"You remind me of my daughter." This daughter, DONALD??

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Liberals using ad hominems?
I’m shocked!

Yeah....they are shocked when they attack family then get the dreaded PM from the mod

LOL!!!!!!!!!!! there was no PM. never got a single one since i've been here. tutt tutt, are you disappointed buttercup?

What's your malfunction, shit stain? You're hella annoying

you lied. it's really that simple.must be that the truth annoys you.

Lied about what?

Yeah....they are shocked when they attack family then get the dreaded PM from the mod...

i never attacked a family member of yours... which you insanely believe i did & you alluded to again just a few short replies ago & then you just said those that do get a dreaded PM as if i did.

both pure bullshit.
Who said you cant have sex with strong, smart, attractive women that remind you of your daughter? It just proves if you do then you are a pervert.

So, men married to women that are strong and attractive are all thinking about doing their strong attractive daughters as well? You really are a perv dude, get help.
Who told you that? Drumpf is the one that said Stormy reminded him of his daughter not me.

You did, but then again, it appears you like to drag these things on. Why?
Nothing wrong with pointing out once again that Drumpf molested his daughter.

There is no evidence of that you lying shit stain

YOU --- asking for "evidence"? :auiqs.jpg:
Yeah....they are shocked when they attack family then get the dreaded PM from the mod

LOL!!!!!!!!!!! there was no PM. never got a single one since i've been here. tutt tutt, are you disappointed buttercup?

What's your malfunction, shit stain? You're hella annoying

you lied. it's really that simple.must be that the truth annoys you.

Lied about what?

Yeah....they are shocked when they attack family then get the dreaded PM from the mod...

i never attacked a family member of yours... which you insanely believe i did & you alluded to again just a few short replies ago & then you just said those that do get a dreaded PM as if i did.

both pure bullshit.

I never said you did, you struggle much, shit stain LOL
reminded him of his daughter?

fake tits and blonde?

Seriously, how deep in the sewer do you assholes swim?

Sounds like the porn star tried using it from what she heard earlier. Whores going to lie for money

uh actually the porn star that trump banged had that interview completed before the interview that the playboy bunny who trump banged was aired on tv. lol... nice try, but president pussy grabber has said some rather - shall we say..... sexually inappropriate things about his little girl in the past. :puke:

Yep! He's sexualized many underage girls, even his infant daughter (Marla's) speculating with 'breast hand gestures' what she would end up with in a TV interview. He made some disturbing remarks about Paris Hilton when she was 12 or 13.

"This isn’t the first time Trump has said something like this, as the examples below prove. And that’s troubling on a number of levels, said Dani Bostick, a counselor and advocate who specializes in child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, and trauma counseling.
Bostick feels Trump’s comments rise to the level of sexualizing children. “The kind of language he uses to describe children in sexual ways is very dangerous,” she said."

Bostick emphasized that she couldn’t speculate on whether Trump could actually be a pedophile, noting that “not all people who sexualize children are pedophiles, but all pedophiles sexualize children.” So when public figures talk this way about children, she said, it definitely enables people who are pedophiles. And that puts children at real risk of harm.

The Trump campaign did not respond to Vox’s request for comment.

And you didn't mention the ten-year-old he told he'd be 'dating her in a few years' and then watched her ascend the escalator. And all youse guys know what I mean by watching her ascend the escalator. The Rumpbots will pretend they don't but Rump himself does.

And you didn't mention the ten-year-old he told he'd be 'dating her in a few years'

When she was of legal age?

how disgusting that a man should date a woman of legal age.


Actually he didn't specify the age. But if you use Ivanka as a benchmark it's about fifteen.
Perhaps Roy Moore can find out for us. He's not busy.
If you break the rules...for some reason you all are into family attacks lately.
Liberals using ad hominems?
I’m shocked!

there's no defending trump or his little girl so the only thing to do is blame the clintons. lol..where does obama fit in all of this?
Hugh Hefner and Bill Clinton were heroes to Lefties.
Yet someone with an R is repugnant.
It’s called hypocrisy.

wait- trump boinked playboy bunnies.... has taken many photos with them... was on the COVER of playboy, & hefner was a hero to clinton? haaaaaaaa............... oh ya..... who was it that said 'AIDS was his vietnam'?

