You Taught The GOP A Lesson: You Want Higher Taxes So They Will Grant Your Wish

If you really think the GOP is going to be stupid enough to raise taxes on the middle class because the rich will be finally paying their fair share, you're delusional.

The top 10% of earners pay 70% of the taxes, Joe.

Can you define 'fair share'?
fair share would equate to the percentage of my income that i pay to taxes. why should someone who makes millions per year pay a lower percentage of their income to taxes than someone who make less than $100k? those making less than $100k put the majority of their income back into the economy which stimulates it and creates growth and job opportunities. the same can not be said for the top 2%.


How fair is it that someone pays 10x 100x or 1000x the average taxpayer load for less services than someone who pays nothing? The whole idea of taxation is funding the government, not pet projects designed to buy votes and spread the wealth around (mostly to mid level federal burecrats)
If you really think the GOP is going to be stupid enough to raise taxes on the middle class because the rich will be finally paying their fair share, you're delusional.

The top 10% of earners pay 70% of the taxes, Joe.

Can you define 'fair share'?

Its not something you should brag about

It merely reflects the obscene percentage of income that they have. I am sure they are envious of those who pay less
it's envy on the part of people who pay no income taxes that want the so called rich to pay more.
Be proud of what you did. You taught the GOP that you don't want low taxes. You don't care if the Democrats raise your taxes and spend it faster than they can steal it from you. So I figure they're out to give you what you wanted.

How does it feel to teach those Republicans a lesson?

I don't think it's as much a 'lesson' as just confronting reality. Part of the reason we're facing bankruptcy is because of our national delusion, supported by both major parties, that we can have or cake and eat it too.

We can't even have a sober discussion about how much government is enough, or too much, or too little, because we're not actually paying for the government we get. When we are, voters will finally be faced with an honest choice. How much government do you want? How much are you willing to pay for?

As it is, we never have to answer those questions. The Democrats keep spending (all on credit) and the Republicans do their best to keep taxes low - even though we're not paying the bills. It's utterly dysfunctional. It's as though a married couple is feuding - one is running up debt on the credit card, and the other protesting by refusing to pay the bills. Something's got to give, and will, if we don't deal with it.
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It's far too late to deal with it. I recommend securing your own wealth as best you can and after that, enjoy the ride. Because this gravy train will hit the bottom of the cliff sometime in the near future.
Be proud of what you did. You taught the GOP that you don't want low taxes. You don't care if the Democrats raise your taxes and spend it faster than they can steal it from you. So I figure they're out to give you what you wanted.

How does it feel to teach those Republicans a lesson?

Quite wonderful.
If you really think the GOP is going to be stupid enough to raise taxes on the middle class because the rich will be finally paying their fair share, you're delusional.

The top 10% of earners pay 70% of the taxes, Joe.

Can you define 'fair share'?
fair share would equate to the percentage of my income that i pay to taxes. why should someone who makes millions per year pay a lower percentage of their income to taxes than someone who make less than $100k? those making less than $100k put the majority of their income back into the economy which stimulates it and creates growth and job opportunities. the same can not be said for the top 2%.


Why should someone who makes 250K pay a higher percentage?

Everyone should pay the same percentage of their income no matter its source to the government
The top 10% of earners pay 70% of the taxes, Joe.

Can you define 'fair share'?

Its not something you should brag about

It merely reflects the obscene percentage of income that they have. I am sure they are envious of those who pay less
it's envy on the part of people who pay no income taxes that want the so called rich to pay more.

So the wealthy should pay no taxes so we don't get accused of envy?

The deck is stacked to encourage the wealthy to obtain and retain wealth. I see no reason to continue policies that only allow the rich to get richer
I want all the wealthy to pay their fair share, thanks. Because the country works better when they do.

that will fund exactly 8 1/2 days of big government spending,, then what's yer plan? ya got one?
@Willow Tree:

According to estimates the wealth of america is $44T. (google it if you like) If, as people argue, that the top 2% own 80% of the wealth that would equate to approx $35.2T. at $3T a year, that would actually fund the government for nearly 10 years, or pay off of the full debt and then fund the government for another 5 years are current spending level. so your argument isnt exactly accurate.

