You watch. Trump is going to bring back millions of jobs.


I'm not optimistic on Trump cutting spending, I think it will go the other way. For some reason people can't control themselves when they are in positions of power using the people's money.

I agree. No President in my life time has cut spending or cut the size of government.

However, if there was ever the potential of somebody doing it then it will be Trump. He is not beholding to the special interest groups that usually lobby for the spending to increase.

As a businessman instead of political weenie Trump understands fiscal responsibility. Hopefully that training and mindset will cause him to be fiscal responsible and to not spend more money than he takes in or grow an already bloated government .
The one percent invented, American Exceptionalism, for themselves.
Trump's platform to reduce taxes and regulation will has the potential this economy a tremendous boost that Obama was never able to achieve.

Obama's stupid idea to redistribute wealth and income instead of stimulating capitalism was a disaster for this country. Crooked Hillary would have been worse.

Hopefully Trump will couple tax cuts with less government spending. That would be the icing on the cake.

No other President in my life time has done that so I am not optimistic that the actual size of the government will decrease. The best I have ever seen is a light decrease in the rate of growth. Usually even that included an increase in debt.
the right always claims that; we have massive budget deficits, now.
Why do we have massive deficits?
right wing fantasy.
Businessman know how

the right always claims that; we have massive budget deficits, now.

Our cumulative deft is at $20 trillion and that shitheahd Obama ran several trillion dollar a year deficits and is now running over a half trillion so I would say that they are right, wouldn't you?

It is even worse when you understand the really massive debt goes back to when the 2006 Democrat Congress was elected.

However, both political parties are known for spending more money than they take in so it is not just a Democrat problem.

Hopefully Trump will stop doing that by cutting spending in addition to growing government revenue by a better economy. That would be a refreshing change, wouldn't it?

I'm not optimistic on Trump cutting spending, I think it will go the other way. For some reason people can't control themselves when they are in positions of power using the people's money.
Never had anyone like trump in office before!
a one percenter in sales?

right wing fantasy.

The big Left Wing fantasy is that a nation will somehow become more prosperous if it steals money from the people that earn it and give it away to those that didn't earn it. That fantasy has destroy the economies of several countries. That idiot Obama's fantasy has been the cause of poverty increasing, family income decreasing, income disparity increasing and a dismal economic growth.
Trump's platform to reduce taxes and regulation will has the potential this economy a tremendous boost that Obama was never able to achieve.

Obama's stupid idea to redistribute wealth and income instead of stimulating capitalism was a disaster for this country. Crooked Hillary would have been worse.

Hopefully Trump will couple tax cuts with less government spending. That would be the icing on the cake.

No other President in my life time has done that so I am not optimistic that the actual size of the government will decrease. The best I have ever seen is a light decrease in the rate of growth. Usually even that included an increase in debt.
the right always claims that; we have massive budget deficits, now.
Why do we have massive deficits?
right wing fantasy.
Businessman know how
business knowhow creates deficits?
Trump's platform to reduce taxes and regulation will has the potential this economy a tremendous boost that Obama was never able to achieve.

Obama's stupid idea to redistribute wealth and income instead of stimulating capitalism was a disaster for this country. Crooked Hillary would have been worse.

Hopefully Trump will couple tax cuts with less government spending. That would be the icing on the cake.

No other President in my life time has done that so I am not optimistic that the actual size of the government will decrease. The best I have ever seen is a light decrease in the rate of growth. Usually even that included an increase in debt.
the right always claims that; we have massive budget deficits, now.
Why do we have massive deficits?
right wing fantasy.
Businessman know how
business knowhow creates deficits?
Stupid like obummer creates deficits. He just proved it

right wing fantasy.

The big Left Wing fantasy is that a nation will somehow become more prosperous if it steals money from the people that earn it and give it away to those that didn't earn it. That fantasy has destroy the economies of several countries. That idiot Obama's fantasy has been the cause of poverty increasing, family income decreasing, income disparity increasing and a dismal economic growth.
Providing for the general welfare is what made us a First World economy and why nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

The social Power to Tax is delegated to our federal Congress for the Union.

It is the right's insistence on wage slavery to merely help the rich get richer faster, that is the problem.

the right always claims that; we have massive budget deficits, now.

Our cumulative deft is at $20 trillion and that shitheahd Obama ran several trillion dollar a year deficits and is now running over a half trillion so I would say that they are right, wouldn't you?

It is even worse when you understand the really massive debt goes back to when the 2006 Democrat Congress was elected.

However, both political parties are known for spending more money than they take in so it is not just a Democrat problem.

