You Taught The GOP A Lesson: You Want Higher Taxes So They Will Grant Your Wish

That's the part that kills me. They want tax increases, but only for someone else. Let the damned rates go back up for everyone and then lets start tackling other problems instead of this 4 years old bickering match over their class warfare bullshit. The reality I fear is, they have no other plan. This IS the big problem in their mind. Even though it solves absolutely nothing at all.

Democrats love pushing against the wall that the GOP provides for them and then they use the press to demonize them for building the wall.

Remove the wall and what do Democrats have?

A major ream-job for the taxpayer.
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know how high taxes would have to be raised in order to balance a budget?
Of course obama is pulling the wool over his sheep's eyes, they say, yeah tax them rich people..Like that will DO ANYTHING to tackle the problems he has now HELP CREATE

The top 10% have 90% of the wealth. I find it hard to believe that raising taxes on them won't solve our problems.

When the rich paid their fair share, we had balanced budgets.

Only if we take all of their shit. Most of their wealth isn't in liquid assets.

I guess we could have the IRS go into their homes and start counting furniture.

Then see how long it takes for them to move to France.

That would be the France where they pay a 75% tax on the rich, thanks to the new socialist government?

"Oh, Muffy, the tax bill just came, we won't be able to buy another Dressage Horsie this year."

Seriously, what a laugh. You guys are so brainwashed.
That's the part that kills me. They want tax increases, but only for someone else. Let the damned rates go back up for everyone and then lets start tackling other problems instead of this 4 years old bickering match over their class warfare bullshit. The reality I fear is, they have no other plan. This IS the big problem in their mind. Even though it solves absolutely nothing at all.

Democrats love pushing against the wall that the GOP provides for them and then they use the press to demonize them for building the wall.

Remove the wall and what do Democrats have?

A major ream-job for the taxpayer.

I have to say that I cry foul when I hear all this talk about the GOP being for lower taxation and limited government. None of these clowns wish to have a limited government and they run deficits as well.

Really what this is boild down to is a war of demagoguery. In the end, both parties will come toegether and find a way to put another gun to our collective heads in order to take everything we have, while convincing half of America that it is the other parties fault.

This is what happens when you destroy Federalism and the power of state rights.
The top 10% have 90% of the wealth. I find it hard to believe that raising taxes on them won't solve our problems.

When the rich paid their fair share, we had balanced budgets.

Only if we take all of their shit. Most of their wealth isn't in liquid assets.

I guess we could have the IRS go into their homes and start counting furniture.

Then see how long it takes for them to move to France.

That would be the France where they pay a 75% tax on the rich, thanks to the new socialist government?

"Oh, Muffy, the tax bill just came, we won't be able to buy another Dressage Horsie this year."

Seriously, what a laugh. You guys are so brainwashed.

Wow, finally a progressive shows thier true motives. Its envy pure and simple.

And what happens to the person who SELLS the dressage horse to the rich person? Or the stable that would care for it? Or the farm that grew the fodder that fed it?

I guess they can go on the dole, or look for another job.
That's the part that kills me. They want tax increases, but only for someone else. Let the damned rates go back up for everyone and then lets start tackling other problems instead of this 4 years old bickering match over their class warfare bullshit. The reality I fear is, they have no other plan. This IS the big problem in their mind. Even though it solves absolutely nothing at all.

Democrats love pushing against the wall that the GOP provides for them and then they use the press to demonize them for building the wall.

Remove the wall and what do Democrats have?

A major ream-job for the taxpayer.

I have to say that I cry foul when I hear all this talk about the GOP being for lower taxation and limited government. None of these clowns wish to have a limited government and they run deficits as well.

Really what this is boild down to is a war of demagoguery. In the end, both parties will come toegether and find a way to put another gun to our collective heads in order to take everything we have, while convincing half of America that it is the other parties fault.

This is what happens when you destroy Federalism and the power of state rights.

Yeah, they both suck.

One spends like there's no tomorrow and the other spends but then tries to pay it back without ruining the economy.

I can see we have a clear choice.