The 47% that don't pay any federal income taxes is actually due to the GOP policies of lowering tax rates and increasing deductions in the past. these are also the same people who on average take home less than $50k annually while supporting a family of 4.

people seem to rail on the 47% that dont pay federal income taxes, when by law they dont make enough to get out from underneath the standard deduction. this is a fools argument, i fail to see how taxing those who already struggle to make ends meet is the solution?

the final solution is an all of the above solution which is what Obama has proposed. simply look back at the debt ceiling debate. Obama put entitlement on the table as part of the grand bargain, however since for every $3 in spending cuts, the deal included $1 in new taxes Boehner caved to the TP and backed out of the deal. This is what caused them to create the gang of 6. when they couldnt agree the automatic spending cuts fail safe came into play. why is this set of facts forgotten by the GOP/TP/Conservatives all the time?

I've got an idea. Let's just grab all of that wealth, get what we can in a garage sale and pay off the debt all at once.

I wonder what will be left of this country once our wealth has been converted into cash?

Well it won't be a country with cities that contain structures. Just a big expansive wilderness.
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that will fund exactly 8 1/2 days of big government spending,, then what's yer plan? ya got one?
@Willow Tree:

According to estimates the wealth of america is $44T. (google it if you like) If, as people argue, that the top 2% own 80% of the wealth that would equate to approx $35.2T. at $3T a year, that would actually fund the government for nearly 10 years, or pay off of the full debt and then fund the government for another 5 years are current spending level. so your argument isnt exactly accurate.

The 47% that don't pay any federal income taxes is actually due to the GOP policies of lowering tax rates and increasing deductions in the past. these are also the same people who on average take home less than $50k annually while supporting a family of 4.

people seem to rail on the 47% that dont pay federal income taxes, when by law they dont make enough to get out from underneath the standard deduction. this is a fools argument, i fail to see how taxing those who already struggle to make ends meet is the solution?

the final solution is an all of the above solution which is what Obama has proposed. simply look back at the debt ceiling debate. Obama put entitlement on the table as part of the grand bargain, however since for every $3 in spending cuts, the deal included $1 in new taxes Boehner caved to the TP and backed out of the deal. This is what caused them to create the gang of 6. when they couldnt agree the automatic spending cuts fail safe came into play. why is this set of facts forgotten by the GOP/TP/Conservatives all the time?

How much of that wealth is liquid? And for the non liquid wealth, if you confiscate all of the wealth from the top 2% who will be around to buy it so you COULD liquidate it?

The takers aren't talking about buying what you've earned they are talking about TAKING it. Socialism.
The top 10% of earners pay 70% of the taxes, Joe.

Can you define 'fair share'?
fair share would equate to the percentage of my income that i pay to taxes. why should someone who makes millions per year pay a lower percentage of their income to taxes than someone who make less than $100k? those making less than $100k put the majority of their income back into the economy which stimulates it and creates growth and job opportunities. the same can not be said for the top 2%.


Why should someone who makes 250K pay a higher percentage?

Everyone should pay the same percentage of their income no matter its source to the government

To pay for stuff

To reduce our debt / need to borrow more

To restore wealth distribution to 1980 levels (redistributive effect)

To grow the economy more rapidly

To encourage tax-dodging, via reinvesting and bonuses to prized workers
Its not something you should brag about

It merely reflects the obscene percentage of income that they have. I am sure they are envious of those who pay less
it's envy on the part of people who pay no income taxes that want the so called rich to pay more.

So the wealthy should pay no taxes so we don't get accused of envy?

The deck is stacked to encourage the wealthy to obtain and retain wealth. I see no reason to continue policies that only allow the rich to get richer

Everyone with an income should have to pay income taxes. At least then those who bitch about the so called rich wouldn't be hypocrites as well as envious whiners.
I want to see taxes raised, as much as possible, as a tactical move. Nothing will inspire enthusiasm for limited government like being forced to pay the bill.
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Be proud of what you did. You taught the GOP that you don't want low taxes. You don't care if the Democrats raise your taxes and spend it faster than they can steal it from you. So I figure they're out to give you what you wanted.

How does it feel to teach those Republicans a lesson?

We taught the republicans that you can't have it both ways

You can't cut taxes and increase spending then complain about debt

$16 trillion in debt will not go away by itself. You need to raise taxes across the board and cut spending across the board. We need to relook our global military role and ask whether we can afford it, cut back on welfare, close tax deductions

So have you called your representatives and told them to allow ALL of the Bush tax cuts to expire? Tell them to let us roll over the cliff, because the fiscal cliff will accomplish all of your list.
fair share would equate to the percentage of my income that i pay to taxes. why should someone who makes millions per year pay a lower percentage of their income to taxes than someone who make less than $100k? those making less than $100k put the majority of their income back into the economy which stimulates it and creates growth and job opportunities. the same can not be said for the top 2%.