<psssst> it wasn't slick willy.
Yep.....and this statement puts the lie to Stormy's accusations. If he's afraid of Aids why would he want to fuck a porn star?
It's like this pissing Russian Hookers Bullshit.
Totally made up.
Probably a story made up by Hillary using one of her lesbian escapades as inspiration.

uh- ya- you think that's how he meant it? lol..... nice spin lenny. you go boy.
So, men married to women that are strong and attractive are all thinking about doing their strong attractive daughters as well? You really are a perv dude, get help.
Who told you that? Drumpf is the one that said Stormy reminded him of his daughter not me.

You did, but then again, it appears you like to drag these things on. Why?
Nothing wrong with pointing out once again that Drumpf molested his daughter.

There is no evidence of that you lying shit stain

YOU --- asking for "evidence"? :auiqs.jpg:

It would seem to me that anyone accusing another of such a horrible crime has a duty to produce the evidence.

How say you?
So, men married to women that are strong and attractive are all thinking about doing their strong attractive daughters as well? You really are a perv dude, get help.
Who told you that? Drumpf is the one that said Stormy reminded him of his daughter not me.

You did, but then again, it appears you like to drag these things on. Why?
Nothing wrong with pointing out once again that Drumpf molested his daughter.

There is no evidence of that you lying shit stain

YOU --- asking for "evidence"? :auiqs.jpg:

Listen Pogo...you're trolling is getting annoying...so annoying I've decided to start reporting you each and every time you troll me because I am just really tired of dealing with someone as utterly stupid as you are.

So there, we'll let the chips fall where they may
LOL!!!!!!!!!!! there was no PM. never got a single one since i've been here. tutt tutt, are you disappointed buttercup?

What's your malfunction, shit stain? You're hella annoying

you lied. it's really that simple.must be that the truth annoys you.

Lied about what?

Yeah....they are shocked when they attack family then get the dreaded PM from the mod...

i never attacked a family member of yours... which you insanely believe i did & you alluded to again just a few short replies ago & then you just said those that do get a dreaded PM as if i did.

both pure bullshit.

I never said you did, you struggle much, shit stain LOL

lol... uh-huh. you were all bent outa shape about it. but that's ok- i wouldn't expect you to ever be truthful about anything.

carry on, buttercup.
Drumpf complained to Howard Stern that Ivanka said he couldnt date anyone younger than she was. Ivanka was 17 at the time she made this statement.

Donald Trump Said He Promised Ivanka He Wouldn't Date Girls Younger Than Her | HuffPost

“I have a deal with her. She’s 17 and doing great ― Ivanka. She made me promise, swear to her that I would never date a girl younger than her,” Trump said. “So as she grows older, the field is getting very limited.”
Liberals using ad hominems?
I’m shocked!

there's no defending trump or his little girl so the only thing to do is blame the clintons. lol..where does obama fit in all of this?
Hugh Hefner and Bill Clinton were heroes to Lefties.
Yet someone with an R is repugnant.
It’s called hypocrisy.

wait- trump boinked playboy bunnies.... has taken many photos with them... was on the COVER of playboy, & hefner was a hero to clinton? haaaaaaaa............... oh ya..... who was it that said 'AIDS was his vietnam'?

<psssst> it wasn't slick willy.
Yep.....and this statement puts the lie to Stormy's accusations. If he's afraid of Aids why would he want to fuck a porn star?
It's like this pissing Russian Hookers Bullshit.
Totally made up.
Probably a story made up by Hillary using one of her lesbian escapades as inspiration.

uh- ya- you think that's how he meant it? lol..... nice spin lenny. you go boy.
How else was he supposed to mean it.
It obviously didn't mean he came up HIV positive.
What's your malfunction, shit stain? You're hella annoying

you lied. it's really that simple.must be that the truth annoys you.

Lied about what?