Vote for Ron Paul. That'll solve everything.
Be proud of what you did. You taught the GOP that you don't want low taxes. You don't care if the Democrats raise your taxes and spend it faster than they can steal it from you. So I figure they're out to give you what you wanted.

How does it feel to teach those Republicans a lesson?

Oh, the Republicans in the House are not going to be allowed to raise taxes on the middle class. Only on the rich. That has been established all across America in Obama speeches. He ran on this and will not budge so if the House wants to try, it's all them.
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know how high taxes would have to be raised in order to balance a budget?

At the current rate of spending or at pre-2007 spending?
Be proud of what you did. You taught the GOP that you don't want low taxes. You don't care if the Democrats raise your taxes and spend it faster than they can steal it from you. So I figure they're out to give you what you wanted.

How does it feel to teach those Republicans a lesson?

Oh, the Republicans in the House are not going to be allowed to raise taxes on the middle class. Only on the rich. That has been established all across America in Obama speeches. He ran on this and will not budge so if the House wants to try, it's all them.

Keep telling yourself that.

Still, I think you need to watch the video.

[ame=]EAT THE RICH! - YouTube[/ame]!
You Taught The GOP A Lesson: You Want Higher Taxes So They Will Grant Your Wish
Yeah....until they change their mind......

[ame=]Rachel Maddow- Taking names on GOP hypocrisy - YouTube[/ame]

We know....we know....
Of course obama is pulling the wool over his sheep's eyes, they say, yeah tax them rich people..Like that will DO ANYTHING to tackle the problems he has now HELP CREATE

The top 10% have 90% of the wealth. I find it hard to believe that raising taxes on them won't solve our problems.

When the rich paid their fair share, we had balanced budgets.

So how is bringing in 80 billion a year, for 10 years, going to help to balance our budget?
We are borrowing over a trillion each year.
We borrow 1.4 trillion each year. That comes out to about 28 billion per week.
That means that an extra 80 billion a year would pay for less than three weeks.
It is not going to balance the budget.
The Dem's are doing what they always do. Let's raise the Taxes and deal with the cuts later.
Then they never deal with the cuts.
Yep, OBama is the taxing President..and they love it and voted for him AGAIN

put in the highest cigarette tax increase of ANY PRESIDENT as soon as he walked through the white house doors...and who does it hit MORE


and then we have ObamaTax about ready to hit people...whoohoo

don't worry he did it only because wuvs you

and now he's begging to raise people taxes and you follow along like little sheep

but you sure showed them Republicans

Every leftist here has a huge hard on for the Bush tax cuts to go away...
Yet everyone here benefited from it.
Every leftist here blamed the Bush tax cuts for every ill that they experienced.
Every leftist here blamed the bad World economy because of it...

Yet every talk show I have seen over the last few days economists have all said
ending the Bush tax cuts will not affect the debt or deficit one little bit....

So why is the left so crazed by the Bush tax cuts...? :cool:
Yep, OBama is the taxing President..and they love it and voted for him AGAIN

put in the highest cigarette tax increase of ANY PRESIDENT as soon as he walked through the white house doors...and who does it hit MORE


and then we have ObamaTax about ready to hit people...whoohoo

don't worry he did it only because wuvs you

and now he's begging to raise people taxes and you follow along like little sheep

Try, again, Bimbo.....

We'll be allowing those..... (finally) expire....and, return to the CLINTON-rates, first.
Only if we take all of their shit. Most of their wealth isn't in liquid assets.

I guess we could have the IRS go into their homes and start counting furniture.

Then see how long it takes for them to move to France.

That would be the France where they pay a 75% tax on the rich, thanks to the new socialist government?

"Oh, Muffy, the tax bill just came, we won't be able to buy another Dressage Horsie this year."

Seriously, what a laugh. You guys are so brainwashed.

Wow, finally a progressive shows thier true motives. Its envy pure and simple.

And what happens to the person who SELLS the dressage horse to the rich person? Or the stable that would care for it? Or the farm that grew the fodder that fed it?

I guess they can go on the dole, or look for another job.

They could all get honest jobs? that would be horrible!

Sorry, I guess I have a problem when the Romneys spend 70K a year on a dressage horse, and then say a working family shouldn't get Medicaid because they make a mere 30K.

