shut the EFFF up. You little pussies are REALLY good at talk but suck at doing. Butch up, grab a weapon and go do it.
Drunk on power and abusing it You keep supporting the lying scum You're no better than he is

Pick up a weapon and put him down or shut the EFF up. While your at it you can come after me too. You little pussies need to put your balls where your mouth is.
The good Captain says what needed to be said about the Admiral. Spot on

Dear Admiral McRaven:

Your OPED yesterday, which was picked up by every liberal media outlet in the country, was sadly indicative of the current state of mind of many of our nation’s recently retired and active duty senior military leaders.

You stated that former CIA director John Brennan, “is one of the finest public servants I have ever known. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him.”

The man whom you describe as being a cross between George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Mother Theresa is a deep state hack; who, along with other Obama holdouts, is openly and aggressively pursuing a coup d’etat against the current President of the United States, for one reason and one reason only – his side lost the election.

Frankly, I can’t think of any actions that are more un-American, and against the values that Americans hold dear and that which so many Americans died for in the past.

What you call unparalleled integrity, I call honest to goodness treason.

(entire letter in link)

An Open Letter to Admiral William McRaven
Yes Trump proved what a hero he was when confronting Putin in Helsinki and 70 former and present intelligence professionals don't know what they're talking about ? Trump is slime a bully drunk with power who deserves to be put down

Then either do it or shut the EFFF up. You little pussies are REALLY good at talk but suck at doing. Butch up, grab a weapon and go do it.

You're wasting time on the keyboard komando, he's all lip service, like the majority of left tards

The Captain's letter is spot on, Brennan is seditious and the Admiral is an Obama hack. Fuck'em both
The good Captain says what needed to be said about the Admiral. Spot on

Dear Admiral McRaven:

Your OPED yesterday, which was picked up by every liberal media outlet in the country, was sadly indicative of the current state of mind of many of our nation’s recently retired and active duty senior military leaders.

You stated that former CIA director John Brennan, “is one of the finest public servants I have ever known. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him.”

The man whom you describe as being a cross between George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Mother Theresa is a deep state hack; who, along with other Obama holdouts, is openly and aggressively pursuing a coup d’etat against the current President of the United States, for one reason and one reason only – his side lost the election.

Frankly, I can’t think of any actions that are more un-American, and against the values that Americans hold dear and that which so many Americans died for in the past.

What you call unparalleled integrity, I call honest to goodness treason.

(entire letter in link)

An Open Letter to Admiral William McRaven
Yes Trump proved what a hero he was when confronting Putin in Helsinki and 70 former and present intelligence professionals don't know what they're talking about ? Trump is slime a bully drunk with power who deserves to be put down

Then either do it or shut the EFFF up. You little pussies are REALLY good at talk but suck at doing. Butch up, grab a weapon and go do it.

You're wasting time on the keyboard komando, he's all lip service, like the majority of left tards

The Captain's letter is spot on, Brennan is seditious and the Admiral is an Obama hack. Fuck'em both

I am not a Rump guy but I am sick of these little whiny b*tches mouthing off all the time.
The good Captain says what needed to be said about the Admiral. Spot on

Dear Admiral McRaven:

Your OPED yesterday, which was picked up by every liberal media outlet in the country, was sadly indicative of the current state of mind of many of our nation’s recently retired and active duty senior military leaders.

You stated that former CIA director John Brennan, “is one of the finest public servants I have ever known. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him.”

The man whom you describe as being a cross between George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Mother Theresa is a deep state hack; who, along with other Obama holdouts, is openly and aggressively pursuing a coup d’etat against the current President of the United States, for one reason and one reason only – his side lost the election.

Frankly, I can’t think of any actions that are more un-American, and against the values that Americans hold dear and that which so many Americans died for in the past.

What you call unparalleled integrity, I call honest to goodness treason.

(entire letter in link)

An Open Letter to Admiral William McRaven
Yes Trump proved what a hero he was when confronting Putin in Helsinki and 70 former and present intelligence professionals don't know what they're talking about ? Trump is slime a bully drunk with power who deserves to be put down

Then either do it or shut the EFFF up. You little pussies are REALLY good at talk but suck at doing. Butch up, grab a weapon and go do it.
Drunk on power and abusing it You keep supporting the lying scum You're no better than he is

Pick up a weapon and put him down or shut the EFF up. While your at it you can come after me too. You little pussies need to put your balls where your mouth is.
The only weapon we have is the VOTE and trump and his russian friends have made a mockery of it You are part of the dotards that have your heads up trumps ass and no one wants to come after a pos like you Just wallow in your own filth
The good Captain says what needed to be said about the Admiral. Spot on

Dear Admiral McRaven:

Your OPED yesterday, which was picked up by every liberal media outlet in the country, was sadly indicative of the current state of mind of many of our nation’s recently retired and active duty senior military leaders.

You stated that former CIA director John Brennan, “is one of the finest public servants I have ever known. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him.”

The man whom you describe as being a cross between George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Mother Theresa is a deep state hack; who, along with other Obama holdouts, is openly and aggressively pursuing a coup d’etat against the current President of the United States, for one reason and one reason only – his side lost the election.

Frankly, I can’t think of any actions that are more un-American, and against the values that Americans hold dear and that which so many Americans died for in the past.

What you call unparalleled integrity, I call honest to goodness treason.

(entire letter in link)

An Open Letter to Admiral William McRaven
Yes Trump proved what a hero he was when confronting Putin in Helsinki and 70 former and present intelligence professionals don't know what they're talking about ? Trump is slime a bully drunk with power who deserves to be put down

Then either do it or shut the EFFF up. You little pussies are REALLY good at talk but suck at doing. Butch up, grab a weapon and go do it.
Drunk on power and abusing it You keep supporting the lying scum You're no better than he is

Trump is doing exactly what we elected him to do, suck it.
Scores of certified patriotic heroes and former Intelligence and Military officials have come out and agreed with, endorsed, and warned about how Trump's actions are weakening America's ability to protect and defend itself by threatening to purge the US military and intelligence community of one of it's most valuable assets by politicizing those assets by purging in a way and style of traditional authoritarian dictatorships have done.

America is being made weaker and more susceptible to both cyber and terrorist attacks.
Must you always support the criminal ruling class?
In case you did not notice, the ruling class at the present time are the billionaires and those close to being billionaires like Trump has loaded his cabinet with. America's ruling class is the wealthiest 1%.
Where was your concern when Big Ears was silencing the Tea Party and attacking James Rosen and the AP?

Well, there it is, the default defense, just mention Obama. Always blame Obama or Hillary. Coincidentally, the mantra of Russian bots and propaganda mills.
You loved Obama, but you hate Trump. Obama did lots of heinous shit, but the ruling class and Deep State were cool with him, unlike Trump. You are good at doing with the ruling class tells you to do.

America has a choice. Listen to a cult of Trump followers dedicated to defending Trump no matter what, or listen to masses of retired intelligence and military leaders.
Listen to a couple of Lying Sacks...........Nope........

They are comfirmed liars under oath...............the only question is why the hell they haven't been charged for it.

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