Yeah....they are shocked when they attack family then get the dreaded PM from the mod...

i never attacked a family member of yours... which you insanely believe i did & you alluded to again just a few short replies ago & then you just said those that do get a dreaded PM as if i did.

both pure bullshit.

I never said you did, you struggle much, shit stain LOL

lol... uh-huh. you were all bent outa shape about it. but that's ok- i wouldn't expect you to ever be truthful about anything.

carry on, buttercup.

Point out where I said you did....Buttercup. What happened is you reread it and now you're at that uh oh I better start spinning moment....dumbass

What kind of FIEND would say his daughter is Beautiful, Smart and Someone to be reckoned with?

Oh wait...............

that isn't what he said.

you're sick.

and if this were a dem you'd be looking for blood.

now be quiet old man. you're creepy

Gotta kick your ass again, on the same subject?

OK, here's the direct quote:

"He was like, 'Wow, you — you are special. You remind me of my daughter.' You know — he was like, 'You're smart and beautiful, and a woman to be reckoned with, and I like you. I like you,'"
Except he had sex with her after saying she reminded him of his daughter. What kind of pervert has the hots for a woman that reminds him of his daughter?

So no one is allowed to have sex with Strong, Smart, Attractive women? No wonder progressive women are a bit bland.

Are there any women out there among us?? If your dad said this, would be appropriate? PROGRESSIVE or NOT women!!

it would be sick.

and they don't care. which makes them as sick as donald
Okay folks, this has been rolling around in my brain since last night. When I saw this originally a year and half ago, and though IT WEIRDED ME OUT, I was not raised in the spotlight, not preening for or avoiding cameras throughout my childhood so maybe it wasn't 'weird'. No one stalked my dad or mom for pictures. No professional photographers came to the 'penthouse' or estate for photos. So, okay, may this wasn't posed and it was/wasn't her natural inclination to place her hand in a seductive manner on daddy's face. But why wasn't it a natural inclination to move her hand away? If it was posed, who posed it, the kid, Trump or direction from the photographer? She is about 13 or 14 in this photo.

I have NEVER seen a photo of a daughter and her father like this. I have a sister--there are NO photos like this among the family albums.

Something "underlying" isn't right! I'm stating it unequivocally. If she came up with the pose, if he came up with the pose, if the photographer came up with the pose. It's just not RIGHT!

(PS THAT IS 2 BIRDS 'HUMPING' on the statuary he is sitting on by the way in case you missed it ).

View attachment 184821

Trump told Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal they remind him of ...
2 hours ago - Donald Trump's alleged extramarital affairs before he became president have been big news recently, and there's one common thread that shows up in both allegations: The now-president reportedly told women he wanted to sleep with that they reminded him of his daughter. First, CNN aired an interview ...

Oh that's only part of it.

The infamous photo shoot by the fucking parrots was a whole magazine shoot, multiple shots. Which mean Rump -- the adult in the transaction at least chronologically --- would have been in charge of which photos and poses to use and which to throw away. Which means he also approved, if not contrived, the poses themselves, in all the details, which are meticulously groomed in a photo shoot.

Then there's this one as well:


-- She's about the same age there.

Creepoid as these are there's a funny side to this. And that is that as soon as we post these the delusionary Rumpbots will be in to try to rationalize them away, at which point the rest of us get to watch pretzels making themselves.

These go with Rump's various troll quotes that he'd be dating his own daughter if he wasn't her father. As noted in the past none of these are any proof that Rump was engaging simultaneously in incest and hebephilia. But they absolutely DO tell us that Rump went to great lengths to suggest he did. And why he would want that suggestion out there at all is probably a more interesting psychoanalytical question than incest itself.

Again, cue pretzels on this too.

Now the later news that he's been telling fuckmates like Daniels and MacDougal that they remind him of Ivanka, and the fact that those comparisons were said privately and not for public consumption, suggests that there's more to Rump's hebephiliac incest than mere troll-suggestion.

I bet you'd turn in friends to the police if they took pics of their nekkid babies in the bathtub.