Hopefully Trump will stop doing that by cutting spending in addition to growing government revenue by a better economy. That would be a refreshing change, wouldn't it?

I'm not optimistic on Trump cutting spending, I think it will go the other way. For some reason people can't control themselves when they are in positions of power using the people's money.
Never had anyone like trump in office before!

Let's hope you are correct, I would love to see the federal government show some fiscal responsibility.

the right always claims that; we have massive budget deficits, now.

Our cumulative deft is at $20 trillion and that shitheahd Obama ran several trillion dollar a year deficits and is now running over a half trillion so I would say that they are right, wouldn't you?

It is even worse when you understand the really massive debt goes back to when the 2006 Democrat Congress was elected.

However, both political parties are known for spending more money than they take in so it is not just a Democrat problem.

Hopefully Trump will stop doing that by cutting spending in addition to growing government revenue by a better economy. That would be a refreshing change, wouldn't it?

I'm not optimistic on Trump cutting spending, I think it will go the other way. For some reason people can't control themselves when they are in positions of power using the people's money.
Never had anyone like trump in office before!

Let's hope you are correct, I would love to see the federal government show some fiscal responsibility.
The left doesn't like that trump talks directly to the people. Shades of Reagan

the right always claims that; we have massive budget deficits, now.

Our cumulative deft is at $20 trillion and that shitheahd Obama ran several trillion dollar a year deficits and is now running over a half trillion so I would say that they are right, wouldn't you?

It is even worse when you understand the really massive debt goes back to when the 2006 Democrat Congress was elected.

However, both political parties are known for spending more money than they take in so it is not just a Democrat problem.

Hopefully Trump will stop doing that by cutting spending in addition to growing government revenue by a better economy. That would be a refreshing change, wouldn't it?

I'm not optimistic on Trump cutting spending, I think it will go the other way. For some reason people can't control themselves when they are in positions of power using the people's money.
Never had anyone like trump in office before!

Let's hope you are correct, I would love to see the federal government show some fiscal responsibility.
The left doesn't like that trump talks directly to the people. Shades of Reagan
Silver and gold producing States complained when he started selling off reserves and lowered the prices of both.
So obummer did nothing I agree

And fk China
The "nothing" he did cost Russia billions and made Putin so mad he got involved in our elections.

Sounds like Obama made Putin very mad. Hillary too.

You don't want to make Russia mad, pussy
You crack me up

Seriously, you guys are so stupid you don't even realize you aren't making any sense. Or, you are being hypocritical big time. Think about it. You are arm chairing Obama and Hillary because they don't have good relations with Russia. You are sooo worried about starting another cold war. Meanwhile Trumps going to start a cold war with China. Who should we be more worried about Russia or China?

Do you realize Russia is desperate to return back to its glory days? Meanwhile China has passed us in almost every aspect.

Long predicted, many observers now think that China has or is about to become more powerful than the United States on the global stage.

So while you are playing politics with Russia, no one gives a fuck about Russia.

And, if you want us to care about Russia, how about the fact they invaded Ukraine similar to how we lied ourselves into Iraq. Are you ok with Russia doing this? Will you go to war over Ukraine? No you won't. So at best you would do what to Russia? Would you sanction them or are you saying Trump won't sanction even if Russia is a bad actor? If that's true then who's the pussy?

China wants to sit down with Trump to work out a more equal trade agreement. They guy isn't in office but he already has China wanting to bargain. I'm not saying he is going to be a great President but he has surprised me so far in the trade arena. First Mexico and Canada wanting to renegotiate NAFTA and China wanting to sit down and renegotiate. I am waiting to see what comes of these.
Considering Trump's business acumen, what is it you expect?
A bankruptcy or 8

the right always claims that; we have massive budget deficits, now.

Our cumulative deft is at $20 trillion and that shitheahd Obama ran several trillion dollar a year deficits and is now running over a half trillion so I would say that they are right, wouldn't you?

It is even worse when you understand the really massive debt goes back to when the 2006 Democrat Congress was elected.

However, both political parties are known for spending more money than they take in so it is not just a Democrat problem.

Hopefully Trump will stop doing that by cutting spending in addition to growing government revenue by a better economy. That would be a refreshing change, wouldn't it?

I'm not optimistic on Trump cutting spending, I think it will go the other way. For some reason people can't control themselves when they are in positions of power using the people's money.
Never had anyone like trump in office before!

Let's hope you are correct, I would love to see the federal government show some fiscal responsibility.
The left doesn't like that trump talks directly to the people. Shades of Reagan
Reagan stopped doing press conferences because he had Alzheimer's what's trumps excuse?

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