Why should someone who makes 250K pay a higher percentage?

Everyone should pay the same percentage of their income no matter its source to the government

To pay for stuff

To reduce our debt / need to borrow more

To restore wealth distribution to 1980 levels (redistributive effect)

To grow the economy more rapidly

To encourage tax-dodging, via reinvesting and bonuses to prized workers

I want to see taxes raised, as much as possible, as a tactical move. Nothing will inspire enthusiasm for limited government like being forced to pay the bill.

Really? Have you ever taken a close look at California? 167 Billion in debt now. They just voted to raise taxes on themselves. What do you think will happen next? A. they pay down the debt.. or b. they find some new shit to spend the new revenues on? Take your time.
I want to see taxes raised, as much as possible, as a tactical move. Nothing will inspire enthusiasm for limited government like being forced to pay the bill.

Excellent point.

I'll go you one more.

All people should have to pay their own taxes every quarter, Employers should not have to act as tax collectors for the fucking government.

Tax day should be changed to the Monday before election day so everyone who had a big wet bite taken out of their ass on tax day can cast a vote before the ink is dry on the check.

You want to see change? That'll do it.
I want to see taxes raised, as much as possible, as a tactical move. Nothing will inspire enthusiasm for limited government like being forced to pay the bill.

Yup. It's totally true. When they have to shell out so much to help pay for all of these services they scream for that aren't being paid for, the tune they sing will change dramatically.

It's the same type of lesson I learned in college. Ran up MASSIVE credit debt. My parents said they would care for it until I finished school. Well they devorced and my cards went into default and it took YEARS to clean that mess up. I learned though. I learned it good too.
Of course obama is pulling the wool over his sheep's eyes, they say, yeah tax them rich people..Like that will DO ANYTHING to tackle the problems he has now HELP CREATE

The top 10% have 90% of the wealth. I find it hard to believe that raising taxes on them won't solve our problems.

When the rich paid their fair share, we had balanced budgets.

The top 1% already pay 70% of all income taxes paid. The wealthy also pay more in property tax, sales tax and every other kind of tax. If they were taxed at 90%, the collected tax would run the government for 8.5 days and not touch the debt at all.

You might find it hard to believe, but that doesn't change the facts that the rich just aren't that rich. There are no trillionaires in the world. Then too, there is the idea that even if the rich are heavily taxed, it can only be done one time. 1,700 of America's wealthy left the country last year alone. They paid the taxes due, but there will be no more. Then too, taxes depends on the continued efforts of the greatest producers to generate income. They don't have to generate anything. They can take what they have, close the business and generate nothing, like Hostess did.

If taxing the rich was a solution, California would not be in the fiscal straits that it is.
fair share would equate to the percentage of my income that i pay to taxes. why should someone who makes millions per year pay a lower percentage of their income to taxes than someone who make less than $100k? those making less than $100k put the majority of their income back into the economy which stimulates it and creates growth and job opportunities. the same can not be said for the top 2%.


Why should someone who makes 250K pay a higher percentage?

Everyone should pay the same percentage of their income no matter its source to the government

To pay for stuff

To reduce our debt / need to borrow more

To restore wealth distribution to 1980 levels (redistributive effect)

To grow the economy more rapidly

To encourage tax-dodging, via reinvesting and bonuses to prized workers

Taxes take money out of the economy so how can higher taxes grow the economy?
Its not something you should brag about

It merely reflects the obscene percentage of income that they have. I am sure they are envious of those who pay less
it's envy on the part of people who pay no income taxes that want the so called rich to pay more.

So the wealthy should pay no taxes so we don't get accused of envy?

The deck is stacked to encourage the wealthy to obtain and retain wealth. I see no reason to continue policies that only allow the rich to get richer

Wealth itself is what "stacks the deck" towards obtaining and retaining wealth. The current policies dont only allow the rich only to get richer, the nature of wealth is that having it makes it easier to make and keep more.

The wealthy should pay taxes, but all except the indigent should pay them as well, and enough to make them realize that nothing is for free. The system should not require a small percentage of the people to fund it. To continue with that philosophy is untenable.

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