I dunno but I damn sure wouldn't try to discredit a woman on the basis of what she looks like, especially just to score imaginary 'points' on a message board.

You try to discredit people constantly on here, it never works because you're a nincompoop but none the less you try

A "nincompoop". Ooooh that cut deep. :rofl:

The post wasn't a reference to you anyway. You're the one who can't come up with links or form plurals. Bo's the one who denigrates women on the basis of what they look like. Can't tell the players without a scorecard.
Drumpf complained to Howard Stern that Ivanka said he couldnt date anyone younger than she was. Ivanka was 17 at the time she made this statement.

Donald Trump Said He Promised Ivanka He Wouldn't Date Girls Younger Than Her | HuffPost

Not that it's at all applicable, but "dating" someone under 18 is no crime. I thought someone with your legal mind would have already known that.
Cant you read and count? She was 17 at the time so younger would be 16yrs old at the oldest.
And Chelsea is definitely Webb's daughter.

Apparently Pogo's Law works its wonders down in the hole you dug yourself into. Good to know.

More pretzels! MOAR!

The hole being dug, mon petit chou, is by the hateful progs who keep attacking Trump and his daughters.
reminded him of his daughter?

fake tits and blonde?

Seriously, how deep in the sewer do you assholes swim?

Sounds like the porn star tried using it from what she heard earlier. Whores going to lie for money

Once AGAIN there are no "whores" involved here. I invited you to prove that yesterday, and you failed.

Well Sluggo you get naked and fuck multiple men for money you're a whore. Now shut up, fool

Once AGAIN ---- linky link?

How to keep a moron busy.....

Fug off you little twerp, and again I don't take direction from a lowlife such as yourself. If you don't know what a whore is please stop responding to me, nit wit

That's a YUGE opening but I won't take it. :thup:
Okay folks, this has been rolling around in my brain since last night. When I saw this originally a year and half ago, and though IT WEIRDED ME OUT, I was not raised in the spotlight, not preening for or avoiding cameras throughout my childhood so maybe it wasn't 'weird'. No one stalked my dad or mom for pictures. No professional photographers came to the 'penthouse' or estate for photos. So, okay, may this wasn't posed and it was/wasn't her natural inclination to place her hand in a seductive manner on daddy's face. But why wasn't it a natural inclination to move her hand away? If it was posed, who posed it, the kid, Trump or direction from the photographer? She is about 13 or 14 in this photo.

I have NEVER seen a photo of a daughter and her father like this. I have a sister--there are NO photos like this among the family albums.

Something "underlying" isn't right! I'm stating it unequivocally. If she came up with the pose, if he came up with the pose, if the photographer came up with the pose. It's just not RIGHT!

(PS THAT IS 2 BIRDS 'HUMPING' on the statuary he is sitting on by the way in case you missed it ).

View attachment 184821

Trump told Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal they remind him of ...
2 hours ago - Donald Trump's alleged extramarital affairs before he became president have been big news recently, and there's one common thread that shows up in both allegations: The now-president reportedly told women he wanted to sleep with that they reminded him of his daughter. First, CNN aired an interview ...

Oh that's only part of it.

The infamous photo shoot by the fucking parrots was a whole magazine shoot, multiple shots. Which mean Rump -- the adult in the transaction at least chronologically --- would have been in charge of which photos and poses to use and which to throw away. Which means he also approved, if not contrived, the poses themselves, in all the details, which are meticulously groomed in a photo shoot.

Then there's this one as well:


-- She's about the same age there.

Creepoid as these are there's a funny side to this. And that is that as soon as we post these the delusionary Rumpbots will be in to try to rationalize them away, at which point the rest of us get to watch pretzels making themselves.

These go with Rump's various troll quotes that he'd be dating his own daughter if he wasn't her father. As noted in the past none of these are any proof that Rump was engaging simultaneously in incest and hebephilia. But they absolutely DO tell us that Rump went to great lengths to suggest he did. And why he would want that suggestion out there at all is probably a more interesting psychoanalytical question than incest itself.

Again, cue pretzels on this too.