[ame=]"Rafalca Romney" -- 30 second TV ad - YouTube[/ame]
Democrats want to raise taxes to match their spending. The only way that will work is if they raise them on all of us.

Be proud of what you did. You taught the GOP that you don't want low taxes. You don't care if the Democrats raise your taxes and spend it faster than they can steal it from you. So I figure they're out to give you what you wanted.

How does it feel to teach those Republicans a lesson?

We taught the republicans that you can't have it both ways

You can't cut taxes and increase spending then complain about debt

$16 trillion in debt will not go away by itself. You need to raise taxes across the board and cut spending across the board. We need to relook our global military role and ask whether we can afford it, cut back on welfare, close tax deductions
That would be the France where they pay a 75% tax on the rich, thanks to the new socialist government?

"Oh, Muffy, the tax bill just came, we won't be able to buy another Dressage Horsie this year."

Seriously, what a laugh. You guys are so brainwashed.

Wow, finally a progressive shows thier true motives. Its envy pure and simple.

And what happens to the person who SELLS the dressage horse to the rich person? Or the stable that would care for it? Or the farm that grew the fodder that fed it?

I guess they can go on the dole, or look for another job.

They could all get honest jobs? that would be horrible!

Sorry, I guess I have a problem when the Romneys spend 70K a year on a dressage horse, and then say a working family shouldn't get Medicaid because they make a mere 30K.

[ame=]"Rafalca Romney" -- 30 second TV ad - YouTube[/ame]

Raising horses is not an honest job? Running a stable is not an honest job? What is a good prolitarian job according to you? But i guess to pay 10 federal burecrats $120k a year to administer multiple redundant federal programs is a much better use of our money.

and the envy keeps getting worse and worse.
Of course obama is pulling the wool over his sheep's eyes, they say, yeah tax them rich people..Like that will DO ANYTHING to tackle the problems he has now HELP CREATE

The top 10% have 90% of the wealth. I find it hard to believe that raising taxes on them won't solve our problems.

When the rich paid their fair share, we had balanced budgets.

So how is bringing in 80 billion a year, for 10 years, going to help to balance our budget?
We are borrowing over a trillion each year.
We borrow 1.4 trillion each year. That comes out to about 28 billion per week.
That means that an extra 80 billion a year would pay for less than three weeks.
It is not going to balance the budget.
The Dem's are doing what they always do. Let's raise the Taxes and deal with the cuts later.
Then they never deal with the cuts.

How does it work? The power of perception. If we're working towards solving the problem, people feel better and spend more, creating more jobs, putting less demand on social services and generating more in tax revenue to further lower the deficit. Why do supposed free market conservatives have to be reminded of this on a daily basis? :eusa_eh:
Be proud of what you did. You taught the GOP that you don't want low taxes. You don't care if the Democrats raise your taxes and spend it faster than they can steal it from you. So I figure they're out to give you what you wanted.

How does it feel to teach those Republicans a lesson?

We taught the republicans that you can't have it both ways

You can't cut taxes and increase spending then complain about debt

$16 trillion in debt will not go away by itself. You need to raise taxes across the board and cut spending across the board. We need to relook our global military role and ask whether we can afford it, cut back on welfare, close tax deductions

Its nice to see someone looking at this from a rational perspective, as both a revenue and an expense problem, although I see it more as an expense problem.
Be proud of what you did. You taught the GOP that you don't want low taxes. You don't care if the Democrats raise your taxes and spend it faster than they can steal it from you. So I figure they're out to give you what you wanted.

How does it feel to teach those Republicans a lesson?

Why don't you grow up and stop whining like a two year old? Adults, mature persons learn from their mistakes. You lost, get over it and try to figure why.

Hint: you and your kind - yep, that good old echo chamber - lack empathy, curiosity and introspection; are extremely ethnocentric; and, are unwilling (or unable) to critically exam your own beliefs as well as the beliefs of others.

Consider if you can baseball. In most cases the team which makes the fewest mistakes usually wins. First, ask yourself what mistakes the GOP has made - that's what good coaches and mature adults do.

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