Now the later news that he's been telling fuckmates like Daniels and MacDougal that they remind him of Ivanka, and the fact that those comparisons were said privately and not for public consumption, suggests that there's more to Rump's hebephiliac incest than mere troll-suggestion.

I bet you'd turn in friends to the police if they took pics of their nekkid babies in the bathtub.

I dunno but I damn sure wouldn't try to discredit a woman on the basis of what she looks like, especially just to score imaginary 'points' on a message board.

You try to discredit people constantly on here, it never works because you're a nincompoop but none the less you try

A "nincompoop". Ooooh that cut deep. :rofl:

The post wasn't a reference to you anyway. You're the one who can't come up with links or form plurals. Bo's the one who denigrates women on the basis of what they look like. Can't tell the players without a scorecard.

I call shenanigans.

I bet if you had the choice of dating a woman who looked like Ivanka or one who looked like Chelsea, you'd pick the former.
Okay folks, this has been rolling around in my brain since last night. When I saw this originally a year and half ago, and though IT WEIRDED ME OUT, I was not raised in the spotlight, not preening for or avoiding cameras throughout my childhood so maybe it wasn't 'weird'. No one stalked my dad or mom for pictures. No professional photographers came to the 'penthouse' or estate for photos. So, okay, may this wasn't posed and it was/wasn't her natural inclination to place her hand in a seductive manner on daddy's face. But why wasn't it a natural inclination to move her hand away? If it was posed, who posed it, the kid, Trump or direction from the photographer? She is about 13 or 14 in this photo.

I have NEVER seen a photo of a daughter and her father like this. I have a sister--there are NO photos like this among the family albums.

Something "underlying" isn't right! I'm stating it unequivocally. If she came up with the pose, if he came up with the pose, if the photographer came up with the pose. It's just not RIGHT!

(PS THAT IS 2 BIRDS 'HUMPING' on the statuary he is sitting on by the way in case you missed it ).

View attachment 184821

Trump told Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal they remind him of ...
2 hours ago - Donald Trump's alleged extramarital affairs before he became president have been big news recently, and there's one common thread that shows up in both allegations: The now-president reportedly told women he wanted to sleep with that they reminded him of his daughter. First, CNN aired an interview ...

Oh that's only part of it.

The infamous photo shoot by the fucking parrots was a whole magazine shoot, multiple shots. Which mean Rump -- the adult in the transaction at least chronologically --- would have been in charge of which photos and poses to use and which to throw away. Which means he also approved, if not contrived, the poses themselves, in all the details, which are meticulously groomed in a photo shoot.

Then there's this one as well:


-- She's about the same age there.

Creepoid as these are there's a funny side to this. And that is that as soon as we post these the delusionary Rumpbots will be in to try to rationalize them away, at which point the rest of us get to watch pretzels making themselves.

These go with Rump's various troll quotes that he'd be dating his own daughter if he wasn't her father. As noted in the past none of these are any proof that Rump was engaging simultaneously in incest and hebephilia. But they absolutely DO tell us that Rump went to great lengths to suggest he did. And why he would want that suggestion out there at all is probably a more interesting psychoanalytical question than incest itself.

Again, cue pretzels on this too.

Now the later news that he's been telling fuckmates like Daniels and MacDougal that they remind him of Ivanka, and the fact that those comparisons were said privately and not for public consumption, suggests that there's more to Rump's hebephiliac incest than mere troll-suggestion.

I bet you'd turn in friends to the police if they took pics of their nekkid babies in the bathtub.

I dunno but I damn sure wouldn't try to discredit a woman on the basis of what she looks like, especially just to score imaginary 'points' on a message board.

You try to discredit people constantly on here, it never works because you're a nincompoop but none the less you try

A "nincompoop". Ooooh that cut deep. :rofl:

The post wasn't a reference to you anyway. You're the one who can't come up with links or form plurals. Bo's the one who denigrates women on the basis of what they look like. Can't tell the players without a scorecard.

You heard me...let the chips fall, I don't like you and never have so this will cause me no concern.
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